Following the direction Ling pointed out, I quickly ran out, and soon I found a guy in full armor in the middle of a Battallion Buddhism unit. In the Divine Race unit of generally speaking Buddhism, not many people wear armor, because the whole Buddhism publicizes the concept of compassion and peace. It seems murderous aura to run around in armor is too heavy, so in Buddhism, you can rarely see it. A member of the armor, and once encountered, it must be a killing move-level figure of Buddhism.

It seems to be inductive, the eyes of that guy gathered on me as soon as I appeared. Surprisingly rational, he didn't underestimate anyone because of his own strength. The guy in front of him showed extreme fighting instincts. He found me among the many enemies when I first appeared. At the same time, he realized that he was impossible to complete the black hole spell that snatched Ling before he could kill me, so he decisively gave up the fight for control. effort. Without his interference, the black hole instantly recovered its stability. Under Ling's manipulation, the black hole kept a relatively stable power and quickly swept over the crowd, and a large number of enemies were sucked into it.

Looking at the black hole cleaning up all the surrounding soldiers and then expanding the results to the periphery, I quickly walked to the opposite side of the golden armored guy and stood there. Just about to open his mouth to speak, he suddenly heard the cue from the military god. "Boss, the gunman wants to talk to you."

"Take it over."

"Hey, what's the matter with that black hole?" The gunman's voice suddenly appeared in his ears. .

"Ling’s spell. What? Is there any problem?"

"You are a scumbag! That thing is like a cleaner for sucking sesame seeds, and I took it again. It’s not a metal storm, how can it be faster than you?"

"I didn’t force you to bet." After I finished talking, I cut off the communication without waiting for the gunman to scold him, and at the same time, I switched to the military god. There. "There is another communication request from that guy to ignore him."


After getting the gun god, I looked towards the golden armor god in front of me. "I'm Purple Moon, the president of the Frost Rose League, who you are? Give me your name."

"You can call me a letter."

"A letter? This counts as a letter. What's the name?” Because of the addition of Peacock Pluto and Xinghuo, I now have almost all the combat intelligence of Buddhism personnel, but all of them exist in the military god. After all, there are too many people in Buddhism and the data is very complicated. Most people can't remember it in a short time. Therefore, we send all the information to the military god. Anyone who encounters a difficult enemy can request intelligence support from the military god. The name of this guy is to know his combat characteristics, know yourself and know your defeat, and you will never beed. You can save a bit of energy in the battle after you first figure out the guy’s weaknesses and strengths.

After I repeated the name, I immediately heard a message from the god of war: "Faith, a half-energy creature. Buddhism's broad collection of disciplines spread the doctrines of the powerful Power of believers. The perfect lifeform born in Faith has quantum attributes."

"Quantum attributes?"

"What did you say?" The guy on the other side obviously doesn't know what quantum attributes are. I just couldn't help calling out because of the message from the military god, and he thought I was talking to him. This so-called quantum attribute is actually an attribute of neutral matter. The so-called quantum attribute in "Zero" actually refers to half-material and half-energy creatures, but generally those with this attribute are high-level undead creatures. They are originally living creatures, and they become astral energy bodies after death. Become an energy creature, and when the strength is strong, it starts to reassemble the body, and a half-energy and half-material attribute appears. This is the so-called quantum lifeform, and it is not a concept with the quantum lifeform in reality.

"That...I'm just surprised that your origins are so exaggerated."

"Have you heard of me?"

"Yes. Peacock Pluto Isn’t He Guanshiyin already invested in our guild now? I heard from them. It is said that you are a perfect lifeform born out of faith. I don’t know where your perfection is?" On the surface, I’m talking to this guy. In fact, I was asking the military god, but fortunately, the artificial intelligence of the military god is also good, and I immediately reacted.

"This guy's body is just an illusion. He actually has no entity. It doesn't make any sense to attack him." I couldn't help but cursed in my heart when I heard this. It turns out that the definition of a perfect lifeform is that an attack is invalid, so how to fight it? However, the military god quickly went on to say: "But his existence is simply belief. As long as the belief disappears, he will dissipate without fighting."

It turned out to be afraid of Spirit Attack. I was slightly nodded, and then continued to the guy: "However, even if you are a perfect lifeform, I can kill you."

"That is impossible."

"Immediately I will let you know that it may be impossible." As I said, I immediately rushed over, and at the same time, I started the contact in my heart and connected Princess and Rebecca.

"Master. What's the matter?"

"You two, come to me, I have a guy whose physical magic dual system is invalid."

"Huh? Both physical attacks and magic attacks are invalid? How to fight?" Rebecca asked in surprise.

Princess immediately said for me: "This is not simple. The master will call us both, obviously is that guy afraid of Spirit Attack."

"Understood, we will immediately Come, master, you can support it for a while."

At the same time I cut the connection, I have gone back and forth with the guy in front of me no less than ten tricks. That guy’s speed is amazing. No matter how I improve my speed, he can always get ahead of me to complete the attack. Fortunately, my fighting skills are also exaggerated. The two of them fought together at lightning speed. But there was no effective attack. People nearby saw the two groups of silhouettes moving there, and couldn't see exactly what we were doing.

Just this series of mutual attacks I have experimented with the characteristics of this guy, and it is like the intelligence given by the military god. Not only will my attacks not hurt him, but will gradually increase his battle strength. . According to my estimation, his strength should be derived from his own beliefs, that is, the more he believes that he will win, the stronger his battle strength will be. If he believes strongly in himself, he can even challenge himself alone. All the ancient Buddhas of Buddhism will not fall into the wind, because as long as he resists the previous period, he will gradually believe that he will not be defeated, and then believe that he will win, so that step by step he is simply invincible. The name of the perfect creature is indeed not covered, but it may be the opposite of everything. A perfect creature is not really perfect. His strongest place is also his weakest place. Like his advantages, his flaws are also exceptionally large. Just after the two of us bombarded each other for hundreds of strokes in a row, the guy suddenly kicked me out sideways with a side kick, and followed him suddenly with a sword from the air and chopped it down at my neck. If this sword makes him chop down, my head will definitely be separated from my body, but just as he is falling, I suddenly heard tenderly shouted: "cover."

The moment I heard the sound The originally murderous-looking guy suddenly looked around nervously, and then saw a woman I hadn’t seen jumped up from the side with a stick and knocked on the guy’s head. Judging from the situation in the fight with him just now, this stick should be completely invalid. Who knew what happened but greatly surprised me. The very slow stick actually knocked on the guy’s forehead, and followed that guy with a rapid acceleration like a cannonball and hit the ground for a long time. Does not raise.

< p>The sudden change was over in just an instant. The woman I had never met calmly fell by my side, and I knew her identity in an instant, because the induction on her was Ruibei Card. Rebecca is a fantasy demon and will change her image according to the characteristics of the enemy, but she is my favorite after all, so I can accurately feel her breath. Of course, other than me, no one else can tell at all. Although the phantom has no offensive power, it is a nearly perfect existence in this phantom ability. Speaking of which is very similar to the guy in front of me who takes faith as the foundation of his existence.

"You...Why would you?" After the smoke dispersed, the guy crawled out of the big hole on the ground with difficulty, and looked at Rebecca Scared Witless standing next to me and asked.

"Don't you understand after being hit by a stick?" Rebecca said in a very special voice: "I have abandoned the shadows like the Peacock Pluto and others, and now I am the Frost Rose League One of the Guardian God, I give you two choices. One, leave Buddhism like us and join the Frost Rose League; two, be killed by me immediately. You choose yourself. But don’t let me wait too long, you know mine Temper."


"What are you, me? Have you figured it out? Tell me the answer. Or want Am I going to kill you?" Rebecca rushed up with a stick when she said the last sentence.

Seeing Rebecca rushing over, the guy quickly raised his hands and waved desperately. "Don't...I submit to my surrender, I want to give up the dark and cast the light!"

"hmph, it's a pity, I didn't kill it!" Rebecca pretended to be very angry and put the stick down, and then Turning around and saying to me: "Hey, whoever over there, you should go through the formalities with him. This time I will pay your favors, or I have to kill him. hmph!" Rebecca disappeared immediately after speaking. At the same place, Rebecca's usual voice rang in my ears. "The owner will sign a system guarantee agreement with him soon. Remember to add it to the penalty clause. If he betrays our guild or fails to work hard, he will lose all his beliefs and become an extremely low self-esteem."

Hearing Rebecca's prompt, I hurried over and signed the agreement with the shivering guy. Speaking of which is really ruthless. This guy called Faith relies on Power of Faith to support himself. If he becomes an inferiority man without any self-confidence, his strength will definitely be as low as a child. To the point where I can't beat it, maybe even my unfathomable mystery disappears suddenly. Therefore, the binding force of this agreement on him is extremely strong, and he is not afraid that he will regret it after learning the truth. In fact, it was Princess who first read the memory of that guy with mental penetration, and then found the information of the person who Rebecca changed. The person whom Rebecca changed just now is actually a not very strong individual of Buddhism, but she has a special ability that can completely suppress this letter, and this letter is not even afraid of Tathagata in Buddhism, because she is afraid of this woman, because she only needs Self-confidence can kill even Tathagata, but he can't do this woman, so as soon as Rebecca came out, he immediately became like a chicken. The so-called brine point tofu everything has its nemesis, this guy can be invincible in the whole world as long as he has the right conditions, but he can’t get this woman out of her hands, and now she is cheated by the way Rebecca turns into that woman. Can only admit to being unlucky.

After signing this imbalanced god, I immediately sent him to the back and handed him to So Mi to give him psychological counseling first, or let him know that he was tricked into by us. Psychological barriers are formed, and future battle strengths will be discounted!

Without this guy’s interference, I rushed into the enemy’s camp again. With my knife wheel and Ling’s super black hole, all the nearby soldiers suffered, and we were almost cleaner. The team has to be fierce, and it is completely cleaned wherever it sweeps. Not only are the enemies, but also the dead bodies and building fragments on the ground are sucked clean. You can't even tell that there was a fight here except that the building is a bit dilapidated. Fought. But our good days did not last long. The experts of Buddhism didn't take part in the battle, but now they have not found a suitable target. The large-scale cleaning of miscellaneous soldiers like Ling and I was naturally very conspicuous. As a result, the high level Divine Race was attracted to us soon.

We were rushing to kill, suddenly a golden light came down and gathered on the black hole that Ling released. As if blocked, the gravitational field of the black hole disappeared in an instant. Many Divine Race soldiers who had already flown in midair fell along with a bunch of messy things. The ground on the roof was everywhere. .

"hmph, ignorant mortals, dare to provoke the majesty of God." The master of golden light quickly landed in front of us. Ling and I glanced at each other, and then I suddenly body flashed and rushed out. The guy seemed to plan to educate us first, didn't expect me to start working without saying a word. Stupefied, I rushed to the front without waiting for him to react. In the panic, he only came to support a golden light curtain in an attempt to block my attack, but it was me that he didn't expect. He squatted and jumped up with his wings wide open. His gaze immediately followed me up, only to see me turning over his head and rushing towards another Divine Race in the sky, and he just felt it at this time. There was a sudden cold on the neck, followed by unstoppable blood spurting.

Just now that guy did open the protective light curtain after I got closer, but it’s a pity that it’s not an egg-shaped light shield, but a flat light curtain that is only a little bigger than his body, so when I jump He had to look up and stare at me when he was over his head. That was to ensure that the light curtain was always blocked between him and me, so that I would not have the opportunity to attack him. It's just a pity that it was not me who attacked him, but one of the eternally changing knife wheels that have been flying around by my side. When he raised his head to look at me, his throat came out due to his head tilted back, as if he was stretching his neck and waiting to die. How could I miss such a good goal?

The other Divine Race in the sky was very disdainful when I saw me flying towards him. It was only when I saw my companion was killed that I realized it was not good. It’s a pity that there is not much time on the battlefield. Posing. It was really cool that the guy behind the cloak of his hand was dancing with the strong wind, but the result of being too cool was to find a place to cry by himself. When he started to touch his weapon in a panic and prepare to attack, I suddenly smiled, and then his wings fluttered to the side with a twist, and only then did he see the magic light ball that had been blocked by me. Just now, when I rushed towards this guy, I adjusted my flight route, which happened to be on the straight line between him and Ling, which means that Ling would be completely blocked by me when driving from his position. He simply Can't see Ling. Ling, who cooperated with me tacitly, immediately launched a black magic light ball against my back after I completely covered her, and she also controlled the speed of the light ball. The ball of light, which should be very fast, kept behind me and flew towards the guy at the same speed as me. It wasn't until I suddenly turned to give way to the attack path that the ball of light suddenly accelerated and rushed up. So after I stepped away, the guy saw the ball of light that was already close at hand. There was no preparation time at all. The guy's face was directly hit by the ball of light, and his entire head was exploded with a bang. The headless body began to fall due to gravity, but it was sucked up by the recovered black hole before it hit the ground and flew directly towards the black hole. The black hole was covered by the light of the first Divine Race for a while, causing the black hole to suddenly stop working. Now that the guy has died, the black hole has resumed its suction.

"I have found the biggest flaw of Divine Race now." Ling said confidently, standing beside me.

"Oh? What shortcomings did you find?"

"You can't face your enemies." Ling said with certainty: "No matter how strong you are, you should kill chickens. The preparation of using a sledge knife, even if you don’t need it, at least you should put the sledge knife next to it just in case. These guys of Buddhism are a virtue. They treat us as little chickens and throw the sledge knife aside. It’s too late to find slaughter knives in a panic when we discover that we are not chickens but bison."

"What you said is good, but Buddhism is not just good for us. "

"Yes, so we should be happy about Buddhism's arrogant behavior. However, as their personnel losses are getting bigger and bigger, I think Buddhism will learn its lesson soon and start looking at us squarely. "

Ling's words really make sense. Even if Buddhism is arrogant, it has sent out so many soldiers and experts to attack for so long day and night, not only failed to break the second line of defense, but instead lost so many people, unless the entire Buddhism is made up of idiots, they are sure You will notice that our battle strength is not as weak as they thought, and by that time our good days will soon come to an end.

Look at the time, it’s almost noon now, which means that there are only a dozen hours left before the end of the battle. According to our killing speed, it is estimated that Buddhism will definitely react before three o’clock in the afternoon. Then, the most difficult time period should be the time period after six o'clock in the evening to the end of the battle. I hope we can stop the crazy attack of Buddhism!

We continued to rush for a noon with worry. By about 2 o’clock in the afternoon, we don’t know if our battle caused Buddhism too many casualties or other reasons that caused the leadership of Buddhism to wake up in advance. In short, the battle is better than We entered a state of madness ahead of schedule. The Buddhism troops, which were still shielding each other in a certain order, suddenly began to madly press our line as if they were collectively frenzied. These people simply did not count the casualties, and were completely a life-for-life style of play. Often the player from our guild slashed past, but the other party took the initiative to push his body up, and then grabbed the blade that was cut into his body with both hands and held it tightly. After that, the people around began to frantically rush to surround the player. Hacked in one pass. Although this crazy method has led to a substantial increase in the casualty rate of Buddhism, it also caused our casualty rate to start to rise in a straight line, but this situation is actually the worst for us, because Buddhism is better than us. There are too many people, they are not afraid of casualties, but we can’t fight it. Even if one changes to three, we are determined to suffer. Moreover, in this state, our actual casualty ratio is only one to two, that is, for every one of us who die, Buddhism is about to die two, but unfortunately their total strength is probably more than ten times ours, even if it is one to two, we are still unlucky.

"President, where are you?" I was fighting with the madmen of Buddhism, and suddenly I heard someone calling me from behind.

"Here." I yelled, and then violently raised my foot to kicked flying an enemy in front of me. "What's the matter?"

"A group of enemies broke through the line of defense. Our elite group could not stop them. Vice-President asked you to pass right away."

"Got it, you Go and notify the elite group to come over and two formations to take over my side."


After that player left, he called two elite group squads, and I quickly left the battle line and followed the player to the inside of the city. Along the way, I saw busy silhouettes everywhere. Due to the retreat of the city front, the players in our guild dragged some movable cannons to areas that have not yet been lost, and set them directly on the road and started shooting. I ran all the way to my side, and there was constant artillery fire. Even if they were dead, the Buddhism troops had to rush up with the intensive artillery fire to get close to our line of defense. Due to the blocking of the front line of defense, the Buddhism team actually moved at a very fast speed. It was too slow, which caused even greater casualties. Of course, although this number of casualties is very large, Buddhism people know that they will be over if they can't rush through, so they don't care about casualties now.

After running several streets on the inner city streets, a large group of melee professionals suddenly appeared in front of me, and the players around me reminded me: "It's there."


I nodded and said: "Be careful of yourself, I will pass."

"Eternal." Om. Eternal once again transformed into a knife wheel and flew up, and then rushed to the dense crowd in front of me with me.

The player who brought me yelled from behind: "Make the way, the president is here!"

The team in front of the three floors was originally surrounded by three floors. Suddenly, I turned my head sharply and saw that I immediately gave up a passage, and I rushed in directly from the passage with a flying knife wheel. As soon as I rushed into the circle, I realized the situation was different. Although I have long guessed that the one who can break through the line of defense is definitely not ordinary goods, but until I saw this group of people, I really understood why they could rush in. The gang in front of them are simply not ordinary Buddhism members. If no one said anything, they would think they were a large group of monsters at first glance. In fact, the Monster Race forces in China are not the only place where there are monsters. Buddhism and Celestial Court have many monsters, but they are called differently. For example, the guy Sun Wukong, when he was held hostage in Buddhism, his name was Victorious Battle Buddha. When he arrived at Celestial Court, he changed his name to Qitian Great Saint. But to put it bluntly, he is a monster. If he is truly divided according to his ancestry, he should definitely be regarded as a Demon. Category. There is also the Peacock Pluto who has joined us now. Her official title in Buddhism should be the Great Chakra Pluto, or the Great Chakra Pluto, but her body is actually a peacock, which means that the Peacock Pluto was actually born in Monster Race. There are many such monsters in Buddhism, and the tree king we killed is one of them. There are also the famous Golden Wings Great Peng Eagle and Elephant King, and King of Beasts. These three guys are known as the Golden Wings Great Peng. The three masters of Buddhism are actually three monsters.

Now I see this group of breakthroughs. Our defense line is a group of monsters. Of course, there are also many humanoids, but many of them are monsters at a glance. exist. The number of these guys is not too much, and I glanced at it at most two-three hundred, but the battle strength is extremely terrifying, and it is difficult for our people to get close to their bodies. Now, only mechanical angels and a small number of high level players can block these guys in the inner circle, and those who can rush inside the enemy seem to see Hong Yue and Ziyue two people, others dare not approach at all. .

"haha, here's another one to die." A few monsters immediately rushed over triumphantly after seeing me rushing out of the encirclement. Although these guys relied on their powerful single combat capability to literally break through our guild's defense, they also lost a large number of personnel during the breakthrough process. Otherwise, the number of demons in Celestial Court is impossible to do so since ancient times. Due to the decline in the number of people and the special care of the military god after the breakthrough line of defense, they were stopped by the mechanical angel troops just transferred. Although the production process of mechanical angels is complex and expensive, it must be said that the battle strength of these artificial lifeforms can definitely top high level players, and even in some respects even better than high level players. These Demons are different from ordinary Buddhist troops. Their attack power is super strong, and their athletic ability is several times that of ordinary Buddhist soldiers. With these two advantages, they break through the first line of defense, but now they are surrounded by mechanical angels. Their advantages are gone. The main body of the mechanical angel is a mechanical skeleton system made using magic puppet technology, with a layer of metal muscles produced using golem technology on the outside, and a layer of heavy armor like tank armor on the outside, which provides powerful power. With extreme defense, these guys have super strong resistance to attack, and the strong offensive power of these Demons hardly has much effect on them. In addition, because it is equipped with artificial souls with input fighting skills, the fighting ability of mechanical angels far exceeds these demons who basically fight by instinct, and the magic technology is more similar to modern electronic machinery, and the reaction speed is far beyond that of Demon. These two major advantages just completely suppressed Demon's specialties, making the Demons blocked in this place after breaking through the defense line. However, Hong Yue was distressed that these priceless mechanical angels had lost too much, so he called me over, and those Demons were very depressed because they could not rush out of the encirclement, and finally saw me rushing in on the initiative. Naturally, I am excited to rush up to create a result. It's a pity that these guys obviously didn't learn anything else in Buddhism, but they learned a full set of the bad habits of Buddhism supercilious. Both of our guilds and our guild have reached this point. They don't even know who I am. If there are such people in the real world, it is estimated that they can be directly brought to the destruction of humanity.

I saw the pig head Demon screaming and rushing towards him. I didn’t even look at him directly. A knife wheel quickly cut in from the control at an angle of thirty degrees, and threw a bend with a bang. Fly again with a blood line. The ugly pig's head on the pig's neck rolled directly off his shoulders, fell to the ground with a bang and was kicked out by his own body, and his headless body ran forward for a long time. After rushing to the periphery of the encirclement, the mechanical angel made a few more swords before he fell to the ground. These demons are very strong in life force, apart from anything else. I have tried with Demon before. Their blood recovery speed is about ten times that of NPC soldiers in Celestial Court and thirty times that of ordinary players. It is difficult for ordinary players to kill Demon without a certain attack strength and frequency, especially It's when they regained their body. Generally, as long as the Demon recovers its body state, the volume will become very large. After all, those who become refined are impossible, and their defensive power will rise in a straight line. After all, how many bodies are there like Azure Dragon and White Tiger? A ten-kilometer-long super monster may be several meters thick with the skin alone. Even if all weapons are inserted, they still haven't pierced the skin. Where can we talk about any damage? Although the general Demon impossible is as big as Azure Dragon and White Tiger, the length of more than ten meters is the basic value, and the thickness of the skin is more than one inch for a few. Except for weapons such as eternity, general weapons are really not easy to penetrate. Their size, even if they are actually inserted, is equivalent to us being pricked by a needle. Unless they happen to hit a critical position, it is difficult to cause serious consequences. This pig demon, whose head was chopped off by me, was able to run to the outside of the defensive circle after losing his head.

After the pig demon rushing to the front was brought down, the second knife wheel followed, but the leopard head monster who ran second was extremely sensitive, and his knees suddenly bent. Leaning back, a kneeling and sliding posture passed under the knife wheel, but as soon as he passed the knife wheel, he just lifted the head and was about to stand up again, and found that I had rushed to his vicinity at some point. The claws popped out again, the arm drooping and the knife edge moved forward with a forward gesture. There were three huge cracks in the belly of the leopard demon immediately, purple red intestines and some messy internal organs. They squeezed out from the crack together, and the hurt guy screamed constantly.

"Help." After I opened the mouth to this guy, I didn't care about him anymore, but called out so. With Demon's life force being opened, he would not necessarily die, but he was completely hopeless after I yelled this sentence. Because several mechanical angels on the periphery suddenly raised their right arms and aimed at the guy at the same time, only hearing the puff puff puff three times, three spiked arrows with steel cables penetrated the guy’s two thighs and one shoulder successively. . The next Demon found that his companion had been recruited and immediately wanted to cut off the wire rope. Unfortunately, his movements were still a step slower. After the wire rope tensed quickly and dragged the guy into the encircled human wall, he wanted to step forward and grab his companion. The Demon who came back was blocked by three or four mechanical angels, and the injured Demon who was dragged into the crowd was instantly divided into a dozen pieces and thrown into all directions. Even if he was an earthworm, he was dead.

Seeing this situation, Su Mi, who had been participating in the command from the periphery, suddenly called out: "Go to the pulverizer."

"Huh? What do you want the pulverizer for?" A player asked in a daze.

Sumi said without blinking: "Another injured Demon drags him out as just now, and then throws him in. These Demons have very strong life force. If they don’t deal with it, they will kill him completely. Immortal."

The player next to Su Mi, who is still a little girl, couldn’t help shaking his head when she said such cruel words, but the behavior of So Mi has been accepted by everyone. In addition, she is the backbone of the guild and has a higher status than everyone. Although she was surprised, some people quickly pulled two shredders to dispose of construction waste. This thing contains an array of crushing demons. Anything thrown in from the entrance will turn into dusty debris after it comes out. Unless it is a creature as small as a bacteria or virus, there is absolutely no possibility of survival from it. .

After the smasher was in place, I also injured a lot of people in the monster group. With the experience of cooperation, the speed of the outer mechanical angels and players were also much faster. Opportunity, let alone injured, even Demon who is completely uninjured will sometimes be dragged out of the camp by unfathomable mystery spiked arrows and thrown into the shredder. Although this horrible meat grinder smashing method is cruel, it has to be said that the effect is really good, except that the exit of the grinder will spray a lot of fishy blood mist, even the corpse does not need to be processed.

After killing more than a dozen Demons in a row, I finally got to Hong Yue and Ziyue. Th

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