Hong Yue first said: "In fact, I think our choices are nothing more than two. Either agree to the demands of the Indians or disagree."

"Is there any Could you persuade the Indians to agree to our previous proposal?" Eagle asked me.

"I would have persuaded if possible. But to be honest, I can understand why Indians don't want Nepalese land."

"Why?" Curiously asked.

Rose explained to me: "To put it simply, there is no benefit. The whole of Nepal is almost mountainous. Firstly, urban construction is very difficult. Secondly, the number of monsters is scary. Thirdly, although the mineral resources are abundant. But almost all of them are in the core part of the high level monster area. It is very difficult to mine, so Indians refuse to be as it should be by rights."

"Then can we consider using some other To replace it in the region?" Eagle asked.

"Military God." I yelled, and the three-dimensional map in the center of the room immediately enlarged and turned into the state of the entire India and surrounding areas. "This is the state near India. First of all, we are absolutely impossible to replace the Indians with our own land, and even if we agree with the Indians, we won't do it."

"Why?" This fellow asked again.

Bing Ling who was sitting next to him slapped him angrily. "You idiot, after we circled the Great Thunder Sound Temple, if we cut a piece at the back and give it to the Indians, doesn’t it mean that we both have an enclave in each other’s land? This kind of discord with the main part of our country. Who would want the bordering enclave?"

"I just asked, what are you doing in such a magnificent state?"

"Okay, well, Bingling, don't hit him This is the habit of big pot rice. You are not the first heaven knows. Okay, everyone continues to look at the map. Except for our native impossible to replace with Indians, only Nepal, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka are left around India. , Maldives, Pakistan, and the Kashmir area that India and Pakistan have robbed. Nepal is difficult to develop, and the Indians don’t want it. The Maldives is a bunch of small islands, which is too troublesome to occupy. If the Indians want, we can’t choose it ourselves. Pakistan It is actually the same problem as Kashmir. If you want to choose Pakistan, it is better to grab Kashmir!"

"Then Sri Lanka and Bangladesh are the only ones left?" Eagle asked.

Su Mei suddenly said: "I remember that Bangladesh seems to be all primitive forests? Will the Indians want them in that kind of place?"

"Maybe this. We don't like it or not. It means that Indians don't like it either." Bailing said.

"What about Sri Lanka?" Woma asked. "I went to Sri Lanka when we bought the crystal nuclei of the high level marine devil beast, and it seemed to be pretty good there."

"Because it was pretty good, we couldn't choose Sri Lanka. "I said: "Sri Lanka has too rich resources. It is simply a super Treasure Gathering Pot. If we help the Indians to occupy Sri Lanka, it would be better for us to do it ourselves!"

"In this way, the rest Isn't it only Bangladesh?" Hong Yue asked, looking at the map.

"What resources does Bangladesh have?" So Mi asked.

The god of war immediately marked a bunch of various marks on the map, and then replied: "The main resource is wood. The whole area of ​​Bangladesh is covered by primitive forest. There is more wood than soil. But the most important one is this." A three-dimensional image of a tree suddenly appeared at the top of the map. "This is a magic core tree. In the middle of its trunk, there is a circle of magic core about one third diameter of the trunk. This kind of magic core is an excellent conductor of magic energy, equivalent to copper in reality. It can be used as long as it is slightly processed. To lay the magic transmission line. Our guild’s urban power pipe Dao Foundation originally used this type of substance, and it can be used in magic puppets, battleships, and ground defense weapons. It can be described as very versatile. In addition, according to The latest research results of our guild, this substance may be able to produce a conceptual defense system after some special processing."

"Sentimental defense system?"

"This Let me explain." Woma took the words of the military god and said: "The scientific research unit of the guild has just proposed a research project. We all know that when current flows through a conductor, a magnetic field is generated, and once the magnetic field is strong to a certain level 1. Don’t be able to restrain the objects within. Our researchers guess whether magical power will also produce a certain force field when flowing in the magical energy conductor? The latest research results show that this conjecture is completely valid, and its application prospects are very broad .We are currently experimenting with a magical armor. If it succeeds, it will be possible to add some additional defensive power to all personnel and combat units in our guild, and this defensive power will be effective against physical attacks and magical damage at the same time. Yes."

"Rely, is our guild's technical strength so great?" Several guys who didn't care about the guild's technical research were surprised when they heard Woma's introduction.

I patted the table and said, "Okay, the topic is far off. It's not about magic armor now. From the data just now, Bangladesh still has a lot of resources, but there is one thing that cannot be tolerated. The overlooked question is what to do with Bangladesh’s devil beast?"

The voice of the military god followed me introduced: "Bangladesh’s currently explored area accounts for approximately 45% of the country’s land area. Almost no one has entered the remaining areas. In the known areas of Bangladesh, the number and level of various devil beasts far exceed the normal standards of other countries, and the forests show that the monster activity area is not Stable characteristics. Originally explored areas without high level creatures may become the nest of high level devil beasts after a few days, so the development is very difficult. According to the information held by the bank, the Bangladeshi people So far, there is only one player city. The reason is that the monsters in Bangladesh are too powerful to build a player city. The only successful example is that the city is close to the sea and it has attracted a lot of foreign aid to finally succeed. "

"That is to say, the construction of a city in Bangladesh is almost the same as the land grab in Kashmir?" Zhen Hong asked.

"It's basically like this." After speaking, the military god added: "But I suggest that if you want to choose between Kashmir and Bangladesh, it is better to choose Bangladesh."

< p>"Why?" This suggestion of the military god even thought I was very strange.

"This is the conclusion of a comprehensive analysis." Military God said: "As far as the difficulty of combat is concerned, the Kashmir region is an unrestricted area, so the intensity of the battle cannot be measured by the standard of an ordinary region. Due to the support of the Divine Race forces of all parties, the battle strength of personnel fighting in Kashmir will be higher than when outside, so the actual combat level in Kashmir is higher than that of ordinary areas. Although Bangladesh is a complete country, But Kashmir is backed by Pakistan, a country much larger than Bangladesh, and coupled with the fighting level in Kashmir, Kashmir is much more difficult to fight than Bangladesh. Secondly, in terms of foreign relations, the magic core produced in Bangladesh and Kashmir produced. The ice crystals are very important, but the magic core is not monopolized by Bangladesh. There are many regions in China that produce it, but the production area is relatively scattered, and the mining cost is relatively high. In contrast, the ice crystal output in Kashmir accounts for one third of the world’s total output. In addition, China’s own ice crystal production is insufficient, so ice crystals in Kashmir are semi-monopoly products that can influence the price of world ice crystals. Pakistan and China have a good relationship, and India and Pakistan are both mining in Kashmir, and prices cannot be increased due to competition. , Which is of great benefit to us. If Kashmir is controlled by Indians, India will control one third of the world’s ice crystal production, which will have a great impact on our guild’s future procurement plan. On the contrary, if Bangladesh is controlled by Indians Control, our loss will not be too great, because the magic core of Bangladesh cannot control the market price, even if Indians control Bangladesh, they dare not raise prices rashly."

Rose nodded said: "You can now Calculate whether we help the Indians occupy Kashmir or Bangladesh or directly build a city in India which is more cost-effective?"

"According to my calculations, the most calculated plan among the three is to use Bangladesh Land exchange with Indians, followed by forced city construction. The worst option is to help the Indians occupy Kashmir. However, the land of Bangladesh is much larger than that of the Indians. Even if the land exchange is carried out, there is no need to occupy Bangladesh. The whole territory. If the president wants to negotiate with the Indians, it is best to limit the area to a smaller size."

I nodded and said: "Do you have any comments, if you all agree to replace the land with Bangladeshi land." If you do, I’ll go and negotiate with the Indians now."

With the unanimous approval of everyone, I finally adopted the proposal of the god of war. That night I rushed to India to negotiate with their main chairman. . But unlike when I came at noon, the guild leaders in India were busy in the evening. I just waited more than an hour in their Conference Hall to get everyone there.

"Chairman Purple Moon has made a decision?" The guy who took the lead in the question asked me with an expression that made me want to go up and beat him in the face with a punch, but I finally held back. Is it a major event after all? Seeing my nodded, the other party immediately said proudly: "Since you have agreed, let us discuss how to occupy Kashmir?"

"No." I shook the head. "I didn't promise to help you occupy Kashmir?"

"Then what are you doing back?" That guy's tone seemed to give me an ultimatum. It seems that my initiative to negotiate He was a little airy. It is estimated that they thought that my initiative to negotiate is a performance of being soft, that's why I was so arrogant. It seems that I have to make them sober, or else they can't talk in person!

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