"Do you need our help?" Zizhu Fairy asked aloud as if we were all nervous. Now that it’s past zero, the quotas for Zizhu Fairy and Sun Wukong have been refreshed, and now they can fight again. But the problem is that it's just early in the morning. What if the two of them are used up so early, and if I encounter an expert later?

"For the time being, I don't need you to take action. I will try the water first. If it doesn't work, you two will help me."

"Okay, we will fight for you. If it doesn't work, we will take action. "Sun Wukong didn't rush to shoot this time. After all, he also knew that his quota was limited and it was not easy to use it indiscriminately.

Zizhu Fairy saw that I decided to do it myself. After thinking about it for a long time, I finally found a strange stone from my body and handed it over. I took the stone in confusion and looked at Zizhu Fairy, waiting for her explanation.

"This is the stone of the upper realm."

"The upper realm?" I didn't realize it before, and then I realized that Zizhu Fairy and Sun Wukong are Divine Race itself, right For them, Celestial Court is the place where they usually live, and the upper bound they call is obviously not what we call the upper bound.

"Is this the stone in the place where High God lives?" In the end, it was Rose who reacted more quickly.

"What use are the stones of God World for us?" Hong Yue curiously asked.

"To put it simply, divine force can be suppressed."

"This thing is the Spirit Bead?" Hearing Zizhu Fairy's explanation, Hong Yue and Rose immediately cried out in surprise , Because the Spirit Bead that I said before is actually this function. However, I naturally know that there is a huge difference between this thing and the Spirit Bead. After all, I used the Spirit Bead before. The two things look much worse in terms of appearance and strength.

Zizhu Fairy's explanation also confirmed my thoughts. "This is not a Spirit Bead, but an ordinary stone in the residence of High God. Its function is not as overbearing as Spirit Bead, but the basic abilities are actually the same. Their common feature is that they can suppress the divine force, but they can seal Spirit Bead. It is a domineering type of suppression, which means that the divine force in a certain area nearby will be suppressed regardless of the enemy or us. However, this Divine Stone is different. Its ability is only effective for itself and the person carrying it. , That is, the scope is much smaller, but the specific function is actually the same."

"Divine force cannot be suppressed in a large area, but can it be done with fixed-point protection?" I held the stone in my hand. After watching it for a long time, I finally put it away carefully.

Zizhu Fairy watched me put away the Divine Stone, and then continued: "This Divine Stone was originally from Celestial Court, and it was handed over to me before I came. After the quota limit for Wukong and I are used up, and you encounter an extremely critical situation, they can only be handed over to you. However, they will not be subject to foreign military orders. Although the critical moment is not yet reached, it is the key point. Don’t be sloppy. So I will give it to you in advance, I hope you can make good use of it."

I am serious nodded. "Don't worry, I won't waste such an important thing." After speaking, I turned and jumped out of the city wall and rushed towards the Yaksha King in the distance.

After jumping out of the city wall, I didn’t do any slowing down at all. I stepped straight on the shoulders of a hapless guy, and instantly stepped that guy into the ground more than a foot deep. , It is estimated that his bones are almost broken. After jumping off that guy, I immediately drew out eternity, the horizontal sword blocked the straight stabbing of a buddhism man, and followed a horizontal cut to cut the guy and several nearby people who were trying to approach in half. Originally, under the city wall was the most densely populated area. After being cut by my sword like this, a large area of ​​open space was cleared. The Buddhists nearby and myself were both stunned.

In fact, most of these Buddhism troops under the city wall are just ordinary soldiers. Although they are more powerful than ordinary players, they are not much stronger. They really rely on divine force. Due to the multiplication effect of the divine force, these miscellaneous soldiers can be evenly matched against our elite players. If our city defense weapons were not too strong, so many Buddhism miscellaneous soldiers would have broken the city long ago. Compared with ordinary players, my battle strength is naturally unusually strong, so I am not surprised to be able to kill the following pawns. The reason that really made me stunned was that the trick just now knocked down a large group of people. Originally, I thought that the sword could only kill the enemy at the front. Didn't expect actually knocked down a large group of people in a row. It doesn't feel like I'm fighting Divine Race, it feels like I'm dealing with low-level NPC mercenaries in the system city.

Although I was stunned for a while, I quickly reacted. There were enemies everywhere, and there was no time for me to be in a daze. Before the opponent reacted, I rushed up again, but even with preparations, the next battle still surprised me very much. The enemy in front of me did not have the expected strength. I felt like a Tyrannosaurus rushing into the flock. The Buddhism battlefield was easily swept down by the automatic retaliatory damage from my equipment. , It feels too fast. However, this doubt only lasted for a while, because I quickly thought of the reason for this situation.

I once again took out the Divine Stone that Zizhu Fairy gave me before and took a look. I saw that this thing was emitting a soft fluorescence at this time, and it was obviously working. After confirming that it was the cause of this thing, I immediately put it away again, and then turned around and rushed into the army of Buddhism.

The reason why Buddhism's miscellaneous soldiers can compete with the elite of our guild is mainly due to the auxiliary role of divine force. Without considering the divine force, these miscellaneous soldiers are even among ordinary players. People with lower strength can't beat it. I now take the Divine Stone to counteract the divine force, which is equivalent to turning the Divine Race soldiers in front of me into battle strength that is equivalent to ordinary players of level six to seven hundred, with my level of more than one thousand eight hundred. With the battle strength far surpassing players at the same level, aren't these people just like weeds? No matter what my attack hits these people, it will sweep a large area, just like cutting tofu with a top knife.

In order to test the full effect of the Divine Stone before the real contact with the Yaksha King, I even took the risk of taking a few attacks from the Buddhism soldiers, but the result was unscathed. The people in Buddhism seem to hit me with momentum is big, power is deep, but they feel like they are hitting me with a sponge made of weapons. They can feel some power, but they can't even talk about damage. As for the spells released by Buddhism soldiers, when they were released one by one, they looked astonishing, but after I had the courage to take a note, I found that those things are like fireworks, with sound and light effects. But not lethal.

After confirming all the functions of the Divine Stone, I started to move towards the Yaksha King. The Buddhism soldiers who got in the way were easily brought down by me. Simply no one could stop me. of. Soon I rushed to Yaksha King's side. This guy had been staring at me a long time ago and had been moving towards me, so after the meeting, the two sides didn't talk nonsense at all, and they fought.

After we two hedged together, we made moves at the same time. Yaksha King pointed at me after a few meters away, while I threw away a sword qi from a distance. Just when the golden light was about to hit me, I slightly lowered my head to let the light pass, but Yaksha King didn’t even hide for whatever reason. As a result, this guy was immediately taken away by the sword qi. Pieces of skin and meat. "Ao..." Accompanied by a scream, Yaksha King surprised and angry covered the wound and backed away. From his expression, it can be seen that he didn't expect that he would be hurt before. Based on his current reaction, I probably guessed why he didn't hide before. He probably didn't know that I had a Divine Stone that could suppress the divine force, but he didn't take it seriously for me to chop melons and chop vegetables all the way down so many Buddhism soldiers. After all, the strength of Yaksha King in the Buddhism expert is also very high, so naturally these miscellaneous soldiers cannot be his reference target. It was because he thought he was impossible to be hurt by me, so he was so easily caught.

When I hit my hand, I didn’t give him a chance to react. The guy was not stupid. He hurriedly waved his fist and tried to push me away. Unfortunately, he usually does everything in single force subduing. The Shihui overwhelmed the enemy with absolute strength, and rarely did they fight against others. Now in his soul, the power is not enough, and the power is gone, what is left is the cropping power, there is no formidable power at all. Looking at the fist he threw out, I jumped up directly from the ground, my legs were wrapped around his arm in front of him, my hands hugged his fist accurately, and my legs passed through the sides of his shoulders. Hanged his neck directly. Before he could react to the next step, I desperately twisted my body and turned to one side, because the arm was held by me. Yaksha King couldn't get it out now, so he could only follow me to turn sideways, but was easily brought down by me. On the ground.

After Yaksha King fell, I didn't let go of him. Instead, I pulled the leg muscles and turned over and rode on him. Yaksha King wanted to resist as soon as he saw me climbing up. He stretched out his hand and grabbed my face, but I moved faster than him. A claw popped and instantly swept across his arm, accompanied by a blood light, Yaksha King immediately let out a violent howl. After half of his arm was missing, Yaksha King's movements immediately became chaotic. I took the opportunity to swipe with another claw, and Yaksha King quickly blocked it with the other hand. As a result, his left hand followed in the footsteps of the right hand and was instantly cut off. The Yaksha King without his hands was completely crazy. He suddenly stood up and threw me off, and then suddenly stood up from the ground.

I also stood up immediately after being overturned by him, but when I turned around, I was stunned. I saw that Yaksha King, who had a similar appearance to a normal person, was gradually getting bigger, and his whole body muscles bulged, and soon all his clothes were torn apart, but his body did not stop there, but continued to grow. At the same time, Yaksha King's facial features are gradually alienating, his eyes become larger, his mouth grows with long fangs, his skin gradually turns red and finally black. In less than ten seconds, the Yaksha King changed from a human image to a ferocious-looking humanoid monster with a height of eight meters. The most terrifying thing is that the newly severed hands have grown out again.

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