When I came out of Celestial Court, I hurriedly started to rush back. While running, I couldn’t be idle. I took out the four boxes I got and opened them one by one. open. The last four suitcases given by Celestial Court were not big, the largest one was about the same size as a normal suitcase, and the smallest one was simply a jewelry box.

The value of magic item cannot be distinguished by size. It is different from weapons and equipment under the scientific system. Generally, the smaller the magic item, the greater the formidable power. So according to the principle of first bitter and sweet, I took out the biggest box first.

Holding the box with one hand, carefully inputting the magic power into the keyhole on the front of the box, after hearing only a click, the lid of the box popped up automatically. Although Celestial Court only gave four boxes of items this time, I know that these are definitely the best, because different from the last time, the things we gave us this time even the boxes are identified and unlocked by magic frequency, except for the specific frequency entered in advance. The magic power of others cannot be opened at all, just like fingerprint recognition.

As the box opens, it bounces automatically, and two strange crystal balls are printed in my eyes. These two crystal balls are about the size of a volleyball, but they are different from ordinary solid crystal balls. The two crystal balls are hollow, and there seems to be some kind of liquid inside, which can be clearly seen through the transparent crystal outer wall. Into the half-full liquid. The liquid in the two crystal balls is definitely not water, because they are very thick and look a bit like oil, but they are definitely not. In addition to the liquid itself, there seems to be a large amount of suspended solids in the liquid, but these things have been shining, so it is not clear what it is. In addition, in addition to the liquid and the suspended matter inside, the colors of the two crystal balls are different. One of them is light purple liquid, and the other is scarlet. Because I don't know what it is, I directly checked the attribute and found that these two crystal balls are simply PK best. The red crystal ball is called the ball of life, and the other purple is called the magic ball, and its function is very simple, that is, energy storage. The life ball is equivalent to a life storage tank, and the magic ball is to store magic power. We all know that every player has the ability to automatically restore blood and demons, and these two balls use this simplest ability to take effect. When your health is restored to a full state, the original health will not rise again, but your blood recovery ability has not been lost, but the newly generated excess life ability is automatically lost. And as long as you have the life ball, don’t worry anymore. When your life is full, the life value generated by the excess recovery ability will start to fill this life crystal ball at a ratio of ten to one, and when you are attacked and lose blood, just If there is excess life force in your life orb, blood will be deducted from the life orb first, and it will not start to consume your own blood until the blood in the life orb is exhausted. To put it another way, the life ball has increased your HP limit in disguise, but the part of the HP it represents recovers slowly, only one-tenth of the normal value, and it cannot be supplemented with healing magic and medicine. It can only be supplemented by its own blood return speed. The function of the sphere of magic power is basically similar to that of the sphere of life, except that it is responsible for storing magic, which is equivalent to an additional magic bottle. Although the ten to one filling ratio and the inability to rely on medicine and magic to increase the speed of recovery make it difficult to fill these two crystal balls, but after all, we have to fight in the game for much less time than we do not fight. , So as long as they don't fight frequently, most people are absolutely capable of filling it up gradually, even if it can't be fully filled, it's good to have more health and magic.

After reading the attributes of these two crystal balls, I immediately realized the huge use of this thing, and what excites me is that these two crystal balls themselves are mostly half full, which means I am now I already have at least seven or eight times the normal value of magic power and health. With my battle strength, coupled with this huge amount of health and magic, even the high level Divine Race of Buddhism would be enough for me to kill. .

After putting away the two crystal balls, I started looking through the second box. This box is a lot smaller than the previous one, but it is also equipped with a magic induction lock. After opening it, I was surprised to find that it was actually a crystal ball, but this time it was a solid crystal ball, and the volume was also large. It's a lot smaller, only slightly bigger than a tennis ball. Looking at this completely opaque crystal ball that looks like frosted glass, I still checked the attributes first.

After reading the attribute, I almost didn't throw out what was in my hand. The name of this thing turned out to be called the Ball of Gravity. Just listen to the name, this thing can manipulate gravity. But what it manipulates is not the gravity of the surrounding space, but the gravity of the designated target. To put it simply, it can make any object become completely weightless or the weight of a mountain, but there are three premises. First, the target can only be one item, not too many things can be manipulated at the same time. Second, the target should not be too big. Although the crystal ball itself has no upper limit for manipulation, it is indeed based on the user’s magic power. The larger the things you manipulate, the more exaggerated the consumption of magic power. At my current level, I can control a giant ship. The battleship is almost at its limit. Third, the designated item can only be an inanimate dead object or a corpse that has lost its life, and there is no way to manipulate the lifeform that is still alive.

Although the restrictions are relatively large, this thing is considered to be the best, at least I can use it to turn the enemy’s weapon into a mountain as heavy, so that the opponent can’t use the weapon, or simply put the opponent’s helmet Turned into a mountain and pulled his neck directly off. Of course, the extent to which this thing changes gravity is also limited by the strength of my magical power. Otherwise, the infinite increase of the gravity field will directly turn any item on the person's body into a black hole, isn't it just sucking everything in?

After reading these two things, I quickly took out the third box. Unlike the previous two, this is a very flat box, and it is not opened by magic, but has a talisman attached to it. It feels like not afraid of others opening the box, but afraid that the contents of the box will come out by themselves. .

Although I think this box is weird, since it is for me, I have to open it. After thinking about it, I carefully lifted the seal, and once I found something wrong, I could post it back again. However, no monster came out after the box was opened. What's in the box is a book, a book that doesn't look like a book. But my jaw barely fell when I saw its name.

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