"In fact, the last twenty-four hours is the least research value." Hong Yue said, "Buddhism knows this is the last opportunity, so it will definitely not be easy. Let go of this opportunity, in other words, they have no choice at all. The only thing they can do is to attack and attack, and our city can't move, so all we can do is desperately withstand the attack of Buddhism, nothing more. "

"Hong Yue elder sister is right." Su Mi nodded and said: "Tactics and strategies are techniques for mobilizing enemies to fight in the way they want when fighting a rational enemy. , And the current situation is that Buddhism simply won’t be disturbed by us. They are desperate. We have no other way except to fight hard."

"That means there is nothing to discuss."

" , Everyone is waiting for the final battle?" I asked, looking at everyone present. All the people present who heard my question were nodded together. Seeing that everyone thinks so, I can only do so temporarily. "Then let's do this first. Everyone is in charge of an area, and I will lead people to be the general reserve team. Whenever there is a problem, I will be responsible for extinguishing the fire. While Buddhism hasn't started the general attack, please go offline and rest for a while. Buddhism should not enter the final attack state within three hours."

After nodded, everyone went offline, but I quickly ran to the edge of the huge cover on the periphery of the battlefield and activated the teleportation skill. The attributes of this cover are strange. Although the teleportation will be blocked when you are far away from it, you can easily pass through the cover as long as your starting point and the target point are not far away. So I stood on the inside of the protective cover and pressed against the cover to initiate the transmission, and set the target on the outside of the cover close to the cover. After the teleportation, I immediately dragged a mechanical angel out of the Phoenix Dragon Space. My Familiar is not around now, so I have to take this thing for transportation. At any rate, they also have four jet engines, and the speed is still very good. Hanging on the back of the mechanical angel and flying across the border between China and India, I immediately retracted the mechanical angel and teleported it back to Isengard. The damn big cover of Buddhism also covers the transnational Transmission Formation of Contract City. Without transnational Transmission Formation, I would have to enter the border of China to transmit to Isengard, otherwise it would only be between the transmission points within India. Pass back and forth. After coming out of Isinger’s Transmission Formation, I teleported to the Celestial Court non-stop, and then rushed all the way to find the Jade Emperor.

I, Jade Emperor, who saw me panting in the great hall, stood up in surprise. "Why did you come back at this time? Could it be...?"

"no no no, don't get me wrong, Contract City is okay." After thinking about it, he added: "At least it's okay for the time being."< /p>

"Then are you...?"

"That's it." I quickly explained: "Now there is only the deadline..." I looked at the time. "Twenty-three hours and four 13 points. That's right, only twenty-three hours and four 13 points are left. Therefore, Buddhism will inevitably launch a crazy attack in the next time."

"So What?" Supreme Taoist, who was standing by, asked.

"So if you can support me, don’t hide and tuck it. If you don’t take it out, there may be no chance." Seeing that Jade Emperor wanted to talk, I hurriedly said, "Don’t worry. , I have something to tell you before then. The first is that the outer city wall of Contract City has been breached. Now my people are fighting Buddhism, but they are still barely able to withstand it. The second is that we are in our city. I made a cover on it, now long-distance transmission is prohibited, and even communication is blocked."

"No wonder you haven't sent people back for so long to inform us of the latest situation."

"Yes. That thing seriously affected our communication with Celestial Court, so I hope you guys better lend me something to burst that damn bubble. Finally, because of the last time The limit is coming soon, so I have to be prepared to fight with Buddhism. But the problem now is that all my pets are being held back by the seven ancient Buddhas of Buddhism. I am afraid that when the time comes alone, I can’t figure it out. There are many enemies, so you have to find a way to let me save my pet."

"What? Can your pet hold the seven ancient Buddhas of Buddhism?"

"Speaking of which is more complicated." I pointed to the upper part: "First of all, the upper person I knew helped me make an ancient Buddha."

"What? You Say that High God Mother of the Earth directly killed an ancient Buddha?" Jade Emperor almost didn't jump up directly.

"It's basically like this." I nodded admitted: "Although the mother of the earth acted as if she was punishing the ancient Buddha who despised her, I know that she was actually pulling away. Frame it for me to help."

"That that...?" Supreme Taoist ran directly in front of me and asked a little excitedly: "Did you see her take action at the time? What was the situation? Is it a very huge attack skill? What kind of skill is strong enough to easily kill an ancient Buddha?"

"Eh...In fact, I don't know what skill she used, I I only heard that she said to punish that guy, and then without any changes in the environment, that guy suddenly began to slowly transform into a pile of mud."

"What? That ancient Buddha was beaten into mud?" "

"It's either muddy or literally. It's mud. It's the kind of mud that's everywhere on the ground, just like people made of clay are blistered by water. "

"You didn't feel any mana fluctuations at the time?" Supreme Taoist asked eagerly.

I shook the head. "No, High God usually has no mana fluctuations. In addition, it doesn't seem to be the time to discuss this, right?" Supreme Taoist realized that he had lost self-control at this time and quickly apologized. I didn't be true to him either. After all, people apologize because they are of good quality. If I find trouble with them, it is purely a brain-disabled behavior. "I just talked about my familiars. I need their help, but I was entangled by the ancient Buddha."

"We know this." Jade Emperor said, "But even if one is killed Ancient Buddha, six ancient Buddhas can't be handled by your demon, right?"

"Actually, it should be four and a half."

"Huh?" All Divine Immortal Gasped. "Don't tell us that you killed an ancient Buddha yourself?"

"Almost." "Thanks to the Divine Stone you gave, plus those guys who despised my battle strength too much, but I concentrated on my strength and hit one of them severely. That guy was almost cooked by me, and now he has lost his battle strength. Now."

"There should be five more?"

"Because I hurt the hand of the Tathagata, I count them as four and a half."

"You hurt the Tathagata too?"


"It seems we really underestimated you." Supreme Taoist finished. Suddenly said: "Is it wrong or something? Why do you feel that your armor seems...?"

"Oh, you said this?" I directly displayed the attributes of the Divine Dragon suit come out. "This was strengthened by Empress Nuwa not long ago. She integrated the Divine Weapon Sifang Zun into my magic dragon suit, and then upgraded the magic dragon suit to a Divine Dragon suit. The attributes are basically no The key to change is that there are two more combination attributes, which are the last two."

"Tushen? Divine Dragon Transformation?" Erlang Shen shouted with an enviable expression: "Are you talking to some Is a High God related? You can run into this kind of thing?"

"It’s not that I’m related to High God, but that my enemy has an enemy relationship with High God. At that time there was a The unopened guy offended Empress Nuwa, and then Empress borrowed my hand to kill that guy. This set of things is basically Empress’s reward for letting me help. Of course, I admit that I have a big advantage."

"More than just the advantage? You just made a profit." Erlang Shen said very excitedly: "Look at this attribute. Divine force resists, and also comes with 100% full attribute enhancement for Divine Race. How many Divine Races have done you in the future? Don’t mention anything else, as long as you bring all the familiars, there will never be more than ten in Celestial Court that can stabilize your head."

"Don't be so exaggerated, at least now among the people here, I can find three or four stabilizers. But you are talking about my pets, what should I do? Even if I now have Divine Race An attribute that is completely restrained, but it is also impossible to directly conflict with four or five ancient Buddhas?"

"This...let us think about it a little bit." Supreme Taoist stroked his beard and said, "Gu The Buddha is different from the ordinary Divine Race. The battle strength is very strong. Although according to our information, what you encounter is actually the main body after they separated multiple Avatars, but it is still not an existence that can be easily defeated. But with you now As long as you can find the corresponding method, it’s not too difficult. First of all, I think that since your familiars can be entangled with them without being killed directly, it means that you still have the strength to fight. Then, if you Now if I return and not be discovered, can I kill one or two of them directly after a sneak attack?"

"Sneak attack? How to sneak attack?"

"This... let's think about it again. "Supreme Taoist started to circle there again, but this time he stopped quickly. "Ah, I thought of it. "Supreme Taoist suddenly recruited his Dao Child, and then told him, Dao Child took a black gauze and ran back.

"This shouldn’t be an invisibility cloak, right? ? "Looking at the robe-like gauze, I asked tentatively.

"Yes, this is an invisibility robe, but it's a one-off. "Supreme Taoist handed me the clothes and said: "After wearing it, you will enter a completely invisible state, whether it is mana fluctuations, smells or other characteristics, anyway, as long as it can expose your position, it can help you hide it. Even if you wear it and juggling in front of the Tathagata, you will not find your presence. "

"So strong? "

"Yes, it is so strong. No matter how high the opponent's mana is, or mastering any detection skills, unless it is High God, no one can find you invisible. But this baby is also flawed, as long as you launch an attack, it will immediately fail, and it will never be able to recover. "

"This is the so-called one-time treasure? "

"Yes. This is a defective product that I accidentally completed when refining treasures. Originally, I wanted to make an invisibility cloak that could be used indefinitely. Unfortunately, I always failed, and I could get this level at best. "

I nodded took this gauze and put it away carefully. "Then I should be able to kill or severely injure an ancient Buddha with this thing, but what should I do with the remaining three and a half?" "

"I don't think you need to kill them all, right? "Erlang Shen said: "Ancient Buddha is still an ancient Buddha after all. You alone can't beat them anyway, so I think you can hurt them as long as you can. At worst, just run away with the pet, anyway. Those ancient Buddhas are impossible to chase to Contract City. "

"That said. Then I don't need to assassinate the ancient Buddha. I went directly to the scene and took all my demons back in an instant, and then just ran away. Anyway, this invisibility cloak is a type that will not be exposed without attacking. It should be fine if I just reclaim the familiar? "

"Yes, this is a good way. "Supreme Taoist also agreed: "Even if you have my invisible treasure, it is still too dangerous for you to assassinate the ancient Buddha. You still need you in the next battle, so it's best if you don't risk it." "

"Okay, then I will try to be careful. By the way, how are the Avatars of Buddhism now? "

"Reluctantly, as long as you can circle the Great Thunder Sound Temple into my Chinese territory on time, we can keep these Avatars. "

"That's good. But what are you going to do with the cover over our city? "

"Use this. "A female fairy whose name I can't name directly threw a hairpin. "I added magic breaking ability on it. You just need to poke on the cover to break it, and then you throw the hairpin at In the air, it will return to my hands by itself. "

"That's many thanks. "In fact, I want to occupy this thing. After all, this thing is simply a protective cover nemesis. It is a pity that they have added an automatic recycling function. I also robbed it, so I can only borrow it! I put away the hairpin and I said to the Jade Emperor. : "If there is anything else you can support, please give it to me as soon as possible? I'll go back and try my best in a while, success or failure will depend on this. "

"You let us discuss it first. "The Jade Emperor immediately gathered all the Divine Immortal together and started whispering. In fact, Celestial Court is also very contradictory now. My behavior has always been habit of only being able to get in, so now only the things that support me are It’s like giving away for nothing, but if I don’t support me, if I really didn’t stop the last madness of Buddhism, they are the ones who are unlucky in the end, but if they support too much, they will still suffer a lot from investing too much. So now the Celestial Court gang of Divine Immortal is just right here to discuss how much to invest. It will not cause the city to be captured and will not lose too many treasures. After discussing for almost half an hour, the Celestial Court finally dispersed under my urging. Then a few Divine Immortal turned and left the great hall, and soon came back with a few small boxes. "Well, we can only support you so much. I hope you can block the final attack of Buddhism! "

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