"He is not an enemy!" The tiger-like monster was about to pounce, when a half-blood flower demon suddenly flew among us and called. The tiger's attacking posture stopped because the mixed-blood flower demon was blocked. He glanced at me suspiciously, and the mixed-blood flower demon immediately explained: "He is here to help, but I don't know him either!" /p>

Although the tiger doesn’t know why I helped them, but at least he is sure that I am their friend now, so he immediately jumped past me and rushed towards another Indian. That guy simply It was not the tiger’s opponent, and he was brought to the ground in three or two strokes, while the Indian player who appeared almost at the same time as the tiger roared and jumped off the rock, but the tiger did not touch him at all. Go chasing other Indians. Although there was no battle between them, I could see it. This tiger is probably not that guy’s opponent, but obviously the tiger is better than other Indians, so he took advantage of his speed to take that guy around in the garden, the purpose is nothing more than to put that guy’s companion first. Kill it, in the end, even if you can't beat that guy, at least it shouldn't be a problem to hold him back, so that the half-blood flower demon can escape safely.

After I understood what the tiger meant, I entered the fighting state again. A string of black metal balls rolled out of the black hole below my wrist when I flipped my wrist. As soon as they landed, they started to bounce around. But it seems that although the ejection direction is chaotic, it is very obvious, because such a dense ejection did not even touch a half-blood flower monster. Instead, it was covered head and sneaked away like a rat by those Indian players.

The tiger found that the target he was chasing was suddenly hit on the temple by a black ball coming from the side, and his whole body was tilted to the side. He immediately jumped on and bit the guy’s neck and twisted it. Off. But because he wanted to stop and attack, the Indian behind immediately caught up. Originally, the tiger thought he was going to be entangled again, but who knew that a large black steel ball flew from the side. The Indian who chased him hurriedly blocked a dozen of them and was still caught by one of them. The defensive circle was in the middle of his nose, and after that, the guy fell backward with a nosebleed violently, but the guy was also good at technology. With the inertia of falling backward, he flew back a few steps and turned around to cast the defensive circle again. , The subsequent few steel balls were all blocked, but the tiger understood this delay. He no longer stared at this guy but turned around and ran. The guy wanted to chase but couldn’t get out of it, because three More than a dozen black steel balls are flying up and down around him, and if you don't pay attention, you will be hit. Although the attack power of each steel ball is actually very low, once the body is hit, the original coordination will be destroyed immediately, then the rainstorm-like attack will inevitably follow, and sooner or later after the damage continues to accumulate, it can kill people sooner or later. , So he didn’t dare to slacken his efforts to resist the steel balls that attacked him, but the speed of these steel balls was getting faster and stronger after rebounding, and the power was getting bigger and bigger. Before, he could easily use the sword to fly those steel balls, but As time went on, the strength of the steel ball started to tremble and his arm numb, and sooner or later he would not be able to stop the intensive attack of the steel ball.

Just when that guy was trapped in the steel ball formation, the tiger was strangling the Indian players with me. These people’s battle strengths are very average, and they are as easy to deal with in front of me as little chickens. . Although that tiger is not as powerful as mine, the wild beast's battles could have made his attacks much more efficient than mine. At least he was not much slower than me in terms of killing speed.

The strongest Indian player suddenly found that the steel balls besieging him were gone after a while. When he turned his head and looked for it, he found a person standing not far away. He stretched out a hand, and the steel balls quickly gathered to the black hole under the man's wrist like a small boat sucked in by a large vortex, and then all disappeared into the black hole. However, after seeing the other party put down his arm, he discovered another thing that scared him even more, that is, his companions had all been killed, and he was the only one left on the field, and the half-blood flower monsters They all returned to the neighborhood and didn't run away anymore. They are not stupid either. Now their strength is obviously surpassed by the Indian. Even if they want to run, the Indian will run away. How can it be their turn to run.

"I really didn't expect dignified Purple Moon, the president would actually do such a small thing himself." That guy obviously knew me.

"Small things? I'm afraid you don't know anything yet?" The size of the matter does not depend on the matter itself, but depends on the position of the person who handles the matter and the impact of the matter on him. The same is cooking. For a child who wants to try it on a whim, it is just a meal. Even if it is fried or sugar is used as salt, it is not the worst. Not only will it not be blamed, it may also be won by family members. Praise, but what if the royal chef in the Imperial Palace fries a dish that the emperor is about to eat? This time the thing is essentially to get some powder. You can think of it as a collection task. Speaking of which is really too simple. After all, there is no decent monster here, and the protagonist of the event is super easy to talk. Lord, so there is almost no difficulty. But if it is just because of this point that this is a trivial matter, then I don't agree with it. Can important materials related to the ownership of a large group of Divine Race members be considered trivial? Unless it’s a High God like Nuwa and Mother of the Earth, no one can think of it as a trivial matter after knowing the connection, and the guy in front of him is obviously not detached to that point, so the only explanation is that he doesn’t know at all. What task did I take on?

"Isn’t it the fact that your guild recently did research on missing the powder on the half-blood flower monster? What do I not know?"

"hahahaha...you are really innocent and cute Ah!" I changed the Eternal Sword back into a spherical shape and put it back into the groove on the back of my hand before continuing, "We need to collect the powder from the half-blood flower monster, but it is not what I want to use, and I will tell you how to use this thing. It’s simply not any guild in our world, but a higher-level power. The water inside is deep! I advise you not to intervene in the war between battleships in a single kayak like you, it’s just brought by others. The wind and waves are enough to drown you, do you think you are qualified to mix?"

"hmph, it is so exaggerated, who knows if you are bragging?" The guy continued with a mocking look "Return the battleship and the Little Pi boat! You have the ability. Tell me who wants this thing. I'll see if you can scare me to death."

I shook the head helplessly. "People like you really can't talk about it!" I said and pointed forward. A black hole suddenly appeared between me and him, and the guy immediately raised his weapon and prepared to deal with the creatures that were about to appear.

Since he knows who I am, he naturally understands that my pet is my main battle strength, so when the black hole appears, his first reaction is to fully guard, but he didn't expect me So many Familiars have already played Major Perfection with the command of Familiar Familiars, and they don't need Summon Familiars at all to deal with him. No creature ran out from the black hole. Instead, it was a ray that was roughly as thick as the others. Although he was ready to block the attack, he didn’t expect such a strong ray to come out, and he didn’t. t expect My familiar arrived first without attacking. The beam only lasted for less than one tenth of a second, almost fleeting, but after the beam passed, only two broken legs were left standing on the ground, and all the parts above the knee joints were gone. That guy was completely vaporized. The tiger-like creature next to me saw that guy was killed instantly and guessed my strength, but this guy is not my enemy anyway, so he wasn't very nervous.

After killing the invaders, I talked about my purpose with the half-blood flower monsters here. Those half-blood flower monsters were willing to help when it didn’t matter. Now, there is life-saving grace. It’s not a problem. After checking the number of remaining half-blood flower monsters here, I handed them the collection device I was carrying. I thought that 10,000 sets of equipment were quite a lot. Who knew after a massacre? There are nearly 20,000 mixed-blood flower monsters left here, but the large number of mixed-blood flower monsters is good for me, so I immediately returned to Steel City and took another batch after leaving. After the 10,000 sets were reached, the production did not stop after I left. Now that there are tens of thousands of sets alive, I simply took them all and let them continue production. After arriving in Europe again, I didn't immediately go to France to find other mixed-blood flower fairy settlements, but first went to the mixed-blood flower fairy settlement in Germany. I sent the people who intercepted the Indian players and didn’t come back. Most likely they were in a stalemate. Before confirming that the Indians were killed, I couldn’t worry about collecting the powder of the mixed-blood flower monsters. After all, these mixed-blood flower monsters are almost impossible. Regenerative resources, although they can reproduce, but the speed is very slow, if it is really destroyed, my task will be completely finished!

As soon as I arrived here on the outskirts of the forest, I ran into eight German players who were pulling four chains to compete like a tug-of-war, and there was a person tied to the middle of the chain. Those four chains were They were tied to his hands and feet, but now he was dragged in the air with his limbs hanging in the air. Even though he was twisting there, he couldn’t really affect the actions of the German players at all, just let them go. The twists and turns are a little harder.

"What's going on?" The eight people have the Iron Crusader logo on their bodies. I knew it was Ashford’s at a glance, so I hurried over to ask.

After seeing me, they quickly explained: "Those damn Indians didn’t know what they were doing. After falling on themselves, they became invincible. We didn’t attack with anything. I have no choice but to capture these people alive and tie them up like this. There is our camp. Two people have already been sent there. This is the third one."

"Invincible? "I looked at the big bald head in front of me in surprise, and then waved. "Let him go first and let me try."

Those people know that even if I can't cut this guy at my level, this guy won't let him run away, so there is no nonsense and just click the lock. Oh la la, the iron chain fell off by itself. The Indian rushed to me as soon as he was free. If this guy doesn't know who I am, he must be confident that I can't cut him. Otherwise, a normal person must turn around and run. How can he rush towards me?

I didn't even move when I saw that guy rushing over. I waited until he rushed to me before I suddenly made a move. The people around only saw my silhouette swayed, followed by a sound of metal rubbing. It turned out that my claw caught the guy's forehead, but I couldn't cut it in at all. The blade followed his face all the way. Sliding down didn't hurt him at all. The guy was shocked when he saw me suddenly move his hand before, and he smiled evilly when he realized that I couldn't break his defense, and then he reached out and hooked my shoulder as if he was afraid that I would run away. After confirming that he caught me, he immediately punched my stomach with another fist. Everyone around was taken aback by his actions, but after the punch hit my stomach, there was only a dull muffled sound. I was still standing at the slightest remaining unmoved, but the guy’s own fist was It shook out, and his body was flashing randomly. If it weren't for his invincible state, he would have been electrocuted into an African.

Looking at that guy holding his fist there, I lowered my head and laughed at him. "My claws can't break your invincible state. Why do you think your fists can break through my full Divine Item suit?"

The people around you are relaxed at this time, they still Ashford would blame them if I was worried that I was injured, and now it's funny to think about it. Even if that guy is invincible, and the Divine Item suit on my body is not good-looking, how can this guy's fist hurt me?

That guy only remembered my perverted gear when he heard what I said, but this guy obviously didn’t learn a lesson. After finding that my stomach couldn’t move, he even raised his fist and pointed at me. The only face on his body that was not protected by armor slapped over. Snap, a armoured hand steadily caught his fist before it blocked his fist. He wanted to pull his hand out, only to find that his fist seemed to be stuck in iron tongs, and he couldn't even shake it. I pressed my hand down slightly and let go of my face, but didn't let go of the guy's fist.

"There is a saying in China called'beating people without slapping faces', but since you have already shot, I can't assume that nothing has happened, right?" Before that guy answered, I suddenly used another One hand grabbed his forehead and violently pulled it down, then jumped on the spot with one leg up, and I used my knee joint to make intimate contact with his face. With a bang, the guy was knocked back for seven or eight steps. Before he could stand still, I saw me spinning and rushing up. When I rushed in front of him, I just jumped up with my back facing him. Then he turned 1/4/2021 in the air and slammed his chest with the elbow joint of his right hand with the help of the rotating inertia and the impact of the body's falling. He lost his balance and was hit by my knee and was followed by me. The already unstable center of gravity can no longer be controlled. The whole person was hit by me in midair and rolled sideways. After eight laps, he fell to the ground. Before he got up, I jumped on his body and slammed down on his waist. The piece of his stomach was instantly stepped on the ground by me, and his body was arched backwards like a shrimp. When I turned up, I grabbed his ankle and took a step forward, followed my arm to lift him up from the ground and threw it around the top of my head and slammed it to the ground again. I only heard a loud boom from that guy. The glyph slammed into the ground, and even the people watching beside couldn't help but utter an oh.

Although that guy is invincible on the surface, but the inside is only a little stronger than normal. This series of bludgeoning of the limbs almost shook him into internal bleeding, but this is already due to that I don’t know. What kind of special medicine is the credit. If a normal person is thrown by me like this, even if his body is fine, he will become a mass of rotten flesh. At least this guy hasn't died yet, and he is much luckier than a normal person. But in fact, luck can sometimes be called misfortune. Although he didn't die, it became my experimental material and was tortured even more miserably.

I found that this guy was not dead. I grabbed his leg and threw him in the air for a few laps. The guy flew sideways in the air for more than ten meters and then violently When he hit a big tree, he didn't know if the tree broke or his waist was broken only by the click. Anyway, the tree fell, and he also fell down. But after a few seconds I was sure that his waist was not broken, because he was supporting him and wanted to get up. If his waist was broken, he would definitely not be able to support it, but he was beaten and stunned by me even though he was not dead. After staying on the ground for a long time, he didn't get up.

I calmly walked to his side, and then I raised my leg and straddled his back, my arm looped from under his neck to strangle his head, and the other hand was against his temples. At the same time, I made a violent force, and I only heard a click. The guy was screwed and flew into the air. After turning around for a few times, he landed softly. The people around couldn't help touching his neck, as if his own. The neck was almost twisted together.

I used my foot to pull the soft guy on the ground, and then I looked at the attribute and confirmed that the guy was dead, then turned around and said to the Iron Crusader people: "Invincibility is just a superficial phenomenon. Attacking with a large blunt weapon can still be useful, as long as it exceeds the upper limit of the skeleton's load, it will have a fatal effect."

"It is a world number one expert, really cool!" The German players sighed Come over and praised.

I waved my hand and said, "Are you now going in with me to rendezvous with others or leaving?"

"We originally planned to send this guy to the camp and then go back to catch Human, since these people have a way to get rid of, we don’t need us. Now I will send you to the woods, right? They will first go back to the camp and inform that the two people who have been caught will also be rejected."

I nodded followed this German player to the depths of the forest. Under his guidance, we quickly reached the settlement of the half-blood flower demon. The situation here is much better than the settlement on the French side. The hunter squad I sent almost arrived with the Indians, so the settlement has hardly suffered any loss, just because the other side has that kind The invincible potion is why it hasn't been dealt with until now. However, because of the help of the Iron Crusade, our side has a numerical advantage. Even though the opponent has an invincible potion, it is only able to stand in a stalemate with our people, and there is no way to attack the half-blood flower demon or escape. According to the person who was arrested when I came here, according to this progress, as long as you spend a little more time, sooner or later, you will be able to get all these Indians. But none of us are injured. When their potion is always used up like this, I don't believe that it can be invincible forever.

Squad Captain, the hunter who saw me appear here, immediately exited the ring and ran over. "President."

I didn't say hello. "Do you know what the invincible potion these people use is?"

The Small Captain laughed immediately when he heard me, and then he reached out and handed a small bottle over. "I guessed it was not a good thing when I saw them spill this thing on their bodies, so I used a whip to knock off the bottle in one of them. Didn't expect that guy had a spare, but I snatched the bottle back. "

"Okay!" I took the bottle and looked at the attribute in surprise. "Damn, it turned out to be this thing!" Actually, I have seen the stuff in this bottle before, but the one I saw before was a cheap product produced by the lower gods of Buddhism, but this one was produced by the Buddha. The essence of the concentrated version, the effect is naturally worse than million miles apart. However, no matter how strong the function is, it is still "Hindu God Oil", and there is no difference in essence. "This bottle is yours." After I read it, I threw the bottle of Indian oil back to him. "How about the remaining people?"

"It's all the same, impervious to sword and spear, plus spell is invalid. However, the attribute of this bottle of sacred oil says that the final effective time will be based on the attack. The intensity varies. The basic effective time is ten hours. Now these people have used it for more than two hours. Our strike force is so strong. It is estimated that the sacred oil on their body should expire in one or two hours at most. It’s up."

I nodded and said: "Let me help you speed up a little bit."

"The chairman is naturally welcome to do it yourself."

I smiled and walked into the battlefield. Those Indian players obviously knew me, because their expressions were immediately pulled down as soon as I entered the field. These people were trapped by our guild’s hunter squad, and now I know that they may not be able to complete the mission today. Now that I see me appear, I am naturally more discouraged, but I don’t care what their mood is, I just enter the battlefield. .

In the combat area, I did not find someone to start the fight immediately, but first observed the situation. In the previous team of Indians in France, one of the Indians was obviously stronger than the others. It is estimated that the equipment here should be similar. As for why the group of people in France didn't use sacred oil, I guess it might not be too late. The tiger-like creature and I were too fast. They simply did not react and were killed by us, so there was no chance to use the god oil given by the Tathagata. Because the team here came across our guild’s hunter squad, the gap between the two has not reached that insurmountable point, so they have time to use this desperate treasure.

I stood on the edge of the field and observed for a while and soon found one of the outstanding performers. The other Indian players were pressed by our guild players in a two-to-one state. Dead, the hunter members of our guild fight against each other, so we are not afraid of each other at all, while the Indian players are impervious to sword and spear, so they will not be killed by our hunters, but because of those Indian players Its own battle strength is not as good as the members of our hunter squad, relying on the invincible state in the hard top, so our team members can't kill the opponent, but they fight very easily. But the Indian player I noticed is different. He is surrounded by five or six members of our guild's hunter squad, but it is still in danger. If it is not for the cooperation and comparison between the hunter squad members Well, several times at critical moments, we interrupted the opponent's attacking rhythm with the cooperation of multiple people. It is estimated that there should be more serious casualties on our side.

"You go to deal with other people, this guy is handed over to me."

Hear my order, the members of the hunter squad immediately went forward and attacked the opponent. He retreated a few steps, and then several people stepped back in a uniform movement to open the distance between the two sides. When the guy eased, the few people had already retreated behind me.

The Indian player didn't hesitate to see his opponents all running, so he turned around and ran. At this point, this guy is much smarter than the previous gang, at least he doesn't blindly believe in the formidable power of the Indian god oil.

"Want to leave so soon?" The guy found a whirlwind in front of him before he ran two steps, and I had blocked his escape route.

"hmph!" The guy saw me appear without any pause, and continued to rush towards me. Before approaching me, he suddenly threw a ball-shaped object. My first reaction was to think that it was an explosive, so I immediately tried to block the thing with a weapon. As a result, when I was staring at the thing to judge its trajectory, the thing exploded on its own, but it did not send out any shock waves. , There was not much sound, it was just a flash, but it was this flash that flashed my eyes completely invisible. I didn't put down the mask before the battle, so the eye protection on the mask didn't work at all. There was nothing but white in front of my eyes, and I couldn't see anything at all. However, although my eyes are out of sight, my ears have no problems.

The sudden acceleration of the wind sounded with a sharp whistling sound. I simply closed my invisible eyes and turned my head slightly. A metal with murderous aura rubbed my helmet and slid over. As I lifted my leg and swept across, I immediately felt that I hit something in my thigh. Judging from the texture, it should have kicked that guy's stomach. But my attack has always been a continuous technique, and I usually don't have only one move. Immediately after the leg I had just rebounded, I quickly slew in the opposite direction, and I turned around in a circle and kicked it from behind the guy again. Compared with the front leg, this leg has more formidable power. Before, because my eyes couldn't see, I could only use my hearing to make a conceptual attack. As a result, my thigh kicked that guy's stomach. According to the principle of inertia, a mopping attack on the leg under normal circumstances generally increases the formidable power with the tip. If my eyes can see, I would never hit his stomach with my thigh just now. But now this leg is different. With the first contact, I have determined his position. This reverse swing kick uses the heel to hit his waist. This formidable power can’t be the same as the front leg. Than. If it weren't for this guy to be invincible now, just the back blade on my heel would be able to cut him in the waist.

Although he was not kicked to death by my leg, the guy was kicked forward by my leg, but he didn’t even wait for him to fly out completely before he felt that his neck was being attacked. Caught. I pulled him back by holding his neck with one hand. The leg that hit his back just now was not put down, but was lifted over the top of the head and matched with the force of the arm to pull him back. It was one on the back of his head. Hack down. No matter how invincible you are, your head is always the key, not to mention that I hit the back of the head with my heel. If people in reality don't die like this, they have to become idiots.

Speaking of which is complicated. In fact, it only took less than three seconds for my three legs. That guy was almost stunned by my three lightning strikes until he was hit by the last leg. He hadn't figured out what was going on when he got down. However, I didn't take this opportunity to continue to attack, but took a half step back and added a healing technique to myself. Although my profession is like a warrior by me, I am still a trainer. After a normal trainer releases a familiar, he should specifically replenish the blood and increase the status of the pet in the rear, so the trainer should actually It is a profession similar to a priest, and is good at all kinds of auxiliary spells. Although I didn't develop my trainer career according to the normal route, I still know how to use the simplest type of healing spell like healing. The flash bomb-like formidable power is not great. With my treatment, I can see things vaguely after another two seconds, and the scene in front of me is quickly clearing up. It can't be fully recovered in one minute.

Although one minute is not long, the guy on the ground is invincible. Even though I almost didn't kick his head off with my last kick just now, he still got up after a few seconds. Because the silhouette of the person can be seen now, I immediately noticed that he had risen up. Probably the kick was too miserable. After the guy got up, he turned around and looked for me stupidly, but when he realized that I was actually behind him, it was too late.


When the guy turned around, he just heard my skills activate, but he only saw a dense sword qi and instantly turned him Covered. Even if he is invincible, the horrible intensive attack still retreats steadily, even if he tries hard to withstand the attack, he is still pushed and slipped backwards by the continuous blows, and what makes him more fearful is the attack. The frequency didn't decrease, instead he got up faster and faster, and finally blew him off the ground, and the whole person turned around in the wind like leaves engulfed by a typhoon.

As my eyesight gradually recovered, my attacks began to become more and more accurate. The original horizontal Storm of Swords also began to tilt upwards after the guy left the ground and completely blew him off the ground. Followed me to rush directly below him and suddenly stopped the release of Storm of Swords. The guy's originally rising body suddenly lost its support and immediately began to fall, but before he fell down, I saw me raising the Eternal Sword from below.

"Eternal-Divine Lightning." A beam of light shot out from the tip of the Eternal Sword, and the beam of light plunged into the sky, instantly neutralizing the energy of the Indian god oil on that guy. After that, my skills were upgraded again in that guy's horrified gaze, and a whirlwind suddenly appeared on the eternal sword that was straight up after the beam flew, and the admiral completely wrapped the guy in. Although this whirlwind looks different from Storm of Swords, it is essentially composed of sword qi, and the functions are basically the same. The guy without the invincible effect is like being Ling Chi, and there are thousands of tiny pieces on his body in an instant. Wounds, but this is not the most terrifying. What's more terrible is that a large cloud of rolling dark clouds appeared in the sky, and then only heard a click, a bright white heavenly thunder smashed straight down from the clouds and still in the middle. The guy in the air directly smashed him back to the ground by the whirlwind. With a bang, there was a big hole in the ground, and the clouds in the sky gradually disappeared. I took the sword and said to the killer squad's humanity: "I will leave the rest to you." After that, I turned and left. .

In the beginning, the people who hunted the squad didn't know why I left, but they understood immediately after they went to the pit and looked at it. The guy who was beaten to the sky by me was broken into invincible state by the a beam of light, and then by the cyclone formed by sword qi cut countless wounds, just like using the orchid Blade Technique to fill fish fillets. After cutting into this shape, he hit a heavenly thunder, which was equivalent to being roasted in the air. Because he himself was covered in injuries, this thunder could be said to be charred on the outside and tender on the inside. Until now, the guy lying on the bottom of the pit was still smoking outside, and several arcs flashed from time to time. Even an idiot knows that it must be impossible to live like this.

"The guild leader is indeed the guild leader! The invincible state has been broken!" A squad hunter exclaimed in surprise.

A player next to me who might have heard the news of my previous trip to India immediately said: "What is the breaking defense? This thing was originally made by the Tathagata Buddha. You must know that the president has only fought the Tathagata Buddha. One. Since the chairman is not even afraid of the Tathagata himself, how can the things made by the Tathagata block our chairman?"

"If only I had this ability that day, it would be great!"


"Dream and go...!"

While the players outside were fighting there, I had already walked into the settlement of the half-blood flower demon, because I was not slaughtered, this The half-blood flower demon on the side didn't have any sense of fear. After I explained their identities and intentions, they also put on the collection device I gave them very cooperatively. As for the remaining Indians outside, I don’t bother to care about them. Anyway, the strongest has been killed, and the rest. It seems that those few won't last long.

There are not too many mixed-blood flower monsters in the settlement here. I was planning to take the remaining collection devices to the next settlement, when suddenly a player from our guild ran over and shouted. Up me. "President, the wisdom grass you want to inquire about has news."

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