"The Book of Death God?" Boom. Almost instinctively, I covered the box back, and posted the spell back. When I was flying, I almost didn't fall from the sky just now. Isn't this thing too memorable? According to the setting of "Zero", there are actually not many Death Gods, at least I can count one by myself. China’s Ten Temples Yama plus me are eleven Death Gods, Europe’s Dark God Palace has a Titans, the Nordic gods has a Hades, and Egypt’s Anubis. This is already ten. There are four, and many other countries have some local Death Gods. It can be said that there are no one hundred or eighty Death Gods in the whole world, which is not too rare, but the Book of Death God does not have any Death Gods. of. What I know is that this item is a dedicated Divine Item for Anubis, and the formidable power is so big that even if the world’s Divine Race is equipped with a big ranking, it can still be ranked among the top 100. You must not underestimate the top 100. On the surface, one hundred is a big number, but you have to consider that this is the top 100 selected from the Divine Race equipment of the whole world, and the Divine Race equipment is also Not all of them are single-player equipment, and some of them are even types that require dozens of people to jointly launch, such as Immortal Beheading Sword of Celestial Court. That thing sounds like Divine Sword, but in fact it is a collection of ninety 81 swords. When used, it requires 81 Divine Immortal of Great Firmament Golden Immortal or above to form Immortal Beheading Sword Formation to play the formidable power. It is said that if it is fully played Its formidable power can even temporarily trap High God. Of course, that is just a legend. After all, the current High God has not actually fought with Celestial Court. Excluding these clustered Divine Weapon, although the number of remaining single Divine Items is still huge, it is important to know that the cluster Divine Item must not have low formidable power. At least 80 positions in the top 100 are theirs. , So when it comes to the single-player Divine Item, this Death God book is at least ranked in the top 20, which shows its formidable power.

I should be happy to get such a super baby. After all, I went to Celestial Court this time to blackmail. I should be happy to get such a good thing, but The problem is that this thing is obviously stolen, how can I use it?

Because of the great formidable power of the Book of Death God, it is also quite famous in the Divine Item. As long as it is not a "mountain god" from a remote mountain village, it is almost a god within the realm. I knew that this thing was Anubis's treasure. It is conceivable that such a famous Divine Item Anubis will definitely not be given away, so it is obvious what the situation is when Celestial Court suddenly took out such a thing. Thieves, this thing is definitely thief. The problem is that whether Anubis knows who stolen this thing or not, anyway, now this thing is in my hands, this can't be said clearly. The guy Anubis is not a good person. Even if he knows that I stole this thing, he will definitely find a way to plant it to me. Besides, he may not be sure that the thing was not stolen by me. When the time comes, he really cares about me. Isn't it a big loss? The battle with Buddhism now is forced by the form. If Anubis and I had no grievances in the past and now have no grudges, it would be a big loss if we fight for such a thing.

I want to understand the situation and look at this hot potato in my hand. If it is used, it is most likely to offend Anubis. If it is not used, such a powerful Divine Item is wasted and feels a bit too worthwhile.

After thinking about it for a long time, I still think it’s better not to use this thing first. Anyway, fighting against Buddhism may not be so desperate. If it is really used, it will be over. You can also, if you can withstand it, don't use it at all. But one thing must be done. I quickly summoned a Spirit Armor insect, and then took out the record crystal to explain my acquisition of this thing, and gave the crystal to the Spirit Armor insect to send it to Egypt to Anubis. It doesn't matter if you don't need to report it first, you can talk a little bit later.

First throw this broken book that people love and hate into Fenglong Space, and then take out the fourth box. Compared with the previous three, this box is obviously much more high-end, although its volume is not as big as a red brick, it does not affect its value in the slightest. There are no gems inlaid, but the surface of the whole box is densely covered with complicated magic lines, and the strong demon force flowing on it can be clearly felt even across several hundred meters.

Because I don't know the lines on it, I had to use Appraisal Technique to identify this box, but the answer I got surprised me. This box is not an ordinary item, but a piece of equipment. In "Zero", items can be roughly divided into two categories based on item settings. One is attribute-specific items for players and high-level NPCs. These items are collectively referred to as equipment, including weapons and armor on our body. All in this column. As for the other type, they are ordinary items, which are generally just simple tools, such as boxes for stuffing or some insignificant things. Relative to equipment, the number of ordinary items is simply an astronomical number. Although there are not many equipment items, they are not flooded to the point where all equipment is used. At least ordinary things will not be packed in equipment-level boxes. And the most frightening thing is that the equipment level of this small box is marked with the words "Divine Item". What needs to be installed with Divine Item?

Continue to scan the attribute under the equipment, this thing actually has a name. In "Zero", most of the equipment is named according to the naming rules. For example, weapons with the magic of sharp sharpness generally have names such as sharp or something, and high level players generally know the weapon by just listening to the name. The approximate attribute. But there is a different type of equipment. They have their own unique names. They are not named according to the weapon naming rules. Players generally call this type of equipment the only equipment, because this type of equipment is unique, and there will be no exactly the same second. Pieces exist. Other weapons named according to the naming rules may appear exactly the same kind. For example, there are many long swords called Fengrui Light in the game, and most of the attributes are similar, but the attack power is slightly different. The only equipment that does not follow the naming rules, apart from the special name, the attributes are also very abnormal. Under normal circumstances, they can reach the attribute status of equipment one level higher than their own. For example, a Holy Spirit-level unique equipment sword, its actual attack power and other attributes are often similar to the Divine Item-level ordinary naming rules equipment. The Divine Dragon suit I am wearing is the only equipment. Although it is a Divine Item, it is obviously much stronger than the ordinary Divine Item. At least the Divine Item suit I have seen so far can compete with the Divine Dragon suit. More than three sets.

A unique Divine Item treasure chest, I don’t know what is in it. To end my curiosity, I'd better read all the attributes of the box first. After all, this item is too high-level. It is better to check all of them in order to prevent danger.

The name of the treasure chest mentioned in the attribute of the treasure chest is called the space-time cabinet. This is a very strange name. At least for such a small thing, I really don't know why it is called "cabinet" instead of "box". But when I read the attribute, I understood the reason, because the inner container of this thing is not as small as the outside. This thing is simply an enlarged version of the space ring, so it is called a cabinet instead of a box. In fact, after seeing its volume, I felt that this thing is more suitable for calling Space Warehouse, because its volume has far exceeded the concept of "cabinet", even container containers can't hold this thing. In addition, this thing has a great function, that is, it not only has the ability of space manipulation, but also can control time. It can adjust its internal time between static and normal flow at will. As long as it does not exceed the normal Time Flow Speed ​​or Time Reverse, it can be controlled at will. Although it is not very useful, it can be regarded as a strong ability.

I opened the lid carefully after I was sure that this thing was not dangerous. Regardless of the complicated and abnormal magic circuit on it, the opening method was as simple as a fool. Just input the magic at one of the specific points. It will open naturally. After opening the lid, nothing popped out of the box. Instead, it showed a form in front of me, but most of them were empty. Only the top one was lined up with a name showing a row of question marks. item, the number behind shows that the stock is one. After choosing this thing that I don't know what it is, my vision is suddenly blurred. Da Tuo suddenly appeared in front of me as if it was a pile of rotten meat. As a result, I bumped into it while flying.

"Wow..." As a result of the whole body being wrapped, the wings could no longer maintain the flying posture. I was wrapped in the pile of meat and fell from the air, and finally hit a smashing sound. A lot of mud and gravel was stirred up on the flat hillside. "Damn, what the hell is this?" After crawling out of the pile of meat, I started to observe the pile of meat again. To be honest, this pile of things is very disgusting. If it weren't for my natural resistance to these things, I would have already vomited to the side. Among the rotten flesh of red, the meridian network of purple and green is all over its surface, and it looks disgusting and disgusting.

After watching for a long time, I didn't figure it out, so I had to lose an Appraisal Technique and go up. With my Appraisal Technique, which is more than a full level, it is rare that the appraisal fails, but today it has been appraised ten times in a row to get this thing done. When I saw the attribute that was finally displayed, I almost fainted, but I was not excited, but angry. Because the displayed attributes are all question marks except the name. What's the difference between this and authentication failure?

"Basic lifeform? What is this?" I really don’t know how to say the name of this thing. A pile of rotten meat without attributes is packed in such an exaggerated Divine Item box. This is definitely not something that Celestial Court gave me wrong. They must have some plan to give this thing to me, but I don't know the attribute and I really don't know how to use it. If it’s small enough, it’s okay to say, but this thing is a pile of Roshan, I can’t run around with this thing, right? Damn Celestial Court, I gave me four items and there were two problem items. One is whether the stolen goods can be used or not, and the other one simply doesn't know what it is. It's really wicked! Next time I go to Celestial Court to blackmail must remember to ask them for the instruction manual, I secretly swear in my heart.

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