After reading the surrounding environment, I turned my attention back to the sisters, Hua, but this look made me stunned. "Are you Chinese?" Although Pakistan is not far from China, its ethnicity is obviously different from Han. Although there are many ethnic minorities in China, they have lived together for so many years, and there are not many people who really do not bring Han bloodline at all. NS. The appearance of the two girls in front of them looked like a very standard Han appearance, which was very different from Pakistani and even Indians.

"Who told you that we are Chinese?" the girl whose wrist was tied with a dragon's tendon rope asked angrily.

"Is it Japanese?" I browsed slightly wrinkle and asked.

The girl who was tied to my neck stared at me and asked: "Can't we be Pakistani?"

I said funnyly: "Don't tell me since you were born I haven’t looked in the mirror. Don’t you think you look very different from the Pakistanis around you? Gene mutations are not so coincidental, right?"

"hmph, we are Americans."

"American?" I thought about it and understood. The only true native of the United States is an Indian. Americans are actually foreign immigrants. For hundreds of years, some people have actually not figured out which race their ancestors are. In fact, American culture has always been more aggressive than domestic ones. They don't care much about where they came from before, but where they will go in the future. To put it simply, they have no ancestral awareness. Asian races are more concerned about ancestors in the United States, but after all, the time is too long. Fortunately for the fifth and sixth generations, it is quite another matter after a dozen generations. Now some younger generations of Asian races have no idea what their ancestors are. They only know that they are yellow races, and they don’t know anything else. Although the two girls in front of me are not sure if they are Chinese or not, I can be roughly certain that they are descendants of Chinese. Although people from China, Japan, Korea, or Thailand are similar in the eyes of white people, Chinese people can still Roughly separated.

"Why? We are Americans, do you have an opinion?" the two girls asked in a bad tone.

I am indifferently smiled. "No comments, I just finally understand why you surrendered so simply."

"What do you mean?" The two girls heard me The words mean more than they say, and immediately changed their expressions. .

"Now I am more sure that you are of Chinese descent."

"We are not sure about how you can confirm?"

"I naturally have me But why should I tell you? It seems that you are my captives now?"

"hmph, the captive is the captive, at the worst, we are killed once. Don’t expect to force us to do anything excessive. Things, this is not reality, it's just one or two levels off at worst."

I was about to talk about them when I suddenly heard Limad's cry. "Purple Moon President is not in vain. Even the difficult opponent like Gemini in the mist was defeated by you."

"hmph, Limad, don’t be proud of you, although we don’t I know how the Purple Moon expert was invited by you, but I can be sure he won’t stay here all the time.” At this point, the two girls glanced at the nearby mining area and said, “Sooner or later, this is still ours.”

"That..." I ordered one of the girls and said, "Excuse me. I need to clarify something with you. I was not invited by them. In fact, they can't afford me. It's true. . But I have already taken a share here, so this will be my property in the future. You'd better not make trouble for good things."

"at worst we will see you go around in the future. Now, can you still stay here forever?" The two girls rebelled together.

I shook the head helplessly. With a flick of my wrist, the dragon's tendons were automatically loosened and retracted. The two girls wanted to run as soon as they found out that they were loosened. Unfortunately, they just turned and raised their feet. I couldn’t move my legs. I lowered my head and realized that at some point, my feet were completely covered by a large vine, and both of their feet were entangled in the vines. Let alone run away. Do not raise.

"How do do you say this! Since I dare to accept this place, naturally there is a way to control it. Don’t think that you are invincible in the whole world. We Frost Rose League It’s not because of me that I can support it alone, except for those who can put you down in our guild Danger Land, no less than double digits.” I’m not scaring them. Frost can have today's scale, of course I have put in a huge effort, but it is obviously not enough to rely on me alone. Multinational guilds like ours have cities all over the world. Even if I know the Avatar Technique alone, I will definitely be too busy. Guild leaders such as Hong Yue and Ying, guild think tanks such as Rose and Somei, Zhenhong, Ziyue, and guild fighters such as Christina are indispensable personnel. The Gemini's fighting skills and cooperation are really good, but in Hegemon guilds like ours, we can still find a large number of people who restrain them, such as the magic sound squad of our guild. The magic sound squad, which is dominated by Bingbing, concentrates on the three side professions of magic sound artist, magic musician and magic dancer. On the surface, they look like a song and dance troupe, but they are even experts like the gun god. I didn't dare to say that I would definitely be able to retreat under their full siege. Partial doors have the advantages of partial doors, at least not many people can understand their battle method, it is easy to be controlled by them when they really fight.

"Don't think that if you subdue the two of us, it will be over." The two little girls suddenly looked at each other and smiled.

I was so confused by their smiles. Looking at their expressions, there seemed to be some killing move hidden. "Could it be that you still have something useless."

"It's not something, it's because there are still people who haven't come."

I immediately looked towards Limad next to him. "In addition to the two of them, is there any very difficult to deal with expert in Pakistan?"

Limad also shook his head with a question mark and replied: "I haven't heard of it! I guess they are both. Lie to you?"

"Hmph, you don’t know that doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist." The two girls said triumphantly: "Sneak attack in the mist, yours was originally the three of us, but You only see two of us every time, so you think we are only two. The eldest sister has never been discovered, and none of the enemies killed by the eldest sister has actually seen her."

< p>"Just blow it up." Limad said: "I believe that no one has caught her. If no one has seen her, it is simply a joke. And you said that no one knows her existence, That’s even more impossible. At least there will be a system hint for killing. Players who are killed are not going to be online forever. People who are killed will naturally see who attacked them from the system information. How could they not know it? Who assaulted yourself?"

"You don't believe me to be down." The two girls said in unison: "You will be unlucky when our eldest sister comes online and knows that we have missed."

I didn't care about the words of the two girls, and I didn't care about them after I handed them to Limad. Anyway, whether it is to kill them or let them pay for ransom is their business, and it has nothing to do with me. Accompanied by Limad, I visited the main mining areas in the entire Indian-controlled Kashmir region, and the overall impression these mining areas gave me is one word-broken.

Limad seemed to understand what I meant from my frowning brows. Before I could ask a question, he asked himself: "Do you think the mining equipment here is in dilapidated conditions?" I nodded as an answer. . Limad saw that I confessed and explained: "In fact, things are not exactly the same as you think. When the game first started, the Kashmir area was completely controlled by monsters. Now you see India controls Kashmir. The area is not the dividing line in reality, but it was created by both of us. When we first occupied these mining areas, both of us were very excited to purchase a large amount of high-level mining equipment, and then began construction with great fanfare. , I hope to mine more ore to profit from it. But over time we found that the problem is not as simple as imagined. The initial mining area is indeed profitable and the equipment is also very advanced, but because of friction between the control areas of both sides, Then they began to attack each other endlessly. Whether our mining area is occupied by Pakistanis or their mining area is occupied by us, when the mining area is determined to be about to fall, we will unanimously choose to destroy production facilities first. Although these equipment are all flowers. It is distressed to be destroyed by oneself if bought at a high price, but everyone knows that leaving the equipment is equivalent to letting the enemy take over and continue mining. In that case, our losses will be even greater. So in order to prevent the other party from using their own equipment to open the mining area Therefore, we will destroy the equipment and blow up the pit before evacuation to ensure that the enemy cannot resume mining in a short period of time. In this way, the high level equipment is destroyed, because we cannot be sure that we will be able to control a mine for a long time. In order to reduce the loss when being occupied by the enemy, everyone no longer buys good equipment. Later, some of the mining areas with frequent back and forth competition even returned to the state of manpower mining, and they didn’t even bother to use the equipment."

Although what Limad said is very simple, but after listening to it, I deeply realized the hardship. "Originally, I thought it was your problem for the mining area to be so bad, but now I understand it. You are actually very good to have the current scale."

Limad suddenly changed the subject after sinking for a while. Asked: "By the way, I heard that President Purple Moon plans to replace the equipment completely. Now that you know the situation here, what are your plans?"

I'm nodded. "Of course."


"Simply put, it is for money. Although your mining method has relatively little loss when it is occupied by the enemy, you also have to Taking into account that the output has also become smaller. These broken equipment and human mining in some areas are obviously not comparable to high level equipment."

"We are naturally clear about this, but we do not The way! Is it that others come to occupy us and leave the equipment to them? If it is destroyed, buy new equipment back and forth repeatedly, and the input is more than the output. Isn’t it even less cost-effective? Could it be the president of Purple Moon? Is there a way to ensure that the city will not be breached?"

"No, I can’t guarantee. But we will have this." I just opened a video of the game, and Limad looked at the video. The jaw almost fell off the screen.

"This, this...Is this...?"

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