"Why is it Monster Race?" Zizhu Fairy asked shockedly.

"Because I am more suitable for Monster Race in terms of identity."

"It is more suitable for Monster Race?" Zizhu Fairy repeated it again and the audience reacted. "Aren't you...?"

We haven’t finished our words yet, the Guanyin on the crystal communicator’s screen has begun to transform rapidly, and the appearance that originally carries a sense of peace and tranquility is quickly transformed, and at the same time, His white robe is also disappearing quickly. A few seconds later, in the dull gazes of all of us, Guan Shiyin, who has always been regarded as the representative of gentleness and kindness, turned into a coquettish-looking female demon with two horns growing on the head, and her costume on her back. It also changed from the previous white robe to a set of exaggerated black and red armor. The mutton-fat jade-necked bottle originally held in the hand was somehow turned into a long sword with two black handles and red blades.

"Is this your true face?"

The female devil in the picture is nodded. "My real name is ξφε?ΞηΘΨ."


"This is our language, and it should be translated as'the most beautiful flame'. In addition, I am not actually a Demon Race, and Gao Tianyuan simply does not have the Archfiend race."

"What kind of race are you?"

"I am a clan of imperial ghosts ."

"Emperor ghost?"

"Yes. It is a branch of Ghost Dao, and its appearance is very similar to Western Archfiend. Some people once suspected that we belong to the demons. Descendants."

"It sounds like it's possible." I looked at the restored Guan Shiyin and said, "speaking of which your body now looks very much like Archfiend, but it doesn't matter. I just I really want to know why you think you are suitable to join Monster Race?"

"Can't my identity explain the problem?"

"You can be classified into Monster Race because you So I plan to join Monster Race?"

"What are you talking about?" Shui Xu heard that I meant to rob people, and quickly came forward to stop it. "I didn't take you to dig a corner like this. I said before that everyone depends on their ability. People want to join us in Monster Race. Of course, she did it according to her own wishes. Are you still planning to force people to fail?"

"What does it mean that people are planning to join Monster Race?" I quickly retorted when I heard this: "Although Guanyin..." I suddenly stopped here. "Well, what should we call you now? Although your name is translated smoothly, it sounds too long, right?"

"You can call me Xinghuo directly."

"Xinghuo? This name is terse." After asking the name, I turned to Shui Xu and said: "Xinghuo just hasn't figured out the situation yet, besides, she hasn't decided which party she wants to join? You are so Attack me for no reason, but beware of my madness?"

"Are you threatening me?"

"How can I threaten you?"

"That's right!" Rose also came up to help: "Purple Moon, how can you threaten you, obviously you are talking bad about us."

After Rose suddenly interjected, the people in our guild immediately Initiate crowded tactics, and now this kind of verbal battle cannot be won by martial power, and more people will naturally take advantage. But Monster Race only came to Shuixu. A large group of people who lived on our side besieged everyone talking at once, and they were said to lose their temper in an instant.

While they entangled Shui Xu, I quickly introduced Guan Shiyin, which is now Xinghuo,: "If you don't dislike it, I actually think you should join our guild."


I stretched out three fingers. "First. From the attribute point of view, you are not suitable for Monster Race but for our guild. As everyone knows, our guild has always been developed in a dark attribute-based way, and your race is not the representative of the dark race Archfiend. , At least in line with our attribute characteristics. Although Demon is also biased towards dark attributes, our country’s Demon strictly speaking practices Taoism, which is not in line with your spell system. So what you said before is suitable for Monster Race. No. Second. Monster Race’s ruling system was established earlier than our guild, and the internal staffing has been perfected for a long, long time, which means that it is very difficult for you, an outsider who suddenly joined, to integrate into it. Now you In Buddhism, it is rejected in disguise, and it may not be much better at Monster Race. On the contrary, our guild itself is a fusion-type development force. You should know a lot about us in your current identity, and you must know our guild. Features. Compatibility and inclusion is our consistent development policy. No matter what the original background is, we can play well here. Moreover, the biggest feature of our guild’s Guardian God Race chaos and order Divine Race is that it can eliminate attribute resistance, so No matter what abilities you learned before, you can fully use it with us. As for the third point... this is the most important and least important. Don’t you want to take back your Avatar? By the way, get to know the one who is obsessed with you. Admirer of Xinghuo?"

Singhuo's face turned red when I said this. The NPC Great Commander of our guild, which is Vina’s younger brother, Vader, was married to the Buddhism Guanshiyin Avatar. According to what we know now, what happened to Avatar is actually known to the body. That is to say, the Avatar of Xinghuo and the one after Vinda should all know the real body here, but this time, Buddhism is reclaiming the Avatar. There was a special case at the time, that is, the Guanyin Avatar of our guild was not forced to merge like her companions. If we can't see anything for such an obvious thing, then we should buy a piece of tofu and hit it to death.

"Does he know?" Although Xinghuo's words were strange, they made us in the guild shine at the same time.

I nodded and said: "We and Buddhism have reached this point. How could he not know that he is the military commander of the guild?"

"He said What am I?"

"It's better to ask him yourself."

The spark sank for a while, and then suddenly said: "If he doesn't blame me, then I will Join you."

Hmph, since you have said that, even if that kid really blames you, we will beat him until he doesn't blame you. Of course, this is our voice just now, impossible for Xinghuo to hear.

Because of Vinda's relationship, we finally pulled Guanyin, which is now Xinghuo, into our guild. Shui Xu kept nagging about this, saying that we were scornful and even used beautiful men's tactics, but he said it belonged to him, we didn't care. Relatively speaking, Zizhu Fairy has no opinion. Guanyin didn't choose them before coming. Secondly, the attribute of Guanyin did not match Celestial Court, so she didn't fight with us.

After completing the verbal agreement, Xinghuo and Peacock Pluto finally decided to stay in Buddhism first, so that they can guarantee the suddenness when they leave, and secondly, they can help us continue to dig people. Originally, we should have raised our hands in favor of this, but now the outside of Contract City has been surrounded by the Buddhist army like an iron barrel, and we don't know if we can survive this if we don't let them come back. "It's really difficult!"

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