"Let’s keep it like this for now! If it doesn’t work, I will call you back." After thinking about it for a long time, I finally decided to let them not come back. Anyway, they all have teleporters. They can be pulled back in an instant.

After the decision was made, I went back to the outside city wall. Now a large number of Buddhism troops have gathered under the city. The reason why they did not attack the City Lord is because the Peacock Hades has not yet returned, so the army warrior is still I don't know whether to attack the city or not. After all, if there is no high-end martial power, even if the soldiers below enter the city, it will be useless. Our Frost Rose League is not an ordinary small guild, even Buddhism does not mean that we can deal with us as ordinary goods. Anyway, the Peacock Pluto is actually ours now, as long as she uses various excuses to delay the time of the army's siege, it is a profit for us, anyway, we are not in a hurry.

I don’t know what method the Peacock Pluto used. I was shocked to drag the army under the city until more than ten o’clock in the night before it started to move. It was less than ten minutes after the army started to move. Peacock Pluto and Xinghuo appeared together in the city of contract. Seeing the two of them, I was taken aback for a moment, and then I understood what was going on.


The Peacock Pluto is nodded. "I have tried my best to help you buy time. It is a miracle to be able to drag it until now."

"Then what's the matter with you?" I looked towards Xinghuo curiously.

"I have been ordered to hunt down the Buddhism traitor Peacock Pluto."

Everyone who was present at Xinghuo's words laughed. "That's a coincidence!"

"It's a coincidence." Star Fire Dao: "Now I can have a legitimate reason not to participate in the battle of Buddhism, but if you need a peacock or me, then this I can’t keep the news anymore."

"no no no, you two don’t need to show up for the time being." I said looked towards Xing Fire Dao: "Your Guanshiyin's identity is still big Yes, since you are planning to betray Buddhism, then this identity is useless. Why don't you use it at the end?"

"What are you doing?" Spark instinctively shrank back.

"Do you think it is possible to help us get some Buddhism things in your own capacity?"

"Buddhism things?" After all, Xinghuo just joined our guild. I'm not used to the locust-like robber style of our guild.

Looking at her dazed look, I reminded me: "Relic, high level skills, Divine Force Fruit are real, in short, what is precious and what to get."

When I heard my words, Spark It doesn't mean anything disgusting. After all, Buddhism is very benevolent to the outside world, but in fact they are not a benevolent force. Compared with Celestial Court and their native Hinduism, Buddhism is already quite dark. Besides, although Xinghuo has the name of Guanshiyin on her head, she is indeed an authentic and authentic Primordial Spirit clan, which has nothing to do with Buddhism. "If you really want something valuable, I suggest you go somewhere with me."

"You mean now?" I asked in surprise.

Spark is nodded. "Once the war is over, it will be meaningless. Buddhism will not stay in that kind of place. Once they know what to do for them, they will definitely destroy it first, and they may be able to get some benefits before they go now." /p>

After a little thought, I asked again: "How long do you think it will take us to come back?"

"This kind of thing depends on suddenness and waits for them to react. It doesn't make sense, so it will only take a few hours at most. No matter how long it is, when the reinforcements arrive, there will be nothing."

I am nodded when Xinghuo says that. "Now these all are miscellaneous soldiers outside the city. I don't need me here for a short time. Even if it doesn't work anymore, Vina will hold on here. There will be no problem for a while. I'll run with you first. Let’s take a trip! I hope what you are talking about really has that value."

"Don’t worry. My vision is not too low."

Guaranteed in Xinghuo We finally left the city of contract and flew towards the interior of India, and there was one more person in our team, that is, the Peacock Pluto. Now Xinghuo’s task is to hunt down the Peacock Pluto. If she runs to the secret treasure cave of Buddhism alone, it will be difficult to explain, but if the Peacock Pluto ran away first, and Xinghuo would “chase and kill” Pluto all the way, then There is no problem.

After flying with Xinghuo and the Peacock Pluto for dozens of minutes, we arrived near a hill in the forest. To say that this place is definitely a good place to hide things, because from the sky, this place really has no characteristics at all. A very inconspicuous small hill stands in a forest that is not too big or very small, and it has no special features at all. Had it not been for Peacock Pluto and Starfire to bring me down, maybe I would fly over.

After landing, we started to act according to the method planned in advance. The Peacock Pluto sneaked into the treasure vault by himself and deliberately triggered an alarm to attract the guard to chase her, and the guard planned to send someone to go. When I was reporting the letter, Xinghuo happened to appear in a timely manner near the cave with a disguised me and blocked the messenger who was about to leave. Because seeing a great god like Guan Shiyin appeared, the guards of the treasure house naturally didn't worry. After Xinghuo gave the order of the Buddha to chase the defected Peacock Pluto and let the Buddhism units assist, the guards of the treasure house became more relaxed, and then the two of us naturally entered this treasure house that would never enter according to normal procedures. .

Led by the guard, we quickly entered the mountain. The entrance to this cave has only one gate, and inside is a long passage, and there are many branches on both sides of the passage. According to Xinghuo's introduction, those branches all lead to the guarded residential area. After another gate at the end of the passage, we entered a cave as big as an indoor gymnasium, but the environment of this cave surprised me.

The cave itself is nothing special, but in the center of the cave there is a huge pool of more than 20 meters in diameter, but the pool is not filled with water, but a golden liquid. Although this liquid is not calm in the pool, it keeps turning over bubbles. Judging from the waves on the liquid surface, the viscosity of the liquid is very high, and it seems that the temperature is not low, and heat waves can be felt from a long distance away.

Seeing that my eyes have been focused on the pool, the spark was introduced: "This is the social morality pool."

"The social morality pool? You mean you can get the Indestructible Golden Body by just taking a dip. The public morality pool of Xinghuo?"

Xinghuo was nodded, and when he saw me, he reminded him in a low voice, "Be careful, your saliva is about to come down. This thing is too big to move, so don’t I'm greedy!"


"Shh, I'll talk later, the guy in front is the head here." Hearing Xinghuo's reminder, I quickly put away the greedy Pretending to look serious, he greeted the guy who was walking in front of him.

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