After we flew from the Transmission Formation to the outside of the city so much time, the big pot of rice made it clear what happened. In fact, it was not too complicated, that is, an Indian monk came from outside the city. As soon as he came up and said nothing, he attacked our defense team, and then our defense team fought him. This is not much different from the individual Indian players who come to harass. The key issue is after this. The average Indian player will be felt by our defense team after this step. However, this monk has not been killed by our defense team, on the contrary, our defense team has suffered heavy losses. Later, when Rose knew the situation, she knew that the expert was coming, so she took down the NPC defense team and replaced the elite squad of our guild. But the result was unexpected. The monk even joined our guild. The elite squads are all killed. The most terrifying thing is that the elite squad couldn't even escape when it found that it couldn't beat the opponent. This shows how terrifying this guy's battle strength is. We must know that the elite squads of our guild are selected by experts from the whole guild. They are equipped with high-end equipment that is most suitable for them after special cooperation training. These elite squads armed to the teeth can deal with ordinary enemies. It was definitely twice the results for half the effort, but in front of this monk, he couldn't even escape. This result is too exaggerated.

"Who is blocking the guy after the elite squad is defeated?" Since the city is still under construction and there is no sign of damage, it means that the monk has not yet entered. Someone must have entangled him.

"Kristina was blocking that guy."

I nodded that I understood, and then took Asuka back because we were already above the battlefield. Kristina is known as the first fort in Europe. There are almost no defensive spells in her skills, and the release speed of all spells is almost several times that of others. The battle against her was a shirtless monk wearing a pair of big bloomers. The monk is at least two meters tall, and his body is as long as a bear. People of this size are rare in India. The monk didn't have any weapons in his hands, only seven or eight golden rings were set on each of his arms, and his entire body was almost golden, standing there shining like a little sun. However, although this monk looks very vigorous, in fact he is in a defensive state. Kristina simply can't protect spell. Her tactic is to attack and attack again. When the enemy has no time to fight back, she doesn't need to defend spell. At present, the monk is experiencing the miserable state of being an opponent of Kristina, because no matter how vigorous he is, it is always not so pleasant to be passively beaten.

Seeing the state of the field seems to be fairly easy, I did not rush to intervene, anyway, it seems that Kristina can handle it. But the monk didn't know if he was anxious when he saw me, or if he was really caught fire. He suddenly roared, posing a bodybuilder's posture showing the muscles of his shoulders and chest, and then just listened to the sound of creak creak, the muscles of the guy's body increased suddenly like a blow. In the circle, even his height suddenly jumped up a lot, now it looks at least three meters.

I can’t help but remind Kristina: "Kristina. Be careful, he’s going to exchange his injury for his injury."

It may be that I have seen through the intention, then After the guy finished his transformation, he immediately yelled at me, followed him and rushed towards Kristina at the price of a string of violent Fireballs.

Although Kristina’s attack method is a pure strength tactic that wins with absolute damage, it does not mean Kristina does not understand combat skills. Just as the guy rushed towards her like a rhinoceros, Kristina’s machine gun-like Fireball suddenly stopped, and then the top of her staff suddenly lit up, and a red beam suddenly shot out, hitting the guy. Top the shoulders in front. Just hearing a bang, after the red light hit the guy's shoulder, it was as if a column of water hit the rock suddenly splashed from the surroundings, and formed a huge light cluster at the point of impact. However, even though the beam of light was dissipated, the guy's forward momentum was also blocked, even though he seemed to be trying very hard to continue rushing forward, but he couldn't move forward even if he was held up by the beam.

Originally, we thought that the form was at a deadlock. Who knew that Kristina suddenly handed the staff to her left hand and continued to keep the beam firing, then she bit her right hand and read on the side. The incomprehensible incantion turned into an array of hexagrams in the air. Although Kristina was imaginary in the air, the magical array appeared out of thin air in the air after her finger slid, and it emitted a dazzling red light. When the entire array was drawn, Kristina’s incantion had just ended, and she followed her to slap the array on the staff, only to hear a buzzing sound, suddenly a piece of light beams from the staff appeared, as if A part in the middle of that beam turned into a huge ball of light. This ball of light was much thicker than the beam of light, and immediately after it appeared, it rushed towards the monk along the beam of light. At the moment the light ball hit the monk, I saw a red light flashed, followed by a terrifying shock wave that instantly swept across the ground and blew all the nearby people away. At the same time, the position of the monk stood suddenly. A huge mushroom cloud is almost like a small atomic bomb exploded.

This guy is not stupid. After the explosion, he dodges behind me and hopes to hide, but I don't care about him. In fact, we are still some distance away from the explosion point. At most we can eat some soil, which will not cause much harm. On the contrary, Kristina is more dangerous. She doesn't have any protective spells. So, almost instantly after the explosion, I flashed in front of Kristina, turned and hugged her under her body and wrapped the two of us with wings. After all, the shock wave is just a shock wave. My wings themselves are anti-shields. This kind of damage can be ignored at all.

Kristina seemed to know that I would come, she was not nervous at all, she was still joking with me when she was wrapped in her wings. "How is it? The trick I learned just now is specifically designed to deal with individuals with super strong single defenses. Formidable power can pass?"

"Formidable power is indeed not bad, but I I doubt that if you use your defenses at such a close distance, aren’t you afraid to reimburse yourself?"

"Aren’t you by the side?"

"But I’m also impossible. Follow you?"

"This time it’s because he had rushed to the vicinity of the city before, and I competed by circumstances against him at such a close distance. In fact, the spell just now was used for remote sniping. Yes, not only the formidable power is large, but also the range is very long. In the past, my spell was only fast, and the ultra-long range attack was slightly insufficient, so I don’t have to worry about it now."

"What? Your turret Don’t use the rapid-fire cannon to upgrade the long-range cannon?"

"Just add it, I'm..."

Kristina felt the surroundings suddenly shine before finishing her words. , It turned out that I took my wings, but I didn't stand in front of her and wait for her to finish speaking. In fact, the reason I retracted my wings was because the monk was okay, he had already rushed to our side. He was stunned when he rushed here to see us wrapped in a huge feather cocoon, but then he guessed that this was my wing, so he rushed up without the slightest hesitation. It's just that my feeling is not so bad, the enemy is impossible and will not be sensed. As soon as he punched my wings, my wings suddenly reversed and flicked over. He immediately realized that it was not good, and hurriedly raised his arm to resist, only to see the sharp feathers on the edge of the wings rubbing on the golden ring on his arm. After a fire star came out, he took two more steps back in shock. At first he thought I was just using my wings to sweep him away, until he saw the fire star, he realized that my wings are not only a projectile, but also a weapon.

After turning around, I retracted my wings and didn't use it anymore, but rushed up immediately. The monk saw that I was close enough, and he immediately shouted, "Divine Light Body Protection." A ball of golden light suddenly appeared around his body and enveloped him.

"Do you think that if I break the tortoise shell, I can't do anything about you?" I stretched out my hand and touched the golden mask for eternity, just like cutting tin foil with a red soldering iron , Golden's just cover was cut open without any effect in the face of eternity.

"Why do you...?"

Before the monk's surprised words were finished, I took the first step: "How can it be possible to cut the divine light that the Buddha gave you, right? "I threw Eternity into the air, and Red’s Eternal Sword immediately broke down into dozens of one-foot-long cones suspended in the air, pointed the sharp tip at him and started high-speed rotation. "Didn't the Tathagata ever tell you when he sent you to make trouble? My sword is a god. I can kill even a living god. You think the divine light given to you by Spiritual God can stop me. Is it?"

"No...then impossible! How can you kill the gods?"

"Whether I can kill the gods is not something you need to care about. Besides, since you can I got some bauble help from Buddhism. Why can't I get some bauble from our Celestial Court in China?"

This guy understands what I said. He himself should not have such a strong strength. Although Kristina is not my opponent, he is still the top figure on the battle strength list. A guy like him who has never heard of his name before can stand up against Kristina's attack for so long. It's better to ask me to finish it. If he didn't get the help of Buddhism, his strength soared in a short period of time, it would be a hell! And since he even relied on the strength of Buddhism to catalyze him, it would not be surprising that I had some Celestial Court's help for him.

"hmph, now that you know, then I might as well tell you. Before I came, the Buddha gave me a divine light and this Indestructible Golden Body, and I also have the power of a treasure, Even if you can break the Divine Light Body Protection, you can never hurt me."

"Ignorance is terrifying!" I shook my head and walked to the guy.

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