"Yes." After a neat answer, nearby players immediately began to command the NPC defense forces to form a formation. Although the enemy is strong, we will not be afraid. After all, we don’t want to Fight all the enemies, as long as you hold the last few hours.

As the Golden Buddhism forces charged faster and faster, the distance between the two sides quickly narrowed to within a few meters. With a bang, the first row of combat teams among our personnel suddenly all squatted down, followed by a huge shield that was suddenly handed up from behind and dropped from the top of the head of the first row of soldiers, and then followed the players behind to give orders. The soldiers in the front rows all rushed up to withstand the shield.

These erected shields are more than three meters high on each side and up to a foot thick. The main body of the shield is three-layer armored steel, and there are two layers of magic Dragon Transformation bone in the middle to strengthen the strength of the shield itself. On the back of the shield is a layer of cork buffer board, which is connected with the main body of the shield by a strong spring, so as to absorb damage as much as possible. The four sides and front of the shield are all equipped with ferocious steel thorns. In addition to psychologically intimidating the enemy to slow it down, the steel thorns under the shield can grab the ground and help those behind to withstand it better. Of course, because we are not dealing with ordinary guild players but Buddhism’s Divine Weapon, these steel spurs are not ordinary goods. Each steel spur has been added with two attributes, demon and piercing, just to ensure that even The face is that Divine Race also has a certain damage ability.

In addition to the above settings, in fact, on the front of each shield, there is a layer of mythril magic array hidden under the steel-clad shell. As long as you open the front steel plate, you can see that this layer is very obvious with Dark God Palace style magic array picture, and if you have a research on the magic array, you can easily read its function-evil thorns. This pure defensive spell was originally something that any warrior would like, but its evil attribute would cause the user to enter a frenzied state shortly after using it and lose control of himself, so it was gradually abandoned by the players. However, the high level wizards of Dark God Palace have found a way to use this magic, which is to convert it into a magic array and print it on an inanimate object, so that it can avoid side effects while still maintaining a powerful effect. In fact, the evil thorns and its twin magic thorns aura are very similar in function, except that the thorns aura reflects part of the damage, while the evil aura causes twice the damage to the opponent under the premise of fully bearing the damage. In other words, the evil thorn does not produce any defensive effects. It is only a passive attack skill, and the attack damage depends entirely on the opponent's attack power and his magic resistance level.

This special enhanced shield for Divine Race, which is a combination of magic array technology and our guild's mechanical technology, has a formidable power far beyond what ordinary shields can compare. Just as the golden light shining burly man in front hit the shield at unabated speed, there was a sudden bang of metal like a bell, and the people behind the shield with the powerful sound field shock wave were all dizzy. , But the strong pressure that followed forced them to grit their teeth to withstand the shield that was obviously starting to retreat. But at least the most worrying first wave of impact was indeed blocked. Although our team is being pushed back with a shield, at least the bad situation of being rushed into the position by the opponent is blocked.

In fact, while we are under tremendous pressure, the Buddhism troops on the opposite side are also not feeling well. We must know that our special shield is equipped with a one-way buffer and magic counterattack device. We still need such a hard support behind the shield. You can imagine what the situation is on the other side. The enemies who hit the shield in the first row thought that relying on their Indestructible Vajra's Buddhist Golden Body could completely smash the shield in front of them, but the fact is that something was broken, but it was not the shield but themselves that broke. The demon-breaking and piercing skills on the shield plus the double anti-injury caused by the evil thorns directly caused them to withstand more than three times the normal value of impact. As a result, these guys with inferior golden bodies were instantly shattered. After being stepped on by the companions behind, it painfully turned into a pile of rotten meat. After that, those companions who stepped on their bodies will repeat their experience and hit the shield again to smash themselves and be crushed by the people behind. The only thing they can do is to use their lives to exert a certain squeezing force on the shield wall, forcing it to retreat.

Such crazy collision actions are happening at the same time in various areas around the city. The Buddhism team does not talk about tactics at all. They use a method of comprehensively encircling multiple points and attacking at the same time. There is simply no attack focus and support attack. In other words, every place is the same Yiliboli. However, although Buddhism’s tactics are lagging behind and our equipment is sophisticated, Buddhism froze because of the number of people and stupidity, and it pushed our shield array back hundreds of steps. At this speed, we can’t wait until 12 o’clock in the evening. We were pushed back under Heavenspan Pagoda.

"Isn't this way to defend?" A player said next to me: "Although Buddhism has a lot of casualties, we don't have room for tactical maneuvering anymore. Sooner or later we will be pushed back by them if we continue this pressure!"

"I know, you can rest assured that our guild is not so easy to defeat. There will be a later move to wait. Now it is good to use these shields to consume the strength of Buddhism."

"Oh, I get it." The player heard that we still have a move, so he didn't ask any more. In their hearts, they believed in our guild's strong logistics capabilities. The combatants in this guild account for less than 1/4 of the total number of players in 2021, and the remaining three quarters are all auxiliary personnel. Although this configuration seems to be very difficult to deal with, the battle strength drops on the surface. In fact, it has greatly improved the battle strength. Not to mention the sophisticated equipment, just how powerful the battle strength of our guild's conjured magic puppet is that we have won for us, this is what laymen are impossible to understand.

In fact, I am not pacifying those members. We have indeed prepared a follow-up move. The shield formation began to fail at around 9:40 in the evening. Although we were constantly replacing the shield personnel, because the shield itself could not withstand such continuous impacts, the shield formation had obviously begun on the verge of collapse.

I was about to let everyone use the second plan, and suddenly the communication rang first. Hong Yue said with a slightly worried voice: "Purple Moon, the shield array seems to be dying. Is it time to change to the second plan?"

"I am preparing to issue an order. Military god, inform The troops, change the second plan immediately."

"Understand, the second plan is activated."

As the order was issued, a large group of women suddenly appeared behind our shield formation. . These are not others, but the Avatar who hates the female. Each of them held something like a balloon in their hands, but looking at the weight, it seemed that it was not gas but some kind of liquid. After these women came out, the ground suddenly shook, and a group of things that had never appeared before everyone came out.

These things look like enlarged versions of mechanical angels. The thick but beautifully lined and streamlined armor, the uniquely shaped helmet with beautiful wind wings, and the pair of angel wings on the back are actually jet-propeller wings. All these look exceptionally gorgeous. If they don’t move, they can be used as sculptures in hotels, castles or parks. The streamlined shape design and the special paint color make these guys look big, but they are not bulky at all. On the contrary, it shows a sense of agility, especially the huge black crystal mask that occasionally shines. The two points of dark red make it full of a violent artistic beauty. The cold and beautiful killing machine is their main impression.

These enlarged versions of mechanical angels immediately drew members’ exclamation after coming out of the hidden place, because they had never seen this thing before, after all, this thing is too expensive NS. Even though these guys are only three meters tall, in fact, the cost of each of them can be worthy of a small battleship. Of course, the strongest automatic weapon built at any cost also has a powerful battle strength corresponding to its price.

When these gorgeous battle puppets came to the female haters, they immediately stopped neatly. At the same time, several deflation points located at the joints spouted white steam at the same time. There were metallic voices in their heads. "The mobile angel unit for Divine Race is in place, and I request the next order."

"Use for Divine Race?" Some players astutely discovered the key. "It's strange that I haven't seen it before. It turned out to be a special weapon for Divine Race!"

"It looks like a normal mechanical angel?" Some other players asked back: "Except for the size. It’s a big circle, and the painting is more gorgeous, is it just that kind of mechanical angel?"

"Idiot, you." The smarter player before scolded, "That shape is special for flying. Designed, this thing can obviously fly, so this shape is affirmative. The key also depends on the internal equipment. Your personal computer and the small workstation specializing in special effects in the movie studio are also similar in appearance. Are they all the same thing? Is it?"

When these players were talking at once about these mobile angels for Divine Race, two groups of red and neatly replied suddenly lit up under the masks of those mobile angels: "The task has been accepted." After the simple answer, all the mechanical angels immediately moved. They took a step forward first, then grabbed the female hate next to them and dragged it onto the palm of their hand. The female haters also cooperated with their bodies and squatted on the palms of the mechanical angels. After the female hate said that they were ready, the mechanical angels suddenly accelerated collectively and ran forward a few steps. The starting speed shocked the surrounding players. Because the mechanical angels had jet thrusters behind them, they started running. It was almost like taking off, and within a few steps, the speed reached the level of horror. But they didn’t really fly. Instead, when they reached extreme speed, the right hand suddenly stretched forward, and at the same time, the right hand elbow sprayed out a few meters of flame, causing the right hand to accelerate again like a shot put. The female hatred in her hand was thrown out.

"Damn, this is to use biochemical weapons!"

Our members all know the characteristics of female abominations, and now these mechanical angels throw them into Buddhism like a shot put. Among the crowd, there will definitely be a large group of female haters who will face each other. However, the mechanical angels did not stop at all. After throwing one female animosity, they immediately began to throw a second one, and soon all the female animos around them were thrown into the opponent's crowd. Only then did everyone figure out what the two big water balls held by those female haters were doing. It turned out that there were all corpses that were beaten into a fleshy female hate. You must know that any of their body parts can be used for parasites. Now that they are carrying two bags of meat paste, can they still be infected? Of course, the only bad luck is the skinheads of Buddhism. Our people don't have to worry. Anyway, female hatred can distinguish the enemy from us and won't parasitize our own people.

Those female haters who were thrown out burst the balloons in their hands when they were in the air, and a lot of blood and flesh were thrown around as her body rolled, just like a goddess scattered Flowers are like flowers, and a large area of ​​Buddhism soldiers below are all covered with blood. When the female haters finished throwing the blood bag, they finally fell into the crowd themselves, and then they began to fight around regardless of their lives. Of course, this kind of battle is just to die, but their death is not the end, but the beginning. The female animosities who were beaten to death will soon return, and their blood will soon nourish more female animosities. The bulk of Buddhism was actually blocked in a short time.

Due to the powerful power of mechanical angels, those female haters were thrown far away. When they began to take shape, they formed a physical line of defense, cutting the Buddhist offensive force into two segments. The earlier Buddhist unit was caught between the female hate and our defense force and became a lone force. And at this time, those NPCs holding shields suddenly received orders from players around them asking them to retreat quickly.

These NPCs are Celestial Court’s heavenly soldiers. They are all well-trained and banned. As soon as they are told to retreat, they will run backwards without saying anything else. I was stunned. They all didn't expect that the shield formation, which had killed so many of them before, would take the initiative to retreat, but this did not prevent them from chasing up with excitement and preparing to slaughter the enemy without shield protection. It's just that their pursuit was forced to end before they officially started, because a neat row of mechanical angels appeared in front of them. Those NPCs who escaped all slipped through the gap between the mechanical angels, but obviously they would not let these Buddhists also slip through.

The players and NPCs in this guild got through these lines of mechanical angels against Divine Race and immediately stopped to form a defense line again. At the same time, they began to pay attention to the mechanical angels in front of them. I want to see how they are different from ordinary mechanical angels.

Just after the players were in place, the mechanical angel suddenly uttered the slightly trilled metallic sound again. "Target confirmation. Activate equipment B." The hands of those mechanical angels were suddenly retracted into the wrists, and after hearing only a piercing sound, they slipped out of the wrists of the mechanical angels, and two handles were nearly two meters long and half a foot wide. There was another ding of the broadsword, and a ring of horrible jagged edges popped out of the edge of the broadsword. Those sharp jagged teeth with blue light are standing there like monster teeth. Just seeing them will make people unconsciously nervous. However, the more shocking is yet to come. In the surprised eyes of the players, the edge of the ruler began to move slowly along the blade, and the speed was getting faster and faster. In the end, the ruler could not be seen at all, as if it had become a one. A broad sword with an ordinary blade is just like, but everyone knows that it is actually simply not an ordinary blade, because whether it is the harsh rumbling sound or the trembling arm of the mobile angel, it shows that the sword is moving at a terrifying speed. NS.

As a matter of fact, the sword is not finished after the sword is activated, and the voice of the mobile angel sounded again. "The judgment target is Divine Race. Enable the plugin for Divine Race, enable the dual logic judgment plugin, enable the devil plugin, and enable the wound destruction plugin. The plugin is selected. Use the mobile angel for Divine Race-start attacking."

"hahahaha, what am I supposed to be, it turns out to be a kind of golem!" The Buddhism soldiers on the opposite side obviously don't take the use of mobile angels for Divine Race seriously. After all, they are both Divine Race and I have never heard of any The god was killed by the golem. However, arrogance seems to have become a common problem of Buddhism, and it is the same now. Blindly belittle the enemy and have no meaning other than proving one's ignorance. "What can you iron knots do? Even if we stand still, can you break our Indestructible Golden Body?"

Although Buddhism soldiers laugh at them, mobile angels have no feelings at all. Yes, they rushed directly, and the high-speed chainsaw broadsword smashed into the shoulders of the buddhism soldier who mocked them as if cutting tofu. No sparks flying in all directions appeared, as if it had been cut on an ordinary person, and the sword blade passed through that guy's body without hindrance and instantly cut it into two.

The emotional metal sound of the mechanical angel did not sound until this time. "Defensive power judgment: F-. Target dodge ability: C+. Comprehensive judgment target defense: D-."

Seeing the mechanical angels so easily killed a Buddhist Divine Weapon, other Buddhist Divine Weapon and The members of our guild were all stunned, but the reactions of the two sides were different. The people of Buddhism were scared by the sight in front of them. They didn't expect these steel-cast golems to be so powerful, while the people on our side knew that they were very difficult to deal with, but didn't expect to be powerful. To this extent.

The greatest advantage of a creature without emotion is that there is no delay at all, and the mechanical angels move again when everyone is stunned. The huge chainsaw broadsword roared horizontally and vertically, knocking down a large group of people in an instant. The two-meter-long sword body and the arm length of the mobile angel have an amazing attack range. These guys are fast in their own right. Under the swinging back and forth, the surrounding Buddhism members were chopped down in pieces, originally facing our shield formation. The Buddhism troops that didn't pause at all were repelled by the mechanical angels.

About ten seconds later, after he was knocked down for a long time, someone from Buddhism finally reacted. One of the guys jumped up and shouted, "Don’t be afraid, they are just comparisons. It’s just a powerful piece of iron."

"A leader-type target is found, and a priority strike is set." Several mobile angels close to that guy suddenly gave up their enemies and rushed towards the guy. The people nearby wanted to block one block, but found that their power was simply not the opponent of these iron blocks, and they just pushed them to the side like a kid. As for the Buddhism middleman who shouted, he was dismembered by a few mobile angels who rushed in front of him as soon as he finished speaking. However, his sacrifice still had a positive effect, at least the flustered Buddhism people began to fight back, but the effect was really not flattering.

Unlike the ordinary Divine Race, Buddhist troops rarely wear armor and carry weapons. These golden light guys in front of them simply rushed up empty, except for the cloth wrapped around them to cover their shame. There is simply nothing outside of the film. Their Buddhist Golden Body itself has the role of Indestructible Vajra, which can completely replace the role of armor, and their fists are blessed with divine force. Even without the sharpness of general weapons, the huge impact alone is deadly. It's a pity that the mobile angel is specially designed to deal with Divine Race. Since it is professional, it is naturally the best. The golden body of Buddhism is similar to tofu in front of their weapons, without any protection at all. Although the people of Buddhism don't know why this happens, I understand it very clearly. In fact, the reason why these mobile angels are so vigorous is entirely because of the Divine Race plug-in they launched before the battle began. Don’t think that the Divine Race plug-in is a result of the evil we added in order to increase the mechanical sense of the mobile angel. In fact, the plug-in does exist. The body of the thing is the Spirit Bead given to me by Celestial Court last time. . Relying on the Spirit Bead at the beginning, I was stunned that all Buddhist experts were turned into a mortal state. It can be seen that the effect was remarkable, but it was a pity that the thing was broken in the end. However, based on the idea of ​​waste utilization, I handed the fragment of the Spirit Bead to the research department of our guild, hoping to study how it restrains the divine force. As a result, the principle of divine force restraint has not been studied, but a small-scale divine force suppression field generator has been developed, which is the so-called Divine Race plug-in. The core of this plug-in is to seal the Spirit Bead fragments, but not the large fragments that were broken at the beginning, but the tiny fragments almost like dust. These fragments were deliberately produced by the research department of our guild. They were obtained by crushing the original large fragments. The reason for making it so broken is mainly to get more fragments, because we found that stimulating the divine force to resist the system is only related to the existence of the fragments, and has nothing to do with the size of the fragments, so as long as you can cut it, it doesn't matter how small it is . Although the entire Spirit Bead was broken, it lost its function of suppressing the divine force, but with the help of the launcher made by our guild, it can be restored again, but the scope of action has become only for itself. That is, like the upper bound stone I got before, it can only cover part of the objects connected to it. In the case of mobile angels, that means covering the mobile angels themselves and their weapons. But this is enough. Because of the effect of the plug-in, the sword of the mobile angel also has the effect of suppressing the divine force. As a result, compared to the sword of the mobile angel, the golden body of Buddhism is actually equivalent to the fleshy body of ordinary people, and it is cut with a broad sword like a chainsaw. The ordinary person's body is still not completely broken? This is why the mobile angel will give these guys with Buddhist Golden Body a defensive power rating of F-, because the mobile angel seems to be as soft as tofu and cut it without any effort.

In addition to the defensive power problem, the attack power of these Buddhists is also very problematic. Because they don't use weapons, they can only fight with their fists. For ordinary people, these fists that wrap the divine force can be described as momentum is big, power is deep. Even if you can't beat you with a punch, it will shake you to death, but it is different for mobile angels. These guys have a plugin for Divine Race, so the divine force in Buddhism is completely invalid. They rely on their own fists, and they rely solely on muscle power to launch their attacks. Even if their strength is very strong, can they still beat the steel plate through with their fists? If you are strong enough to hit a thin steel plate like a piece of paper and hit one place several times in a row, there may be some hope, but how can the steel armor on the mobile angel be damaged by a fist? of? As for damaging internal parts, don't even think about that. The mobile angel itself is a weapon of war. Its steel armor is not directly worn on the inner skeleton, but is hung on the mobile angel with a structure similar to the vehicle shock absorber system. Don't even want to pass through this layer even if there is shock. The elastic protection damages the body inside.

Combining the above two points, the actual result that appeared in the end is that the mobile angel has successfully defeated the Divine Race soldiers. Mobile angels deal with Divine Race soldiers like cutting melons and vegetables, but the attacks of Divine Race soldiers can't hurt them at all. This kind of one-sided battle is naturally impossible to last for a long time. In fact, the Buddhist members who were cut off between the mobile angel and the female hate were all wiped out within ten minutes. After killing these encircled Buddhist soldiers, members of our guild immediately got the order to start moving forward, directly behind the female haters, and this position is almost the same as the position where the shield formation began to resist the invasion of Buddhistism. In other words, Buddhism has paid so many casualties and the little results obtained for so long have been lost.

"haha, didn't expect back to this position." A player said: "It's already over ten o'clock now, even if we only use the shield array for the rest of the time You can go down until after twelve o’clock."

Another player taught: "Don’t think too good. Buddhism won’t be so simple to give in. It is estimated that they will be defeated after eleven o’clock. All the high-level units of the army will be suppressed. That's when you really need to work hard!"

I inserted their conversation and said: "That's right. Now is not the time to relax. In another two hours, you can relax as much as you want, but before that, you have opened your eyes and raised the spirit of twelve minutes to stare at the enemy on the opposite side."

Although I let everyone Pay attention, but in my heart, it's actually the same as the members' thoughts. After all, there are still so many female animosities standing in front of them. Speaking of which I don’t know if it’s the woman who hates the luckier or we’re luckier. Her shortcomings have not been discovered until now. I originally thought that her shortcomings would definitely be discovered at night. When the time comes, I didn’t expect it. I'm on her, who knows that not only has her flaws not been discovered, but because of the explosive increase in her number, she is so powerful that she can protect the entire city by one person. Now our entire contract city is surrounded by a nearly ten-meter-thick female hate isolation zone. Although this isolation zone looks relatively thin, it is not easy for Buddhists to go through it, at least after discovering her. The defect should be something that no one could ever pass before.

Because of the unexpected factor of female hatred, the last few hours that were expected to be very difficult turned out to be easier than the previous few days. Almost all of us are watching the excitement, except for artillery and other remotes. The strikers were still outside of work and almost everyone else found a place to sit and rest. According to this schedule, if Buddhism no longer finds the flaws of female animosity, we can sit in this way and wait until Celestial Court enters the battle. However, dreams are always dreams. In most cases, reality is crueler than dreams.

At about ten thirty at night, an accident happened suddenly. A buddhism member of the demon class was accidentally touched by the body of the female abomination during the battle. According to previous experience, he should be directly parasitic and turned into a female abomination, but it turned out that he even reacted at all. No. The Buddhism commander had already had a headache for that female hate, and now they suddenly found an individual who could not be infected, so they immediately took the guy aside and started researching. At first, they thought that this guy had stronger power and resisted the magic power of female hatred. As a result, they found that the Buddhist member of Monster Race was actually a miscellaneous soldier, and there was no power at all. Later, some people speculated that this guy might have a stronger life force. When his growth rate exceeds the parasitic speed of the female hate, he can resist parasitism. Tests show that this guy’s recovery ability is also very average, at least not higher than the average level of Buddhism members. . When the two tests were all invalid, the senior officials of Buddhism began to cut this guy open to see if his internal structure was different from others. As a result, of course the guy was going to resist, and he was caught by him inadvertently. Upon reaching a piece of meat that the female hate used for testing, the piece of meat turned into a pile of dust at a speed visible to naked eye. This discovery was quickly noticed and studied intensively. After more than 20 minutes of research, the senior officials of Buddhism were finally excited to discover that the weakness of the female hatred was so obvious.

"She is afraid of poison!"

It is such a simple weakness. Behind the infinite regeneration and super parasitic ability, the flaw of female hatred turned out to be completely overcome by toxins. In the attack system of "Zero", the toxin system is probably the smallest type of formidable power. Almost no one uses it as the main attack method, because 90% of the creatures in "Zero" have toxin resistance, so Most people will only attach some toxin damage to the weapon, or practice one or two auxiliary class toxin system spells. In short, this is a rather marginal Attack Type spell system. However, the so-called everything has its nemesis, the female hate that is so powerful that it is almost invincible is afraid of this little poison. However, after further testing, the conclusion reached is not as simple as I thought at the beginning. Female hatred is indeed afraid of toxins, but not all poisons. The toxins that really work on her are only a few extremely toxic toxins, but because Her super regenerative ability corresponds to the super absorption ability, as long as you can find effective toxins for her, you can completely kill her in a very short time.

It took about half an hour for Buddhism to research targeted killing methods and search for toxins. When it was almost eleven o’clock, Buddhism’s army suddenly rushed out of a large group of green creatures. . These things are about the same length as a toad, but they walk on two feet. The two forelimbs are very huge, and there is a dark red giant claw on them. Originally, we haven't taken these things seriously, who knows that as soon as these things rushed into the female hatred team, they immediately caused a huge chaos. The female abodies were killed by those monsters as usual, but they did not succeed in parasitism, and some female haters who were only bruised also blew all over their bodies and turned into pools of blood.

"Not good, it seems that Buddhism has found the flaw of abomination!" I quickly issued an order through the military god: "Attention all members, our mercenaries have encountered nemesis, and we will have to look at us soon. Own! She can help us block until now we have earned it, we can not expect her to help us win this war alone, all the units below enter the combat position, get ready to fight hard everyone."

< p>The female hate realized the seriousness of the problem after discovering that her avatar had died in large numbers. She obviously knew what her shortcomings were. Now she didn’t panic when she saw the fallen avatars. It was the methodically commanding his Avatar to start resisting in sections, while the last Avatar ran back to the body that had been standing outside the battlefield. When the first Avatar hit the body, the two of them immediately turned into a big meatball, and the following Avatars rushed into the meatball, and the meatball became bigger and bigger, and the meatball was still flowing underneath. There was a lot of unknown liquid with white suspended matter, which looked abnormally nauseous, but fortunately there was no peculiar smell coming out.

As the Avatar gradually merged, the liquid secreted under the meat mass began to increase, but the meat mass itself did not continue to increase in the size of a container. As some Avatars stayed behind to block the special units of Buddhism, most of the Avatars of the Female Detest successfully ran back, and aft

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