Although the Buddhism and Hindu gangs were all stunned, the Treasure Tree King was not stunned. This guy is simply stubborn, looking for a goal that will never change. As soon as he left the Great Thunder Sound Temple, he immediately saw me hitting the ground, and then stepped to my side, and the huge soles of feet slammed down at me.

A loud explosion sound, one sole of the tree king sank into the ground. You know that the thickness of this guy's barefoot is more than ten meters high, and his entire foot sinks into the ground. You can imagine how much strength it takes to step on it. But just before this foot was about to fall on me, I had already flown out of his feet first. The only real unlucky were a few faint Buddhist and Hindu people who were hit by me, myself. And was not stepped on.

After landing on the ground, King Baoshu immediately noticed that I was not stepped on by him, and then this guy immediately waved his huge palm and slapped me desperately at me like he was driving a fly. I hurried The power added to the jet thruster opened the distance, but the guy caught up a few steps and continued to wave and pat over.

"Master, it's impossible to run like this!" Ling reminded.

"What should I do?"

"Look and see if this guy has any weaknesses."

"Okay." I quickly flew to Bao Bao Above the head of the tree king, because I just discovered a situation, that is, although the treasure tree king can run and jump, but he does not fly very much. I guess it may be because he is too big to fly and consumes a lot of power, so he dare not rise easily. Sora, I just use this to consume his energy. In addition, I always feel that the tree above him might be his weakness. This guy has an Absolute Domain that can control the law, but its coverage only includes the radius of a few tens of meters of the tree overhead. It can be seen that that thing is probably very important. Otherwise, why did he limit such a strong thing to only Where is the small area above the head?

After discovering that I was elevated, King Baoshu immediately jumped up and attempted to attack me, but his jumping height was limited after all. Facing me, who had been raised to a height of one thousand meters, he simply couldn't reach him, and he had no choice. He had no choice but to lift off to catch up. When I saw him flying, I continued to fly upwards. Anyway, this guy is bigger than me, and he is definitely not my opponent.

"Master." I was flying and suddenly heard Phantom's reminder.

"What's the matter?"

"The energy response of the guy below is decreasing."

"The energy response is decreasing? Is he almost out of energy?" I looked back and found that the pursuit speed of the tree king was getting slower and slower, and the flame on the tree above my head was gradually getting smaller, as if it was going to be extinguished soon.

Ling’s voice suddenly intervened and said: "I think I know the reason for that guy’s weakened energy!"


"He It’s Tree Demon, and it’s necessary to borrow the air to survive. No matter how strong he becomes, the characteristics of the clan still exist. The sky is simply not the place where the tree should live. Even the plants of Celestial Court can survive with the help of fairy soil. He has been on the ground for such a long time, naturally, he is getting weaker and weaker."

"Then can I figure out a way to prevent him from landing?"

"The idea is good. , It’s just difficult to execute!” Ling suddenly asked: “Baby, can you pull that guy into your sweet world?”

The baby’s voice immediately said: “It was not possible, but now we It may be feasible to gather everyone’s strength together, and I have a more powerful plan."

"Let’s talk about it. If it works, I will reward you for eating super fairy fruit." Although the baby can change Butter cake, but his favorite thing to eat is fruit, and the fairy fruit produced by Celestial Court is naturally incomparable with the variety on the ground, so the temptation of this fairy fruit is still great for babies.

The motivated baby immediately said: "Actually, as long as the elder sister, Princess elder sister and Rebecca elder sister plus the rainbow tree are used together with a large phantom array to temporarily control the following groups of gods and Buddhas I can use their power to ensure a 100% success rate to pull this treasure tree king and the group of people below into my sweet world within the realm, as long as they can be wiped out in my sweet world within the realm How much experience do you think we can earn?"

"This...!" How much experience did you get to kill Buddhism and Hindu leaders in one go? Although I know that the main system of "Zero" will not be so easy for people to suddenly rise to several hundred levels, even if he adopts a temporary restriction system to arrange a plot to limit my experience improvement, the remaining EXP in the end can definitely support me. This risk is definitely worth taking.

Xiaochun suddenly asked: "But Eminis and the others can hypnotize Buddhism and Hindu bosses?"

The baby immediately added: "It doesn't take too long, as long as Let them lose their minds for a moment."

I thought about it and said: "For the sake of the experience of writing and numbering that day, I also spared it. After a while, I will eat all the remaining divine fruit and enter the super State and then let you activate mind control and pull those gods and Buddhas into the sweet world. As long as you are more than 50% sure, it’s worth a try."

"Let’s try!"


After discussing the action plan, I suddenly changed from ascending to descending. King Baoshu was chasing vigorously and suddenly found that I had changed direction. Since we were one upward and one downward, the relative speed was very high. , I flew past him before he could react. King Baoshu thought that I was playing tricks on him deliberately, but when he was angry, he immediately turned around and immediately dived down. Since we don't need to offset our own gravity during the dive, and there is universal gravitation to help us, our speed is much faster than when we are ascending. The Buddhism and Hindu people below only saw the two of us swooping down quickly. We were almost on the ground before they realized the danger, and at this time they realized that the king of the tree was so big. If it hits the ground, the formidable power is incredible. It's just that when they turned around and planned to run, they suddenly felt their heads dizzy. Although their personal strengths were different, everyone felt the momentary loss of consciousness, but after they recovered their minds, they found that the surrounding environment had completely changed. Look like.

"What's going on?" Tathagata was sitting on his lotus stand and looked around in surprise. He is still outside the Great Thunder Sound Temple, but the problem is that all his subordinates are basically gone. Only a small part of the strongest in Buddhism exists, and more than 90% of Buddhism children disappeared without a trace.

Similar to the situation on the Tathagata side, the Hindu side is not much better. Brahma stood silly and watched the only a dozen faculty members around who were in a daze. The large number of people he brought to slay Buddhism were all gone, and only their group of general without an army was left. .

"What the hell did you do?" After a few seconds, Brahma and Tathagata pointed at each other and questioned at the same time, but after the questioning, the two of them were stunned again.

Compared with the doubts of Tathagata and Brahma, in fact, it is the people who have disappeared that are more worried. They are also standing outside the Great Thunder Sound Temple, but the Great Thunder Sound Temple behind them has become a huge complex of desserts. The original masonry wall became a cake wall, the tiles on the top of the wall became chocolate chips, the red lacquered door became a whole wafer, and the lotus pond avenue inside the door became an avenue for cookies. The holy water in the lotus pond has also become sweet wine, and there is a sweet and greasy taste in the air everywhere, and the whole is a huge candy shop.

"Wow hahahaha, I just said that the baby is the strongest!" At this time in the vicinity of a lollipop forest, my many beloved and I are lurking in a huge Among the chocolate rocks, because I pulled too many people into the baby’s sweet world just now, my magic power was drained instantly. For this reason, I also ate all the remaining divine fruit, but I just ate it. After the magical power was rushed out immediately, I had to eat all the divine fruit continuously, and finally suppressed the continuous decline of the magical power and completed the feat of pulling people, but in the end the Tathagata and the Brahma gods still failed. Pulled in, and my Divine Domain status collapsed because of the exhaustion of magic power. That's why now we have become a large group of people lying here all around. It was caused by the sudden end of the skill just now and everyone separated from my body.

Not far in front of us is the Buddhism and Hindu members who are not knowing what to do. As for the idiot of Baoshu King, his head is still stuck in a large hot chocolate pond. In it. In fact, because his strength such as Lai and Brahma is stronger, we should not be able to pull him, but because he is our main goal, and the baby borrowed their magic power at the moment when people were confused in Buddhism. He, a super boss, pulled in here, but his entry position deviated due to his struggle. In the end, he did not fall outside of the Great Thunder Sound Temple, but fell into the buddhism nest that we flew out before. . Originally, the buddhism lair should be full of lava pools, but everything in the sweet world of the baby is made up of desserts, so lava becomes hot chocolate, but it is similar to lava, hot chocolate is also quite sticky, so The treasure tree king plunged into the chocolate pool and has not pulled himself out.

"What shall we do now?" I asked the baby. This is his world, he has more say than us.

"Let the baby think about it." The baby jumped onto a chocolate rock to pose as a thinker, and then he didn't respond. After waiting for more than 30 seconds, I finally broke out and slapped the baby from the chocolate.

"If you play a trick on me, I will eat you as jelly." Hearing my threat, the baby immediately changed from a jelly state to a little bear doll, but I was caught and ravaged While cursing, "Don't think that you can get confused by becoming a ragdoll, just tell us what we are going to do now?"

"Don't pinch, don't pinch!" The baby desperately called for help: "Pinch the cotton again It’s coming out! I said it’s not okay! Let’s do this for a while..."

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