"Is there any news?"

"Yes." The running player reported excitedly. "We learned that Wisdom Grass is in a place called the Swamp of Horrors."

"Swamp of Horrors?" The reason why I reacted so strongly to this place is not because I have never heard of this place. On the contrary, my reaction is so big because I have heard of it. Because "Zero" is aimed at players from all over the world, so-called forests are big and there are all kinds of birds. In order to satisfy some people's special hobby, they have to set up something they like specifically, this horror swamp is one of them. The reason why he is called the Swamp of Terror is because this place is absolutely terrifying in the eyes of normal people. It's not that the monsters here are so powerful, but the things here are extremely disgusting. A large number of molluscs and arthropods fill every inch of the land here, and all kinds of disgusting things are mixed in between. If you are a normal person, then it is recommended that you stay away from here, if you are a girl or have a cleanliness, then don't get close here, otherwise it will definitely leave a psychological shadow, or something will scare you. In fact, not only India has this kind of place, but the larger countries in the world have similar special areas. Among them are swamps for people who like this disgusting animal, evil forests for people who like ghosts, and even kindergartens. There are many dream gardens that children like. The reason why I remember this horror swamp in India is that a player from our guild had visited once before, and when that guy came back, he was excited about how happy he was playing there and what kind of insect he saw. But it was just that he thought it was fun. The few people who went with him shouted and told others not to go. Except for perverts, normal people are simply not suitable there.

The player who came to the report saw my big reaction and said: "It is now certain that the Wisdom Grass is in the horror swamp, but the problem is that the specific location is really unclear, and in order to detect this news The two elite search squads of our guild have been miserable!"

"What's the matter with them?"

"The main reason is that several female players in it have insect phobia. I haven’t gotten over it up to now!"

"That kind of place is indeed not suitable for normal girls to go in. I will give them three thousand guild contribution points to compensate." I said and thought about it. There was still a bunch of powder collection items that hadn't been sent out, so I simply handed it over to the player who reported it. Anyway, the troublemakers have been killed now, and those mixed-blood flower monsters are super talkative types, as long as they are not idiots, they can complete the task.

After the task was handed over, I quickly returned to Isengard. First, I contacted a few players who had returned over there who were investigating news. After getting detailed information from them, I added them The guild contribution is considered a reward, and then I transferred to India. I have already determined that the Tathagata is impossible to let go of the Wisdom Grass. It’s just that although the place where the Wisdom Grass grows is in India, the Tathagata cannot directly intervene at all. He wants to send people to the horror swamp to destroy the wisdom grass. It is more difficult than sending people to the French side to slaughter the half-blood flower monsters. Don't look at one in a foreign country and one in the country. Things are not as simple as imagined. Places like the horror swamp are absolutely forbidden for NPC forces to enter, which means that the Tathagata cannot enter by himself, so he can only ask the player for help. But going to France is nothing more than going abroad to perform tasks. As long as the travel expenses are reimbursed, there is nothing at worst, but the horror swamp is different. That place is simply a paradise for perverts. Who would go there? Therefore, it is ten times more difficult for Tathagata to find people willing to go to the Swamp of Terror than to send people to France.

If it’s not convenient to send people into the horror swamp, I would naturally think of sending someone to intercept it outside, but I don’t worry about this at all. Your own Transmission Formation, although this Transmission Formation is on the edge of the horror swamp, it is enough. This edge position can prevent the Divine Race of Buddhism from blocking my entry. As for the ordinary players that Buddhism seeks to form an interception team, I am not worried about this at all. If there are enough high level players, it is difficult to defeat them, but it is easy to get rid of them.

When I teleported to India and walked out of the Transmission Formation at the entrance of the horror swamp, I saw a large group of people standing in front of me. I knew what these people were doing without introducing them. Because they immediately surrounded me as soon as they saw me. Although players generally don't want to come to the ghost place of the horror swamp, it refers to the inner area of ​​the horror swamp, which is only the periphery, which is not so exaggerated.

"You finally came."

"Yo. Have you been waiting for me for a long time?"

"Just know it." An Indian female player When he walked in front of me, he raised a weapon like a sickle and pointed at me: "Buddhism has issued the highest arrest warrant. As long as we block you and prevent you from entering the horror swamp, we can get a bounty of one hundred thousand crystal coins, so We have a lot of people here, do you think you have the ability to defeat so many of us?"

"My master didn't say that must beat you!"

My voice suddenly changed to a woman's voice in the surprised eyes, and my appearance changed to another person's appearance within a few seconds. A player who knew me better immediately yelled: "That's Purple Moon's favorite——Goddess Emines!"

"Haha, everyone, take your time, I'll take a step ahead. "This time the voice is of course mine, but the position is behind everyone. When those people turned around, they found that I had rushed into the swamp, and those who were in charge of intercepting me began to hesitate. stand up. When they took the task, they repeatedly confirmed that they didn’t need to enter the swamp before agreeing. Now I ran into the swamp. If they chased in, it would have been extra labor, but if they didn’t chase, it would have been a waste of time. These people are chasing or not chasing or not. After hesitating for a long time, there were some people who finally brace oneself chased in, but most people chose to give up the mission. The reputation of the horror swamp was really shocking, and many people would rather give up the mission than go there.

After I rushed into the swamp, the first feeling I felt was that the ground under my feet started to become softer and softer, and the water was coming out as soon as I stepped on it, and the plants on the ground became longer and deeper, and finally changed completely. It became a reed taller than a human, but there were no terrifying creatures, which made me feel very strange.

I ran forward for almost two to three kilometers. The reeds on the ground have disappeared, replaced by a dark green weed that is slightly higher than the calf, but the ground has become a kind of It seems that the muddy ground that has been soaked in water for a long time can sink into half of the leg with just a light step, but that is the experience of others. At this time, I am riding on the back of Ye Ying while observing the surrounding environment. Walk to the core area of ​​the horror swamp. I have been thinking about a problem along the way, and that is what caused the creatures here to avoid me. More than N people have told me the horror of this horror swamp before, and the two search teams of the guild have even proved their dedication, which means that the horror here is 100% sure. The question is why I walked all the way from the entrance of the horrible swamp to here, but I didn't see anything but the grass? If it weren't for the monster here to be cleared again, there must be some other reason, anyway, this shouldn't be the case in the Swamp of Terror.

"Night Shadow, over there." I suddenly noticed something moving on the ground not far away.

Yeying ran over immediately after receiving my instructions. Although the mud was soft and almost unable to bear the weight, Yeying flew in the air, and the ground conditions would not affect us at all. When we rushed to the bush, we happened to see a brown insect that was more than three meters long like a big maggot was swallowing a person, but when we got here, we only saw two calves, that person. Most of them are already in the insect body.

It seems that someone has just passed by here. The main reason why there is no insect is probably that those people have attracted other insects, but the mud on the ground has recovered too quickly, and there is no way to track the target by normal means. , But I have another way. The wings opened and flicked slightly, and a large number of silver feathers fell down and turned into a bee-like creature with a body as big as an eagle in the air. I waved my hand. "Disperse and search."

Om..., as if a bomber group took off, the huge swarm of candle bees immediately spread out to the area in front of us and fanned out. Since this is a paradise for arthropods, my candle bees should also be very adaptable to such an environment, and it would be more appropriate to send them as scouts.

Soon the candle bees found the target, I immediately let all the candle bees focus on that area, and I immediately ran over on the night shadow.

When we arrived at the target area, we saw eight Indian players and three white people fighting there with a large group of wolfhound-sized locusts. The number of locusts could be used as a sea of ​​insects. Come to act, and the dead locusts under the feet of the dozen people have been piled up into a hill. In fact, these more than a dozen people simply stood on a pile of locust carcasses and were fighting the remaining locusts. Although the terrifying of those locusts with low strength was almost wiped out one by one, their number completely filled up their strength. If the locusts are killed at this speed, those people will have to be exhausted first.

Although I saw that these people were in a critical condition, I did not intend to go up and help. At first glance, I knew that these people were the people Tathagata sent to make trouble with me. I swept left and right to find a way around here, but human’s calculation are inferior to the heavens calculation, just when we were about to detour away, a large locust suddenly fell to the up ahead of Yeying, although Yeying would immediately The locust was trampled to death, but it still alarmed the other locusts. The entire swarm was instantly divided into two, half of which rushed towards me.

"Oh, this is a problem!"

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