"For this outfit!" One of them seemed to cheer others up and seemed to encourage himself. Others also responded to his encouragement one after another, obviously they are not willing to take off this equipment anymore.

"Does this look like something?" I glanced at the eight people nonchalantly, then patted my hand, and a white light and shadow flashed behind me. When the light and shadow returned to normal, I was already standing behind me. Large group of people

. Of course, it is more accurate to say that it is a large group of humanoid monsters. "There are so many of you, and it's a full set of Divine Items. It won't work if you don't give you some face! Come and meet my familiars?"

"Don't...What did you do?" The pretty boy just wanted to talk when he realized that the eyes of a beautiful woman standing next to me flashed with charming rays of light, but then he realized that it’s not good to close his eyes quickly.

It's useless.

Princess stood by my side and pointed at those people introduced one by one: "That coal-like woman is an assassin-type occupation, fast, and low attack. The pretty boy next to me is a high-sensitivity warrior, and his attack power is not bad.

The speed is also relatively fast. The thin and tall one over there should be careful, he is a mage, and the main attack depends on him. Don’t worry about the guy who talked more arrogantly before, he is a meat shield, who is specifically responsible for being beaten. Sister Yeyue will be responsible for a while.

The responsibility is to stop him first. The long, good-looking woman behind is the archer. She is the second damage output person in the team and needs to be hit first. Then the one next to him The tattered guy is the ghost method

The Necromancer class is just a special evolution class. The battle method is a bit weird, but the main thing is the Necromancer set, which is a bit more skillful. The monk at the back is for the treatment of auxiliary class

, it is recommended to get rid of it first. The very short guy at the front has a lot of auxiliary mobility skills and belongs to the harassment type. You can ignore him for now."

"You...how could you...?" The people on the other side panicked when they heard that their family property had been reported by others. Generally speaking, an ordinary person who is not well-known is like me

The only advantage of becoming a famous expert is his own combat characteristics. Famous experts are generally eagerly followed by others. Just like me, almost half of the players in the world know my tactical characteristics and combat habits. There are even many forums dedicated to researching and analyzing mine. In each battle, it can be said that those people have researched all my attributes except for some large-scale skills that I don't use very much.

On the contrary, people who were not well-known before are different. Except for themselves, few people know their specific characteristics. You must be very careful when fighting with them. In case they suddenly

but they can use some special skill to make me like this. Fame expert fall in the sewer. But it doesn’t work anymore. It’s just right to see that those guys’ specialties and various abilities have been reported. The original

ben’s little advantage disappeared in an instant. How can we not let them? panic?

Princess took the trembling question from the guy and said: "How can you know your specialties? Just your mental resistance. Isn't it simple to talk to you?"

"Do you know how to read minds?"

"It's just a simple ability to recognize people, but it's still very practical, isn't it?" Princess said to me after she said, "I suggest you make lucky or tank Deal with him like that is big enough, or just find someone who can

fly on it."

I'm nodded, I slightly plot against and separate the battle sequence and pass it to Each demonic familiar. The battle strength of these people is pretty good. It takes a lot of work to meet force with force with them. In order to save time, I simply arranged all the monsters that restrained them to fight with them. .

As soon as I finished the task, the demons rushed up according to the enemy arranged by me. The great advantage of doing it first is that I can choose the opponent freely. Because the opponent’s combat characteristics have been analyzed in advance and rooted

According to the opponent’s characteristics, a targeted suppression combination is adopted, so the end of the battle process is surprisingly fast, from charge ahead to the last person. It took less than 3 minutes to fall down. Looking at the last guy

After the guy lay down, I casually raised my head and asked the distant void: "How long are you going to watch?"

"You knew I was here. "A guy with a golden light all over, who looks better than me, appeared in midair. This guy wears an extremely exaggerated armor. The armor is almost golden from head to toe. In addition, the surface of the armor is studded with gems of various colors and textures, which looks like the top luxury of a jewelry company. There are more products than combat armor. Although he is floating in midair, there is no wing-like thing behind him. On the contrary, there is a round array of golden light flashing under his feet, which shines brightly and looks no better than his body. How simple is his armor.

I didn’t answer that guy’s question, but sighed to myself: "How many things did Buddhism do to arm you? You probably have more voices than mine. That guy

When I heard what I said, I just wanted to boast and I went on: "Unfortunately, it’s useless. Equipment is only part of your strength. Besides, your body may not have it. My good."

Although "Zero" is based on the appearance of equipment to distinguish levels, but also not to say that the more gorgeous, the better. In fact, the real appearance classification should be based on the degree of gorgeousness first, the broken ones are definitely not good, and once they can be called gorgeous, then the second set of identification schemes should be used. As long as it is gorgeous equipment, it must be good equipment, but the gorgeousness is also divided into vulgar gorgeousness and noble gorgeousness. My magic dragon suit is black as the base, and the surface is supplemented with gold and red. The lines and magic patterns of the two colors are gorgeous, but they are more of a kind of majestic and suppressed calmness, but the guy in front of him is full of gems and gold.

Up, flashing people Eyes are dizzy, the entire household is equipped with a burst of equipment. When the two are compared, they can be distinguished naturally. Nobles and explosive households may not have much difference in terms of wealth, but nobles do not show everything.

On the face of name, explosive households are just the opposite. This is the biggest difference between the two. High-level equipment actually follows this rule. The biggest difference between the rare Divine Item and the flooded Divine Item is that one packs the good east

and the other is all piled up. It's outside.

The guy on the other side was obviously very angry when he heard what I said. What I meant was obvious, that is, he had no ability and was arrogant with the equipment provided by Buddhism. Although I'm talking about facts, facts are often the most difficult

to make people accept them.

"hmph. Purple Moon, you heard it. I am now on behalf of Buddhism to give you an ultimatum. Anyway, Buddhism is also a Divine Race force, you are just a player, don’t really take yourself too high , Buddhism wants to smash to death

You are not much more difficult than to smash an ant. If you are smart, immediately cancel this city-building operation and go back to China."

"Where are you? The crazy dog ​​barked everywhere?" I pretended to look around as if I hadn't seen him, making that guy no longer want to talk nonsense with me, so I took up my weapon and rushed over.

"Are you going on your own or are we going on together?" Ling asked, standing beside me.

Before I answered Princess, I added: "That guy has a lot of good things on him, can the owner handle it alone?"

"Che, the fool just ran into him. !" Although I usually like to participate in battles without the help of magic pets, it is to hone my fighting skills, not that I am so stupid that I don't need magic pets. Generally, I still use Familiars when I meet people who are not easy to deal with

. The guy in front of me was made up by Buddhism with high level equipment. Even if he is an idiot, I'm impossible to take care of the face of this Divine Item equipment alone.

When I heard my words, the familiars also understood what I meant. Seeing that guy rushing over, Lucky and Plague, first sprayed two dragon flames from both sides, and instantly sealed the unprecedented in front of me. That guy wants to keep this direction unless he rushes over. It came through the dragon flame. Even if he is wearing a top Divine Item and rushing over with Long Yan, he will definitely have to peel his skin. This is just the beginning, and he hasn't become so stupid.

Let us burn him seriously. But this guy had a bunch of good equipment after all, and stopped in midair forcibly, and then threw a strange-looking thing at me through the flames. After the thing passed through Long Yan, it almost lost its strength, and it fell into the ground in front of me. At first I thought it was him who threw it in the wrong direction through the flames, but soon I realized it was not like that. Na Dong

After landing, Xi suddenly split a seam, and then hundreds of hair-like strands burst out of it. Those threads madly pierced into the surrounding land, and then began to drill down desperately, and then suddenly a green sprout emerged from the shell and grew rapidly at a terrifying speed. Big.

"Go back, that is the Demon Soul tree!" Ling's reminder made us all step aside, and the seed grew into a towering tree in just ten seconds. At first glance, this number is no different from a normal tree, but soon we saw its difference. I saw that the tree suddenly bloomed hundreds of red flowers after it was grown, and then all of them fell after a few seconds. The flowers fell quickly after the flowers fell.

Fruits as big as watermelons grew, but the scary thing was that those fruits didn't have any fruit characteristics. Instead, they looked like human heads hanging on a tree. Each fruit has a human face

There are males, females, old and young, but all expressions are distorted, crazy and ugly without exception, and the person watching is cold from under the feet.

"Why does Buddhism have such a disgusting thing?" I asked, looking at This big tree in surprise.

Ling shook his head and said: "I don't know this, but I know this Demon Soul tree very well. The fruit on the tree can manipulate people's consciousness remotely, but it should have no effect on us. We The level is super

It’s too much and it’s not so easy to control."

Although Ling said that our consciousness is not so easy to control, there are exceptions to things. Suddenly all the human heads on the top turned around, locking their gazes on Lucky. Just ended

The luck of Shulongyan’s jetting immediately screamed and rolled around the floor, and the plague was afraid that he would hurt others and had to go up and hold him.

"Not good, they want to focus on attacking a target to increase their control." Ling immediately discovered the other's intention and shouted to Princess: "Use a mental barrier."

"Understood." Princess snapped her fingers casually, and an invisible barrier suddenly appeared around the tree, and her lucky headache stopped immediately.

"Be careful." I suddenly flashed to Princess and raised my hand to block a blade that suddenly protruded from the void, but the problem was that although the blade almost cut off Princess's head, the back half of the blade Part of it is still in the void

, and corresponding to the movement of the guy in the distance, the back half of the blade should still be held in his hand. In other words, he used a space gap to extend the knife directly to Princess's neck. This kind of strange attack method is really rare.

"That guy has a problem with his knife." Princess mentioned.

"Don't divide it up, let's go together, get rid of him as soon as possible." With my voice, the demons swarmed up immediately.

If my personal battle strength is calculated as 100, the battle strength of my pets is basically between 40 and 150. When I and any one or two When the familiars cooperate, this number will rise to more than five hundred, and when all my familiars are shot at the same time and there is only one target, the actual battle strength may soar to over 10,000. The guy on the opposite side is certainly equipped with good equipment, but it's far worse than

my familiars. Ling and Xiaochun’s combined magic bombardment blocked his vision. After he blocked their magic, they encountered the king’s close-range fast attack. The two of them took a few minutes in a short period of time.

After ten strokes, they separated, and the guy was tightly tied up by the rose vine that suddenly drilled out of the ground without even the time to catch his breath. Before he could react, Yeyue's petrification skills turned one of his arms and half of his shoulders into stones, and Rose Vine threw him into the air. Lucky and the plague hit him with a dragon flame left and right, which made him burnt on the outside and tender on the inside. In the process of falling, the guy who was left with a bite was bombarded to pieces by a magic crystal shell from the tank in the middle of the fall.

, In the end, not even a whole body was left. Although equipment is important, if its own technology can't keep up, the formidable power is also very limited.

After finishing this guy, all the players in the guild around him cheered. I asked them to clean the battlefield. Then I took back the pet and Kristina and returned to the city to prepare to deal with Buddhism. One

attack. The current contract city can be said to be the reminder of Buddhism. For us, this is just a task. It is good to complete it. If it is not completed, it means losing some benefits. But for Buddhism, it means

completely It's different. For them, this is the key to life and death, so they will never give up so simply. These few people armed with Divine Item equipment are just an attempt. They are naturally happy if they succeed in Buddhism, and they don't lose anything if they fail. Those Divine Item suits all brought the contract on it, and the task was automatically retracted if the task failed, and there was no left at all.

"It's done?" When I returned to the city, all the chief leaders of the guild arrived.

"Why are you all back?"

"The arrangements have been arranged, and we don’t need the rest. It’s better to watch the progress here quickly "After finishing talking, the eagle pointed to the outside of the city and asked: "Those are the Buddha Sect from?"

I'm nodded. "There are a total of nine people, all of whom are in full Divine Item suits. However, their own qualities are only second-rate and three-six Level 1. Even with full Divine Item suits, the formidable power is less than 30%, basically

It was the Buddha Sect who came to disgust us."

Rose shook her head and said: "In fact, I think that Buddhism has provided such good equipment to these people for another purpose."

"Another purpose What purpose do they have?"

"A thousand catties buy horse bones."

Although Rose only said five words, we instantly understood what she meant. Because I signed an agreement with the major guilds in India on this incident, all the guilds ranked in the Indian ranks have jointly issued notices to advise other Indian players not to intervene this time. event. These big guilds have already accounted for more than half of India’s high-end martial power. Coupled with their influence, it can be said that India’s strong

people who have not directly signed an agreement with me are basically Excluded from this incident. Although Buddhism would like to convene a large number of Indian players to trouble me, but because of this agreement, Buddhism can hardly find

decent people to help them trouble me. So Buddhism had to take measures, and the nine arrogant people who came this time plus the second fool are the core of this plan. The meaning of Buddhism is obvious, then

I am willing to hire such a good thing for such garbage workers. If the expert comes, the treatment will naturally be better. Buddhism is setting an example. The key is not whether they can treat me well

, the key is that they can make Indian players tempted.

"Buddhism's abacus is full of noise." Hong Yue turned his head and asked Rose. "What do you think is the probability of Indian players being bought?"

Rose meditated for a while: "To be honest, I'm not quite clear. The values ​​of Indians and we Chinese are and what we think of. There are some differences in the methods. It is useless for us and not necessarily useless for them. I can only guess that the most cutting-edge players in India may not be attracted, but some of the more powerful players are not rich. It’s hard to say if you’re like."

Just like most desperadoes in reality are poor, people who are poorly equipped with monsters in the game are also the easiest to buy. It’s not that the poor are weaker than the rich, but because the rich don’t lack money.

They will measure whether it’s worth it, while the poor rely on that money to survive. They have no choice. The rich and equipped people in the game already have a lot of good things. Even if the things given by Buddhism are better, they will first

measure whether it is worth it, and those who have no equipment and no familiars Bad luck experts will take the risk, and they have nothing to lose anyway.

"Although we know the plan of Buddhism, how can we deal with it even if we know it?" Hawk asked.

"What do you think about our high-profile take revenge for those who troubled us?" said Bai Ling, who was sitting next to the eagle.

"No." Rose vetoed: "If it is in this country, it will be nothing, but this is India. If we do this, it will arouse the thoughts of the same hatred among the Indians. I am afraid that when the time comes not only Not good

On the contrary, it will have the opposite effect."

"Then what shall we do? Ask the big guilds in India for help?"

Rose continued: "It's affirmative to ask them for help, but only to let them increase control and try to suppress those few elements from participating in the attack on us. But... this is just an auxiliary method

As for the method of restraining Buddhism actions, I didn’t expect for the time being. If any of you have an idea, you can put it forward. It may not be possible for more people to come up with a good way."

"Actually, I I think we have gotten the wrong direction." Su Mei suddenly inserted such a sentence without beginning and ending, and everyone's eyes were instantly focused on her. Although she is not very young, Sumei’s IQ is in the top five in the club. No one in our guild will treat her as a child. Seeing that all of us’s eyes were on her, Su Mi had to explain: "The one who came to Buddha Sect before

is talking about peace talks, ultimatums and so on, don’t you guys? Did you find anything?"

"Buddhism doesn't want to fight us?" Rose said tentatively: "But what if you know this?"

"Knowing this means it means We have caught a key.” Su Mi explained: “This action is plainly because Celestial Court wants those Buddhist Avatars to become power in their hands, so this construction of the city circle is possible.

From this point of view, Celestial Court does not actually want to have a great decisive battle with Buddhism. The reason for this arrangement is actually because Buddhism has done too much. It attacked our guild and made the Purple Moon big brother angry. /p>

Troubled them, and later undermined Celestial Court’s efforts to make the antidote. All these actions eventually put us and Celestial Court on a dead end, and we all had to make up our minds to fight Buddhism to the death. But now what?

? Buddhism didn’t want to fight anymore. They realized that the cost of keeping Avatar exceeded their limit, so they wanted peace talks. So, since neither of us wants to fight this battle. , I

why are we going to continue this war?"

"You mean not to build the city? Negotiate with Buddhism?" Hong Yue asked in surprise.

"It’s not that you don’t build a city. The city is already like this. If you stop, the investment will be wasted. We just cancel the hostility with Buddhism, so that the city will become irrelevant."


Just when everyone was thinking about this probability, Rose suddenly said: "I think So Mi made a mistake."

"Huh?" So Mi looked at Rose in surprise. Waiting for her below.

"First, you said that Buddhism realizes that the effort is greater than the limit they can bear, and therefore hopes for peace talks. This is actually not correct. Buddhism’s previous actions that undermined us just don’t want to lose their points.< /p>

It’s just themselves, and later discovered that we intend to encircle the Great Thunder Sound Temple into Chinese territory is the reason they really realized the crisis. Secondly, it is actually impossible to negotiate a ceasefire with Buddhism."


"Why?" Su Mei curiously asked.

"Because the old nest of Buddhism cannot be moved."

When we heard this explanation, we all began to think about it, and everyone screamed at the same time. "Oh!"

In fact, if you want to understand, this is very simple. We have invested so much money to build such a city. Although Celestial Court promised to help us reimburse part of it, but also not in full

, there are some non-material investments that cannot be reimbursed. , Which means that we ourselves have invested a lot in this contract city, so it is impossible to give up building the city. So, the remaining questions are

Celestial Court and Buddhism. Buddhism certainly wants a ceasefire, but how can it be guaranteed? Their nest cannot be moved. Once the Contract City is completed, the Great Thunder Sound Temple will inevitably be included in the Chinese territory, and once Buddhism becomes a

outright Chinese Divine Race force, Celestial Court will inevitably launch a war . one mountain can't be shared by two tigers. In the past, it was because both sides had similar strengths and did not want to suffer from both sides. They had to bear restraint. Now Buddhism and Celestial Court are not standing at the same height, Celestial Court. It makes no sense to show mercy. Since Celestial Court will not tolerate Buddhism, which has been driven out with great difficulty, and return to China, then the war agreement will definitely not be completed, so what Soomi said and talk about simply is impossible.

I want to understand this problem, and the peace talks will be in vain, unless the group of Divine Immortal in Celestial Court suddenly short-circuits their collective brains, or our guild is willing to abandon the construction of the contract city. However, the fact is that the guild will absolutely not sacrifice itself for the benefit of Celestial Court and Buddhism, and Celestial Court is absolutely impossible that all Divine Immortal agree to a peace talk together.

"In this case, the problem will become more complicated!" Su Mei continued to ponder for a while: "If you don't negotiate with Buddhism, you can only find a way to prevent Buddhism from asking high level players to help. Otherwise, Brother Purple Moon

is great, as long as the madness of Buddhism shameless skin strengthens one or a group of unlucky guys with some fighting skills, then Purple Moon will definitely not be able to stop it. Moreover, Buddhism may not be. Hanged from a tree, they can

can still think of other ways to trouble us."

"Since Buddhism can use equipment assault to strengthen some experts, why do we If you don’t need some good equipment from Celestial Court, can you also strengthen an expert legion? Other than that, the elite squad and hunter small team in our guild just need to change into the full Divine Item suit, the battle strength is actually It's not much weaker than when the president did not borrow the familiar." Kristina suggested.

"Impossible." Rose said: "Buddhism is now a matter of life and death. Naturally, it will do everything in spite of its image, but Celestial Court is different. They are not there yet. They have won more. Good thing, I lost it.

It's nothing more than the flesh of the mouth is flying, there is no need to lose the image that I have painstakingly built."

"That's it!" Klee Stina was a little disappointed after hearing this, but she quickly jumped up and said: "Yes, I suddenly thought of a way. Although it is more rascal, the effect should be good."

"What way? "Everyone looked towards Kristina waiting for her way.

"It's very simple! Even if those people are tempted by this Buddhism action to pick up the Buddhism mission, they have to enter the Great Thunder Sound Temple to pick up the mission, right? Let's send someone to destroy the Great Thunder Sound Temple The Transmission Formation, but

Isn’t it enough to let people intercept Indian players who enter the Great Thunder Sound Temple from the road? If no one enters, naturally they won’t be able to receive the mission. Even if those people get it How strong will become after equipment, as long as you don’t let them get the equipment."

After listening to Kristina’s method, we almost all shined. Before, what we have been thinking about is how to develop a big action plan to restrain Buddhism, but didn't expect to start small, which is really a failure! Ke

Although Listina’s method is simple, it is definitely effective.

"Since it's set, then move fast, otherwise Buddhism will make a bunch of enhanced players and we will be busy again!" Rose said: "Husband, it is you who destroy the Transmission Formation. Let’s go there for yourself

! The Transmission Formation is repaired inside the Great Thunder Sound Temple. It is difficult for us to get in now. Only you have hope."

Kristina Suddenly he raised her hand and said, "Actually, I don't think it is necessary for the president to go there." Seeing our puzzled eyes, she quickly explained: "Look for the people from the Indian guild that have signed an agreement with us

Pretend to pick up the task, throw a bomb and just run. No matter how powerful the President Purple Moon is, it is impossible to compete head-on with a bunch of Divine Races. The Great Thunder Sound Temple itself is the nest of Buddhism, and the interior must be theirs< /p>

Within the sensing range, it’s not easy for President Purple Moon to get in."

I nodded and said: "That’s it. Kristina, you take someone to block walking in. People from the Great Thunder Sound Temple, I’ll notify the Indian guild to help me blow up the Transmission Formation of the Great Thunder Sound Temple."

After things were settled, Christina and I split up. The remaining people stayed to supervise the construction of the city. The things on my side are very easy to do, because it’s not a major event in itself,

So the people in the Indian guild promised very easily, and under my supervision, the work efficiency is also fast. A lot of it, almost an hour later, it successfully blasted off the teleportation point of the Great Thunder Sound Temple. However, this task cannot be ended simply

, because the teleportation point can be rebuilt, and it can last for about ten hours at most if it is blown up, and it may not even take that long to recover. So we arranged for some Indian players to continuously test whether the Transmission Formation of Great Thunder Sound Temple has resumed its function. As soon as it resumes, it will be sent to blow it up immediately. Although this method is not commonly used, we do not plan to block the Great Thunder Sound Temple for a long time anyway.

As long as the contract city is established and confirmed, Celestial Court can start attacking Buddhism, and by then, you can ignore Transmission Formation.

It was already early in the second day when I returned to Contract City, but the construction site of Contract City was still busy. At this time, the main frame of the city has been basically completed, and the city wall is almost repaired to the top

. The construction of some auxiliary civil facilities inside the city has begun, all forts have been put in place, the Heavenspan Pagoda in the center of the city has been completely repaired, and the aerial city core above has also been completed. On the city wall

, the twelve auxiliary aerial turrets that are currently being installed have entered the final stage. When the city wall is completed, the towing device can be switched on to move it along the city wall in the air. However, although it is not yet possible to move

, shooting is already possible, but the turrets are currently evenly distributed over the city wall, and it is temporarily impossible to concentrate in one direction for interception.

I entered the city summon and produced a large number of transforming creatures and started to help build the city. Although I am not a full-time construction worker, it is still possible to help. The members of the guild saw me personally participating in the construction on site

and they were all motivated to make repairs, but this harmonious atmosphere was only maintained for less than an hour before it was broken.

"What? You say it again?" I looked at Zizhu Fairy and asked in surprise.

Zizhu Fairy did not mind repeating: "According to the news from the Celestial Court, because you blocked the way for Indian players to enter the Great Thunder Sound Temple, Buddhism could not strengthen a large number of players to destroy the city.

The city was built, so Buddhism came up with a more shameless way. They sent a lot of young novices to contact the presidents of the Indian guilds, promising to strengthen the guild as long as the other side is willing to help. And

Each member gives away equipment."

"Help? What can I do for you?" asked Rose, who was standing next to her.

"To say that it is a help is actually to borrow the title. Buddhism intends to force a guild with each Divine Beast or God and Buddha at a symbolic price of a copper plate, and then use this guild. Directly come out in name

The soldiers attack you."

"Damn, this is too shameless, right?" I scolded together with the people who heard Zizhu Fairy's account. Buddhism This is simply the act of jumping over the wall in a hurry. A copper plate and a Divine Beast, is that for sale? Now

This behavior in Buddhism is like I went to Celestial Court to buy heaven soldiers as our guild’s NPC troop, Celestial Court used a copper plate for Erlang Shen, Nezha, Sun Wukong. All the strongmen of this kind are sold to me

. You said that if I take such a group of so-called heavenly soldiers to fight against which country, is there a possibility of failure? Of course, Celestial Court will certainly not do this, unless they are also forced to Buddhism. But

It's that Buddhism has indeed reached the point of being exhausted, and it's no wonder they would come up with such a shameless rogue tactic. No matter which guild accepts this condition, then equivalent to Buddhism can actually borrow

to send troops directly with the name of this guild. If Tathagata is shameless enough, he can even sell himself and Guanshiyin for a copper plate, and then run together on the front line to pretend to be the NPC of the guild to attack our city. If that happens, let alone that Zizhu Fairy and Sun Wukong can only help me kill one person every day, even if their restrictions are lifted, they can participate in the war without restrictions.

"Then w

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