"But you are going to die." When the woman finished speaking, she suddenly lowered her head. A golden aperture flew from behind her, but eternity flickered from the other side. When I came out, I just hit the golden aperture, and only heard the sound of metal collision, followed by a bang, and the woman and I were thrown away at the same time.

"Damn it!" When I got up from the ground, I found that there was a blood hole on my shoulder. Half a golden ring was stuck in the hole, and blood was constantly flowing out of the hole.

The woman on the opposite side quickly got up too, she was also taken aback when she saw the half circle on my shoulder, and then looked around in surprise. Although there was nothing in the direction she looked towards, I still realized from her behavior that there was someone nearby.

"Emmenes, turn on the real projection." Although I didn't bring Emmenes summon out, her skills can still be effective. The pictures around me flickered, and suddenly there were more people on my side. This guy was covered with a huge robe from head to toe. Except for that robe, he couldn't see anything inside, and he couldn't even figure out whether he was a man or a woman.

The guy obviously didn't notice that I had spotted him, and he was still moving towards me very carefully. Since he didn't realize that I found him, I just pretended not to see him, and continued to walk towards the woman, but my attention had been focused on this mysterious guy. Sure enough, when I was about to walk to the woman, the black robe suddenly moved. The body of the black robed man suddenly flickered a few times, as if the full analysis image was unstable, and then the picture suddenly disappeared. The guy disappeared, and at the same time Emenes' voice rang in my ears. "That guy found me, he blocked my induction, and now I can't find him!"

"Aren't you an illusion Goddess? How could something be hidden from your eyes?"

"The problem is that I'm not completely Goddess anymore, and this guy doesn't seem to use phantom-like skills, he is really gone!"


"I mean he is not invisible, but he is really not by your side."

"You mean teleporting?"

Ling's voice suddenly Appeared in the conversation. "Do you need our help?"

"Not for the time being."


Although I don’t know how that guy disappeared, I I'm pretty sure he didn't leave, I can feel myself being spied on, and that guy is very close to me. Considering that the other party may wait until I have a weak spot, it is better to sell a weak spot to lead him to take the initiative, at least I am prepared. After I figured it out, I immediately grabbed the half of the golden ring stuck on my shoulder and violently pulled it out. The pu' sound golden ring was dragged from me along with a lot of blood, but I don’t know why the other party didn’t. Did not take advantage of the maneuver. I saw that the fracture of the Golden Ring was very neat, obviously it was cut off just after colliding with Eternity, but the information returned by Eternity also shows that this item is at least a Divine Item, if it weren’t for the Divine with the Blade of Heaven in Eternity. Item destroys the attribute and really can't fix it.

After throwing half of the golden ring into the Phoenix Dragon space, Xiaochun appeared next to me. The woman opposite saw Xiaochun nervously. She obviously didn’t know Xiaochun’s specifics. Ability, I thought I summoned a powerful thug, but when she saw Xiaochun using a healing technique on me, she immediately realized that this is not an attacking monster. But sometimes what you see may not be correct. Although Xiaochun is good at treatment, she is not a full-time nurse. According to the general classification of familiars, Xiaochun should be regarded as a semi-assisted attacking familiar, because she has some skills Nearly two-fifths of them are purely offensive, and two of the remaining three-pointers are auxiliary spells, and the real healing spells are less than a single point.

My injury and Xiaochun's appearance made the woman think that she had a chance. She suddenly bent over and rushed towards me, but someone moved faster than her. The person who disappeared before suddenly appeared in front of me, followed by a dagger sticking out of his robe and slamming at me. "Close my eyes." Xiaochun suddenly stretched out one hand to cover my eyes, and the other hand quickly popped out a sesame-sized light spot, which exploded in an instant. There is no shock wave, no high temperature, the explosion of the big sesame spot brings only extreme glare. The woman who rushed towards me and the person in the robe covered their eyes and screamed at the same time. They were both on the offensive, and their eyes must be locked on me. The spot of light was brighter than a flash bomb and instantly Both eyes flashed white.

The reaction of two people after the eyes are temporarily blind have nothing common with each other. The woman who rushed towards me quickly backed away with one hand protecting her eyes, while holding a dagger in the other hand, desperately recovering in front of him, hoping to fend off possible attacks, while the black robed man was much more convenient, and he went straight to After a step back, it completely disappeared from our sight.

"Master." Xiaochun let go of my eyes and said: "The guy in the robe uses spatial spells. I just felt the spatial energy fluctuations."

" Space spell, right?" I snapped my fingers, and Ling appeared next to me. "Boom him out for me."

Although Ling is a dark Goddess, he knows the most about space spell among my men. Actually, in my summon creature, the most fierce space spell is Phoenix Dragon Queen, but the problem is that Phoenix Dragon’s space spell is instinct. She doesn’t know much about the nature of space spell, so she really wants to talk about actual attacks. Li Ling is still relatively high, and when she and Xiaochun are together, she can also use a super abnormal skill together.

When Xiaochun saw that Ling was summoned out, he immediately understood what I was going to do. She directly stretched out her two hands to face Ling's palms, and then the two began to read together. "Phase...change." I saw the space around us suddenly darkened first, followed by a sharp brightening, and then a darkening, and then began to switch between light and dark, and the speed was getting faster and lighter. The contrast is getting stronger and stronger. Accompanied by the rapid changes in light and darkness, several white translucent humanoid objects floating in the air suddenly appeared in the space around us, but we did not pay attention to those things, because they were just the souls that were about to dissipate. The essence of phase transition is to switch the material world and energy world back and forth quickly to force all invisible or nihilized objects in the surrounding space to materialize. Because the phase switching is too fast, their own attributes cannot keep up with this change. In the end, they can only stay in one of the states, but once they stabilize, it means that they can’t switch back and forth in a short time, so that we can find and attack him.

As expected, after more than ten seconds of phase transition, there was a scream near us. A person suddenly fell out of the void and saw him crawling in panic. He got up and took off the black robe on his body and threw it out. I stretched out my hand towards the black robe before it landed, and the black robe flew towards me and landed exactly in my hand. At this time, Ling and Xiaochun had stopped the phase shift, took the black robe from my hand and looked at it, Ling said, “The robe is very ordinary, but this cloth has been given a powerful space spell, which can make The wearer enters the space mezzanine to move, and each time it is used for an hour, if it exceeds it, it will be stuck in the space gap. Don’t even think about it."

"That's not bad." I took a look and asked, "Can this thing still be used?"

Ling shook the head. "The phase shift just now burned the array on it, and now this is just an ordinary cloak."

"It's really unlucky, it's a waste of money." I heard that it was scrapped and I threw it away. He removed the robe in his hand, and then moved his gaze to the guy who took off the robe. This is a warrior professional player, who looks very handsome. It is estimated that being a movie star or singer will definitely be a little girl. But looking at the equipment of this guy, you know that he is not as simple as a pretty boy, because his equipment is a typical high-sensitivity warrior. Regardless of whether he is his own or sponsored by Buddhism, he can choose high-sensitivity warrior equipment to show that he is definitely not a will not waste wood, because high-sensitivity means low attack power. If you want to overcome the enemy, you must use a superhuman reaction. Power and skill to attack the enemy’s vitals or weaknesses. Even if a will not-type player has superhuman speed, his nervous response cannot keep up, he can only crash everywhere like a headless fly. You need to know what equipment is added. Your movement speed, as for how to exercise, depends on your nervous system. The reaction speed of the nervous system can't keep up with the speed of your muscles, which will only make you move out of balance. After roughly judging the characteristics of this guy from the equipment, I taunted with a smile: "This equipment is really beautiful! Didn't you get it for playing with the buddhism guys?"

Somewhat unexpectedly, that guy didn’t respond at all to what I said. Originally, I planned to provoke him and let him do it first. For the warrior, poor skills mean a reduction in overall strength. That is the result I most want to see. However, this guy has no reaction at all, which makes me irritate him in vain!

"Chairman Purple Moon. Even though we are enemies, you don't have to say something so bad, right?" The guy looked at me and said without mind.

"Sorry, I’m in a bad mood and rude! But Buddhism’s shameless inverted equipment strengthens you guys to make trouble with me. My mood is really not getting better! You are already third. Now, there won’t be the fourth, fifth, and N numbers behind, right?"

"That's not enough." The guy patted his hand, the air around him fluctuated suddenly, and then opened Six At Paths Transmission Gate, six people stepped out of Six Paths Gate and stood in a row with the guy. The fast Indian woman also walked to him. "Including the great monk with long muscles and no brains that you killed before, we only have ten people in total."

"Ten?" I killed a monk before, and now it is sent out suddenly. Six, plus that woman and this pretty boy, only nine?

"We don't need our boss to deal with you." A guy beside that guy pointed at me arrogantly and then hooked his finger. "I want to see our boss, let's settle down first."

"God, why do people think that they can beat me now?" I frowned looked towards the woman who really fought me before: "Do you think what your companion said is reliable?"

Hearing what I said, the remaining seven people all focused their attention on the woman. In fact, the eight people here except this woman did not No one has really played against me, including that pretty boy, who just competed with Ling and Xiaochun in terms of skills.

The woman hesitated for a long time and then cautiously said: "We are eight of us..." She stopped here, and the attention of the other seven people immediately came up. After waiting for a few seconds, she slowly continued: "Maybe, right?"

"What do you mean?" The extremely arrogant fellow asked anxiously. "Don't you think that the eight of us are not his opponents together?"

Looking at that woman's expression, she knew that she actually wanted to admit it, but considering that it would boost morale, she didn't say come out. After thinking for a long time, he said: "I'm not sure! I feel that he alone can attack any two of us in a joint attack. It takes three or four people together to hope to defeat him."

"Isn't that all right?" As soon as the guy heard that only three or four people can handle it, I immediately said proudly: "Are we not counting the boss? We still have eight people? We are afraid that we can't handle him if we go together?"

The pretty boy before was not as optimistic as this guy. He looked at me with a grim expression and said: "Mana means that we can only defeat Purple Moon by the four of us, but the problem is Purple Moon. It’s an animal trainer!"

It may be too unexpected to get equipment sponsorship from Buddhism, so these people were all overwhelmed by the excitement of getting good equipment for a while, until now they have not Thinking of it, I am not a warrior, but an animal trainer. There is no difficulty in defeating the trainer himself, because the real battle strength of the trainer comes from their familiars rather than themselves. Even if my fighting level is only up to the average standard of the trainer, that is, the pet's battle strength is equal to my own battle strength, it also means that dealing with my pet requires at least four people as against me, and my battle strength ranks No. The impossible ranking of No.1 is only average, which means it is definitely not enough to deal with the four of my favorites.

"Then what shall we do now?" the anxious guy asked before.

Another looking weak guy next to him also asked: "Should we also call the boss? What if...?"

"Nothing. Or. Kill Purple Moon, or take off the Divine Item and replace it with the previous junk equipment. Think about it yourself?" The words of the pretty boy made these people's expressions return to normal. Obviously, their previous equipment and the current Divine Item are simply incomparable. It's easy to go from poverty to wealth, and then to change back...no one can bear it anymore.

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