"I finally figured it out. If the Indians attack us, we must fight back, and the counterattack will inevitably cause casualties. These two points are inevitable contradictions and cannot be restored, but the previous ones Some inferences are wrong."

"Previous inferences?" Hong Yue looked at me puzzledly, not knowing what I was talking about.

"It’s the inference that the Indians I’m talking about will inevitably attack us. Although the appearance of enemy cities within the country will indeed lead to a group of players from the country, this is not necessarily true, and in fact The operability in the middle is very large."

"Operability? Why do you say that I am more confused?"

"This is actually very simple. First of all, we must consider India National conditions. Remember the three weakest fighting will in the world?"

"Of course, India, France, Italy."

"Yes. As a large country People in these three countries are most afraid of death in war. Of course, conversely, people in these three countries can also be considered the most "peace-loving". Therefore, our invasion of India and invasion of other countries will be different. The resistance of Indian players will not be as strong as in other countries."

"But even if their resistance is not strong, they won't be able to fight back?" Hong Yue asked rhetorically.

"Yes, they do not fail to fight back, but relatively speaking, their enthusiasm for counterattack will be much lower. At least they don’t have the Japanese consciousness that you die or I live, and this It created the possibility for our negotiation."

"But even if the Indians don’t really want to fight us, at least they won’t watch us take advantage of them?"

"That Of course, but since there is no determination to die, the Indians will not go head-to-head with us, at least they will not until we are forced to go nowhere. When we build a city on the land of India, we equivalently invaded the Indians. This is tantamount to driving the Indians on a deadly road, because any reduction in the size of the land is absolutely intolerable. But... can we completely demolish the eastern wall and supplement the western wall."


"Remember that there is a small country between China and India?"

"You mean Nepal?"

"No Wrong."

Hong Yue suddenly guessed what I meant. "Do you want to sacrifice Nepal to play land exchange with the Indians?"

"As expected of my deputy Sir President, smart!"

"Are you complimenting me or Boast yourself? You came up with the method!"

"Haha, don't care about this, do you think this method is feasible?"

"Not good said. From the point of view of the general country It must be impossible, but Indians... this is really hard to say! After all, I am not an Indian. Their way of thinking and values ​​are different from ours, maybe something that is intolerable in our opinion, they think it's nothing. It’s not necessarily at the worst!"

"hehe, since you have said so, then I will try."

I will leave as I say, Hong Yue hastily I shouted at the back: "Hey, what do you do if you leave here?"

Although I heard Hong Yue's call, I did not stop, but just threw the sentence from a distance: "Isn't it still?" Do you have you?" It just touched people directly.

Hong Yue jumped off my feet with anger, but she turned her anger into anger, but she had no choice but to turn around and direct the construction of the city. As for me, I was already a few kilometers away. Riding a bird to rush into the inner area of ​​India at maximum speed, I soon discovered the target of this trip-Kata.

Kata is only a medium-sized city, but its significance in India is extraordinary, because it is actually India’s first and currently the largest city built by players. Speaking of which is rather weird. Indian players and players from other countries are a bit different in terms of development. They don't seem to like to build their own cities, but are very keen to build guild bases in NPC cities. In other countries, the original system city is basically controlled by players, and even some countries now have no independent cities controlled by NPCs, but India is just the opposite. Not only the original system cities are almost still alive, but also changed. It’s bigger than before, and there are even a lot of new cities. On the contrary, there are not many player cities. I personally think that this may have something to do with the personality of the Indians. They can even create a non-violent and non-cooperative movement for things like national independence that must be shed. It is conceivable how "peace-loving" Indians are! In view of the weird way of the Indian national independence movement, the behavior of Indian players not to invade the system city is not so incredible.

I came to Kata now mainly to talk to several major forces in India. Although Kata is only a small city, there are some of the most important Indians in this city. The headquarters of a large guild. Are you surprised to hear this news? How can the headquarters of large guilds share the same city? In fact, the Indians did just that, and they were miraculously moving in peace until now.

When I reached the sky above Kata, I retracted the Asuka, and then opened my wings and fell from the sky. The Indians below hadn't noticed me at all. No one noticed me until I slowly landed on top of the huge lotus sculpture in the city center.

"It's Purple Moon!" With the appearance of the first cry, the following quickly became messy, and I felt like a plague god. Almost all the people below lost one's head out of Fear ran around, and it took a long time for an established team to come and surround me. As one of the most important cities in India, the defense here is really nothing to say!

"Purple Moon, you guy dared to come to Kata!" One of the people below who was obviously the leader yelled at me.

"Is there any danger here? Why should I dare not come?" I deliberately angered the guy below.

"hmph, I'm not quarreling with you. Are you leaving yourself obediently or let us kill you?"

"Kill me? hahahaha..." I stood on the top of the lotus Shang laughed exaggeratedly. "This is the funniest joke I've heard today. If you don't want this place to become ruin, go find someone who speaks the word, or don't blame me for not warning you."

"hmph!" Although angry, the guy finally didn't dare to lead people to rush up. Now more than half of the people in the game know me. Although they only know that my battle strength is relatively strong, except for a few experts who are also very difficult to deal with, ordinary players rarely have the courage to challenge me. If you have the courage to challenge, not many think you can win. Of course, the above situation is only based on people with normal minds. After all, the forests are big and there are all kinds of birds, and there are many wastes that I don’t know about the immensity of heaven and earth. However, this one is obviously not in this list. He still knows that he has how many catties and how many taels.

The guy was furious, and his work efficiency was not bad, so he quickly found their boss. The people who came this time also brought a large group of attendants behind them. Looking at the equipment, they knew that they were not ordinary players. Since the equipment in "Zero" basically divides the appearance according to its value, the better the equipment, the more gorgeous the appearance, so the average player can understand the level of what is worn by the player. In addition, since generally capable players have better equipment, the appearance of the equipment can also roughly determine the player’s battle strength. After all, the player’s own strength to obtain good equipment is more probable than those without strength. Good equipment itself is also an important part of personal strength, so this way of distinguishing battle strength by the gorgeousness of equipment is basically quite accurate.

"I thought my subordinates were joking with me! Didn't expect it is really you!" The guy who took the lead walked to the edge of the square and started loudly said, and the people next to him saw me It was a nervous expression, as if I would rush down and kill them all at any time!

"I’m not a terrorist. Don’t tell your subordinates to be so nervous! Actually, I’m here to negotiate today, but I’m afraid you can’t do this alone. You need a group of people who can represent the whole of India. Someone comes to negotiate with me."

"What do you want to talk about?"

"I have to say it to other Indian representatives, so I hope and The others will be explained clearly once again when they arrive. Can you summon representatives of the major guilds in India?"

The guy lowered his head and thought for a while, and then said: "I can summon everyone to meet you , But I can’t control whether other guilds will come."

"That’s enough."

I don’t know if it’s because of my reputation or the one who goes to convene The popularity of the guys, in short, calling for work is surprisingly easy. In total, it took just over an hour for the presidents of several major large guilds and some scattered small guilds in India, as well as the main Chief-In-Charge, except for the president of one of the medium-sized guilds that was not online. None of them are bad.

We finally temporarily borrowed the Conference Hall of a nearby guild for negotiation. As soon as the door of the Conference Hall was closed, the impatient couldn't help shouting. "Okay, we are all here now, should you tell us what you are here to talk about?"

The president of another guild also continued: "I heard that your guild We are invading our country, and now we can be regarded as in a state of war. What do you want to talk about when you come to find us?"

"In fact, what I want to talk about is about this war." Before someone spoke, I said first: "You all think I am an intruder now, so you are very angry, are you?"


"Although No one answered, but this nasal sound already shows that I guessed it right. But... things are not as simple as you think." After seeing the look in their eyes, I continued: "On the surface it seems to be my behavior. Will invade your country, but in fact we are also compelled by circumstances!"

"hmph! Invasion is also compelled by circumstances?"

"Normally, there is nothing wrong It means there will never be. And my current situation is compelled by circumstances."

"Well, we have to hear how you compelled by circumstances."

Next, I briefly talked about Buddhism and Celestial Court. During the period, several Indian guild presidents asked some questions. After I explained them, they finally figured out the whole sequence of events.

"...The above is what happened. That's why I came here."

"But even if we understand your difficulties, but we are the invaded party, you You can’t ask the robbed person to hand over the money just because the robber is so poor that he’s starving to death, right?" What this guy said may sound tactful at first, but when you think about it carefully, you will find that he is actually scolding me. .

"I didn’t mean that. I’m here to discuss with you how to solve the immediate problem."

"With the ingenuity of President Purple Moon, I’m afraid I already have Is there a solution?"

"I don’t dare to be clever, but I did prepare a solution." He stood up and pulled out his weapons. "Don't be so nervous, right?" I said in slow motion and took out a flat round metal object from behind. After placing the thing on the tabletop and pressing it lightly, the metal pie immediately separated to the two sides to reveal the crystal core in the middle. A beam of light shot out from the core and showed a China-India boundary and the surroundings at a height of more than one meter above the tabletop. Map of the region. After seeing the function of this thing, the guild leaders put away their arms and lifted up their chairs to sit back. Before the match, they had been on guard thinking that I was going to kill them all! I didn't react to their reaction, but made my own. I pointed to one of them and clicked. "Here is our new city construction site. Once it is completed, then..." I drew a curve below that point. "The area north of this line will be included in the Chinese territory, and the most important thing is here, the Great Thunder Sound Temple will also be included in the scope of the Chinese territory. At that time, Celestial Court and Buddhism will be able to fight in the domestic Divine Race. The war is officially launched in the name of, and there is nothing wrong with me."

"You are all right, what about our country?"

"That's good. My solution The key point of the plan is here." I pointed to another location on the map.


"Yes." I continued: "I have occupied your territory. If this is the case, you will suffer a loss. Then if I help you in Nepal occupies a land larger than the area I set out from India. Don’t you lose money? How about? Are you satisfied with my land replacement method?"

"But the player from Nepal Will you be willing to give up the land?"

"Of course not, so I have to send troops to help you occupy. I will transfer all the troops now used to defend the new city to Nepal to re-occupy. A city, and then after the city is established, I will transfer it to you free of charge, so that India’s territory will expand. In exchange, you stop attacking our new city, so that everyone’s benefits will be better than the current one. Is it much better to fight both sides suffer like this?"

"This...let me discuss it."

"It just so happens. I'm a bit tired. You should discuss it first. I Go to your city to replenish some supplies. After you have discussed it, send someone to call me.” As I said, I walked out the door. Before I went out, the guys all got together and started everyone talking at once. I got up, but I was not interested in their discussion, so I took the door and went out.

Speaking of which Although the city of Kata is small, the internal structure is very compact, and the distribution of various shops is very even. In my opinion, a large city like Isengard is actually not as good as a small city like Kata. Because the city is too big, the distance between many official institutions that can only be set up in a city will be relatively long. For example, the straight-line distance between Isengard’s temple complex and the professional certification office is almost three kilometers, and the actual direction of the road is affected by traffic conditions when walking on the road, and the actual distance may reach more than five kilometers. Fortunately, if a city like Isinger has a large number of Transmission Formations in the city, if the average city is as big as Isinger, the player will have to run around the city for a day just to change his job, and he will have to be exhausted. Relatively speaking, the compact layout of a small city like Kata makes people feel a lot more refreshing. Although it is not as majestic as Isinger, and it is a little rustic in a small town, it has all the facilities that should be there. It can be said that It is extremely convenient.

Turning along the streets with Indian characteristics and experiencing the exotic atmosphere, I can say that I am having a good time, but the group of people next to me is miserable NS. These people are sent by the guild leaders to follow me. On the one hand, they are equivalent to surveillance personnel, and on the other hand, they can play a security role. Of course, they are not protecting me, but protecting ordinary players. After all, we are now at war on both sides, and it is inevitable that some people on the road will rush up when their heads are hot. They fell down to nothing, but once I took a shot, most of the city would suffer. So in order not to give me an excuse to make trouble, the Indian security guards around me had to run back and forth, sometimes even had to pull up. The human wall blocks the flow of people outside from approaching.

The group of Indian guild leaders are so fast. I played outside for less than an hour and they sent someone to call me back, and the group of "bodyguards" next to me "Is collectively exhaled.

"Yeah! Have you finished the discussion?"

One of the temporarily elected representatives sat opposite me. "Can you open the map?" I nodded took out the previous stereo map device and unfolded it, and the guy immediately clicked on it. "We don't want Nepal, we want here."

I checked where he pointed. "The Pakistan-controlled Kashmir? Why did you think of wanting here?"

"Kashmir originally belonged to us. What's wrong with reoccupying Kashmir? Besides, you just want to exchange land with us anyway. It’s not your China’s own territory. Isn’t it the same if you change it?"

"The same? How can this be the same? Of course it’s different!" The voice was called by Rose. In fact, I am already Back to Isengard, and the previous negotiations with the Indians in Kata were not finalized. Just like they need to discuss, I also need to discuss, fortunately Indians are not in a hurry now, but this group of bastards is not someone who is easy to deal with. Although they did not limit the time I can discuss, they said that the attack intensity will not weaken until the final touch on the plan, and they will continue to prepare for the war as if there is no negotiation. When they asked for the Kashmir area, I knew something was going to happen, so I had to run back to discuss it with someone.

"Of course I also know the difference. What I want to know now is whether it is worth buying or selling?"

The eagle looked at the super map projected by the military god and said:" I’m not very familiar with Kashmir. Can you two explain why the two places are different?"

Rose had to explain the expression of "Confused". "I believe everyone knows the dispute between India and Pakistan in the Kashmir region in reality. As long as you read the international news, you must have heard of it. However, the actual situation is not in our consideration. What we have to consider is the game. Situation. The current Kashmir area is divided into two parts in the game as in reality, one is the Indian-controlled Kashmir area actually occupied by Indians, and the other is the Pakistan-controlled Kashmir area actually controlled by Pakistan. In the game , The entire Kashmir region is implemented in an unrestricted state, that is, a barbaric battlefield with no rules. The Spiritual Gods of both sides cannot directly intervene in the affairs of the region, but they can support players infinitely in the melee here. At the same time, because of the reality of the Indians Both the Pakistani and the Pakistani believe that Kashmir belongs to their own country, so the players on both sides can be said to be in constant melee here, which is simply a super arena. But the crux of the problem is actually not the ethnic conflict and the actual line of control between the two sides, but here."

With Rose’s explanation, the map automatically focused on the Kashmir region and marked hundreds of large and small circles on it.

"The circles you see now are all cryolite mines. There is one third source of cryolite imported by the bank."

"What?" It was boiling, and everyone couldn't help taking a breath.

Ice crystals, fire diamonds, poisonous spars, and black liquid crystals are called the four major gems of the system, not because they have the most exaggerated effects, but because they are the gems with the largest output and the most outstanding actual capabilities. Blacksmiths and Forging Masters of any level can use these four gems to enchant equipment, and the equipment inlaid with these four gems has become the most effective and easiest to buy equipment. Various guilds use an unusually large amount of it. If they can master this ore in large quantities, they will inevitably obtain a large amount of wealth and strength.

"Indians are not stupid." Da Guofan said.

"Otherwise, why do you think they couldn't get along with the Pakistanis in Kashmir?"

The eagle asked directly: "Then what shall we do now? Promise the Indians to help them Control Kashmir? Did we pay too much?"

"This is also the problem I have a headache!" I looked around the people around me: "Talk about your opinions, Is there any good way?"

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