After thinking about the hidden thing, Rose and I immediately decided to use it now, because the ring of cause and effect of Buddhism can only support a few minutes, but Buddhism people are now also It’s only a few minutes away from the city wall. If we wait for them to lose their effect, our cannon will be scrapped. After all, it’s impossible for us to bombard our city, so that thing must be destroyed as soon as possible, and Rose and I thought That thing is our hidden spy.

On the surface, it seems that Buddhism is an NPC power, but Buddhism does not exist without players. Just like the light mages among players are basically members of Light God Palace, Buddhism also has many player members. Exist, and among them there is the spy we arranged in it. There are many players in the battle formation before us, three of whom are our spies. Before going to the battlefield, they were all required to carry a huge concentrated magic crystal bomb with formidable power. This expensive bomb has a formidable power that is basically symmetrical to its price. Although the price is outrageous, the formidable power is also outrageous, as long as The money you spend, even if you want to bomb a city, is nothing more than no effort at all. Of course, we are impossible to bring such a huge might bomb to the spy. The three spies are equipped with miniaturized condensed magic crystal bombs. The formidable power is about equivalent to the formidable power generated by ten magic crystal cannons hitting the same target at the same time, even if it is high level without defense. Divine Race will also be destroyed instantly, and it is normal to be killed if you are unlucky.

Under our order, one of the three spies moved carefully in the battlefield. This is almost impossible in our guild’s army, because the generally speaking army is There will be a neat queue. Impossible allows you to run around in the team alone. But we have to feel the chaotic management of Buddhism, their army is completely a large group of stragglers, as long as you don't run back, no one will care about you even if you run S in formation.

The player acting as a spy approached the high level Buddha of the ring of cause and effect towards the front of the battlefield, and carefully took out the bomb in the storage space and hugged him in his arms. Because it is a bomb used by a spy, this thing has been specially disguised. From the outside, it looks like a huge hammer, but the hammer is actually hollow. The outside is covered with an iron shell. The whole inside is bomb. Holding such a thing in your hand will not be suspected at all. It is normal to take a weapon in a war, and no one cares what you are holding. Even if there are not many people who use hammers in Buddhism, you can't say that they are traitors just because they have a hammer?

Since the distance was not far away, the spy who performed the human flesh bomb mission quickly approached behind the Buddha who cast the spell, but it was still a few meters away from the Buddha. Buddhism's large forces are all following the Buddhas, no one dared to approach them because of the dense energy around them, but this does not hinder our spy, who is here to perform suicide missions anyway. After reaching the front of the crowd, he did not stop at all, and quickly rushed towards the group of Buddhas in front of him. Someone among the Buddhas also noticed the player who rushed in. It was only because the spy player was a professional monk, so the Buddhas didn’t expect this guy to be the enemy for a while, plus Originally, the distance between the front line of the follow-up troops and the few of them was only seven or eight meters, but in the end, he rushed to within three meters before the opponent felt bad. However, since that player can be a spy, he is naturally very clever. Seeing that the other party is about to take action, he threw the bomb in his hand as a hidden weapon without any hesitation. The bomb was taken off and came to the Buddhas in the blink of an eye. Those Buddhas were all Divine Races. It was natural to see a hammer with no magical fluctuations flying at such a slow speed. They naturally did not panic. They all regarded this as the other party's trick to interfere with the line of sight. , So except for the Buddha standing at the back, reaching out to catch the hammer, everyone else didn't even move and was still staring at the spy to see what he was going to do. But what they waited for was not the last move of the monk, but a small sun suddenly lit in front of them. With a bang, the powerful blast wind wrapped in the ultra-high temperature air wave instantly blew all the Buddhas into the air, and the strange Magical Artifact located among them was also lifted off the cart that was placed before. , And that ordinary cart was instantly blasted into a pile of fragments by ultra-high pressure.

With the success of the sneak attack, the golden Sanskrit barrier that wrapped the Buddhist troops collapsed instantly and disappeared into the air. We had stopped firing all kinds of artillery that gathered energy and shells in accordance with our requirements. It started almost at the same moment. The people of Buddhism were knocked to the ground by a dense rain of cannonballs as soon as they discovered that the protective cover above their heads was missing. The terrifying explosion flames stretched from the front of the team all the way to the back, everything that was swept away. Except for the corpses and disabled people in the place, there is no one who can stand. The dense shelling formidable power is too large, even if someone thinks that the personal protective cover can not completely offset such an attack, it only changes from direct death. It's just a serious injury.

"Pretty." Eagle couldn't help clapping his hands and exclaimed: "It is true that the artillery that will be close to one third in the guild has done nothing wrong. This firepower density is directly scared if the general guild sees it. The legs are weak."

Unlike the eagle, the rose at this time is frowned and muttered to herself: "How much money will I have to play in the last few minutes? Every heavy magic crystal cannon A high-grade white magic crystal is needed to fire a cannonball, which is a discount of 200 crystal coins, and a medium-sized magic crystal cannon... God, this round of shelling has hit nearly 10 million crystal coins! More than a billion dollars? My God! I can’t figure it out!"

Listening to Rose’s muttering, I couldn’t help being comforted: "Don’t worry, Celestial Court promised to reimburse 80% of the loss, we ourselves Up to two hundred million can be used up to the sky. After the battle is over, we can still rob Buddhism and subsidize a little bit by the way. This battle will not be lost."

"Halo, hundreds of millions? You said it is light and handy. How can such a big guild not spend money? Are hundreds of millions of dollars so profitable?"

"Okay, OK, if I'm wrong, can't it be done if I don't say it?"


"I didn’t blame you again, I just think it’s too fast to spend money, all the money is spent on it!"

"Modern warfare is about using money to kill the enemy They were all smashed to death, and they had to pile up their lives without spending money." Hong Yue said to me after saying, "But I think what Rose said is still right. Is the fire density set too exaggerated? Do you bomb the square meter? The effective damage range of the Magic Crystal Cannon is up to 50 meters. One shell per square meter is equivalent to at least 2,500 strikes at the same location. Isn’t it an exaggeration?"

"Why are you so exaggerated?" Seeing Hong Yue and Rose want to talk together, I quickly surrendered. "Okay, okay, I’m wrong, can’t I let them reduce the density?"

After the gunfire density on our side decreased, Buddhism finally took a sigh of relief. Just now, the ring of cause and effect suddenly They disappeared, followed by a rain of cannonballs that blew them up. As soon as the density of shelling fell down, they reorganized the team and launched a charge again, but now there is no barrier for them to use. The Buddhas were seriously injured by the enrichment bomb just now, and then they suffered a rain of cannonballs. Now only two of them are still alive, and even if they are not dead, the Magical Artifact is useless, because the thing is very Unfortunately, it happened to be directly hit by a magic crystal shell. Now it has become thousands of parts of various sizes. It is probably a bit difficult to fight back. Honestly speaking, Buddhism still insists on charging up until now. We are a little surprised. Generally speaking, if the first charge is frustrated, we will usually consider taking back the troops and reorganizing. , So we all think this is very abnormal, but at present it seems that this strange situation seems to be more beneficial to us, so everyone did not care too much.

Although there is no reorganization of the team, Buddhism has an advantage, that is, their ordinary members are all the same as fanatics. If the ordinary troops are presumed to be broken by our violent bombardment, these Buddhism troops are actually Still rushing forward, I simply don't know what death is. No, it's not right, it's not that they don't know what death is, but they seem to regard death as a kind of enjoyment. To be precise, these guys are actively courting death.

Just leaning on such a fierce force, the Buddhism troops rushed to the bottom of the city wall with a reduction rate of one-half, and then they didn’t care about horse positions and minefields. Things, anyway, they are just like a bunch of crazy bulls who only know to rush forward, regardless of your mountains of daggers and seas of flames.

In the face of such a crazy impact, we can only brace oneself to resist. Buddhism knows that before the time limit is not only we must be killed by the Celestial Court, although we have not reached the point of fighting back, we can’t afford to lose. , At this moment there is nothing but war.

"The mage team stepped forward, the target city wall was down, covering the attack."

"Attention, the archer troops, the wind is northeast, the wind speed is 20, the distance is 40 meters and the elevation angle is 80 meters. Projectile."

Because there can only be a row of people standing on the edge of the city wall, there are not many people who can stand on the edge of the city wall and shoot straight down. We gave this position to the crossbowmen. , And the longbow is placed behind the city wall because it can be lobed, so that as many people as possible can participate in the battle at the same time.

I stood on the city wall and looked at the densely packed Buddhism personnel under the city, and I didn’t even know how to kill them. Nowadays, in addition to people or people under the city wall, no matter what weapon you use to attack, as long as you can throw out the city wall, you can definitely hit people, but there are so many enemies that even if you drop bombs down, you can’t blow up. We can only admit that we are unlucky when we encounter such a crazy enemy. Fortunately, I realized that the current situation of Buddhism is a last-ditch fight, so once a siege is launched, it must be very crazy, so we raised the city wall a lot at the beginning. The city wall of at least fifty meters high will not be filled with dead bodies in a short period of time, otherwise Buddhism will probably build a city ladder without the slightest hesitation. At that time, we will only have to work with Buddhism. Playing street fighting.

"Boss, there seems to be an enemy on the city wall over there!" I was looking at the enemy outside, and suddenly I heard the player next to me shout loudly.

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