When I first found the group of Arhats, they were in a temple preparing to find someone to cooperate, and then I found that a few guys in uniform clothes were going to talk to those Arhats. At that time, I Just judge from where these people know the news and come to cooperate, so I want to go up and block these people, who knows that I was discovered when I was about to take action. An Arhat suddenly raised his eyes and looked towards me, then raised his hand and shot out a golden light. But I didn’t move slowly. I threw a row of throwing knives while dodge. Opposite the Indian players who came to cooperate were walking towards the Arhats, and suddenly I found the Arhat

attack behavior. , I immediately realized that there was a sneak attack behind him, but when they turned around, the flying knife had already arrived in front of them, except for the strongest one of them who avoided the vital point.

No individual was spared, all of them were pierced through the throat by flying knives.

"Ah!" The most powerful house clutched the wound on his shoulder and was carried by the inertia of a flying knife for more than one meter before landing. At this time, I had already jumped behind a rockery in the temple. An Arhat rushed to help

the injured guy.

"Are you okay?"

The guy covered his wound and said: "It's okay for the time being, but the serrations on the knife are stuck on the bone. Take care when you take it out!"< /p>

The Arhat that shot out the golden light before raised his hand and said: "I really didn't expect Purple Moon to have such a terrifying strength. The flying knife thrown in the neutral position where I was the first to attack had such a precise head!"

Another Arhat asked: "Did you hit it?"

The Arhat shook the head. "At most, it's just a little bit. With his equipment, it's probably not much damage!"

After hearing this, the other Arhats formed a fan-shaped formation and surrounded the rockery, but when they were cautiously When I moved to the vicinity of the rockery and was about to rush to the back of the rockery to attack me suddenly, I heard a loud bang from my back

. All the surrounding Arhats turned back and looked towards the place where they came before, and saw that a big hole had been exploded in the ground over there, and the soil and the floor tiles on the ground flew to in midair. Falling in all directions.

As the dirt exploded, a black shadow jumped out from under the ground. It was not until the black shadow fell behind the injured player that the Arhats recognized it as me. In fact, I just ran away from the ground when I hid behind the rockery. There are rose vines and pioneers, two major hole-drilling experts. This is simply a trivial matter. After falling behind the player, I pressed my two hands against the guy's jaw and forehead, and then suddenly applied

, before the guy had time to react, I broke his neck. The Arhat standing in front of him didn’t go to the rockery because he had to take care of the wounded man, but although he was close to him, he reacted slowly.

As for until I twisted that guy’s He reacted to the neck with a fist and smashed it down. Suddenly black light flashed around me, the whole person suddenly disappeared, and a huge black shadow instantly appeared to take my place. The Arhat who attacked me saw that the new creature was a big beetle, but the figure of this guy was almost like a hill, which was really scary. The guy punched him in the air, Tan

K’s big hammer wouldn’t be able to hit him. He hit him head-on when he lost his balance with too much force. With a bang, the guy hit him. It flew out like a cannonball, and after it smashed through the courtyard wall, I didn’t know where it went.

The Arhats who ran to the rockery on the other side turned around and wanted to come back for support, but when they just turned around, they suddenly felt movement behind them, and when they turned their heads, they saw a black and shiny whole body. The big

The snake is standing behind them less than a meter away. The head of this snake is slightly larger than the medium-sized wax gourd. The neck is almost thicker than the waist. The part standing upright on the ground is more than two meters long, and the back

part is hidden in the rockery. Behind, but looking at the thickness, the length will never be less than 20 meters.

"Hell King Snake?" There are also people in Arhat who recognize the identity of the black snake at a glance. Although the name written in the attribute of Heiyan is the Crystal King Serpent, it is produced in the Silent Sea, so it is not wrong to call it Hell

King Serpent.

Although he recognized Heiyan's identity, it is actually better to know him than not, because the name Hell King Snake is really scary. Several Arhats all dodge back nervously, while Hei Yan stared at the Arhat who called out its name and suddenly swooped over. When the Arhat saw the black snake rushing towards him, he jumped up and dodged. An Arhat next to him took the opportunity to hit the snake's head with a punch. With a blast of black inflammation

's entire head was slammed to the ground from mid-air, and sank into the ground, even the floor tiles were crushed. But that Arhat didn't take advantage. He hit the snake's head with a punch, but he was hit by the snake's tail.

He went out, spinning in the air and flying towards the sky until he could no longer see it.

Heiyan raised his head again after hitting the guy who was sneak attacking him, shook it slightly, and immediately jumped towards a bush next to him. This place was originally just a small temple. These Arhats were used as liaison offices here, so naturally there is still the original Buddhist dísciple. A monk was hiding behind the bush where Heiyan leaped over. Originally, he wanted to learn the fighting skills of the Arhats. Who knows

The black snake suddenly rushed towards him and scared him. Just run away. However, although snakes have no legs, their speed is not much slower than those with legs. He was overtaken by Hei Yan before he ran two steps. After Hei Yan chased him around

With a dexterous body, half of his body came in front of him. The guy immediately stopped and wanted to run back, but he just turned around and came to Hei Yan’s head. He dived down and swallowed his head and half of his upper body into his mouth, then the snake's head straightened to the sky and lifted the guy upside down. The guy quickly slid down between the opening and closing of the snake's mouth, and disappeared into Hei Yan's mouth within a few seconds.

"Evil creature, dare to eat people? When we accept you!" The three Arhats suddenly formed a strange formation. Sticking to the back of the person in front, the Arhat in front

has both palms emptied on his chest and slowly pulled apart. As his palms were pulled apart, a golden little sun suddenly appeared on his Between the palms.

"Don't think about it." A sharp drink suddenly came from mid-air, Ling Qi swooped down on the bird's back, stretched out his hand, and shot a small black ball into the golden light ball like lightning. , And then as if pouring cold water into the boiling oil

, the golden light ball suddenly exploded with a boom, and the Arhat at the front spurted blood directly and flew out of the seventy-eighty feet far away. After collapsing the rockery where I hid before, it was buried by the rocks, and the two remaining

flew out of the three-four zhang from left to right and were blocked by the courtyard wall.

"Want to run?" An Arhat who did not participate in the three-person formation saw Ling's attack and immediately raised his hand to make a yellow light, but Asuka's reaction was not slow, and his wings flicked Flashed by with a beautiful roll

the beam of light. You must know that Asuka's body structure is different from that of humans, but his head grows on the back of his body. He is not at all afraid of sneak attacks behind him.

The remaining Arhat immediately formed a ring formation depending on the situation, and a huge light curtain instantly wrapped the remaining Arhat inside. Hei Yan rushed to the edge of the light curtain and slammed into the light curtain twice, but there was no response at all. Arhat inside saw that the black snake couldn't rush in, so he let go of his hands and feet to launch a long-range attack to attack the black snake outside, but Heiyan reacted extremely quickly, and he flashed it out a few times. Suddenly

a big hole appeared on the ground. A huge head came out of the hole and then retracted. Hei Yan turned around and went in. The Arhats in the light curtain realized that we were going to run, and we took off the light curtain and chased it out. Unfortunately, there is no more silhouette nearby.

I found out that after I ran, one of the leaders in Arhat walked to the several corpses on the ground and sighed: "I have found a guild willing to cooperate. Didn't expect life to let that damn Purple Moon is disturbed!"

"Don't worry, we have offered such good terms this time, I am not afraid that no one will help."

"Excuse me, this is the Buddhism Merchants Association. Where is it?" several players outside the door stretched their heads and asked cautiously.

"Look, isn't this here?" Arhat, who said that there is no need to worry, responded quickly after saying, "Yes, right, right here. You want to apply for cooperation with Buddhism?"< /p>

"Yes." As soon as the visitor got the confirmation, he quickly walked in, and then took out the guild badge from his body to confirm it. "I think the mission briefing says that any guild will do, as long as it is an Indian guild.

Is it true? Let’s say it first. There are more than a dozen people in our guild, and we are all friends. , Guilds are just for fun. If it’s too complicated, we can’t help. What do you want me to do when you recruit partners?"

Hear The remaining Arhat of this player's problem quickly gathered around everyone talking at once and explained it to them. After ten minutes of explanation, those who applied for cooperation finally nodded and said that they understood the goal. The leader of Arhat said: "This is what it is. In fact, you are providing a guild status, and you don’t have to do anything. Also, you have to have one

thousand The start-up capital of Crystal Coins, but you can rest assured that this is used for turnover. After all, we must have a place to transfer so many Divine Weapons to your hands, even if the price of a copper plate per person is nearly one million

< p>One thousand crystal coins are required to transfer the account together. Of course, you won't let you out of the money. As long as you sign a cooperation agreement with us, you can immediately go to our equipment warehouse to choose a full-body Divine for each person Item

Equipment, as long as you have enough equipment space on your body, you can equip them all. In addition, Buddhism will give you two Divine Beasts of Tier 1,000 or more as magic familiars. Also, you can go to Buddhism Hidden Scripture Pavilion.

Choose to learn three skills. How about? A thousand crystal coins are enough for so many things, right?"

"Enough for this." That The player hurriedly nodded and agreed. "Um...When will we sign the agreement?"

"Of course, the sooner the better."

At the instigation of the Arhats, the player signed the agreement with the Arhats on the spot. The agreement, because there is not much content in the agreement, it took only ten minutes before and after to get it done. As soon as the group of Arhats got the agreement, they were excited

and rushed out, leaving only a little novice to handle the work of handing over the prizes.

The player saw that the Arhats all ran away and had to turn around and ask the little novice monk. "What am I going to do next?"

The little novice said: "First you have to prepare a thousand crystal coins, and then bring the money to me. I will inform the Great Thunder Sound Temple to send someone there Come to pick you up, and when you arrive at the Great Thunder Sound Temple, you can go through the procedures for buying and selling personnel with the senior officials of Buddhism. After the procedures are completed, you can take your people to collect the prizes. Oh. By the way, I would like to remind you that when you bring the money, you must find all the people in your guild before you come. When you send out the equipment, they will need to pick it by themselves."

"Understood Then I'll go find the people right away." The player turned around excitedly and ran out, and the little novice shook the head also walked back. However, as soon as the player left the gate of the monastery, his expression immediately became cold

come down. After hurriedly turning two blocks away, he walked directly into a shop selling equipment, but he didn’t buy anything. He skipped the shop counter and walked into the yard behind the store from the side entrance, and

< p>The NPC salesperson in the shop did not respond as if he hadn't seen him. After arriving in the backyard, the player immediately walked into an unremarkable small room on the side of the yard, closed the door and knocked on the wall a few times with a special

pattern, suddenly the center of the wooden spliced ​​floor A hole was opened without warning, the player immediately jumped in, and the hole closed again after he entered. Since the wooden floor itself has large

splicing seams, it is impossible to tell that this is a hidden door. The player went down to the floor, walked a long step, and then got into a tunnel, and then walked around for a while, and then an upward step appeared in front of him. After walking up the steps, there was another hole covered by the same floor. He clicked on a special place on the side wall, and the floor immediately opened a door. When he walked up, the floor went up again.

It was closed again. After he went up, he immediately took off his equipment, put it away from the cabinet in the room, took out a set of shop Xiaoer's clothes and put it on him, and then ran out of the room. Wear

After passing a small courtyard, he enters a huge kitchen, where many NPC chefs are busy. As soon as he saw him walk in, a steward in the kitchen immediately handed a tray full of dishes to him


"This is for the VIP of Room 302, you will send it there right away."

"Yes." The player quickly ran out of the kitchen into the lobby with a tray, and then turned on The stairs reached the door of Room 302 and knocked on the door. "Guest, the food you ordered is here."

"Come in." The door of the room opened, and the player dressed as a second stepped in and closed the door with his backhand. "What's the situation?"

The player dressed as a junior said while putting dishes on the table: "The agreement has been signed. As you said, Buddhism restricts a lot of things, and we can’t manipulate it. The Buddhism middlemen I bought

, but the battlefield radar can still be used, at least they can determine their personnel composition and specific location. There are also many benefits that Buddhism gives. This is an agreement. You can take a look. ."

I took the agreement and looked through it. The content is very simple, but the prizes are quite rich. I nodded and said: "Are there enough people on your side?"


"For a while. You bring the crystal communicator, and I will return to the guild for a while. Check the contribution of the guild, and select some people who are ranked high. Isn’t there a chance to choose the Divine Item of the whole body among the prizes? Everyone who participates in the quest can choose one for themselves , I let the people with high contribution rate in the guild tell you what they need according to the ranking, and you can help them choose one thing according to their requirements as a prize

Bring it out. The magic egg is also The same arrangement. As for the three skills...that thing can’t be taken out, it’s all yours."

"Thank you, President."

I nodded and said: "Go Let’s do business, remember to turn on the crystal communication machine."

"Understood." After putting down all the meals, the player returned to the kitchen with an empty tray, and then went to the backyard to change to his own equipment. Shi Zhilu returned to the equipment store.

After the player left, I immediately threw the food on the table into the training space. Anyway, my monsters were all in it. There was only enough food, so I don't have to worry that no one wants it. After finishing the meal, I quickly checked out

opened the hotel, and then sent back to Contract City and Rose and they said about it. Rose immediately counted all the equipment needed by the high-contributors in the guild, and then was forwarded by the army's divine ability to the communication devices of the spies via the crystal communication machine.

After a while, they will be able to select some of the best equipment according to the requirements when they arrive in the Buddhist arsenal.

After they found everyone and arrived at the small temple, Buddhism immediately sent a few Divine Beasts to pick them up, and a large group of people from our guild gathered in front of the crystal communication machine. Watching the live broadcast. Those ten

several spies were sent to the Great Thunder Sound Temple and were immediately received by the Tathagata in person, and then it took two minutes to complete the personnel transaction procedures. Hong Yue took a pen and recorded the number and types of personnel sent by the Buddhas. After the spies leave the Great Thunder Sound Temple, they can also give their specific attributes. Report it to us. Although Buddhism signed a lot of restriction agreements with them to prevent them from interfering with Buddhism's actions, these folks in Buddhism have to hang under the name of this guild after all. Those who are the main members of the guild Spies can naturally check the attributes of the NPC troops they bought. This one doesn't even need to notify Buddhism. As long as we can master the detailed attributes of these Buddhist troops, we can save a lot of trouble when we really fight with them. At the very least, after knowing their characteristics, you can take targeted preventive measures, which is better than seeing them in the dark.

After completing the personnel trading operation with Buddhism, our spies were taken to Budhism's equipment warehouse and began to select equipment. Of course, the routes and various institutions along the way were recorded by us. In the next few days, Contract City will definitely

We will definitely participate in the guild when Celestial Court attacks Buddhism immediately. Record the locations of important equipment and skill libraries in advance, when the time comes. You can start directly. Anyway, every time we cooperate with Celestial Court

For the external attack, whoever grabs it will go to whoever grabs it. Even if we emptied the Buddhist arsenal of Celestial Court, there is nothing to say.

When those spies enter the Buddhist arsenal, I don’t care about the rest. Anyway, just choose the equipment according to the requirements of the members with high contribution value. I left the Military God's Control Center in advance to review the troops selected by Hong Yue to take the Dragon Spirit Tiger Soul Pill. Now that Buddhism has completed the first part of the plan, I believe it will not be long before we can see Buddhism's offensive forces. Now

The most urgent thing is Buddhism. Our city has spent a day and a half, and a day and a half will enter the defense period, and then the city will officially take effect after the defense period of two days. , When the time comes Celestial Court can launch a frontal attack

and there is nothing to resist Buddhism at that time. So if Buddhism wants to avoid a head-on battle with Celestial Court, they can only get us in the last three and a half days, otherwise they will be settled by Celestial Court.

Not all interception forces convened by Hong Yue are players. In our guild's battle sequence, there are very few pure player forces. Generally, NPCs or magic puppets act as the main attacking force, and players only play the role of coordination and command. The only battle team in our guild that is purely composed of players is a variety of leveling combat squads, such as elite squad and hunter squad. These teams that perform special tasks are generally pure play teams. And generally the battle strength is very strong. One-seventh of the new team organized by Hong Yue are players, and the rest are all NPCs and magic puppets. This is already included in the general team of our guild.

The number of players configured A relatively high level of organization.

"Why are they standing like this?" I looked at the lined up and asked Hong Yue next to him. The team in front of them did not form a neat line formation. No matter how the general army is arranged, basically

it should be horizontal and vertical, but the troops in front of them have formed a honeycomb formation. If you disassemble this formation, you will find that its basic unit is a seven-person squad. Each squad consists of three mechanical heavens

, a high level chaos archon, a high level order Knight, a god and a player. Mechanical angels are the kind of undead creatures, golems and golems that our guild produces. Take the dead

Knight-like soul instead of the thinking system, use the magic crystal power system as the power driving device, and take the crystal golem as the main body to form a half that looks like a reinstalled Knight, but has wings behind it. Mechanical lifeform. This

kind of mechanical angels can almost confront the ordinary soldiers of Divine Race without losing the wind, except for their low attack power against incorporeal creatures. Of course, behind the powerful strength corresponds to astronomical research and development costs and ultra-low output, but we can still afford to equip an elite force. The high level Chaos Archon in the team comes from the temple of our guild, which is Vina's temple of chaos and order. Chaos Officer

The predecessor of the politician is Chaos Mage. He is mainly good at assisting spells. Attack Type spells are few in number, but they are all practical. Order Knight is also a product of the Temple of Chaos and Order. Its features are similar to the Paladin of the Light God Palace. In addition to being super high on offense and defense, it can also heal companions and themselves. If they can’t be defeated in a short time, then they are Xiaoqiang General survivability will definitely drive their enemies crazy. God will be a type of NPC combatant sold by Celestial Court to

our guild. The biggest difference from heaven soldiers is that these guys have divine force, which can suppress the enemy's attribute on the battlefield, especially when Among the opposing forces, there is Divine Race, which has time effect

The most obvious effect. In addition, the battle method of the gods is also different from the heavenly soldiers. They can actually be regarded as the warriors of Magic and Martial Dual Cultivation. Although they mainly rely on physical attacks, their spells are not as good as those of the real masters.

What a difference. As for the last player, their main job is to coordinate the six combatants around them, and since they will be assigned a dragon essence and tiger soul pill, their own strength will also be greatly improved,

At least it will not be slaughtered by Buddhist soldiers like cutting melons and vegetables. The six people on the periphery of this seven-person squad just stand in a regular hexagon, and the player in charge will stand in the middle of the hexagon. This

like seven people together is still a hexagon, and the squad of such hexagons is the big square in front of me. But this can’t be called a phalanx. Although it looks like a square on the whole,

the edges are actually not neat. It is also not straight.

Hong Yue heard my question and immediately explained: "This formation is required by the military god. He said that battle strength is stronger."



"You should ask him about this! The guy speaks too deep, I can't understand, but I have to admit that the battle he is commanding is simply art."

I am nodded, But didn't say anything. The military god itself is a Taiwan battlefield command computer. The design purpose is to uniformly dispatch and command a large-scale war. Fighters like our guild at this level are just warm-ups. Of course, there is no challenge at all. However, this cannot be said to anyone. Everyone in the guild except me and Rose thinks that Military God is really a genius player. After all, smart phones are not advanced enough in civilian technology.

To the point of falsehood.

After reviewing the troops, I told them to carry out more cooperation training and I ran directly back to the command center of Isengard. As soon as I walked in, the military god didn’t even look back, and said directly: "You want to ask me

why the defense forces are arranged in that strange formation, right?"

< p>"How did you know that I was asking this?"

"The base just updated the system for me recently. I just experimented with you on the behavior prediction system, and the result proved that the accuracy rate is still quite high. ."

"Have you updated the system?" As soon as I heard that the military god had upgraded, I immediately ran to him and asked excitedly.


"What have been updated? Are there any new features?"

Military God is operating the console while Said: "Most of the updates only modify some inaccurate parameters. The apparent update is mainly about this behavioral prediction system."

"What can this system do? Analyze human behavior?"


"Yes. As long as you know a person's daily behavior, you can summarize his behavioral characteristics, so as to virtualize his thinking model in advance to predict how he will react after encountering various things. About this

The more detailed the person’s information, the more accurate the judgment will be. For example, I know you well, so the accuracy of judging your behavior will be abnormally high."

"so that's how it is. By the way, what's the matter with that force? You haven't explained to me yet?"

"This is the configuration of the Buddhism troops and Buddhism tactics that I sent back based on our spies. Arrangements made by the characteristics.” The military god said that he put more than a dozen screens currently being played on the big screen, and rows of data were displayed on the side of the screen. "From the pictures we see now, we can see that the battle method of Buddhism is not like an army. We have fought with Light God Palace and even Dark God Palace

, and we have also participated in Celestial Court. From the perspective of their performance, whether it is Light God Palace or Dark God Palace or Celestial Court, their low-level personnel basically have obvious military characteristics

, especially Celestial Court Do the best. The entire Celestial Court is basically a complete political system, not only the Army System, but also the Civil Service System, which is hard to find in the configurations of Light God Palace and Dark God Palace

, so the battle strength of Celestial Court is much stronger than Light God Palace and Dark God Palace."

"What does this have to do with Buddhism?"

"What Buddhism lacks is just The strengths of the above three. Buddhism lacks a complete command system. Compared with the complete military and political system of Celestial Court, the structure of Buddhism is more like a huge bandit gang.

The equivalent to belongs to the Boss. Basically, as long as there is no obvious directional problem, his words will be directly executed. In Celestial Court, although Jade Emperor and the three Saints above have the highest decision-making power , But the three Saints are actually more like a small Senate Council, while the Jade Emperor and the officials below are a large council. Although it is not determined by a majority vote, the Jade Emperor. It is rarely opposed to proposals supported by the majority, and Jade Emperor himself is very good at listening to the opinions of others. Therefore, although there is a concentration of power in this system, it actually shows a certain degree of democracy

, At least in non-emergency events, it can gather the wisdom of everyone, which is much better than Buddhism."

"But what does the superstructure's victory have to do with our battle?"

" Of course the relationship is very big. Haven’t you heard the saying that there is a raging soldier and a raging nest? It’s because of the superstructure of Buddhism Similar to a bandit gang, so their lower-level combatants don't feel like an army at all, instead they look like a band of bandits. Of course, this is not to say that their behavior is like bandits, but that their battle method is like bandits. First send forward generals one-on-one, no matter whether the pioneer generals win or lose, they must be swarmed by large forces. The only difference is that the morale of the vanguard will be higher if the vanguard wins. If a surge of troops rushes over the enemy in battle, it will definitely become a chase for thousands of miles

because Buddhism does not know what do not chase after cornered enemy. And once the impact tactics fail and the loss is too high, the Buddhism forces that surged up will rush away at a faster rate than before. But Buddhism is actually Divine Race. It is not so easy to defeat them. At least they and the bandits have no comparability in terms of resistance. Buddhism is like a bandit only in the structure of the troops, which has nothing to do with personal qualities and fighting will. "

"Because the fighting state of Buddhism is similar to that of bandits, you put our troops in this strange formation? "

"Yes. "Military God explained: "Because Buddhism does not use an army's combat model, we cannot use tactics against the army either. The main characteristics of Buddhism are chaotic formation and strong individual battle strength

. Then we use the hunting squad tactics against devil beasts. The seven people just happen to be a hunting squad. Their cooperation can completely suppress an enemy that is much stronger than their own. The individual soldier of Buddhism

Once trapped by such a seven-person squad, The probability of being eliminated without external support is as high as 80%. The squad and the squad are completely independent, so when the Buddhism skirmishers rushed over

When the Buddhism members were not wrapped in the seven squad, they could pass through the gap between the squad and the squad. Passing through, this can form a composite combat system under the premise of ensuring the maximum area of ​​engagement. From the perspective of our

guild combat team’s cooperation level, in Buddhism, apart from individual experts, it is almost impossible. Get out of the battlefield. "

"so that's how it is, so this formation is pretty good. "

"Not bad? This is the best tactic I formulated based on the tactical characteristics of Buddhism. It can have 30% more battle strength than general military tactics, and casualties can be reduced by 70%. Isn't that good? "

"Everything, your formation is the best. "

It is the most meaningless behavior to fight with the god of war, especially after he installed the behavior prediction system. It is definitely courting death.

Leaving Isengard, I will go again. I went to Celestial Court. It’s not enough to not be in close contact with Celestial Court during this period of time. Of course, it’s also necessary to visit those Avatars of Buddhism by the way. It may be useful to make a good relationship now.

When I went to them.

After three hours in Celestial Court, I rushed back to Contract City. As soon as I got out of Transmission Formation, I felt that the atmosphere was not ri

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