"You guys really let me down!" The so-called quick witted in an emergency, I entered a state of disdain at the moment when the Buddhas of Buddhism broke through the sky. The ancient Buddhas who were about to dismantle me were stunned by the words that suddenly came out of me, and even the Tathagata who was flying into a rage out of humiliation stopped.

"What do you mean?" Tathagata asked tentatively: "Don't you know that you are going to die?"

"That's not necessarily." Tathagata just wanted I retorted with a smirk and continued: "First, I didn’t come to fight with you, so if I can’t fight, I don’t have to die. Second, even if the fight really starts, you can’t guarantee that you will be able to kill it. Right? I still have the possibility of surviving. In addition, even if the fight really starts, and you catch up and kill it, what can you do? Don’t mess up, even though I’m not even about Divine Race’s battle strength. In your Buddhism Divine Race, I can also rank in the top 50, but I am not a god. I am a player, that is, the adventurer in your mouth. I can be resurrected indefinitely, even if I get killed once, I lose some strength, sooner or later. Can be trained back. But you are different. Compared to my infinite resurrection, should you who have only one life cherish life more than me?"

"hmph, even if we are afraid of death again How can it be? Can you still kill us?" An ancient Buddha following Tathagata asked angrily.

"What are you kidding? How did I fight every ancient Buddha? Even if I have a bonus to the Divine Race battle now, I am not your opponent! But..." I grabbed the ancient Buddha Before the Buddha continued speaking, he said: "Although I can't kill you, as long as the contract city is completed, your life will no longer belong to you."

"Joke. You think we will let you Is the contract city established?"

"Do you think you have the ability to prevent it from being established?" After a short pause, I continued: "Don't tell me for the sake of face that you can definitely prevent its establishment. Yes, you do have very strong strength. Divine Race is Divine Race. There is no one in terms of overall battle strength, but do you really know what kind of war you are fighting? Although our Frost Rose League is composed of mortals Small guild, but we have Celestial Court behind us. Although we can’t directly participate in the battle, you are actually competing with Celestial Court. By the way, I will tell you a piece of knowledge that you may simply not understand. Your Buddhism is just a loose Divine Race. Power, internal strength, uniform, unorganized and undisciplined in the fight, and your power is too large. Although the overall strength is stronger than ours, the pressure you can put on us in a short period of time is actually quite limited, otherwise an ass the autumn gale sweeps away the fallen leaves The ordinary city annihilation war will not be beaten into a quagmire by you with the meat grinder tactics. It’s not that you don’t want to, but you can’t do it. You can’t gather the power of your whole body in one short time. point, and our guild is completely different. Our Frost Rose League emphasized elites and extremes from the beginning of its establishment. Although the overall strength is weaker than yours, we can be distributed throughout the world within a day All of the power of the guild is concentrated on one point, which is the direct cause of your previous attacks failing one after another. Because you are not prepared enough, and we have gathered the power of the entire guild to fight against you."

"Do you mean that if we can gather the power of Buddhism together at the beginning, you have already been defeated?" Tathagata asked tentatively.

"Of course. Buddhism is much stronger than our Frost Rose League. No one will doubt this. But you haven't captured our city until now. Don't you think it's weird?"


"Then why are you telling us how to attack your city?"

"Because you have nowhere to go. After the contract city is established, Celestial Court will directly intervene, when the time comes belongs to the Divine Race within the country. They will not be subject to any restrictions. Do you think that the strength of Buddhism, which is now crippling, may be the opponent of Celestial Court? As for the way to break our city..." I deliberately checked the time, and then at a moderate pace said: "There are only eighteen and a half hours left. Do you think you still have a chance? So even if you tell you the method, you have already missed the time."

"What do you mean now?"

"I mean it is obvious, I will give you a way out."

"Ha!" The huge contrast makes the Tathagata The Buddha smirked. "Give us a way out? Did you not figure out the situation?"

"Wrong. It is you, not me, who did not figure out the situation." I continued after seeing the eyes of those ancient Buddhas. : "The probability of the establishment of Contract City exceeds 80%, and once it is established, then you ancient Buddhas will not be far away. Although your individual strength is very strong, the overall number of Buddhism is lower than Celestial Court. And the high-end martial power of Celestial Court is actually far beyond the level of your few. Even if Buddhism is over, you can go out and order, and there will never be any good fruit. In the past, your overall strength was relatively strong, so it's okay to say At this time, the division of powers in various places has stabilized, and you are like this again, who will buy your account? It must be chased everywhere. Of course, if you don’t leave Buddhism and die with Buddhism, That’s okay, but I think you can choose a better path."

"A better path? Are you trying to persuade me to surrender?" Tathagata finally heard me. mean.

"It’s okay for you to say this, but I’ll talk to you first. It’s not that I want to recruit you, but Celestial Court. I’m just a messenger. The decision is for you to do it. , I can’t interfere if I don’t interfere. But I can remind you a little bit. Resign now and wait until we hold the Contract City before resigning. That treatment is two different things."


While the Tathagata was hesitating, I secretly gestured to the back, and my familiars quickly gathered together, and then returned to the training space one after another, while I continued Stand there and talk as if. Now, for me, I just need to mess up the thoughts of the Tathagata. Anyway, I don’t plan to really persuade the Tathagata to fall. Besides, if the Tathagata really agrees, Celestial Court may not really want it. In my opinion, Celestial Court didn’t ask me to persuade the Tathagata to surrender. It was because it was estimated that the Tathagata would definitely not agree, so it didn’t notify me to do so. If I really persuade the Tathagata to surrender, they would definitely want it. After all, such a strong expert is not everywhere. Can be picked up.

After hesitating for a long time, Tathagata still hasn’t made up his mind. The main reason is that if he bows his head like this now, his face is a bit unsafe, and he can’t make a decision alone, so he simply discussed with the other ancient Buddhas behind him. Up. While they were discussing vigorously, I suddenly shouted: "You can't keep discussing like this. I don't have time to wait for you now. Let's just do it." I threw the crystal over and waited until Tathagata caught it. "This is the dedicated communicator for our guild. If you think about it, you can use this thing to contact me, then I will go." Before they reacted, I summoned the bird and rode up, and then let the bird go to the contract city. Flew in the direction of the past. At the beginning, I didn't dare to let the birds fly too fast for fear of attracting their attention. As soon as the distance was widened, I immediately let the birds start a supersonic assault, and instantly they lost sight of the Tathagatas.

The Tathagata and the ancient Buddhas found out that I was running very fast. They were a little puzzled, and then the Tathagata suddenly screamed. "Not good, fooled!"

Although they reacted to the Tathagata, it is too late now. After Asuka took me far enough, I immediately activated the teleportation ring, and instantly returned to Contract City. "Huh, scared me to death, I finally ran out!"

"Huh? President? Where did you run from?"

"Where else could it be?" Buddhism’s perverts! Fortunately, those idiots were fooled by me, or they have to be killed again. By the way, which department are you? It’s all messed up outside, why are you still here? Hanging around?"

"Hong Yue Vice-President asked me to come and pick up people."

"Pick up people? Who?"

"We "Suddenly there was such a sound from behind me, and I jumped forward violently, but when I turned back, I saw two more people behind me.

"Gun God? Black Widow?" The two people who came were not others, they were the second gun god in battle strength and Black Widow in third. "You...?" I thought of the reason halfway through the question, so I didn't continue to ask. At this time, the two of them can show up here, and Hong Yue also specializes in Sect to pick them up, which means that they are not here by themselves, and the only possibility to find them at this time is to find them as foreign aid.

"We are here to help." Black Widow's answer was clean and neat.

I am nodded. "I guessed it. Then go to the front line with me?"

"No, let's leave it to you. We are only responsible for the big boss." The gun god announced very arrogantly.

"Big boss?" I looked at him in surprise. "Are you sure our people told you clearly what you are doing before you come?"

"Of course."

"Hey, please, we are fighting with Divine Race, not India A certain guild in the guild. Little soldier? Big boss? Any little soldier here can be a big boss in a general small guild. The big bosses here are all big gods with names and surnames, mountains burst and ground. The existence of split, are you sure you are not mistaken?"

"Don't think that you are the only one who can deal with Divine Race, we also have our own special ability." Gun God said with contempt.

The Black Widow next to us saw that we were about to quarrel, and said first: "The gun god recently did a special task and got a gun to shoot and kill Divine Race. I used to There is something to restrain the Divine Race."

I nodded and said: "If you say this to the past, you can go with me."

The gun god this guy and My relationship can be said to be a competitor. Although we are different from dead enemies like Nobunaga Onitou, we sometimes cooperate, but our relationship is much worse than that of an ally like Ashford. At least we both have each other. It’s not pleasing to see the other party. Either he troubles me or I troubles him. It is always friction. If there is not a Black Widow, it is estimated that we will have to fight along the way.

After finally getting to the front line, Hong Yue and Rose also greeted them. First, they exchanged greetings with the gun god and Black Widow, and then signed a high level agreement. According to the agreement, from now on, the gun god and the gun god Every time Black Widow kills an ordinary Buddhist member of Buddhism, we have to pay them ten crystal coins, while the price of high level personnel will be higher. As for the specific hunting figures, the agreement is automatically counted. The system guarantees that there will be absolutely no mistakes.

After finishing the agreement, I planned to take a break to conserve strength and store up energy for the next battle, but who knew that the gun god guy came forward to provoke me. "Hey, how about a gamble?"

I squinted at him. "What are you betting on?"

The gun in the hand of the gun god patted: "At the end of the battle, let’s see who of us kills more targets. How?"

"High level personnel and How can low-level personnel be calculated in the same way?"

"Then divide the lower level according to the opponent's strength. A high-level battle strength can be calculated by multiplying the number of low-level numbers by five. The general calculation method is relatively accurate. We also engage in agreement to automatically count the results."

"What can I get if you lose?"

"Too general Both of us look down on our eyes, and we don't have any passion for playing, so it's better for us to play bigger." The gun god said and took out a crystal eyeball from his body. "This is a prize copy eye from a super mission I did. It allows users to copy the three strongest attributes from the target person and add them to themselves or their own equipment. However, this thing has a limitation, that is Copying attributes requires the consent of the target, and there is no way to force copy. In this way, if I win, you will let me copy three attributes from you, and the hiring cost of this battle will be doubled."

"Then what if you lose?"

"This thing belongs to you. You can find someone to copy the attribute yourself, or copy it from me."

I thought about it. Asked: "Is this something anyone can be a target? For example, a high level NPC exists like Divine Race?"

"No, it can only be a player."

< p>"If it can only be a player, then can you collect attributes from three people separately?"

"No way, you can only extract the three strongest attributes from one player at a time, and this one is the strongest It is also judged by the system, which may not be the same as what you think is the strongest."

I am nodded. "Okay, I bet. You will let me collect the attributes after I'm done."

"If I win, let's talk about it." The Gunmaster said, he took out the contract and signed my name separately, and then Without saying a word, he turned around and ran to the floating island where the city core was placed. Gun God’s weapon is a gun. The battle method is similar to the archer, but because his gun not only has super formidable power, but also has an extremely abnormal range, rushing to the enemy is actually detrimental to his battle. The floating island hovered above the city just to be able to snipe the Buddhism middlemen under the condescending sniper. With the current density of people on the periphery of the city, as long as the gun god does not disconnect the gun, it is unlikely that he will not be able to hit people.

Different from Gunslinger, my battle method is a stored close battle. After releasing all the familiars and summon creatures, they let them team up to help me kill the enemy, and I took Ling into the buddhism team. Because the Divine Attribute on my body can extend to all my summon creatures, my summon creature does not have any difficulty in dealing with the Buddhism army. On the contrary, I feel that it is better than ordinary enemies. After all, 100% Hundred-attribute enhancement is not a free gift, it is equivalent to double the battle strength. Generally speaking, people in Buddhism can only run when they meet my summon creature.

"Heart Sword—Infinite Flywheel." I threw Eternal, and then rushed into the crowd. Eternal immediately flew up after leaving my hand and automatically split into dozens of handleless ones. Double-headed swords, and then each sword began to spin slowly, and the speed was getting faster and faster, and finally turned into dozens of high-speed rotation blades and flew towards me. But these knife wheels didn't hit me, but suddenly turned around before they hit me, but they quickly came back around. Thirty-six knife wheels flew up and down with a stern sound of wu wu around me. No one who was within ten steps of me could leave a corpse. All those knife wheels that had high-speed rotation and shuttled back and forth. They are eternally changeable, which means that they are eternal and have all the eternal attack attributes. Everything that is touched is easily cut like tofu, and nothing can stop them even a bit. Seeing my attack so sharp, people in nearby Buddhism instinctively wanted to avoid me, but a huge vacuum was formed around me. But I won’t stand still. Anyway, there are these knife wheels to help me kill the enemy. I just drill wherever I have more people. It’s just that I’m good at drilling, but the people of Buddhism are unlucky, no matter if I drill. There was a foul wind and bloody rain everywhere, with broken limbs and meat flying all over the sky, it was like hell.

Seeing the Buddhism members around me being scraped by me as the autumn gale sweeps away the fallen leaves, a triumphant smile appeared on my face. No matter how powerful the gun God’s gun is, he will have to blast slowly one by one. Unless he turns his weapon into a multi-barreled cannon, he will definitely not be able to catch up with my speed. Just this section of the road I’ve said less. After crushing hundreds of people, I don't believe he can be faster than me.

I was so proud that I suddenly heard angry roar: "Look at the arrow." Then a golden light shot straight towards my door. I didn’t do any evasive action at all. Just when the arrow flew more than one meter away in front of me, two rotating blades suddenly flashed vertically from both sides, and the feather arrows instantly turned into three pieces and directed in different directions. I flew out without even touching my armor. But that arrow is obviously just a decoy. Before shooting the arrow, I reminded people that it was either a rookie or a movie. This guy was able to join the army of Buddhism to participate in the final attack. Obviously, it did not belong to the former. The reason why he called so was completely intentional. Attracting my attention is covering for my companions.

Listening to the sound of breaking through the air from behind, I suddenly raised my hand and grabbed a wrist holding a knife, but the other party was not ordinary. As soon as my palm was loosened, the blade fell, and the other hand was immediately connected. Holding the handle of the knife and continuing to hack, it's a pity that his speed is not fast enough. While holding his wrist, I quickly turned around and violently pulled the guy toward me. Since it was in the same direction as that guy’s body movement, my pulling immediately accelerated the guy’s movement speed significantly. At the same time, my right leg lunged back slightly to support my body, my left foot slid forward, one sideways, and my left shoulder fiercely hit the guy's chest. Just listening to a groan, the guy was hit by me and flew upside down, and the big knife in his hand also flew out.

Despite being beaten so badly, the guy still didn’t hesitate at all. He turned around in the air with my impact and adjusted the center of gravity before landing. As long as he landed, he would immediately Can bounce back again. With his reaction to dealing with ordinary players, whoever meets and dies, it's a pity that I am not an ordinary player. Just when he adjusted his posture and prepared to immediately counterattack back at the moment he landed, a knife wheel suddenly rushed towards him. The moment the guy’s feet landed on the ground, the knife wheel flashed past his legs. The guy who hadn’t felt the pain first felt that the center of gravity was wrong, and because the legs were cut off, there was no body. The expected landing feeling appeared. Looking at the ground getting closer and closer, the guy instinctively stretched out his hand and wanted to support the ground, but it was a pity that two knife wheels, one left and one right, suddenly rushed at this critical moment, shua shua, that guy’s two All his arms were immediately broken. The expert without hands and feet is no different from a general disabled person. The guy's big face without support hit the ground directly, and the huge impact made him on the ground. He bounced twice, and his backward inertia caused him to slide on the ground for a long time with his face, chest and abdomen rubbing against the ground. It’s okay to have armor on his body, but his unobstructed face suffered. Almost all the flesh on his face was torn off from the ground while he was sliding. When he was caught by his companion and turned over, the entire face was already It became a half-skeleton state, and it wasn't until this time that the guy felt pain, and the sound of mournful scream made everyone around him irritate his scalp.

"Ayu!" The archer saw his companion being beaten like that by me, and immediately screamed in worry, but that guy can't make any other sounds except screaming, of course there is no other way. Respond to your companions. "You bastard!" Realizing that his companion could no longer respond to him, the archery guy immediately turned his attention back to me, only to find my face when he finished speaking the angry curse and was about to attack. There was a triumphant smile on his face. When he turned his head in panic and turned the arrow to attack the possible enemy behind him, he only saw a huge black ball of light rushing towards him. After sliding over the guy's body silently, the ball of light immediately disappeared, and it was the guy's upper body that disappeared at the same time. The half of the body without the head and chest shook twice before falling backward with a plop.

Ling walked past the guy’s corpse and threw a ball of light casually to blast another enemy who wanted to sneak attack into a cloud of blood mist, and then walked around to me leisurely like a walk 'S side. "It seems that the experts of Buddhism haven't appeared yet!"

I glanced at the corpses on the ground and the Buddhism soldiers who were hiding from me and said: "It is estimated that they will use the strongest team Stay in the last few hours, so it shouldn't be an enemy that is too strong before dark."

"So you let everyone act separately?"

I nodded , And pointed to the sky at the same time. "Of course there is also the reason for that guy's gambling agreement."

"Since it's someone who has more records, then I will try that trick?"

"That Recruit?" I asked suspiciously, but Ling answered my question with practical actions. "Damn!" Seeing the black hole gradually forming in Ling's hand, I hurriedly rushed to the ground and hugged Ling's legs tightly. This man-made black hole is different from ordinary spells. Except for Ling itself, it almost does not distinguish between the enemy and the self. No matter what it is, it will suck in all of them equally. As for how it comes out, it's your own business.

When the little black hole just grew to the size of a football, Ling threw it up, and at the same time the restrictive shield on the periphery of the black hole burst suddenly, and a powerful suction appeared instantly. He was hesitant to do so. The Buddhism person who rushed up suddenly felt that he was violently pulled up by a huge force and flew toward the black hole in the sky that had risen to the size of a millstone. With the growth of the black hole, the suction power began to increase. Now the outer circle area of ​​Contract City is full of Buddhists, and the black hole in the sky is like a vacuum cleaner, pulling all the Buddhist troops on the ground away from the ground and sucking in the endless. In the dark.

"hahahaha, this thing is fast." I took the contract I signed before and watched the hunting number that belonged to me was rising at a speed like a stopwatch. I don't really care about copying eyes. What really makes me happy is that it can make the gun face sweeping. This is what makes me the happiest. The gun god guy is usually very arrogant, and today I will let him know what modesty is.

Looking at the surrounding lose one's head out of fear, the Buddhism army that was sucked into black holes in pieces, I was happy. Suddenly I heard a click, and a crack suddenly appeared in the building next to it. Zhong immediately began to spray sand out, and as the dust was sucked into the black hole, the whole building suddenly broke away from the foundation with a click and flew up to the sky. Before it touched the black hole, it was broken down into countless fragments. Go in. This building is just the beginning. As it disappeared, the surrounding buildings seemed to have received a signal and began to break, and they were about to fly together. I quickly grabbed Ling. "Stop, stop, and close when you see it! The city will be destroyed by ourselves!"

"I want it too! But it's out of control!" Ling replied I almost fainted, but Ling quickly pointed in one direction with difficulty and said: "There is a high level Divine Race robbing me of control. Thanks to his not understanding the composition of this spell, I can still barely Suppress him, you go and kill him, otherwise we will be in big trouble if the spell is robbed!"

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