"Don't you remember?" The golden armor god will remind: "We saw it in the Immortal Mansion of the Arctic Star Monarch."

"Ah, I I remember. You were the guardian god at that time."

"You still remember it!"

"Yes, yes." Me and the god would be passionate. After a few words of greetings, he pointed to the busy Divine Immortal and celestial troops and generals inside and outside South Heaven Gate and asked: "What are they doing?"

Hear my question, God Generals Looks unusually surprised. "Aren’t you going to come forward to take over your battle after twelve o’clock?"

"But this is too messy!"

"This is no way. The so-called turmoil is probably such a scene! To put it bluntly, Celestial Court is not much different from your Human World. The convening will make everyone busy looking for locations, and chaos is normal."

"You guys Didn’t you arrange a guide?"

"Guide? What's that for?"

"Forget it, when I didn’t say it! Oh, that...you know that the Jade Emperor is here Where?"

"This meeting is probably in the Lingxiao Temple."

"Oh, then Old Brother, you are busy, I will go to the Jade Emperor to contact the next meeting. "

"You are busy, you are busy."

After separating from this enthusiastic golden armor god general, I ran all the way to the Lingxiao Palace, and as expected, the Jade Emperor and a large group of high The level Divine Immortal is here, and even the Three Saints of Heaven are here.

"Oh, it turns out that Purple Moon is here." Primordial Heavenly Venerable This guy with a big beard has a good look. He saw me before I entered the great hall, and the eyes of all the immortals turned immediately. Come here.

"Everyone has worked hard." I said immediately after making a circle of thoughts: "Now there are less than ten hours left before the land change. I don't know how the Celestial Court is preparing?"


Hearing my question, Jade Emperor signaled to the King of Tuota, Li Jing immediately stood up and replied: "Divine Weapon Division 81 Divine Weapon is waiting outside Celestial Court, but the whole team still needs some time. Most of the Divine Beast of the Ministry of Beasts has arrived, a few are still coming to Celestial Court, and they are expected to arrive within two hours."

"This is not what I want to ask." I looked at Jade The Emperor asked, "I want to know if the Celestial Court has the ability to take over us as the protector of the contract city in an instant once the land change is completed? You must understand that our guild by the strength of oneself can hold on to Buddhism. Now it’s a miracle. Although we strive to make every detail perfect, the overall strength of our guild is not limitless. Twelve o’clock is our limit. Three or five minutes more is no problem. But Ten more minutes...everything will stop."

"Don't worry about this." The Jade Emperor stretched out his hand again and motioned.

Three gods will come out. The first god general said: "I am a punctual god general in charge of time. Once the time is about to arrive, I will notify you ten minutes in advance to prepare, and then immediately send an attack signal when it is punctual."

Second The famous god will then said: "I am the gate god of South Heaven Gate. Once the punctual god will send a signal, I will open South Heaven Gate directly above the contract city."

The last god general After the first two had finished speaking, they continued: "I am the drum master. Once the South Heaven Gate opens, I will immediately beat the attack drum."

Finally, Li Jing, the king of the drag tower, said: "The drum is The order of my heavenly soldiers to fight, the sound of drums makes the whole army attack. South Heaven Gate is on your contract city, and I can fight Buddhism in less than 30 seconds, and completely block Buddhism from waiting for you in one minute. Attack."

I nodded and said: "This plan is still acceptable, but I hope you can pay attention to not smash my contract city together during the battle. In the end, you will have to rely on the battle. It supports the territory."

"We will be careful about this." After saying this sentence, Jade Emperor suddenly wanted to understand what I really meant, so he added another sentence: "In the end, everything is over. We will also help you reimburse you for the restoration work in Contract City."

I am nodded. "Then there is no problem. Everyone prepare here first, I will go to Contract City and see the situation."

After leaving Celestial Court, I did not rush back to Contract City in a hurry, but took a detour. Germany ran to lie in the Dark God Palace in Europe. It is still morning on the European side, and there are not many people coming back online, but Dark God Palace is a place with a relatively high population density after all, and there are more or less players around. Seeing me riding a nightmare straight into the great hall, all nearby players took the initiative to get out of the way. Now the influence of the German Iron Crusade is very large, even with most Germans who have a very detailed understanding of me, and the more you understand them, the more cautious you will face me, because ignorance will make People are brave, but if they know more, they will fear powerful existence.

When I saw me riding a mount, I entered the great hall. The clergy inside did not embarrass me. After all, my relationship with Titans is not something they can interfere with. Follow the side of the great hall and ran all the way to the entrance of the cave behind the great hall, and then let the night shadow rush down directly. The guards on both sides regarded me as transparent people, and didn't even look at it.

"Hey, Titans, Titans, where are you?" When I reached the palace of Titans deep in the cave, I immediately made a loud noise.

"Where are you the ghost?" Ditans, with an unhappy face, walked out of a palace on the side with a group of god servants.

"Quickly, quickly, I have something to tell you." I jumped off the night shadow and dragged Titans and ran to a palace on the side, reaching out and pushing all the attendants out of the great hall. After that, I closed the door immediately, and then said to the confused Ditans: "Talk to you for business."

"Oh? Who is going to be unlucky this time?" "When I heard that I was going to talk about business, Ditans immediately showed interest. Although I usually love to take advantage of the small gains, Divine Race and others who have a good relationship with me know that I am absolutely fair and just when it comes to business, at least I will not let my partners lose money. So generally they will not refuse my business.

"Do you know what I'm up to now?" I didn't answer the question.

Ditans is nodded. "I heard that Anubis said that you seem to be helping your country's Celestial Court and Buddhism in a war, how about it? The mercenaries are not fun enough and want to be a robber?"

"Change to be a robber?" I looked at Ditans with a surprised look. "I was a robber, when did I ever be a mercenary?"

"Well, you are shameless enough." Ditans sarcastically said with a thumb.

I took him and continued: "Talk about business. Now that you know what I'm doing, it's easy to handle. Now the situation is like this, Buddhism is going to be over soon, so profiting from somebody's misfortune I think this kind of thing is worth doing."

"Are you trying to take the opportunity to emptied Buddhism?"

I shook my head quickly. "How is it possible? Don't say I can't do it, even if it can be done, do you think that Celestial Court's hard work to build Buddhism will have the same benefits and not take it? Celestial Court eats meat, I just follow the soup, but I don't Too satisfied with the soup, I want to grab some meat scraps by the way."

"Say, what do you want me to do? What will I do afterwards?"

I heard Ditan I knew that I was looking for the right person by simply asking. Different from Celestial Court’s polite style, the Divine Race in Europe probably also has European habits. It is more straightforward and clean and directly cuts into the theme. It’s not like people in our country who are used to guessing and guessing each other first. If it's wrong, let's not say, the speed is definitely not as fast as the Europeans.

"My plan this time is like this. The previous Buddhism design harmed me, but accidentally let me collapse their treasure house."

"So that place is now Is it buried?"

"Correct." I patted Ditans on the shoulder and asked, "How? Are you interested in digging out that place?"

Ditan Although Si was greedy for the so-called Buddhist Treasure library, he also had a lot of worries. "Answer me a few questions first. First, why don't you go yourself? Second, if I am willing to help, how do you solve the problem of borders? My people can't leave Europe."

< p>"What can I do with you if I can go by myself? The very difficult to deal with collapsed place is impossible to deal with without a lot of manual labor or some powerful personnel who are good at special spells. You also know that I am now struggling with Buddhism. , Do you think I have spare time to send people to dig for treasure? Besides, I am all low-level personnel, and I really tuned up tens of thousands of laborers. You are a Buddhism idiot and let us dig there slowly?"

"That's what I said. But even if I want to get a share of the pie, how can I get to that horrible place in India?"

"Look at this." I reached out and handed a scroll , Taking advantage of Ditans’ opportunity to open there, he said: “This is the scroll that Buddhism used to attack us this time. As you know, Buddhism actually has no excuse to fight us. In any case, our establishment of the contract city is a player’s excessive Although the result of the invasion war between the two countries will lead to the outbreak of the war of gods, but after all, it has not really fought, hasn’t it? So Buddhism thought of such a nasty way, turning all its troops into mercenaries and fighting against the player’s guild. We were sent on the battlefield in the name of. But we are not stupid, anyway, we know that someone will take this task, so we simply sent a helper to pretend to be Indians to take this task, so in fact we are now attacking Buddhism in the city. What is hanging is the name of a small guild that our guild assigned, so that at least we can get all the battlefield information. As for the thing you are holding, it is the contract signed between Buddhism and our small guild. hehe How about we also sign a similar order?"

"This...isn't it too shameless?" Ditans looked a little embarrassed. This guy obviously has a fishy expression that wants to steal fish but is afraid of sticking, but I don't throw him at all. Whether Celestial Court or Buddhism, Divine Race is actually this kind of virtue.

"Buddhism is now borrowing this contract to bypass system restrictions and forcibly attack our small guild, so they are shameless, but we are different. We don’t have to build so many troops, right? You just borrow A few of my experts who can make holes are OK. But I have another agreement here as a side agreement for your participation in this program."

"Let me see."

Actually, the content of my side agreement is also very simple. It is to let Titans lend me two or three high level Divine Races to cover the battle time tonight. This is actually the same as our purchase of soldiers from Celestial Court, but this The second is that the lease is not a buyout. These experts only serve us for one night, and they can leave after 12 o'clock. Of course, in order to maximize the benefits, I simply asked Titans to add the people he used to dig treasures into this agreement, so that you can use Titans' psychology smoothly. As long as Titans wants those Buddhist Treasure possessions, he must send powerful thugs to help us.

Seeing Ditans hesitating with the agreement, I said again: "Why are you hesitating with such a good condition? I didn’t say you, if I couldn’t help it, I wouldn’t want to share those with you. Treasure! Tonight’s defense force will definitely be extremely difficult. I’m afraid that when the time comes, it won’t be able to stop it at all. Once Buddhism can’t be eliminated, nothing will be discussed. But even if it succeeds, Celestial Court only needs to eliminate Buddhism. I will come back to dig out these treasures. I definitely can’t blatantly grab things from Celestial Court, so when the time comes, I won’t have my share. At most, the guys from Jade Emperor who pretend to be generous with rigorous schemes and deep foresight pretend to be generous. Let me pick whatever I want, but can I pick the entire treasure away? So there is no way to find you. It’s already an incredible reward to give you 30%. You just have to send a few people to pick up the stuff. Taking it back, I took 30% of the treasure for nothing. Isn't that enough to earn?"

Ditans looked at me after thinking for a while and said, "I want half."



I was interrupted by Titans as soon as I said a word. He said first: "You listen to me first. I want half, but It’s not half of the buried treasure you are referring to."


"Don’t you need a digger? I can give you 30,000 low-level Lichs. , Each of them has a piece of space equipment. Which one do you think is faster with Lich’s ability to shuttle through matter or dig up the soil to take things out?"

"Even if the Lich you give is faster, you Can't you ask me for half of the treasure?"

"Of course it's more than that." Ditans continued, "In addition to them, I will send you fifty shadow walkers. "

"Shadow Walker? Is that the kind of super lifeform that claims to be able to pass through the cracks of time?"

"Yes." Ditans said triumphantly. "With the abilities of shadow walkers, you can easily sneak into tightly defended places without being discovered."

"But even if they are good at sneaking, they can't enter the sealed underground treasure house? Oh, are you? Want them to sneak into the Great Thunder Sound Temple, the headquarters of Buddhism, to grab something?"

"You finally understand." Ditans said: "Buddhism will definitely do everything possible to throw away its troops for its own survival. Go to your city, then the relative Great Thunder Sound Temple will be vacant? Even if there are some experts in the town, do you think it is possible to sneak in with the ability of fifty shadow walkers?"

I nodded and said: "The probability is very high. The probability that the undiscovered safety will bring out a large number of treasures is about 80%, and the probability that the treasure can still be brought out after being discovered is 10%. You can’t get anything but the shadow walker safely evacuates The probability accounted for 10%, and the probability of a complete failure being killed or the captured group is infinitely close to zero."

Ditans smiled and said: "In this case, do you hope to get more benefits? What about it? And more than that, I will also increase the number of experts in the contract to help you survive tonight’s total offensive safely."

I have to say that Europeans are really direct, and they care about interests. The demand is so naked. Buddhism came up with such a shameless method to fight us after being forced to live and die. After hearing that it was good, Ditans immediately decided to use this seemingly shameful method to participate. In this battle, if Celestial Court were able to sign an agreement with us in disregard of their image and send troops directly in our name, like Titans and others, Buddhism would be over long ago, so why would we be so busy?

"Hey... if those old silly gangs at Celestial Court are shameless like you, it would be fine!"

"Are you complimenting me or scolding me?"


"hehe, this is the agreement this time, who are you going to send to help? Hurry up and fix the staff and we can sign the agreement."

"You wait for me Now, I'll help you pick some people." After Titans left, I started to sweep away the magical fruit that the attendant sent in. Anyway, I don't need money, I don't want to eat for nothing. However, Ditans returned soon, with 17 undead Divine Race behind him. "Come on, this is the person who will help you this time. Because we are only mercenaries this time, it is not suitable to send too many troops, so I try to select some individuals with stronger strength, so the total number is not many, but The battle strength is very strong."

I nodded asked: "What kind of combat type of personnel are they?"

"These are spell-type." Di Tans stretched out his hand and introduced a few Lichs to me. These guys didn't look much different from ordinary human wizards. They looked like ordinary human wizards except for their special mage robes. But it is because of this ordinary appearance that they are more extraordinary. After all, these guys are Lich! You must know that ordinary Lich has no entity. Even if the algorithm is very powerful, it can only make oneself look a little more solid. It is absolutely impossible to distinguish it from others like these now. Only the super Lich who is so strong can do it.

I was introduced to the remaining combatants after hearing the names of Lich introduced by Titans. Among the seventeen people, Lich accounted for seven, and nine of the remaining ten were tactical. However, their profession is not the ordinary undead Knight, but the all-inclusive Dragon Knight. It is said that this profession has arbitrary inversions. I don’t know if the characteristics of energy attributes are true. The last remaining individual is a small-looking woman, or she was once a woman. Now she is an abominable warrior. To be honest, Titans didn’t introduce it before. I didn’t believe that killing such a beautiful beauty would be an abomination. You need to know that hate is a thing sewn up with dead corpses. You want to put together a bunch of messy corpses together. At all? Think of the hatreds I saw at the Dark God Palace in China, which one is not the image of rotten flesh over three meters tall and three points uglier than an orc? This one in front of me really has nothing to do with hatred.

Seeing that I didn't believe it, Ditans suddenly reached out and pulled out the female hatred sword, then waved her sword and cut her in half diagonally from the left shoulder to the right crotch. I was about to scold Titans mental disorder, but suddenly realized that the cut female hate didn't even have a painful expression, and the divided corpse didn't even bleed. In this way, she stuffed all the internal organs that fell out with one hand, and then pulled the other half of her body to the front of her body. After a while of muscle squirming, the broken body grew back again. The female hate was still expressionless after she got up from the ground, and then she looked down at her cut clothes and took another set from the space ring finger and put it on again. At the same time, she said to Titans: " Next time you dare to do this, I will cut you into two."

Dittens smiled and said to me: "See? She is a rarely seen alternative hatred warrior, it was me before I made a non-product during research with the last Dark Lord, although I tried to replicate her hatred, but never succeeded."

"Is she strong?"< /p>

"The battle strength is very general, at most it is equivalent to the average level of your ringtone Knight, but she has two extreme attributes, even I dare not easily offend her!"

"Extreme attribute?"

"en. One is life snatching, and the other is not to be killed."

"Huh? Not to be killed? Is there such a perverted attribute? Is it really unkillable? Or does it mean that it cannot be killed within a certain lethal power?"

"It means literally, it is really unkillable. Even if it is a black hole She was able to crawl out alive if she sucked it in. She was once destroyed by a Divine Grade angel self-destruct of Light God Palace. As a result, even the space was blown up. She also became a powder at the time. As a result, those powders were again It automatically gathered together and wriggled for a few minutes, and then recovered."

"What about the power of High God's rules?" I asked with bright eyes.

"I don't know that! After all, that is something I can't touch either! But one thing is certain, except for the rule power of High God, she is immortal in Human World."


It suddenly occurred to me that this female abomination seems to have a life-snatching attribute. Since Titans associates that attribute with Immortal Body, this one should not be a general attribute either. "By the way, what does that life-snatching attribute mean?"

"This one is more perverted." Ditans said, "If you chop her up, or accidentally get her When the fragments of the body are touched, that part will sprout on you, and then all your body and strength will be absorbed, and finally you will become another her. When the battle is over, she can often generate a large group of herself, and then these she Will come together to merge with each other, and finally become one again, but the strength will rise a lot."

"Isn't that just swallowing?"

"It's much better than swallowing , Have you ever heard that swallowing can swallow energy bodies?"

"What? Energy bodies can also eat?"

"Yes, yes." A Lich help Ditans proved: "Angel can absorb even the ghost and transform her into another soul state, and then, like other lifeforms, can finally be integrated into her ontology."

"Angel? "

"Well, it's her name."

"She hates her, she is so beautiful and so small, but she still named her Angel?"

" p>

"Do you have an opinion?" Angel didn't know when she moved to my side, and she still put a hand on my shoulder, so I ran away quickly, and took it by the way. A piece of cloth came out and desperately wiped the place she had touched on his shoulder. "Hey, Titans, she won't be able to swallow success like this?"

"Don't worry! Her life-grabbing ability is controllable and will not be parasitic everywhere unscrupulously, or I will too I dare not want her to be a subordinate!"

"That's what I said. Then let's sign the contract right away."

After I quickly settled the contract, I quickly took this Help the mercenaries return to the contract city. It is now past four o'clock in the afternoon here, and there are only more than seven hours left before the final time limit. The chaos on the battlefield is still the same, the Buddhism attacks are getting more and more frantic, and a large number of high level troops are gradually flooding the battlefield, and there has been a power tilt between the ordinary troops that could be regarded as evenly matched, and our team was beaten. Unusually embarrassed, if it weren't for our guild's better weapons, it is estimated that the line of defense would have collapsed prematurely now.

"Everyone, it's up to you now." I said, pointing to the battlefield ahead.

"Since the Lord God has temporarily assigned us to command you, then we will do our best." To my surprise, the female hatred turned out to be the leader of this group, but I just briefly explained it. The task is separated from them. Of course, I have absolutely no leisure at all, because even after leaving this bunch of mercenaries, I still have to do something else.

After leaving the contract city sneakily, I quickly ran to the Buddhist Treasure library that Xinghuo took me to prepare for the robbery. Although it has now become a ruin, there is no physical existence for Lich. It is the easiest thing to drill into the ground. After specifying the approximate location for these Lichs, the rest is up to their own. Explain that they will vacate this place immediately after searching for treasure. If I don’t rush back in time, they will go directly to the one of the commandments on the top of the Himalayas. The city waits for me, as long as I get there, my baby is safe.

After leaving this treasure house, I took the remaining shadow walkers and started rushing to the Great Thunder Sound Temple, but this time I didn't dare to get too close. That treasure house is now buried under the ground. Buddhism thinks that most people can't dig out those things in a short time, so there are not many people to guard there. But the Great Thunder Sound Temple is different. No matter how intense the battle is, this is the headquarters of Buddhism. , It's not so easy to sneak in. The Shadow Walkers themselves are creatures that are specifically responsible for infiltration. Their specialty is to quietly touch the enemy's base camp. I am not as good as them. In line with the principle of professional work or handing over to professionals, I left the shadow walkers far away in the Great Thunder Sound Temple and pointed them the way, and then returned to Contract City. For me, this is the place where I can best play my battle strength.

As soon as I walked out of the Transmission Formation on the floating island of Contract City, I found that Eagle and Hong Yue were all here. They immediately pulled me over when they saw me appear. "Where did you find these people?" Eagle asked as he pulled me to the side of the viewing platform.

"Who are you talking about?" The eagle pointed to the air ahead.

I followed the eagle’s finger and looked over, and saw that in the sky, a dozen or so golden light and sparkling Buddhist experts were fighting with seven or eight dragon Knights, watching the tricks of those Buddhist experts. , They should all be very powerful high-level personnel, but they are powerless in front of these Dragon Knights. I saw Buddhist experts continuously launching various spell attacks on the Dragon Knight, but the Dragon Knight did not evade each of their spells, but these spells could not hurt those Dragon Knights. Instead, they were caught in their hands and threw them back. As a result, the Buddhist experts were hit by the spells they had beaten and were in a mess everywhere.

"Damn, if I knew these guys were so fierce, I wanted more!"

"There are more fierce ones!"

"Legacy "I turned my gaze, and I saw that the group of Lich not far away was launching a large-scale attack spell against the Buddhism soldiers on the ground. The Buddhism soldiers below were just like cutting wheat. Fall down. I nodded and said: "I knew that these guys are abnormal, but didn't expect to be such a metamorphosis." In fact, I think the biggest feature of these Lich spells is not large formidable power, but good results. Compared with general large-scale spells, their spells seem to be more suitable for defensive operations in their own cities, because Lich’s spells are all soul-like, although they cover a large area, they will not harm the surrounding buildings at all. , And the soul spell also has its own identification of friend or foe, so there is no need to worry about hurting yourself. Fighting in the city like they are now, they actually like a fish back in water. They don't care where there is a building or where they have their own people. They just throw them around with their eyes closed, so they look so bullish.

Seeing me watching the group of Lich admiringly there, Hong Yue on the side suddenly reached out and pinched my chin and turned my face to the other side. "I'm talking about her."

"Damn, what's the matter?"

Following the direction Hong Yue showed me, I spotted the woman at a glance I hate it not because of how compelling she is, but because of her in that direction. Ditans said that her offensive power is actually very average, but those two specialties are abnormally perverted, and now I can see it. I saw that the female hate who rushed in the front was continuously chopped down by the enemy, and the fragmented limbs were flying everywhere, but as long as those enemies got a little bit of debris on her body, the fellow would soon be gradually smashed by her cells. Erosion became the second her, and the result is the current situation. From here, I can see that there are at least thousands of female haters who are exactly the same in front of me. They are spreading like wild fire like all around. No matter how many of them are hacked to death, they will become more individuals, even in the sky. Those Buddhist experts are completely unable to suppress this crazy growth. Many Buddhism experts who saw that the situation was wrong here and tried to clean up this area all wrote, because they all thought that they would definitely not be experts who would go to fight the miscellaneous soldiers, but they didn’t expect them to get rid of them easily. Many such strange enemies, but they are quickly infected by the opponent and quickly become the opponent, and no matter whether it is using divine force or anything else, this erosion can not be removed, even if some Buddhist experts find that they have been touched. It was completely useless to cut off the parts that he had touched immediately, but instead turned the parts that he had cut off and his body into two female abominations.

"My god! Is this madman a humanoid virus?"

"I think it's almost the same!" Su Mei said: "At first, these people just joined the battle. At that time, the woman was the first to be killed. We thought she was bad at the time! Who knew that the enemy who killed him afterwards and the other two close people suddenly grew out of that woman after a few seconds. One of his heads spread down along that head, and soon the opponent’s entire body was assimilated into her, and then the body of the woman who was chopped into two grew into two individuals by itself, and the three enemies They also became three of them, and then the five women rushed to the enemy together, but they were quickly killed again, but because of the increase in the number, the infection became faster, and then she continued to multiply all the way. In the end, it became such a big piece." So Mei turned around and asked: "Is there an upper limit for her ability? If she keeps breeding like this, as long as she gives her enough time, I think she can take the whole Buddhism is blocked!"

"Don't ask me, I don't know. She is a mercenary I rented from Titans. I only know that she has the ability to be immortal and take lives. . Not only the Fleshy body, but even non-physical creatures, she can parasitize and rob her, but I don’t know if it is the same for mechanical lifeform and magical life."

"It is also effective for the soul?"


"Dittens said so."

"It seems that we still underestimate the European Dark God Palace, they really have some trump card stuff! By the way, she is What kind of creature? Is it Archfiend or a human? It doesn’t seem to look like it!"

"Hey, this...!"

"Is there any problem?" Mei and the others looked at me questioningly and asked.

"Don’t be surprised. In fact, I was shocked when I first found out. Don’t think she is very beautiful, but she is actually an abomination of warrior."

" Huh? Abomination? It's the kind of undead monster called ghoul sewed with a lot of corpses?"

"Yes, it's that kind of thing. I know you don't believe it, but she is A hatred. Also, although some strange changes have taken place, don’t you think that her ability to snatch life and regenerate is similar to her ability to swallow corpses to enhance her own? It’s just that ordinary hatred is to eat and digest the enemy’s corpse. She cannibalize the enemy directly outside the body, and she can absorb it directly regardless of whether the opponent is dead or alive, even the soul."

"putting it that way, she is simply a super version of hatred Is it!" Hong Yue exclaimed.

The big pot of rice said sadly on the side: "I thought she was a big beauty! I even kissed her hand before! This is really ugly...!"

" Che, you are disgusting." I kicked the hypocritical cauldron aside. "She assimilated the enemy and we eat are actually the same, but she uses the in vitro digestion method. Isn’t a person who grew up eating pork the same as a pig? She just treats the enemy’s body as energy and Material sources, isn’t her own organizational structure all her own?"

"But I still feel sick! After all, is it a pile of corpses?"

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