"The Nibble II mobile mining machine." I pointed to the giant silkworm-like mechanical body introduced in the screen: "This equipment is developed and produced by the Bank itself, so The cost is low, and its mining speed is much faster than any mining equipment currently used in other countries. In addition to its mining capacity, it can also perform preliminary screening of ore by the way, and only send valuable ore suitable for refining to the rear On the transport truck. After its primary level beneficiation, most of the useless parts in the mining can be separated, so the transportation cost is much lower. Of course, here, the most important standard is not its mining Speed ​​and sorting ability, but its survivability." I pointed to the bottom of the Cannibal II and said: "See? The Cannibal II uses a segmented crawler structure, and the ground movement speed is as high as 60 kilometers per hour. , The underground excavation speed is three kilometers each hour. If you find an enemy invading, you just need to move ahead. Although there is no speed as a war horse, the infantry can never catch up with it. In addition, the rear part of the Cannibal II is compared. There are two small rapid-fire magic crystal cannons hidden in the large part. The formidable power may not be enough for the siege. The beating is definitely death if you touch it and wipe it."

There was a gun, and he immediately asked excitedly: "Do you mean that this thing is more suitable than a mining machine as an armed minecart?"

"That's it. Strictly speaking, this thing should be regarded as A combination product of a mining machine, a primary level concentrator, and an armed mining cart. The outer layer of steel armor is very strong, and ordinary attacks cannot do anything to it."

"How did you think at the beginning? Want to make this thing?" Limad curiously asked while looking at the demo screen.

"Don't worry about this. In short, we have a lot of these things. Mining here is absolutely no problem." In fact, this kind of minecart is not specially designed for Kashmir, otherwise it won't. It's a type two when it comes up. In fact, this thing was originally used in Japan. as everyone knows Our guild is the fiercest fight in Japan, and the various mining areas are naturally the repeated competition between you and me, and then we also encountered the same situation as India encountered in Kashmir. When the Japanese invaded, we couldn't take away all the large equipment, but we were a little reluctant to destroy it, and it was even more difficult to keep it. Later, the mining department of our guild responded to the research institute, and the research institute produced such a thing. Every time they occupy the mining area, they will be driven over to mine. Once they can't hold it, let them run first. Anyway, these guys are not too slow, and they can still run away if there are troops behind them. If it doesn’t work, this thing can still burrow into the ground, and then the troops will use soil to fill in the hole it dug and disguise it for a while. After the enemy passes by, it can burrow out of the ground and continue to escape, or simply dig a tunnel underground to escape, anyway. The battlefield survivability of the fixed equipment is indeed much greater. At least in our guild's records, the Cannibal Type I and Type II have so far only lost three vehicles, and one of them was forced to blow up because of a breakdown at a critical moment.

After inspecting various areas with Limad, I returned to the newly built city in India in advance. Since this new city was used to help Celestial Court find an excuse to fight Buddhism, the name of the new city was determined to be the contract city. During my visit to India-controlled Kashmir, the outer defense facilities of Contract City have basically been established. The foundations of the huge city wall have all been dug, and the fixed turrets have begun to install cannons.

"Purple Moon, are you back?"

"Wife, why did you come to India by yourself? Shouldn't you be purchasing supplies?"

"Everything that should be prepared is prepared. Hong Yue has to stare at Japan. Anyway, I am free, so I just come over and direct the construction here."

I scan I glanced at the nearby area and said: "Are the turrets available now?"

"A few of them are already available, but the city’s power core and energy pipelines are not installed yet, so it’s also possible to launch. Manually, the speed will be slower."

"Where is the city wall?"

The rose pointed to the big ditch on the periphery. "You have also seen it, just dug the foundation."

"Did Indians come to make trouble during my absence?"

"Because of our contract, India’s main The guilds are not so good. The scattered small guilds and free players have come to make trouble, but the number of people is too small, and they can't even pass the outer cordon and they are killed."

I nodded . “It’s not the Indians that need to worry about now, but Buddhism. Having lost the resources on the Chinese side, Buddhism is not as good as before. They know that once the Celestial Court confronts them head-on, they will definitely lose, so they can only find a way to prevent us. Build the city. This is the key point of life and death, they will not miss any opportunity."

"Of course I know this, but we are the defender and the initiative is not with us. I think Avoidance is also impossible? Um...wait!" Rose suddenly thought of something. "Maybe we don't have to wait for them to take action first."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Sooner or later, we have to conflict with Buddhism, so how about provoking it now? "

"Provide provocation?"

"Yes." Rose said excitedly: "Anyway, Buddhism is restricted by the system and cannot move Contract City. You can go as long as you can't beat them. Just run in Contract City. As soon as they leave, you will make trouble with them and specifically trouble them. As long as Buddhism is not allowed to idle, they will not have the energy to trouble us anymore."

"Thinking Yes, but there are two problems." I held out a finger. "First, when facing a lion, does anyone care if there is a mosquito biting themselves?" After I finished speaking, I held out another finger. "Secondly, my contract with Indians has additional clauses. I will harass Buddhism. What should I do in Kashmir? Besides, there is information about Bangladesh that needs to be inquired?"

"Bangladesh fruit There are just a lot of devil beasts. You don’t need to go there in person, and you can get a few elite squads. However, Kashmir and Buddhism do require you to participate in both sides. Being dragged to Japan, Ziyue is not walking fast in the United States. Kristina wants to look at Europe. If we have more strong fighters in our guild, it will be great!"

"It's not ours There are not enough people, but our territory is too big!"

"What should we do now?"

"Now we can only wait for Buddhism to take the initiative."

Although I said to wait for Buddhism to take action first, in fact, while we are planning how to fight Buddhism, Buddhism is also planning how to plot against us.

"The current situation is like this. Is there any good way for you?" Tathagata said while sitting on the huge lotus platform.

Avalokitesvara said: "Celestial Court does not hesitate to borrow the power of the Frost Rose League for those Avatars, and we are now at a time of weakness, confronting Celestial Court head-on, and there is almost no chance of winning."

"Then what shall we do?" Tathagata asked anxiously.

"The only thing we can do now is not to let Celestial Court have a chance to go to war with us."

"Avalokitesvara meant not to let the Frost Rose League build the city?" Asked a fair-skinned monk sitting under the hands of Tathagata.

"There is only this way!"

"Does anyone have any comments?" Tathagata asked around, but no one answered. "Then that can only be done. It's just...!"

Before Tathagata said it, Guanyin answered: "As for the fact that we are restricted from directly attacking that city, I actually thought about it. Solution."

"Oh? How can this matter be solved?"

"We can do this like this..."

The people of Buddhism went through an emergency After the discussion, I acted immediately, and the whole plan was worked out in a few hours. That night, when I was visiting the Avatars of Buddhism in Celestial Court, suddenly a yellow light shot in from outside the hall. Erlangshen stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and he held a golden sword in his hand.

"Emergency letter arrow."

"What did you say?" Supreme Taoist asked.

Erlangshen opened the scroll wrapped around the arrow and looked at it: "Buddhism people are attacking Contract City and inform Purple Moon to go back immediately."

"Buddhism? They? Don't you have no right to attack Contract City directly?" The King Tota who was standing by the side asked in surprise.

"There is no time to consider these now. I will go back to see the situation immediately. I will send someone back to inform you if I have any news."

After I finish speaking, I will directly hold the teleportation ring Planning to teleport away, Supreme Taoist threw a bottle to me at the moment when I was about to start teleportation, and shouted: "Paint this thing on the sword."

Because the teleportation has been activated, I There was no time to answer at all, and as soon as he caught the bottle, he disappeared in place. One second later, I appeared in Isinger’s Transnational Transmission Formation. The Transmission Formation was activated at this time. The next second I was sent to the Indian Contract City. When I first came out of Transmission Formation, it didn't seem to be a big problem, because there were no killings or fires in the city. After a day of assault construction, the city wall now has a rough steel frame, but the turrets are all completed first. Not far from the Transmission Formation is the giant Heavenspan Pagoda in the middle of the city. The top of the tower is connected to a miniature city flying in the air, but now there is only a large platform on it, and other things have not been built yet.

"What the hell is going on?" I saw the big pot of rice standing outside Transmission Formation and knew he was here to pick me up.

When Da Guofan saw me, he ran over immediately. "The situation is urgent, it's like this...!"

I didn't wait for the big pot of rice to finish before I lifted him up and summon jumped out of Asuka. "Don't stand up and talk in an emergency. Let's talk while walking."

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