"Damn, who is so fierce? He rushed to the city wall so quickly?"

"I don't know, it's a woman."

< p>"Women?" India is similar to Japan. Women’s status is extremely low. Female players are rarely seen. However, the harder the shell of the bomb, the greater the formidable power. In a depressed country, once there are outstanding female players, it is bound to be a very good existence. The existence of this truth has been verified many times in Japan, and didn't expect encountered it again in India!

When I rushed to the City Wall section, the scene was basically out of control. That woman is indeed very difficult to deal with. The dozens of corpses on the ground are proof, but after all, she is just a city wall that was rushed on by herself, and she lacks follow-up troops to supplement her. Moreover, she still doesn’t know how to control her. Attracted from the edge of the city wall and moved to the inner side of the city wall. The battle formation of our guild has been completely closed on the city wall behind her, which means that it is the same for the Buddhism people outside if this woman rushes to the city wall, because she is already not in the city wall. Interfere with our normal defense. This has to be said to be the sadness of the Indians. Women are suppressed too much. Many things that are common sense in other countries have become profound knowledge in the hands of women here. This woman is the most obvious manifestation. Although she possesses extraordinary battle strength, she does not have the corresponding knowledge. Otherwise, she would just block the city wall to clear a clearing, and wait for the follow-up troops to attack, and then lead the people all the way forward. Chongtie will be able to open a gap from here, but it's too late to say anything, and my arrival means she is hopeless. It's not that her battle strength is not good, but the gap is too big. I used to take advantage of the conflict between Celestial Court and Buddhism. With a divine force bead to suppress the divine force, I rose to 18Level 34. You must know that now the world’s ranked second players are only in their early one thousand, even one thousand one. No, it's too far from my level. If you want to say that some geniuses are more than 200 levels to get players who are higher than their own level, I believe that even if they are more than 300 levels, it cannot be said that it is absolutely impossible, but it is simply a fantasy story to surpass the seven or eight hundred levels.

"Let me come." With my voice, all the people nearby turned over and gave the woman to me. After seeing me, the woman immediately recognized me. After all, she was fighting with our guild this time. Even if she hadn't heard of me before, she would temporarily rush to learn some basic common sense.

"Are you on Purple Moon?"

I am nodded. "You are very strong, but..."

The woman suddenly stretched out a hand before I finished speaking and stopped me from continuing. "I didn't come to fight with you."

"Damn, Buddhism is overwhelmed. Tell me you are not here to fight? What are you here for?"

"I'm recommending myself."

"I'm recommending myself?" My chin almost didn't fall off. "You mean you are here to apply to join us?"

The woman nodded confirmed my question, and then I pointed to a nearby corpse. She immediately realized what I meant, don’t wait for me When asked, she explained: "They are my self-recommendation letter. I heard people say that the Frost Rose Alliance only accepts elites, so I chose to directly kill the city wall in the magnificent army with thousands of men and horses to prove that I am true. I am qualified to join you."

The player next to me couldn't help shaking his head and said: "A genius is really a genius, and his thinking is so fucking different from normal people! Our people come to the front and she deserves to be accepted by us. It's really an abnormal brain!"

I reached out and stopped the players around me and asked instead: "Do you know that we are fighting Buddhism now?"

That woman is nodded. "But I am not a member of Buddhism, and the people who came to Buddhism this time are not all Buddhism, and many of them are mercenaries. The people you sent to attack the high level Buddhas should have mixed in like this, right? It’s the same."

Although this woman is a little believe oneself infallible, I won’t tell her how our spies got involved in Buddhism. Anyway, even if she actually joined us, she didn’t. It is necessary to tell her everything.

"Since you want to join us first, then based on the principle of maximizing the benefits, I will naturally not refuse your request, but your assessment is not that simple. After all, you broke into our The practice of city defense is really too radical. You know, geniuses are sometimes only a fine line from mental disorder, and your behavior is really..."

"To put it simply, you want to continue to investigate me. That's it." The woman was simply. "Come on, what do you want me to do?"

I pointed outside the city. "Now the battle is going on. I can’t believe you just because you want to join me suddenly? So before the battle is over, you go to the buddhism team and do some sabotage? I don’t want you to kill the enemy in the front, I hope you go to the back to sabotage Buddhism. It’s better to destroy the Transmission Formation or medical facilities, or kill more medical staff."

"It's easy." The woman turned around and rushed past us. The city wall line of defense jumped down again, and all of us looked at her in a daze. To be honest, this woman is really very abnormal, at least if it was me, she would never recommend it from me in such a strange way. She even helped us kill a few buddhism elites!

After this woman left, our line of defense returned to its normal state, and the battle began to enter the most tragic and boring stage. Siege and defense are actually the same, except that one party wants to enter the city and the other party does not want people from outside to come in. Before getting close to the city wall, there are tricks that can be used. I really wait until people rush to the bottom of the city wall. The rest is a contest between blood and fire. That is to take human lives in the pile, whoever can't stand it first will go out directly, and the rest will be the winner.

Me and Hong Yue were sitting on the tower and watching the battle below. It is not yet time for us to intervene, and the buddhism bigwigs obviously have no plans to join the battle as soon as they come up. I guess they don’t want to spend their limited expertise in confrontation with urban defense weapons. After all, our guild’s large magic crystal weapons are no longer formidable power than the direct formidable power of the gods and Buddhas. Some weapons even have nearly The effects of weapons of mass destruction, such as the super-urban destruction cannon under Isengard, are a good example. Although every shot of that thing can make me and Rose meat painful for a while, but in any case, they are real map-level weapons, and their attack range can be directly drawn on the map of the grand competition example, let alone Buddhism. Expert, even if the Tathagata comes in person, he can withstand one or two full-power transmissions at most, and he can't stand it any more. You must know that "Zero" is an economic bomb. Its design purpose is to attract funds. Therefore, all weapons that need to spend money in "Zero" have huge formidable power. This is linked to the design goal of "Zero". , Belongs to the low-level command.

The fierce battle lasted until five o'clock in the morning of the second day, before the Buddhism offensive was never interrupted. The first batch of Buddhism soldiers who participated in the war before have all become rotten meat under the city wall, and the troops who are now siege are actually newly joined forces. Because the guild named by Buddhism was formed by our spies, we can know in advance no matter who Buddhism sends. Because we know their expert trends, we can block these experts in a targeted manner. As a result, every time Buddhism mixes experts with the crowd in an attempt to fix a breakthrough, it is blocked.

After many consecutive failures, Buddhism seems to have realized that it’s impossible to fight with us like this. Their staff is not endless, but ours is almost endless, because we are after all a player’s guild. . Unlike Divine Race’s own participation in the battle, although the player’s guild purchases NPC mercenaries from the Divine Race forces, it is actually just a sales model given by the system, not to say that Divine Race really has so many soldiers. It seems that as long as we have money, we can buy an infinite number of troops from Celestial Court, but Celestial Court itself is actually limited in the number of troops that can be mobilized. Otherwise, the Divine Race force itself has such a strong battle strength and an unlimited number of troops, then How can we defeat them? More ants can kill elephants, and it’s no surprise that more Divine Race will kill you.

In order to control casualties, Buddhism had to gradually start to improve the quality of personnel participating in the war. Although great gods like Tathagata and Guanyin could not bypass the rules and directly participate in the war, Buddhism except for the two of them There are still many experts.

"Be careful." We were standing on the tower supervising the entire battlefield, and suddenly we heard a shout. A player flew up and threw me and Rose to the ground, and then listened to the boom. With a sound, the roof of the entire tower was lifted off.

"Damn, what was it just now?" The eagle jumped up from the ground looking for the culprit who attacked us.

"There." The member who pressed Rose and me down pointed in one direction and yelled. The reason why he was able to knock us down in advance was because he saw him before the opponent attacked.

"Which target is it?" I turned back and asked. Rose and Hong Yue are getting together and desperately looking through the information. Buddhism We will get an attribute notice in advance for all the notable individuals who participated in the war. This guy was able to blow up half of the tower in a single blow from the city wall. His strength is definitely not ordinary shrimp soldiers. and crab generals. Such a great character must have his presence in the attributes we get.

"This is it." Suddenly, the rose took a piece from a pile of materials and handed it to me.

I took the information and looked at it, but I was taken aback by the name on the title. "Yaksha King?"

They were also shocked when they heard the name Eagle, and they hurriedly came over and looked at it. While looking at the information, the eagle took a telescope and glanced at the guy outside the city. "Why don't you look at the magical image?"

"The larger image is the main body. , There is a small in the lower left foot, that is his changing form."

The eagle quickly got right again after hearing Rose’s reminder, and then immediately shouted: "Really this guy! It seems we have Trouble! Although Yaksha King is not ranked high in Buddhism, it is because his Buddha power is not high. In terms of battle strength alone, this guy can rank in the top 50!" Hearing the introduction of the eagle, all the people around him fell down. Take a breath. What is the concept of Buddhism battle strength in the first fifty?

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