Actually, the baby’s advice is very simple, it is nothing more than breaking through each, but sometimes the simplest is the most practical. The Buddhism group of guys are all first-class in strength. Even without the divine force, they are considered expert among players. If they are brought together, I really won’t get any advantage, especially the treasure tree king. We can't do it anyway without getting him alone.

It’s not easy to separate such a big group of people in real space, but fortunately this is a sweet world for babies, where the treasure Treasure Item can be manipulated within a certain range. The ability of the law, so it is not too troublesome to separate this group of people.

After planning, we started to act. First of all, we must first separate Buddhism from the Hindu gang. As for how to separate, the easiest way is to pretend to be a double Old Feng and deceive both parties. The crowd is gone. It just happens that this space does not include Tathagata and Brahma, and now there is no need to worry about wearing a gang if you pretend to be.

Buddhism and the Hindu gang were bewildered in the field. Suddenly they found that their own leader appeared behind them. The people on both sides did not have time to distinguish, and they immediately asked each other The leader leaned over there. "You wait with me." Because the impersonator is always impersonating, so we must try our best to take advantage of the time when we haven't been discovered, and quickly take both parties away. Although both sides didn’t know why their leader had to retreat by themselves, since the boss had spoken, everyone followed up consciously, but the leaders on both sides ran faster and faster, and the more they chased, the more they felt wrong. They just found something wrong and found something wrong. They just wanted to catch up and ask why they had to run in such a hurry, but the more they chased, the more they felt that the problem was not right, and then some people realized that their boss seemed abnormal. Then I had the courage to try it hard, but it didn't matter if I didn't try it, I was shocked when I tried it. The mana of those people brushed the old old Feng, but only a piece of air was brushed. The bosses were all illusions, so these people stopped immediately, but when they reacted, they turned around and found themselves surprised. There were only a few people around, and the other people who were running with him all disappeared with the illusion of the boss who had stopped in front of them.

"What's the matter?" An Arhat pulled a companion next to him and asked in a panic: "Where are all the people going?"

"I don't know!" Companion is also at a loss.

Another Arhat next to him said: "These people around are obviously running with us, how can they become phantoms when they run?"

"No, No, it’s not a problem while running.” A smarter-looking guy said: “We weren’t separated on the run. It should be because we discovered the Great Thunder Sound Temple’s mutation and the people around us are no longer our companions. Now, those should be phantoms."

A guy in a red robe retorted: "No. If we were separated at that time, the other party didn’t need to draw us out. We ran such a long road and killed us in the same place. Why did we have to work so hard to get us here? Before we discovered that the Great Thunder Sound Temple changed suddenly, it should have been drawn into a huge special space. After that, the other party used some kind of illusion to separate us and lead us to different roads while we were running. This makes sense."

pa pa pa pa. With a sound of applause, I took my magic pet and walked out from behind a candy forest. "The reasoning ability is good, but it's a pity that it's too late to find out."

When I saw my appearance, those Buddhism people immediately raised their weapons and pointed them at me carefully. One of them asked: "Where did you get other people?"

"How do you say?" I said with a smile: "Should all be in this space! Just with you all It’s just a squad group divided into groups of several people."

"hmph, are you planning to wipe out our entire Buddhism here by your own strength?"< /p>

I stretched out a finger. "Correct. In fact, I want to eliminate Buddhism, but also the Hindu people who are hostile to you, but this does not mean that I will eliminate Buddhism as a whole, because your boss has not come in. Although you don’t want to admit it, your boss 'S strength is indeed too strong, we don't have the ability to pull them all in for the time being, but you guys are just...hehe, now the time for solving doubts is over, do you want to cooperate a little to save us a little trouble or plan to resist? "

"Go to your devil." The guy in the red robe suddenly reached out and shot out a golden light. The speed was absolutely lightning fast. I was hit before I could react. It was just But I didn't suffer much damage, because the golden light turned into a big ball of syrup the moment it left that guy's hand, and then the bang smacked my face. The spell-throwing guy and I were both stupid at once, but for different reasons. He was frightened because his spell suddenly turned into syrup, but I was angry. Although there is not much formidable power, can you be happy when others make you look syrupy?

Seeing that the familiars next to me were still smiling heartlessly, Ling even wiped my face with a finger, then put it in his mouth and tasted it. "It tastes good, but it's too sweet, it's a bit muddy!"

"You still taste it!" I angrily wiped a hand on my face and then slapped it all over Ling's face. "Hahahaha, now you eat slowly. Grandma, get some water to help me wash, and the others will go and kill those guys."

"Telling." The demons heard My words immediately rushed to put those guys down. There is no suspense at all in this kind of battle. The divine force of these Buddhists was also suppressed by the Spirit Bead, temporarily only slightly stronger than the ordinary person, but their spells were thrown into either syrup or ketchup, in addition to the hu hu of our whole body. There is really no lethality outside. As for the close combat, they didn't realize until this time that their weapons were all made of rock candy, and they were interrupted as soon as they were interrupted. How can there be any problems with our group fight tactics when there is no weapon spell and cannot be used?

After we got the buddhism middlemen, our EXP jumped up to the boss. It seems that Tu divine fruit has earned more than the player PK, and in this case, God is really nothing. Deterrence. The humanoid lucky touched the baby’s head and said: "Your space is really a good place for yin people. Can this spell be changed? It's really uncomfortable to stick with sugar syrup and ketchup!"

The baby slapped his lucky paws and asked, "Which one do you want tomato sauce or the killer spell?"

When lucky, he quickly said: "That's tomato sauce, right!"


After we got the battle on this side, we began to attack other teams in order. Anyway, the space here is controlled by the baby. Unless we can break through the space with absolutely powerful mana, no one should ever want to escape. The baby's control, we are like scoring points between groups of Buddhism and Hindu people. I can go up to Level 1 almost every time I kill a few teams. The experience is the same as that of a stopwatch. It’s the first time I’ve been in the game for so long, and it’s the first time I feel that earning experience is so easy. It’s not even as fast as it was when it was over a hundred levels. It’s important to know that in general games, it’s harder to level up in the later stages, especially when I enter a thousand. After the level, the EXP that is almost stuck. It can be said that every level 1 level requires an astronomical number of EXP. It really didn't expect that it would be so easy for me to swipe so many levels up. In the end, I didn’t bother to watch the EXP, and because the opponent was better than expected, I simply separated from the familiars and acted in groups to speed up the slaughter. Anyway, the buddhism and Hindu soldiers have no divine force and spell and weapons. After that, it was simply a toothless tiger. Although the health value was still full, it had become meat on the chopping board. It was nothing more than a harder effort when cutting, and the result was predestined for a long time.

"Huh, I really didn't expect that I will have the time when I kill people and kill my hands!"

A few hours later I lay on the ground hu hu panting, and Yeyue next to me Putting all her six weapons on the ground, she herself slumped like me while eating a piece of chocolate buckled on the ground next to her and said: "I don't know what happened to the other groups."

"Same as you." As soon as Ye Yue finished speaking, Ling walked over and lay down on the ground: "My hands are numb when I throw magic! But it's really enjoyable to kill like this." < /p>

"Have you seen the other groups?"

"Behind, we will be there in a while." Ling pointed to the direction she had just come from. I looked over there and saw a bunch of monsters walking around the baby, and the baby was holding a huge basket with a bunch of white things inside. I don't know what it is.

"Master, this is today's harvest." The baby put the basket in front of me and said.

"What is this?" I smoothly touched one and saw it turned out to be a biscuit, but the shape was actually human, and it looked like a monk.

The baby said casually: "This is the soul of people in Buddhism. Because their souls are more condensed, they can become such sweet biscuits. If you eat them, you can increase EXP. How about? The baby is amazing, right?"

"Isn't it? You can catch the soul?" I quickly looked at the basket, and then asked, "Did you not turn all the souls of those guys into this? Why? That’s it?"

"That’s not bad, everyone in Buddhism is very difficult to deal with, how can their souls be so easy to catch!"

hear Baby’s answer, I finally know what the system limits on me this time! This is a big trouble!

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