"I don't know!" The guys huddled together and tremblingly said, "We don't know what that is. Last time we died without even walking over here! "

I nodded and signaled to Skodd to let them go. "You can go now."

"Then...?" The guy lit his petrified arm. Ye Yue immediately stepped forward to help them remove the petrification effect, and then turned back to me. Those who were free immediately turned around and ran back, but the one who had been talking to me did not leave.

"Why didn't you go?"

"I want to form a team with you temporarily."


"I understand the situation inside and can act as a guide, and your summon creatures are obviously too scary. Although the thing that screamed just now must be very difficult to deal with, but I don't think it will be killed by following you. Wan. If you go in, you do your job and let me find some medicinal herb by myself."

I thought about it and it seemed that there was no loss, so I agreed, but I didn’t Teaming up with him only made him a third-party neutral. Teams must be divided into experience. Although two people kill a monster together will get more EXP than one person kills the same monster, but based on his attack power and my attack power, I must be at a disadvantage in the end. The EXP he got was not as much as he could kill the monster by himself. It's fine if I bring my own person to level up. This guy doesn't have a relationship with me. Why should I share his experience with him? Just set him as a third party to ensure that my range attack will not directly hurt him.

After cleaning up these little monsters in front of me, I put away all the summon creatures and took the volunteer to advance to the Central Zone. After passing the grass, a dense plant wall appeared in front of it. This thing doesn't seem to grow naturally. The criss-crossed thorny vines woven a three-meter-high fence out of thin air on the ground, and both ends extend into the invisible forest. Behind the wall, you can see some strangely shaped trees. It feels like I have seen such trees somewhere, but I can't remember them for a while. Originally, I wanted to make a hole in the wall, but my guide told me that the wall is alive. As long as I attack it, nearby plants will automatically launch a counterattack. Although I am not necessarily afraid of these plants, it is always the case. Very troublesome.

After listening to the guy’s suggestion, I did not destroy the wall structure, but flew him over the wall. Anyway, the wall of more than three meters high is the same to me as it is without. But when we climbed over the wall, the picture we saw was completely different. Although the environment outside the fence is very beautiful, it is just a natural environment, and the inside is completely like a fairy tale world. Except for the wall of thorns and the huge tall trees behind it, there is a colorful dream scene everywhere inside the wall. A variety of colorful plants grow together in a messy but unusually coordinated manner. Several silver creeks on the ground meander forward and finally enter a small blue lake. In addition to these things, I also found a lot of strange crystals floating in the air here, because there will be flashes in the air from time to time, and all the things I do look unreal.

I was in a daze looking at the beauty, but a little thing suddenly flew in front of me and blocked my sight. This is a humanoid creature about the size of a dove. Her main body looks like a beautiful little girl, but her body is very small. She is covered with a layer of silver, which seems to be woven with a lot of silk threads. The hem of the skirt will flutter softly in the air when she flies, just like a tail. Behind her is a pair of wings that are relatively large for her. The surface of the wings is also covered with a layer of tassels similar to her clothes, which looks like a layer of long pink hair on the wings. Thanks to the big furry wings, even if the little thing flies at high speed in the air, it will not make any sound at all. If it hadn't been for her to fly in front of me, I guess I would never have noticed such a little thing.

"This is the Half-Blood Flower Fairy." The guy who led me suddenly reminded me.

"This is it?" I looked at the little thing in front of me in a daze, and it was somewhat different from the image I imagined. Originally I thought this thing would grow into a butterfly-like shape! "Do they have intelligence?"

"Do you think we are stupid big men?" The little thing in front of you suddenly spoke. The voice was very crisp and unusually clear. Hearing very clearly, it felt like It seems like a lark is talking to you.

"Sorry, I just want to confirm." I came to these little fellows for help, so I behaved very politely. "That... is your leader here?"

"The leader? What is that?"

"Huh?" This question made me stunned for a moment. "The leader is the individual with the highest status in your population. It is the member who directs and coordinates everyone's work and life."

"Why should others direct our work?"

"This ......!" It seems that I really don't know how to explain this. The current situation is obvious. Because the mixed-blood flower monsters should be a race without a clear social system, that is to say, they do not have a clear distinction between the leader and the led. Every individual in the race is basically equal. of. "Forget it, change the question. I want to discuss something with you, what should I do?"

"What do you want to discuss? If it's related to someone, just talk to her."

"About your entire group."

"That's it! Then you go to the lake and wait for a while." The half-blood flower demon in front of me turned and flew away after speaking, and I was there too The lake was waiting for the half-blooded flower fairy to see what she was going to do. After a while, the surrounding forest suddenly became lively. I saw a large area of ​​multi-colored mixed-blood flower fairy from behind various plants. Flew out and quickly gathered to my side. It was not until this time that I discovered that the color of the mixed-blood flower monster is not single, but completely irregular. There are various colors of the mixed-blood flower monster, and even many of the mixed-blood flower monsters themselves are multi-colored. of.

About a few minutes later, a large group of mixed-blood flower monsters was densely packed in front of me, and one of them flew in front of me, but I am really not sure if this is just the one I saw before That one, after all, these little things don't look much different except for the color.

"Well, I have found all my companions, what are you going to say?"

"Hello everyone." I said hello first. "My name is Purple Moon. I'm here this time to discuss something with you. Do you often fall off a kind of powder from your wings?"

"You said this?" One of the mixed blood The flower demon touched her wing, and then immediately got a handful of fine powder in her hand.

I am nodded. "That's it. I want to ask if your powder is useful?"

"It's useless." The half-blood flower fairy replied very simply: "These powders will fall off automatically as soon as the time comes. , Generally it’s no matter where you drop it, it’s simply useless."

"This, although these fans are useless to you, but I am useful, I want to ask you if you can provide this kind of powder. "

A blue mixed-blood flower demon flew in front of me and said: "It's okay to give it to you. Anyway, it's useless if we ask for it, but how do you collect it? The powder on our body is on our body. It can’t survive, and it will naturally fall down when the time comes, and we can’t stand in one place everyday to help you accumulate powder, right?"

"This is also the problem that I have a headache for me. I want to know if you can do anything about it? After all, this is something on your body. I think you might know a little bit better than me, and I have a lot of demand. I don’t know what your output is?"

"You will also lose hair yourself. Do you know how to collect hair?" A mixed-blood flower demon retorted: "Our powder is usually useless with Ben. How can we study its collection method? And you also said that there will be a lot of it, we guess we can’t provide it to you, the output of our own powder is not low, but it is scattered on the road every day, it is difficult to collect!"

This is troublesome. The other party was willing to cooperate with me but I couldn't find a way to collect it. This was quite surprising to me. Originally, I thought the other party would refuse to cooperate, but now how to collect has become the biggest obstacle!

"That's it!" I lowered my head and thought for a while but couldn't think of a good way, so I said: "Can you give me some samples first and let me go back and study it?"

" This is no problem. Sisters come and help." At the call of a half-blood flower fairy, the other half-blood flower monsters flew over immediately. The mixed-blood flower monsters all flew over the leaves and shook their bodies desperately. After each of them flew over once, a small pile of powder was piled up on the leaves, and they seemed to be about the size of an ice cream ball.

I put away those powders and said hello to the half-blood flower monsters, and then took my guide to collect some of the precious local herbs, and then left this strange forest on the way back. I also installed some invisible potions and brought them out. After bidding farewell to the support guide, I quickly returned to Isengard, and then diverted to the new continent research center. If you want to collect those powders, you must first figure out what characteristics these things have, just like industrial beneficiation. Only when you understand the various characteristics of the required ore, can you screen them based on the differences between them and other objects. .

"President? Why are you free to come to us?" The researchers at the Frost Rose League Research Institute were surprised to stop the work at hand when they saw me.

I don’t talk nonsense, I just took out the package of powder and put it on the table. "Help me study the various attributes of this thing. This task is more urgent. Please concentrate on analyzing it first. I will wait here."

"Okay." Several researchers walked over immediately. I opened the leaf and observed the powder in it. Then everyone in each research group took a little powder with their own equipment and went back to study the project they were in charge of. This comprehensive research institute is responsible for analyzing some weird things, because many things in the game simply don’t know what they are at the beginning, so there must be a place similar to the triage room of a hospital to figure out the general types of things. Send it to a special research institution for special research. Now these research teams here are teams that research different attributes in groups, and they can analyze various attributes of the measured object within the scope of their responsibility.

Because I do this professionally, the data of each group comes out very quickly. First, the research team of the physical testing group came over and reported: "This powder has very small particles, but its density is greater than that of gold. In terms of hardness, the particles are too small to be tested temporarily, but because the crystal structure is very similar. It’s the structure of a magic crystal, so I guess the hardness may be very large."

The physics group just reported it and the chemistry group then reported: "We still don’t know the specific composition of this thing for the time being, but it has been It is basically certain that this is an organic substance, but its chemical properties are extremely stable, and no substance has been found to react with it for the time being."

As soon as the chemistry group’s report was over, the energy group next to it quickly reported. "President, we found that this substance contains extremely powerful energy, and its energy level is basically the same as that of the colorful magic crystal. If it can be collected, it might be able to replace the colorful magic crystal and use it as an energy substance."

< p>I nodded and said: "This substance is the powder on the wings of a small creature. Some are similar to the powder on the wings of moths and butterflies. I now need to collect a lot of this powder, and the other party is willing to cooperate, but they I can’t control the fall of the powder on my body. Now you can help me think about how to collect this kind of powder for me?"

A researcher immediately raised his hand and said: "Maybe it can be used Try it if water."

"If water?"

"Yes." The researcher came to the front and said, "If water contains negative energy, this kind of powder contains positive energy. There may be an attraction between the two. If the water is wrapped in a certain container and the creatures are carried on the body, the powder falling on them will automatically be adsorbed to this container. This place can be released once."

"Are you sure if water can attract these powders?"

"It should be possible, but we don’t have any more water here, we need to test it. I know."

I immediately took out the bottle gourd that had been filled with Ruoshui before. "I have it here. You will test if it is feasible right away."


It seems that our guild is correct to raise such a large group of researchers. What are the difficulties? The problem can be produced immediately after discussing with them. This is something that other guilds can't even think of! The researcher did the experiment very fast, and he completed this simple test in less than one minute. The result proved that if water can indeed attract that kind of powder, the problem is not completely solved. Because if water itself is a kind of pure negative energy, it has a very strong corrosive effect on any positive energy substance. For example, in reality, glass products used to hold sulfuric acid are almost as if sugar meets hot water in front of Ruo Shui. It dissolves. It’s even worse if you don’t need a container. Except for the undead creatures, most of the creatures in the game belong to positive energy bodies. They will burn if water comes in contact with them, and if there is no container, the powder will only touch the water if they touch it. Follow the reaction, so that there is no collection!

The research leader of the energy group said to me: "Chairman, we have now proved that if water has the effect of adsorbing powder, the worst is a suitable container. You might as well go to a special energy research institute. Look, they are more professional in this regard."

I am nodded. "Thanks for your hard work. I'll go to the Energy Research Institute now." After picking up the remaining powder, I went directly to the Frost Rose League Magic Crystal Power Research Institute. Once I got here, I would say things in less than two minutes. Someone sent me a black jelly-like thing, but this thing doesn’t stick to anything other than the strong fusion between itself, and because this thing has a certain degree of stability, If you only install a little bit of water, there is no problem.

After finishing the container, we began to trial-produce the portable container, and finally let us design a small device. In fact, this thing is relatively simple, nothing more than a box the size of a dollar coin plus two ribbons. Connect the ribbon and the box to make a small thing like a schoolbag, so that the mixed-blood flower monsters can carry this thing on their backs. Then put the jelly-like thing into this box, and finally use the absorption needle made of black liquid crystal to inject a small drop of water into the center of the jelly. After the absorption needle is pulled out, the jelly is because of its own fusion characteristics. The pinhole will be sealed instantly, so that the drop of water is sealed in the center of the jelly, and then just cover the box to completely seal it. As long as it is not subjected to strong shocks or hitting the water in the middle, it will not run out, and its suction can suck all the powder on the half-blood flower fairy wings to the surface of the box, as long as the powder on the surface of the box is scraped off after a period of time. NS.

After getting a few samples, I took the materials and ran to the steel city. This is the industrial production base of the guild. I naturally look for labor here. Our guild is equipped with tens of thousands of special industrial dolls. These guys have almost no battle strength, but they have four arms. They can repeat those complicated steps at an extremely exaggerated speed as long as they show them once. And the magic puppet itself doesn't know tiredness and impatience, which is much better than humans.

After I gave the samples and materials to the magic puppets, I demonstrated the production process in front of them. Then the 100 magic puppets I selected immediately moved, and only the shadow of the hand was seen. During the flight, the pile of materials dropped rapidly and became less. In less than half an hour, the materials I brought became tens of thousands of finished products. If this is to let the player manually produce an estimated 100 people without eating, drinking or sleeping. It may not be done for three days.

After getting the samples, I immediately took these things back to the settlement of the mixed-blood flower demon, and just over the fence, I found that things didn't seem right. The originally beautiful surrounding wall has now turned into a ruin. Various plants fell on the ground and the trees on the periphery of the wall have also fallen far away from the wall. Some trees even have burnt marks.

"Anyone?" I yelled to my surroundings, but no one responded to me. I hurriedly released the demons to help us explore the surrounding situation, and after the demons dispersed, the situation was quickly discovered. Bai Lang found the corpse of a mixed-blood flower monster under a rock. We did not find a wound on her body. It seemed that these poor little fellows were choked to death by smoke. After discovering the corpse of this little fellow, we found many such corpses one after another. According to the number of the half-blood flower demons I saw when I left before, we can see that most of the half-blood flower demons in this settlement have been killed. The rest is less than 10% of the total, and it is uncertain whether this percentage has escaped or died in a corner without being found.

"Master." Hearing Ling calling me, I immediately walked over, only to see Ling holding a very unique plant in his hand standing there in a daze.

"What did you find?"

"Look." Ling handed me the bead plant in his hand, and then pointed to a large plant at the back.

After looking at the plants in my hand and the large pieces of plants still on the ground, I looked back at the corpses of the half-blood flower monsters, my brows frowned unconsciously, because I had already thought A very bad possibility.

"Do you think the other party did this specifically for our actions?" I asked.

"The most valuable thing here is just these medicinal herbs. The half-blood flower monster itself is a semi-ornamental creature and will not actively attack others at all. Unless the donkey is kicked by the head, most people will definitely not Attack the half-blood flower demon as the opponent. What's more, the opponent killed almost all the half-blood flower demon here but did not move the medicinal herb at all. The purpose is obviously not on the medicinal herb. Judging from the situation at the scene, the opponent is simply targeting the half-blood flower demon. Yes, but the other party did not take the corpse away, which shows that they are not collecting something from the half-blood flower monster as materials, but purely to kill all the half-blood flower monster. Except that the other party knows our actions and specially came to make trouble. Besides, how can ordinary people do such meaningless things?"

In fact, Ling’s analysis is my guess, but I didn’t expect the other party to make such exaggerated actions. . In fact, I should have thought that our actions would be sabotaged, because in fact, the true body of the Tathagata and the Avatar who was born out of the incarnation are completely equivalent in knowledge, and the things that if they come to know are true Tathagata will naturally know. After fighting with Zhen Tathagata, I must have known that the Buddhism avatars have been exposed, because in this world impossible there are two Tathagatas, so seeing him as true, the domestic one must be fake. And after Zhen Tathaya has determined that his reborn Avatar is exposed, it is naturally not difficult to think that his reborn Avatar will have the idea of ​​getting out of his control. After all, the thinking mode of Avatar also comes from himself. He only needs to change himself to the other side's position. You can naturally guess what the other party will do. So he thought of his Avatar as it should be by rights. He would definitely think of this method of using a special method to cut off the connection between the real body and the Avatar, and he knew better what materials were needed for this method. Under the premise that it is impossible to grab people from the Celestial Court frontally, the real Tathagata wants to destroy the independent action of the reborn Avatar only from the materials used by that special method, so it is what it is now. The Tathagata wants to eliminate all the half-blood flower monsters so that we can't get enough materials so that we can't dissolve the connection between the reborn Avatar and his real body.

After thinking about this series of things, I immediately took back all the familiars and sent them to Ashford to help me find out where there are large groups of mixed-blood flower monsters in Europe. Because this was not a secret, the information was quickly collected. I compared the names on the list and made a few marks on the map to mark the gathering places of all the mixed-blood flower monsters. I thought about it when the people at Ashford were collecting information. The Tathagata is Divine Race. It is impossible for him to come here to clean up the half-blood flower monsters. He can't get out of it, and he can't get out. The Divine Race forces have a fixed activity area after the game starts, that is, they can only move in places where they have their own followers. For example, the Divine Immortal in Celestial Court can only move in China. Buddhism itself has a large number of believers in China and India, so Innate has a larger range of activities than the general Divine Race, and can freely move in Asian countries such as India, China, Thailand, and even Japan. I can't even think of this in other Divine Races. However, despite the large range of activities, members of the Divine Race of Buddhism cannot go to Europe. After all, no one believes in Buddhism here. He couldn't come by himself, so naturally he could only find players to be their agents, so the group of people who attacked the half-blood flower monsters must be players and impossible is an NPC force, because NPCs have too many restrictions, impossible to run everywhere. Considering the range that Buddhism can reach, I guess these people who come here can only be players within their range of activities, and among them, the Indian players have the highest probability. Therefore, after getting the map of the settlement of the half-blood flower monster, I still Ask Ashford to help me check if there are any large groups of Indian players in Europe recently. As a result, I actually found two large teams. The most annoying thing is that this group of people still used our guild’s transnational Transmission Formation.

Our guild’s transnational Transmission Formation system until now is the fastest mode of transportation between countries, and our guild has not completely closed transnational Transmission Formation, except for restrictions on certain guilds on the blacklist. We basically do not restrict personnel exchanges when people or organizations are open to outsiders. Of course, we need to pay for the use of our Transmission Formation. Because these Indians did not appear on the blacklist, they successfully reached Europe through Transmission Formation. Then they were divided into two teams, one of which was in Germany, and the other went to France.

Knowing that these two large teams came using our guild’s Transmission Formation, I immediately ran to Tianyu City, and then checked the city’s magic surveillance video through the city tree, and finally found it These two teams. After determining the number of the opponent's looks, I started to inquire and track the movements of the team who sneaked into Germany. As Ashford’s Iron Crusade is already the dominant guild in Germany, the intelligence coverage is also exceptionally broad, and it took them just over half an hour to find the Indian player who entered Germany. When the Iron Crusaders found them, they were planning to enter a vast forest, and this forest happened to be one of the gathering places of the half-blood flower demon.

Now the situation is very obvious. These people are from the Buddha Sect, and the purpose is just the opposite of ours. However, after determining the position of this team, I did not go to find them personally. Instead, I sent a hunter squad from our guild, and Ashford also sent some people to assist. As for myself, after hunting the squad and setting off, I grew up in France.

The powder of the half-blood flower fairy is not produced fast. If you want to complete the task as soon as possible, you must ensure that as many half-blood flower monsters survive. This period of time is enough for the opponent to get rid of the settlement of two or three mixed-blood flower monsters, so I must move fast.

The situation here in France is a little different from that in Germany. I don’t have any strong allies here, but fortunately, I can still borrow the power of the European Light God Palace, let’s check a group The whereabouts of people is not a very important thing, even the two Goddess of Light did not need to inform the members of the Light God Palace to help me check it down. Although the efficiency of Light God Palace is not high, the Indians are more conspicuous in France after all, not to mention there are still a large group of Indians, so I quickly got the exact location of the other party.

Leaving the Light God Palace and directly teleporting to a city near the settlement of the half-blood flower fairy. After the Transmission Formation, I immediately changed into the Night Shadow and ran on the road. In fact, what I really need to know is which settlement is the other party’s target, because I have been sure that the other party is here to destroy, so the other party’s target must be the mixed-blood flower demon settlement, as long as I know which one it is, I absolutely Will not be empty.

Although he arrived a lot later than the other party, the speed of Night Shadow is not overwhelming. In the dimly lit primitive forest with potholes on the ground, the speed of the night shadow is unaffected. At this speed, most people can only see the surrounding trees madly backwards. If they are timid, they may be scared. Falling down, because the trees ahead seem to be hitting you in the face at this speed. But with my nerves, I don’t care about this situation at all.

After rushing to the Central Zone of the woods, I suddenly heard the angry roar sound, which sounded very familiar. It was the kind of mysterious monster in the destroyed mixed-blood flower monster settlement in Germany. The sound made. We encountered a large number of little monsters outside the gathering place before, and after we killed the little monsters, we heard a huge roar. At that time, we judged that there must be a big powerful monster inside, but it didn’t appear later. 't expect to hear this kind of voice again here. But now I don't have time to care about monsters. If I can hear this voice, it means that I have reached the outer circle area of ​​the settlement, because it should be the settlement of the mixed-blood flower fairy.

Sure enough, the strange thorny wall appeared in front of us before we ran far, but there was a gap in the wall in front of us. An Indian player was standing in the gap and attacking the one who was trying to escape. Half-blood flower demon. From a long distance, I saw that guy wielding a sword randomly in the air, and several half-blood flower monsters that rushed to his side were cut to the ground. These little things basically have no attack power, and there is no way to fight back against high level players.

Seeing that the half-blood flower monster is being slaughtered, I immediately raised my right hand and aimed it at the guy blocking the door. The Avengers flashed golden light flashed, and the guy blocking the door suddenly felt a pain in his neck. Then he reached out and touched his neck like a machine, but he found an arrow protruding beyond his throat, followed him a little bit harder, and finally fell down with a thump when he was exhausted. Because the guy blocking the door was suddenly killed, the people inside were all taken aback, and the half-blood flower demon who had nowhere to escape seized this opportunity and swarmed out.

Those who were stunned by the death of their companions saw that the half-blood flower demon was running away and reacted. Several of them immediately ran to the exit and prepared to seal the door again and see who attacked. Their companions, but the speed of Ye Ying is too fast, the nearest person just ran to the door when he saw a horse-shaped rare beast with black eyes, red nose and flames under the hoof, rushing in. The guy instinctively wanted to use a weapon to chop, but he didn't expect Ye Ying was not as stupid as a normal war horse. The moment he saw this guy, he stopped and stood up from the ground, two The forward kick suddenly kicked the guy's forehead with the inertia of the charge. Just listening to pu' sound, the guy's head exploded like a big watermelon, and then his body slowly fell down. Ye Ying is now a 900-level high level creature anyway. Although it looks like a horse, it is not a horse after all. Although the 900-level strength is mainly focused on speed, it is also a 900-level high level creature after all. The power can’t be too low anymore. Just now, I kicked that guy’s forehead directly. Equivalent to is a critical attack. Even if that guy is now at level 900, it’s normal to be instantly dropped by a monster of the same level’s critical attack. .

Seeing that Ye Ying and I suddenly appeared at the door, not only the Indians were stunned, but even the mixed-blood flower demon who was running for their lives was stunned. They probably think of me as another wave of people who want to kill them. After all, it looks like I am closer to those Indian players in appearance. Seeing that the half-blood flower demon was stunned, I quickly waved back: "What are you still stunned for? Run, go outside, I will help you block these people. Run."

Listen When it comes to me, the half-blood flower monsters finally understand that I am here to save them. Although these little fellow battle strengths are not very good, their intelligence is not at all ambiguous. As soon as I heard what I said, it rushed to my side again, and then rushed out from my side. One of the Indian players who looked like rare beast yelled to his companion: "Gagara and I will go to deal with him, and the others will first kill the half-blood flower monsters who didn't run out!"

When the guy called so, I naturally found out that he was the leader, and didn't give him any chance at all, so I threw the Eternal Sword as a flying knife with my hand. The guy used a golden stick in his hand to block, trying to poke my eternity away. Naturally, eternity broke his stick like cutting tofu and the pu' sound penetrated his collarbone directly. He took him back three steps before stopping, but before he could pretend to be a hero to draw his sword

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