The Treasure Tree King stared at me for a long time. I thought he was thinking, but in the end he was accumulating anger. "You...don't think about it." The angry Treasure Tree King suddenly erupted completely, just like a nearby volcano. Hundreds of roots and canes rose from the lava and then waved wildly in the air.

"Oh, it seems that you don't agree with it." Seeing the tree king in such a state, I have no choice but to beat him.

In fact, defeating him was my best choice. The reason why I would persuade him to give up resistance is actually because of my lack of confidence. "Divine Domain" is not a general skill. It consumes a lot of start-up. My current magic value drops down like a leaking car fuel gauge. I doubt that I can handle this guy within the time limit. , So the best way is to persuade him to give up, but now it seems that my efforts are in vain.

"You don’t want to take anything from me today, and don’t even want to leave here." Baoshu King’s angry body gradually rose into the flames, and even more What surprised me was that it was not only the tree that rose up, but also the island below it.

"Hey, master." The voice of Phantom suddenly rang in my mind. "If you have no objection, I suggest that we should withdraw as soon as possible."

The reminder of the phantom made me recover. The wings were flapped, and the four jet thrusters on the back were fully opened, and the body immediately Backed back sharply, and a scene happened in front of me in which my jaw almost fell. Originally, I always thought that the tree on the island was the King of Treasure Trees, and his behavior before seemed to be similar to what I thought, but now I know that the truth is simply not what I thought. When the island where the tree was located rose higher and higher, the lava in the lava lake was lifted up, and as the area of ​​the island became larger and larger, the lava in the lake was pushed all around and followed The surface of the island is flowing down quickly. With the rise of the island, the nearby ground began to crack, and the entire earth began to shake. High-temperature steam was violently ejected from the cracks in the ground, and lava emerged directly in some places.

After the island in front of me rose more than fifty meters, I realized that the so-called island is actually a sphere, and its diameter is almost fifty meters. At the top of this sphere, countless huge tree-like roots are recovering in the air, but because of the rise of the island, they are not as thick as they seem at close range. But what shocked me most was not the roots of the trees, but that the side of the island facing me had a standard human face, with many eyes, ears, mouth, and nose. Looking at it with these five senses, the rising island is clearly a huge human head, and the things on it that I thought were tree roots are more like his hair. As for the tree-it seems to be just a piece of the giant. It's just a little braid.

I was shocked enough to see these things, but the island suspected of human heads is still rising, and there is a relative The thinner part, but with the "head" on the top, the bottom part can be completely regarded as a neck. After the "neck" rose out of the lava lake, the bottom suddenly widened, and then a huge horizontal "land" rose up, and further down, there was a very obvious shoulder profile. So far, I don’t need to look at the following things anymore. I have basically concluded that the so-called island is simply the head of a giant, and there should be a complete body under it.

In my shocked gaze, the giant is still rising, and his ascent speed is getting faster and faster, and it will soon reach the waist. It is obvious from the upper part that this is a personal shape. Now, the lower leg completely left the lake in the next few seconds. When the huge individual completely rose out of the lava lake, the lake surface was almost invisible. The original lava lake became a huge pit, and the lava liquid level was deep under the pit. Standing in front of me now is a super giant who is 450 meters tall and looks not much smaller than a mountain. Its face looks like an old man who has experienced vicissitudes of life, but his body is like practicing muscles. The gentleman is average, although not very coordinated, he looks very deterrent. However, although this guy's structure looks like the image of a muscular man, his skin looks like black bark, the surface is full of wrinkles, without any smooth feeling. If his name is okay, maybe this guy is really a Tree Demon, but the size is really...

Seeing that I was frightened and stupefied in front of him, the King Baoshu was suddenly proud Laughed loudly. Compared with the previous voice, the current volume is almost like a cannonball exploding in the ears, don't mention the attack, just the volume of this guy's speech is already a sonic weapon.

"hahahaha...You are the first person to hurt me in tens of thousands of years. In return, I also revealed this real body to play with you. Boy. You should feel honored, because back then Tathagata, that little fellow didn't force me to show my truth, you should be proud."

I don't suspect that King Treasure Tree is lying. I know that I am definitely not as good as the Tathagata Buddha in terms of trueness. There is nothing worth discussing on this point, but I have a Spirit Bead on my body, which means that the current Treasure Tree King actually does not have divine force, and only the body is left. The basic battle strength is nothing more than. That is to say, when Tathagata and this guy were fighting, the situation was similar to me. After all, they both had divine force at the time, and now I don’t have divine force with King Treasure Tree, and this battle level is basically the same. It’s just that although Tathagata is definitely stronger than me in battle strength, it is the conclusion after calculating his divine force. After removing the divine force, his basic battle strength may indeed be higher than mine, but I believe that when I activate Divine Domain and Familiars The basic battle strength in the state of our bodies should be better than that of the Tathagata without divine force, which means that I am actually stronger when playing against the current state. So since even the current I can only hurt this guy, you can imagine what the Tathagata was like back then. In this way, the treasure tree king does not need to use his real body. I originally thought that the strongest existence in Buddhism should be the Tathagata and the Advocate Saint, and didn't expect such an abnormality to be hidden in its lair. It is said that there are still three thousand nails on the bad boat. It seems that it is true. This Buddhism is far from the point of a bad boat, and it really made me hit something stronger than three thousand nails.

Looking at I was stunned and didn't answer, King Baoshu finally stopped laughing, his expression turned hideous, and then he slammed his huge palm against me. Only then did I react from the shock and quickly dodged to avoid the giant palm like the building, but the treasure tree king immediately changed the direction of his hand and waved it again, and I could only try to back up and avoid it. His attack. Although I have become a giant with the help of my lucky appearance, I still feel like a kindergarten kid standing next to a basketball player in front of this guy. That guy is almost half my body with a big hand. , If this is slapped by him, it must turn into meatloaf.

Seeing that several attacks were missed, King Baoshu suddenly took a breath at me. A strong suction immediately made me lose my balance and almost was sucked over, but at least I was from Ivory. The special thruster works well, and it finally withstands me, but the King Baoshu opened his mouth to me after inhaling enough. A huge Fire Dragon immediately spewed out from his mouth, a powerful flame. The jet instantly enveloped me in. Originally, when I was sprayed by that thing, I thought I was going to die today. Who knew that after being swept by the flames, I was surprised to find that I was okay. The magic value that had dropped so much had actually risen by a lot. I immediately thought that this is the characteristic of Inverite and Xiaofeng. They are both magical in the flames. I borrowed his and Xiaofeng’s flame affinity and naturally I have their use of flames to replenish themselves. Ability. However, although the magic power is full, I clearly understand one thing, that is, the guy in front of me is not something I can deal with. This guy is definitely the BOSS of the BOSS. A sign not near strangers!

After understanding the situation in front of me, I quickly flew back, and after starting the Inverite’s jet thruster, I also changed the Asuka’s fuel booster, with eight jets on the wings. The next word lined up and quickly drove to the maximum power, and at the same time the Asuka's supersonic assault skills were activated. King Baoshu only saw a cloud of white mist burst out around my body, and then instantly turned into a white light electric shot away. Although he didn't know that the cloud of white mist was liquefied because of the sound barrier caused by my breakthrough. It was caused, but the magical speed also surprised him. But today's Treasure Tree King was probably really upset by me, and when he saw me running away, he immediately strode and chased him.

Although the guy Baoshuwang is huge, his strength has offset the gravity and wind resistance brought by the huge body, so this guy doesn't run slowly. After I rushed out of the illusion of the ladder, King Treasure Tree also chased it out, but he realized that I was almost flying out of the courtyard wall of the Great Thunder Sound Temple. He immediately realized that my speed was much faster than him, so This guy raised his hand without the slightest hesitation and shot a giant lava ball burning with flames. Originally, the flame didn't hurt me, but the lava was a real thing. After hitting me, it still had kinetic energy damage, but because we were flying in the same direction, the impact was not great. But this does not prevent the group of lava from knocking me down from the sky.

The two parties outside the Great Thunder Sound Temple were fighting in a frenzy. Suddenly, a burning object flew out of the Great Thunder Sound Temple and hit the ground with one head. After turning over a dozen people, he slid on the ground all the way to the center of the battlefield before stopping completely.

Just when both Buddhism and Hinduism wanted to see what the group of things fell, a giant suddenly stood up inside the Great Thunder Sound Temple, and then the giant took three steps and two steps. The temple gate walked to the outskirts of the battlefield, and the two sides who had been fighting were all stupid for a while. The Hindu people did not know that there is such a killing move in Buddhism, but the people in Buddhism had never seen the real body of the King of the Tree, so the people on both sides were stunned for a while.

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