In the face of the arrogant Indian guild leaders, I suddenly yelled out. "Fuck it to me." Accompanied by this huge throat, a shock wave spread out to the periphery with me as the center, and instantly shattered all the furniture in the room, some fragments scattered on the ground. It even burned. The following Indian guild leaders who were sitting in their seats all fell on all fours because the tables and chairs suddenly shattered, and the worst of them was the guy who was talking to me. When I yelled, the guy was leaning on the chair and the tripod was on the table, so that when the table and chair were shattered, his whole body fell to the ground without any reaction, and the other people's feet were still on the ground. It fell so badly.

The Indian guild leaders who were shocked by my sudden shock all sat on the ground in a daze and stared at me, who was burning with hellfire all over my body. At this time, I had nothing left. The elegant expression during the negotiation, completely like a hell messenger, the sudden change in the image, such a great wit, made those Indians startled.

The guild leaders who were lying underground stood up from the ground before hearing a bang from behind. The door of the Conference Hall was knocked open by two players. The sound just now of course alarmed the guards outside. They didn't know what happened inside, so they hurriedly slammed the door.

"Get out." Before the two people who rushed in had time to speak, they were blasted out by a dragon roar of mine. People outside just saw two people rushing into the house. It was shocked to fly upside down, but the guild leaders inside were not all fools, at least someone reacted and stopped others from rushing in.

The guy yelled the people outside and quickly got up to replace the guy who had spoken to me before and said: "President Purple Moon, please don't be angry, Siganda speaks improperly, please don't be offended "

"hmph! I'm here to negotiate, but don't think I'm afraid of you. I just don't want to have an avoidable conflict. If you think our Frost Rose League is good to bully. Let’s not talk about it. Everyone will be able to do a fight with each other and it will be clear. But I want to tell you. When Buddhism was in China, I still beat them to the ground. Compared with Buddhism, you people have everything. No, I can do Buddhism to the ground and I can do you to the ground too."

"Don't be angry, don't be angry, he doesn't represent all of us." The president in front of me tried to comfort me while trying his best to move back. Gesturing, the others quickly pulled out the guy who was particularly arrogant before.

Seeing that they still cooperated with me, they went down the steps, waved with one hand, and took away all the flames on the body with a whirr, but the ground and roof had been burned by me. Turning around and looking for something to sit on, I snapped my fingers, and the door of the earth opened suddenly behind me. Several ringtone knights helped me lift a huge throne with steps out, and I walked up the steps. After sitting on the throne, he looked condescendingly at the frightened group of Indian guild leaders. "The previous unpleasantness I took it as it did not happen, after all, since I have come, I don’t want the conflict to escalate, otherwise I will just start the fight, and I don’t need to come!"

"Yes, yes, what you said That's right." Now the people below have become much more amiable, and I really freaked them out just now. Before, they only thought of me for negotiating and thought that I was asking them, and they were all overwhelmed by the feeling of aloof and remote. They didn't remember who I was until they saw my madness just now. The presidents of these guilds in India know that they have how many catties and how many taels. The large guilds in Japan, France, the United Kingdom, and the United States have all suffered from me. I heard that even the Light God Palace in Europe has been taken by me. It has formed two sub-temples, this kind of strength is not something that an ordinary guild can resist. Their previous behavior was completely a group of rabbits dancing in front of hungry wolves, similar to courting death.

"Since you want to negotiate, let's negotiate. First of all, I want to tell you clearly that your proposal was rejected by our guild think tank."

" Why?"

"After our analysis, the actual occupation expenditure of Kashmir will exceed the expenditure caused by the forced construction of the city here, and the occupation of your territory this time is not my own desire. You also I know, I’m actually helping Celestial Court, so in this campaign, Celestial Court promised to help us reimburse most of the expenses. If I help you to fight Kashmir extra, then I will have to pay for all the expenses. This kind of loss trades me. I would never do it. In addition, the cost of occupation of Kashmir itself is much higher, so I cannot accept this proposal." Hearing what I said, the presidents of the Indian guild immediately wanted to plead, but I stopped them first. Open up. "Well, I know that you think Nepal is too barren. You are definitely not willing to trade Nepal for your land. I am not that unreasonable, so I discussed with my guild think tank and came up with an alternative. "I took out the previous mini-map machine again and showed the map of Bangladesh. "We plan to use this place for land exchange with you. How about it? Do you think it is acceptable?"

The presidents of the Indian guilds came up and stared at the map for a long time and said one of them:" The resources in Bangladesh are pretty good, but there are so many monsters here like cockroaches. Even if you help us occupy the land here and build a city, we can't stand it once you withdraw?"

"No, I have studied the city rules. Once the player's city is established, as long as the country's Divine Race intervenes, the surrounding area will enter a relatively stable state. The monster siege is only before the city is established, after There will be no problem. As for there are more monsters, you have to look at it the other way around. Don’t you think that monsters themselves are also a kind of resource?"

"It’s okay, but it’s just what you plan to do. How much land should I exchange with us?"

"How about 1:1.5?" I asked. "You can get one and five times the area of ​​our new city from India. In this way, the total area of ​​India will not decrease but will increase. You will not lose money without losing money."

"No no no, I don't think you have figured it out." The smarter president said before: "Although it seems that we have made compensation with 1.5 times the land, but you have seized our land. , And the compensation is someone else’s land. What would you think if we used 1.5 China’s area for the entire territory of China?"

"You want to tell me that you need mental loss Fees? Don’t be kidding. If you pay you 50% more, you will be compensated for your mental losses. Otherwise, don’t you think I’m a good person and I should give you 50% more area?"

"But that's too little?"

"no no no, I think you didn't figure out the situation. It's true that we have taken the area around the Great Thunder Sound Temple, but we have taken it. Basically, most of the land is in the mountainous area, and this area is basically a division between the two countries. There are no resources on it, and some are just infinite monsters. Use such barren land to exchange for the rich land rich in resources in Bangladesh. Don’t tell me that you don’t know the value comparison. On the surface, I exchanged 1.5 times the land for your land. In fact, the actual benefits you get may be three to six times that of your own land. Many.” Seeing that the other party wanted to argue, I quickly reached out and stopped with a finger: “Ohhhhh...Don’t argue with me again, OK? If you have to ask for the benefits of impossible, then I have to remind you, I am a businessman. For me, trading is very simple. I will do if I make a profit, and I will withdraw if I don’t make a profit. Don’t make me think this is a failed business, okay?"

"Let us discuss Click!" That guy immediately took the others and ran out for a heated debate. They waited for more than half an hour before they ran back. "Okay! You won."

"You are a good partner." I smiled and jumped out of my seat, and Ringtone Knight immediately lifted the chair back and closed the door of the earth. . "Now let us discuss which area you want? 1.5 times the area will not occupy the entire Bangladesh. You have to tell me which area you want. You can choose whatever you want, but I have to Emphasize that the place you choose must meet two conditions. First, the five times the area must be connected, and I will not help you bloom everywhere. Second, this land must border your country. Otherwise, neither of you nor I can get started. You have to understand this."

"No problem, let us discuss the specific matters."

"Although you can discuss it, I will not I'm worried."

The group of Indian guild leaders ran back after discussing it together, but they added an additional condition in addition to drawing the required range. "Although the conditions you have given are quite good, although the actual benefits of occupying the land of Bangladesh are relatively large, we and the players in our country are not easy to explain. After all, you should also know that the ordinary person and our leaders are not important. The same. For ordinary players, it doesn’t matter how many resources our country gets. On the contrary, the vanity pleasure brought by defeating the enemy makes them more happy, so..."

"So what? Are you still Want the Kashmir area?"

"no no no, you don’t need your guild to send troops to help occupy, we just want to borrow your power alone."

"I’m alone. ?" I was confused by these people.

"It's like this." One of the presidents stood up and explained: "Foreigners don't know the situation in Kashmir, so not quite clear. In fact, Kashmir is not what you think."

"It's not what we imagined? What is it like? And what does it matter to me?"

"This...Kashmir region is supported by both Spiritual Gods, so there are some problems. It’s a normal change. The information you got from your intelligence system said that the fighting in Kashmir is fiercer than outside. This is correct, but the way is different from what you think. People in this area are not helped by the Spiritual God of their country to become stronger. Instead, it is weakened by the enemy’s spiritual pressure, and what is worse is that only defensive power and life force are weakened. The attack power and movement speed are not suppressed but are much higher than normal."

"Doesn’t you die at the touch of a touch?"

"That’s why we want to ask you to help." The Indian president explained: "Because most players rely on attributes to fight, almost nothing Skills can be said, so entering Kashmir is almost the same as sending death. The occupation of any mining area requires repeated seesaws by many people. Every battlefield, like meat grinder, requires us to continue to take people to fill in, and the loss in it It’s so big that we can barely bear it. Don’t be afraid to tell you the truth. In fact, the benefits we have gained in Kashmir have been completely offset by the huge war losses, and sometimes we even have to lose out. If it’s not for the face problem, we ourselves I don’t want the Kashmir area anymore."

"There is such a thing?"

"This is not a good thing. Will we go and spread it everywhere?"

"That's true. But if you ask me for help, won’t you let me help you as a thug?"

"It’s a bit disrespectful to say that it’s a thug, but it means the same thing, but I think it’s called Mercenaries are more suitable."

I gave an evil smile upon hearing the other's answer. "That's it? You need to know that my employment costs are not cheap? In addition to doing things for myself, I was working with various Divine Race forces, so I was hired by Divine Race. People paid for it, but they were all concerned. Don’t blink."

"This...!" The people turned around and talked for a while, and then one of them said, "Do you think this is okay? We don’t think it’s okay to give the money directly. Many, how about we use the mining rights to exchange it?"

"How to exchange?"

"Every time you help us occupy a mining area, the ownership of the mining area will be divided among you 30%."

I shook the head. "At least 60%, otherwise no discussion. Mine is mine. You can get 40% without doing anything. It's better than making money at a loss, right?"

"This... …40% is too little, right?" One of the presidents said: "We are an additional condition of the previous contract. Can you give us some benefit?"

"Then 50%, We split half, but you didn’t do anything and you got half for nothing. This is not a loss, right?"

Another president said: "The loss is so good that it is not a loss, but we have to make it clear. , We are not doing nothing. Although you are mainly responsible for helping us to occupy the mining area, we have to do the construction by ourselves in the later stage. If you do take the money, it is still more cost-effective for you."

" Otherwise, how about this?" I said again: "It's still five to five points, but you don't need to leave the mine to occupy the mine. After the occupation of the mine area is completed, my guild will be responsible for the mining and equipment. The guard work is half of the guard work by both of us. When you the time comes as long as the ready-made ore is enough. How about it? Satisfied now?"

"Will you be so good to help us mine?" A long, insignificant guy said: "Listen Saying that you are stingy, how could you take the initiative to help us share the mining work? You must know that the cost of mining is not small!"

"Hehe, of course I did not take the initiative to take the job for you , Actually, I’m too lazy to wait for your equipment to mine slowly. I have seen your equipment. The speed is too slow. When you dig out the mine, the daylily will be cold. One of our guild’s giant mining machines can top your five. Ten machines, and only two people can operate it, which is much faster than your equipment. The mines are there anyway, the faster the mining speed, the greater our interests, and for some small mines, we can send three or four Ten machines are installed together, and within a week or two, the mine is lighted up as a surprise, so that even defense is saved, and a lot of money can be saved. How about? Let's mine, right?"

"Since it is something that both sides are good for, let's do it. But what do you mean when you say that the defenses are divided into half? Do we want to mix our troops together? It is easy to accidentally hurt troops without alliances. Yes, do you plan to form a strategic alliance with us?"

"Strategic alliance? That is too exaggerated. I mean you still set up a mine defense team according to the old method, but you don’t need to arrange too many people. As long as it can deal with a few small groups of enemies and can persist for a few hours when encountering a large group of enemies. Our guild will form a rapid reaction force in the mining area and set it as an air force. Once the mining area is attacked by the enemy, the opponent If there are not many people, you can do it by yourself. If you are unsure, call us for reinforcements. Our mobile unit will be responsible for fighting fires everywhere. Isn’t it better than staying in one place? You should also know our guild’s guardian beast long spear Right? The speed of that thing is no less than that of a jet fighter, no matter what goes wrong within an hour Definitely can be reached. And because our rapid reaction force is relatively fast, we can completely increase the number of people, if more than one place is hit, we can divide the troops out, or combine them to destroy them one by one. When you have nothing to do, you can go out and siege the opponent's mining area, so that you can make the most of the battle strength of your troops, which is much better than sending a large group of people to nest in each mining area. "

"We now understand why your guild is so powerful! "A president said: "Then we will follow your plan. "

After finalizing the contract, we applied for the system guarantee contract and confirmed it. After the contract was signed, it will take effect automatically. After a brief exchange of views on the details, I left here. The contract signed with the Indians this time is divided into time periods. First of all, we must first establish the city. This is the 1st Step. There is a contract to guarantee that the Indians will not be afraid of me going back. When I return to the newly built city, it is outside the city. Indian players are evacuating the entire team, and it seems that the Indian presidents are moving fast.

"Finished? "When I saw me appear, Hong Yue asked.

I am nodded. "Otherwise the Indians wouldn't be so good to leave by themselves? However, the construction work here still needs to be stepped up. "

"Why? Didn’t you sign a contract with them? "Bingbing, standing next to Hong Yue, asked puzzledly.

"Because the Buddhist avatars in Celestial Court are almost unable to withstand it, we must fix the Great Thunder Sound Temple as soon as possible, otherwise there will be trouble. . If those Buddhists in Buddhism fail to save the war money Celestial Court this time, they won't be able to accept the account, maybe they will trouble us. Besides, the negotiations with me this time are only part of the guilds in India. It is not that all Indians will not come to make trouble for us, but the biggest guilds will not participate. With their influence, it should be able to suppress some small Indian guilds and scattered players, but there is no guarantee that there will be absolutely no accidents, so there will be no shortage of small fights. There is Buddhism. Hinduism itself is to follow suit. Indian players will not find trouble as long as they don't make trouble. But Buddhism is different. They know that we are against them, so even if the Indian guild does not care, they will find ways to trouble us. This must be careful. Divine Race is definitely not as simple as a small fight. "

"We naturally know this. We will try our best to speed up in the city. If you have time, stay and help. The magic puppet can work faster if someone coordinates. "

"I'm afraid I'm out of time for this! "

"Why? "Hong Yue looked at me in surprise and asked, "Is there anything more important than building a city now?" "

"In fact, the agreement signed with the Indians this time has a joint clause. "I showed the agreement to Hong Yue. After reading Hong Yue, he said thoughtfully: "The contract is full of profits, but you are not here at this time. What if someone comes to make trouble?" "

I pointed to the Transmission Formation in the city. "Just call me if you have something." Kashmir to India and Pakistan are regarded as domestic transmissions, and they will be back in a few seconds. Even if the Tathagata himself makes trouble by himself, you won't be able to stand it for a few seconds, right? "

"That's it! Then there is nothing at worst, just pay attention to our call. "

After I explained the work here, I immediately transferred to Isengard, then turned to Celestial Court, and reported on my progress. The Divine Immortal of Celestial Court told me and India People signed this agreement are very satisfied. After all, no one can mess up and build the city faster, but I think if the situation here is not very good, it seems that our speed must be faster. After I came out of Celestial Court, I would be faster. Back in India, I met with the presidents of the major guilds in India and confirmed that they had sent the notice to Kashmir. I didn’t want to be besieged by the Indians as soon as I came out of the Transmission Formation. I'm afraid of them, but I don't want to fight meaninglessly.

I decided to send the target to the largest mining area in the Indian-controlled Kashmir area. This mining area is located near the Indian border, so it is relatively safe. I am here first. In order to confirm what kind of attribute changes in Kashmir will turn me into, or else I don’t know the situation and it’s easy to hang up. After I got here, the nearby Indians were all taken aback when they saw me, but because I was notified in advance. There was no extreme performance. I didn’t care about them. I found a quiet place and looked at the attributes. Fortunately, the attribute changes are not too exaggerated. The defensive power is compressed to one percent of the normal value, and the health value is only left. On the contrary, the attack power has increased tenfold, and even the movement speed has doubled. If it is not for the system to specialize me, the average player is indeed dead at the touch of this value. Except for the blood bull type warrior, most people have a layer of blood skin. Taking into account the soaring attack power of everyone, there is still immortality?

"Purple Moon. "Just after I read the attribute, someone called me. Do I still have acquaintances here?

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