When I walked to Giant Butterfly City, the door was fully opened, and many players were directing NPC laborers to move things down. The first batch of unloaded items were basically all mechanical devices, which seemed to be defensive weapons. Originally, the general city construction should first dig the foundation and then level the land before starting to build the city, but this time we are going to carry out the city construction under the joint interference of the Indian players and the Indian Divine Race forces, so the impossible proceeded step by step like a normal city. . The safest and most practical way is to build the defense facilities first. In this way, no matter how many cities are built, at least we can have a complete urban defense system when the enemy invades.

The things unloaded from Giant Butterfly City were quickly moved to a nearby open space. After everything was emptied, Giant Butterfly City immediately took off and turned around and returned to China. After that, it had to transport things back and forth several times. , After all, although the Giant Butterfly City is slower, it can be regarded as a large transport plane anyway. The most important thing is that it does not cost money and is much cheaper than Transmission Formation.

Here, the things just unloaded from Giant Butterfly City were quickly unpacked, and then thousands of technicians began to debug and connect these disassembled parts on site, and those who had nothing to do went to the Transmission Gate. A lot of cloud boards were shipped from the materials just delivered in the Transmission Gate.

The cloud board is one of the materials sent to me by Celestial Court. This thing is for local use. However, the urban construction plan we finally adopted is not the same as the previous suggestions given by Celestial Court. Celestial Court originally wanted us to use the cloud board they gave us to create a city in the sky, but we finally changed the design. Our plan is to build a circular city on the ground, and then use Celestial Court to build thirteen small Floating Void City for us. Among them, twelve floating void cities of the same size will be set up as twelve aerial cannons, distributed regularly along the circular city wall of the city on the ground, and we will also install ground towing facilities for these twelve floating void cities to make It can move along the city wall of the ground city. In this way, the twelve cities in the sky are equivalent to twelve mobile forts floating in the air. No matter which direction the enemy attacks from, the twelve fortress cities can be moved along the city wall by the towing equipment on the ground. The enemy will intercept in the direction of the enemy's attack. If the enemy disperses and surrounds the city and launches an attack from multiple directions, the twelve cities can also move to the appropriate position for defense according to the enemy's force distribution. It can be described as a foolproof design. As for the last thirteenth sky city, we plan to build it into a final safety insurance. When the time comes, we will build the city core in this sky city, and then build a high tower on the ground to directly connect the city core on the ground and in the sky. The main power core and city hall of this ground city will be located above the sky city. If the outer defense force fails to block the enemy, then we can blow up the connecting tower between the sky city and the ground city, and then let The sky city rises. According to system regulations, when neither side of the war has given up, the attacking team can only destroy the city core in the city hall of the defending team. Invaded. With the strength of our guild in air combat, I can hardly imagine anyone who can break through our air defense barrier and destroy our city in the sky.

The above construction plan was finalized before I came here. The reason why it was decided so late is because the construction cost of this city is too high, and finally Celestial Court sent it. The liaison officer and the people in our guild quarreled for a long time before agreeing to reimburse us.

The civil construction personnel who have arrived now are piecing together the cloud boards sent to us by Celestial Court, while the people in the mechanical team are quickly assembling various magic crystal power weapons and defense equipment. The open space was transformed into a construction site in about ten minutes, with sparks from welding machines and loud noises from machines everywhere.

"Purple Moon." I was looking at the construction site and suddenly heard someone calling me, and turned my head to see that it was Hong Yue.

"Have all the materials been shipped?"

"Not yet, the big pot of rice will be directed over there, so I won’t be able to use me for the time being." After that, Hong Yue glanced at me. , And then handed over a miniature scroll: "What we just sent back from the Intelligence Section of the guild."

I opened the scroll and took a look. The content was very simple. Our intelligence personnel discovered that the two Deity Clan forces in India had issued a reward for destroying all kinds of personnel and materials in our guild at the same time. Although the system restricts the Divine Race of various countries from actively participating in the war and attacking the invaders in the initial period of time, Buddhism and the Hindu gang are not fools. They are very good at exploiting loopholes. Although they can't participate in the battle in person, they can play tricks. According to system regulations, the Divine Race forces can issue various combat missions, and this mission of course also includes attacking enemy players. In fact, all countries have similar missions, and this is a long-term mission that can be unlimited. Do it. But the problem is that the mission released by Buddhism this time announced our action plan in the form of a mission profile, which means that Indian players have already begun to prevent us from building cities before we even entered India. This just explains why the Giant Butterfly City was discovered by so many Indians as soon as it entered the Indian airspace, and we ran into a large group of Indians just before landing. The attack was obviously planned in advance, otherwise the Indians would definitely The impossible time is so coincidental, it happens to be the transition time we are preparing to land, and it is clearly calculated.

"Really didn't expect, Buddhism guys are really quick to start!"

"But don't you think it is strange?" Hong Yue asked suspiciously.


"Don’t you wonder how Buddhism knows our plan? We just planned to build a city here. Buddhism is actually ours The mission was released during the planning stage. This is too fast, right? Buddhism belongs to the NPC force, and it is impossible to let spies get into our guild. How did they get the information?"

"This is my oversight. I forgot to tell you."

"Tell us what?" Hong Yue looked at me with a puzzled expression.

"Do you know the real purpose of this battle?"

"Isn't it just to let the Avatars of Buddhism be free?"

"The question is It's on Avatar. Do you think that with Buddhism cunning, they will completely disconnect Avatar from themselves?"

Hong Yue immediately realized. "You mean...?"

I'm nodded. "Yes, the Avatar in Celestial Court is equivalent to the real remote terminal here in India. If you come to know the truth, you will know it immediately, so..."

"It's not strange! "Speaking of this, Hong Yue had a sudden stop. "Oops!"

"What's the matter?"

"You said that since Buddhism knows our entire plan, why did they publish such a simple player task to put so many ordinary Are players attracted to this side? According to the general situation, shouldn't it be a guild mission to summon a large guild alliance to launch a fatal blow to us?"

When I heard this, my eyes suddenly widened. "Not good, they are stacking the death toll!"

System limit, when a country has a city built by players from another country, and the city is set as a sovereign city, then The attacking behavior of domestic players on this city can be regarded as a local defense war, and once the number of casualties of domestic players in the local defense war reaches a certain percentage, the domestic Divine Race forces can start to support the local players to a limited extent. If the proportion of casualties rises further and reaches the second standard line, the national Divine Race forces will have the right to allow individual individuals to directly participate in the war. Then if the casualties are still rising and reach the third standard line, the country’s Divine Race can be launched. Of countering actions. After these three standard lines, there is a fourth standard line, and once this fourth standard is reached, the Divine Race force in the country will be completely unblocked, and the Divine Race force can launch all forces that can be manipulated to freely attack the invading enemy. In fact, in addition to the casualty standard, there is also a standard for the proportion of land occupied by the system. It is also divided into Level 4, and the corresponding power can be activated after reaching a level. This time our goal is to enclose the Great Thunder Sound Temple within the territory of China. This land alone will definitely not meet the standards of Divine Race’s troops. Therefore, the great gods of Buddhism and Hinduism thought of another limitation. -Employing people.

Hong Yue looked at me anxiously and shouted: "But even if we know their purpose, we can't ignore these Indians. Can we give up resistance?"

" Don't be stupid, resistance is definitely necessary. The problem now is not whether we resist or not resist, but to find a way to delay the playing time of Divine Race as much as possible, at least to insist on confirming the qualifications for homeland occupation. Even if we can't keep this afterwards In this city, as long as Celestial Court can use this time to completely end Buddhism."

"But how can I delay the participation time of Divine Race?"

"This is it …Let me think about it first. In order for the Indian Divine Race to participate in the war, the casualty rate must be high enough to meet their playing standards, and since the Indians already know that we are going to occupy their land, then it’s impossible to come and fight us. We can’t watch them destroy our city, we must fight back, and once the counterattack will inevitably cause a large number of casualties of Indian players. As long as the number of casualties rises... Some of these seemingly impossible changes must be inevitable! But what exactly is it?" I was frowned and circled back and forth in place, and I didn’t know how many times a flash of light flashed through my mind. . "Ha, I thought about it!"

"What is it?"

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