Originally, Sun Wukong used 37% of the value when he killed two enemies at first. After killing two people just now, I don’t know why the value exceeded 100%. As a result, It was Sun Wukong who was suddenly hit by a strong electric shock, which left him with only half his life. It seems that the punishment of system is quite serious. It was only a little bit over and almost electrocuted Sun Wukong. If it is too much, I don't know what will happen!

The second item that may affect the limit is the limit of the degree of damage, because Sun Wukong has already used up its own limit, and the penalty for electricity by the system is miserable, so the next experiment You can't count on him. Fortunately, there is also a Zizhu Fairy here. I used the person captured by Sun Wukong before to continue the experiment. I first captured a person from it, and then Zizhu Fairy attacked it, but this time Zizhu Fairy just stabbed that guy’s thigh with an ordinary weapon, because The weapons used are very poor, and the strength is deliberately controlled, so the actual damage value is very low. After Zizhu Fairy's attack, I took the shot and killed this guy, and then Zizhu Fairy found that his limit value had become one percent.

"It seems that the value ratio is indeed related to the degree of damage." I said after hearing the value reported by Zizhu Fairy.

Zizhu Fairy nodded said: "Indeed. But we have to test a few more people to determine the specific relationship."

I nodded agree with Zizhu Fairy's point of view, and then began to cooperate with her After testing the numerical relationship, after killing more than a dozen people in a row, we finally figured out the relationship between the two. First of all, it can be determined that the limit value is directly proportional to the damage ratio. For example, if Zizhu Fairy directly kills an enemy, it must be equal to 100%. However, we also found a problem here, that is, although the limit value is proportional to the damage ratio, it is not exactly equal. Suppose Zizhu Fairy attacked a player and knocked out half of the opponent's blood, and then I will kill the person, then Zizhu Fairy's consumption limit will not be 50%, but much lower than 50%. . However, since Zizhu Fairy’s limit is almost full in the end, we dare not continue to test. We can only roughly know that there is a certain correlation between the two, but there are other conditions that are working at the same time, only temporarily It's not clear.

Our test was temporarily terminated because the restrictions were full. Zizhu Fairy and Sun Wukong were temporarily unable to do so, so they returned to Celestial Court and waited for the restrictions to be restored tomorrow before coming to help us hold the line. After Zizhu Fairy and the others left, I planned to go to the front to help, but when I flew up, I realized that I was no longer needed. The number of players from India is quite large, but unfortunately it was not an establishment. We were quickly beaten up by our people. Now the confrontation between the two sides has turned into our guild troops chasing and killing the rout soldiers. I didn't use it much in the past.

Behind the battlefield, the huge giant butterfly city has landed on the ground, and the huge hatch behind it is slowly unfolding, and the dragonfly castle next to it is still hovering in the air, but the six legs below it are on the ground. Put six huge boxes. When I looked over, the boxes just fell to the ground, even though they were several hundred meters away, I could feel the ground shake obviously. It can be seen how heavy the contents of the six boxes are.

As soon as the box landed on the Dragonfly Castle, it flew to the open space next to it and began to descend quickly. Before the hatch of Giant Butterfly City was fully opened, the six long legs of Dragonfly Castle had already touched it. ground. As the toes of the six feet fell off the ground, the wings of the dragonfly castle began to slow down. The huge weight forced the six legs of the dragonfly castle to bend downwards. At the same time, the ground quickly sank because it could not bear such a weight. The soil underneath was compacted, so the Dragonfly Castle didn't sink all the time, just the supporting leg sinked for more than one meter.

After the Dragonfly Castle completely stopped, the abdomen at the rear immediately hung down until it touched the ground, and then several doors opened on the side of its abdomen. A large group of players in special overalls carried many strange-looking monsters. Ou and the creature ran out from inside. As soon as these people came out, they immediately ran to the six big boxes next to them, and then under their command, those weird large golems and creatures walked to the side of the box together and pulled down the holder on the box. With the removal of the holder, the front and rear panels of the six boxes suddenly fell down at the same time, hitting the ground with a bang. Because I was on the side of the box, I couldn't see what was inside, but I wanted to know that it must be a building material.

As I walked towards the box, the players had already directed the large golems and creatures to move the contents of the box. These large creatures are all humanoid creatures, they look like gorillas, but their hair is silver white, and their faces look a little cute. With a body over four meters tall and the towering limbs of the upper tendons, these guys feel full of power at first glance, and their movements also prove the terrifying power of these guys. I saw that they were moving things out one by one from the big boxes, and almost all of those things were metal components, and none of them was much smaller than a container. The magic puppets following these creatures are slightly shorter than these creatures, but the size of these magic puppets is not small. In fact, these magic puppets can no longer be regarded as magic puppets, because they don’t look like humans at all. Apart from being fully automatic, they are almost multifunctional engineering vehicles. Even the moving parts use tracks instead of legs. . However, although the shape was a little weird, these things moved much faster than the creatures, and soon all six boxes were emptied by them, and the things moved out were piled up into a hill.

"President." Seeing me walking by, a player who was directing the construction of the project magic puppet hurriedly greeted me.

I nodded immediately asked: "What is this?"

"The new product of the new continent research institute-Space Gate."

"What? Space Gate? You mean something similar to Transmission Formation?"

"The functions are similar, but the specific features are slightly different."

"Then this is different from Transmission Formation What are the advantages and disadvantages?"

The player replied after thinking about it for a while: "Although this thing is similar to Transmission Formation, it is quite different in general. First of all, this thing is not like Transmission Formation. It consumes energy once, and the specific consumption varies according to the mass and distance of the transported object. As long as it is activated, it will consume energy continuously. It is not consumed in stages, but continuously, and it ignores the distance and mass of the transported object. Yes, so if it is to transmit a relatively large amount of materials or the transmission distance is relatively long, this thing will save energy than Transmission Formation, but if there are few things or the distance is very close, it is not cost-effective."

"Understood, this thing is like making a phone call, charging by time, Transmission Formation is like short message, charging by time."

"Haha, President, you are really humorous, but it's probably like this. . But compared to Transmission Formation, this thing has a big flaw, that is, its settings cannot be meshed like Transmission Formation, and its connection is one-way."

"What do you mean?"

"It means that it appears in pairs. It takes an entrance and an exit to be effective. If you have a third device, you must wait for the first and second devices. The connection is disconnected, and then the number three can choose to connect to one of the number one or the number two. In addition, its connection is one-way, and at the beginning of the connection, it is necessary to set the two devices who send and receive. Things and people can only enter from the sender side and exit from the receiver side. It’s impossible to go the other way."

"Halo, after a long time, it is a one-way Transmission Gate?"

"This is still a bit different from the one-way Transmission Gate. At least we can reverse the relationship between the two parties, but it only takes a few seconds."

After listening to this player’s explanation, I can’t say anything. Understood, Hezhe is like a single-line phone, it can only talk and listen to one by one, and it does not support multi-party calls. Meetings can only be held one to one.

When the player explained the usefulness of this thing to me, the engineering magic puppet and the large creatures were about to put this thing together. I have to say that the volume of this thing is quite scary. Its base is a huge object with a length of 120 meters, a width of 100 meters and a thickness of more than one meter. Judging from the structure of its surface, it should contain many very complicated functional components. In the middle of the base, there is a more than a hundred meters upright column on both sides of the base. Like the base, the surface of the column is full of mechanical structures and various magic marks, and the two columns facing each other are inlaid with a row of no more than a thousand long strips of magic crystal from top to bottom. Except for the two pillars and a base, nothing else can be seen on this device. On the surface, the structure seems to be very simple. Only a knowledgeable person can see at a glance that the design principles of this device are almost covered. In all known magic fields, underneath the ordinary surface structure inevitably hide complicated to terrifying operating devices.

When the entire device was completed, several players in charge of the operation immediately ran up and pressed a few times beside the two pillars. Following the crystals between the two pillars, they immediately began to click from bottom to top. Bright, when all the crystals light up, a black line that is as high as the pillar suddenly appeared between the two pillars. As soon as the line appeared, it began to extend to both sides, and it quickly became a black wall with its height. It is exactly the same as the two pillars, and the width is the distance between the two pillars.

After the black surface appeared, the whole machine started to light up, accompanied by a slight buzzing sound. Suddenly the black plane shook for a while, and a magic puppet came out of it. After looking around, it ran back again. After less than a second, a group of magic puppets battallion came out of the black barrier. .

"Boss." On time, the big pot of rice suddenly ran out of the black barrier along with many magic puppets.

"The big pot of rice? Why aren't you on the Giant Butterfly City?"

"Because Sister Rose asked me to be responsible for this Spatial Teleportation door. Oh, by the way, I won’t tell you yet. There are still a lot of supplies to come here, I will go first."

Watching the energetic and bustling run away from the big pot of rice, I also turned and left the Transmission Gate. Now there is a big pot of rice in charge here, so don’t worry, I also have to see what the giant butterfly city has brought over, so that they can arrange for them to start building the city.

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