"Men Brahma, I will take over for the time being here. You will immediately gather people to gather here."

"Sorry Guanyin, the order I received is Except for four of the seven ancient Buddhas who arrived at the same time, no one would accept any dispatch."

When Xinghuo heard this, he immediately became angry and gave the warrant in his hand to that guy. "You can be optimistic. This is the chase assistance order issued by Buddhism. Now the defected Peacock Pluto is here. You must obey my dispatch."

"Please forgive me for not complying."< /p>

"Why? I have a warrant issued by Dainichi Tathagata himself?"

"The order I received is like this. What you got is only a warrant from Dainichi Tathagata alone. , There are no more than three people, even if it’s the big day Tathagata coming in person."

"Okay, you are fine." Xinghuo's whole body trembling, pointed at the guy’s nose and cursed: "You just wait. I'll go back and ask you to guard the Netherworld River!"

"If it is decided by the Hundreds of People's Congress, then I will do it myself."

This guy who doesn't get in can Xinghuo was completely mad, but Xinghuo had played the role of Guanshiyin for so long, and she was still very good at raising her qi, and soon she hardened her qi. But when she turned around and was about to leave, my head suddenly heard her sound transmission. "It's inconvenient for me to take action. Go and kill him, and I will help you suppress his divine force."

"The arrogant son, dare to despise the divine might of the great day Tathagata, today I am purple... …Purple Gold War God will let you know what divine might be like prison.” Accidentally almost reported my name, but my reaction was quickly suppressed. After I said this scene, I immediately jumped out from the side of the Star Fire God. The guy on the opposite side didn’t expect my little entourage to take the initiative, and immediately lifted the Vedic Staff in his hand. Get up and prepare to fight with me.

Anyway, I have already planned to kill the opponent, so I don't need to keep my hand at all. Once I came up, I poured the magic into eternity so that it entered the law mode. Since the last time I absorbed the blood of Divine Race, the eternal has gained the law ability. As long as you inject magic into it, you can get the Law Power that cuts everything. To put it simply, everything is cut open. As long as my magic power is enough, there will be no What it keeps on. After injecting the magic power into eternity, I rushed to the front of Mun Brah in an instant, followed by swinging the sword horizontally, and the next second we two passed by and landed on each other.

Ding! With a cry, I suddenly thought that the Vedo staff in the hands of the back door Brahma suddenly broke in two. The half of the staff on the top fell to the ground and rolled out a long way. After that, the door brahma's own armor also suddenly Oh la la all fell apart with a sound. The surrounding Buddhism staff were all stupid there, and I don't know why their boss suddenly freezes. It took two or three seconds for Menbra to speak with difficulty, "Put...put that thing out!" As soon as he finished speaking, his hands, wrists, shoulder joints, cervical vertebrae, lumbar vertebrae, hip joints, and knee joints suddenly started at the same time. The blood spurted outwards, and the whole person suddenly dispersed like a doll, and the whole person was divided into eleven parts and rolled all over the floor.

I didn't recover from the attacking posture until the guy fell to the ground. I played a sword and pointed at the buddhism nearby. "Who else wants to try?"

"You...you dare to kill Death Gate Bharat?" A guy with a strange crown on his head suddenly called. "You lunatic, you must die here. Unblock the ban!" After the guy shouted, the people around suddenly ran out to all directions like a bombed nest, no matter how strong I am After all, there is only one person. I can't chase after so many people running separately, right? Even if I have a lot of Familiars, there are so many Divine Races here. Seeing me turning my eyes for help, Xinghuo shook the head helplessly: "I don't know what they are talking about, but now that this is the case, let's go directly to the treasure house!"

I nodded. Qi Eternal intends to go to the treasure house with Xinghuo first. Who knows that just after two steps, I suddenly heard a loud noise as if a space shuttle started in my ears. The powerful shock wave accompanied the terrifying sound and the whole passage was shaking. It shook violently, and Xinghuo and I had to support each other to ensure that they did not fall to the ground.

"What is that?" I asked as soon as the voice stopped. The roar that was obviously something just now. It is definitely not an ordinary person who can make such a big movement. At least I have never seen anything with such a terrifying sound except for the puppy that I have seen in the United States with a sound comparable to the Tyrant Dragon. Azure Dragon and White Tiger may also be able to make a bigger move than this, but I haven't heard of it after all.

Xinghuo shook his head when I asked. "I don't know!"

"It seems that you are a squeezed existence in Buddhism. This thing should be the last insurance here. It is reasonable to not tell you."

"Then what shall we do now? Leave or move on?"

"I won't give up when I'm here. Besides, aren't you still there? Don't you even beat a monster? Is it?"

"It depends on what it is. The various Divine Race forces will have some old fart. Some of them will be wild beasts like monsters with no intelligence. Buddhism should also be there. This might be one of them."

When I heard Xinghuo, I immediately thought of Red Ling and Black Qilin. Although Hong Ling has become my favorite, she is the most uncertain one of my favorites, so I try not to summon her in ordinary battles, but according to Vina’s evaluation, Hong Ling’s direct battle strength At least it is the main Divine Grade, which means she can at least draw a tie with an existence like Anubis or Ditans if no accidents occur. As for the black Qilin, if that guy can be used to block the entrance of the Eighteen Levels of Hell, you can imagine how strong he is. Anyway, as far as I know, any one of the four Sacred Beasts alone has no chance of winning more than 100 points. Of fifty. Both of them can be regarded as the hidden old fart of Celestial Court. Since Buddhism has a similar background to Celestial Court, Buddhism should not lack this kind of basically uncontrolled old fart.

"It seems that I need to reconsider it!"

"Anyway, let’s see the situation first." Xinghuo suggested: "Even if it’s super strong Since Buddhism dared to release it, it will inevitably put certain restrictions on it. I don’t think it will be too strong to be invincible."

"en! Let’s take a look and talk about it. Come on!"

We passed through the passage and entered the interior of the mountain smoothly, but we didn’t run into anything along the way, let alone monsters, even the buddhism guards didn’t know where to go. Now, the entire treasure vault has almost become a ghost town.

"The front door is the treasure house." Xinghuo pointed to a huge stone gate in front and said: "I have been with Tathagata once before. Behind this door is the important treasure of Buddhism."< /p>

"Why is the door open?" I asked, looking at the concealed door in confusion.

Before Xinghuo had time to answer, he suddenly heard a dizzy roar, and then listened to a loud explosion sound. The door of the treasure house was knocked out of a big hole, and a humanoid object flew from inside. He came out and flew past us and hit the back wall before stopping.

"Peacock Pluto?" After the smoke disappeared, I looked at the person who fell from the wall in surprise, and then I instantly realized the problem, and quickly turned my head and looked at the road that was already on the verge The door of collapse. Just listening to a loud explosion sound, the door that was already about to fall was suddenly lifted out by a huge force. Xinghuo stepped across a distance of several meters and appeared in front of me, reaching out and casting a light curtain to smash the stone gate, and I quickly ran to help the Peacock Pluto up. "How did you make it like this?"

"cough cough cough..." The Peacock Pluto coughed first, and then explained: "I was looking for something useful in the treasure house, and suddenly I found something in the treasure house. The environment changed, the entire treasure house was instantly transferred to other places, and then suddenly there was a monster in the empty treasure house. I wanted to kill that guy, but who knew that thing was so powerful? It’s ridiculous, I’m not an opponent at all."

"What the hell is so strong?"

"It’s the ghost!" The Peacock Pluto pointed forward when he finished speaking. The smoke and dust in front had completely dispersed, and an evil spirit came out from the gate. This thing has a roughly human-shaped structure, but its legs are closer to a werewolf, and it has one more anti-joint than a human. Its skin is red, and its surface is still burning with orange red flames. There were a row of sharp barbs on the outside of his strong arms, and ten sharp claws on the huge claws looked at least two feet long. The hideous head had a face that resembled a skull, but in the sunken eye sockets there were a pair of orange-yellow and severely convex eyeballs, which looked extremely terrifying and hideous. There are two huge horns on the monster's head, which look very huge and strong, and there is a huge bump on each of the monster's shoulders, which looks strange. Finally, I have to say that in addition to the strange length of this thing, the volume is also really not small. Although it is not able to stand up completely due to the limitations of the cave, from the physical point of view, if this guy really stands up, there will be at least two The height of more than ten meters, although not comparable to some super creatures, is definitely a big guy.

"This thing doesn't seem to belong to Ghost Clan." Xinghuo reminded after seeing the thing in its true colors.

"Of course I know, but I think we should run now."

"Why?" Xinghuo asked, holding up a ball of light.

The Peacock Pluto helped me stand up and said, "If I were you, I won’t throw it out. I tried to attack that thing just now, but it ate my attack. This The thing was only half its current size when it first appeared. After eating my spell, it became so big, and I feel that the lost divine force has not been replenished."

"You mean this thing can Permanently devour divine force and grow oneself?" Xinghuo and I simultaneously focused our surprised eyes on the Peacock Pluto.

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