Although I estimated that the bombardment of tanks could lead the King of the Trees away, the actual situation exceeded my expectations. Although the bombardment of the tank was extremely vigorous, but the Absolute Domain of the King Treasure Tree was extremely abnormal, despite the violent bombardment of the tank’s magic crystal shells, it was impenetrable.

"hahahaha... your little tricks can't help me!" Baoshu King laughed arrogantly on Lake Heart Island, completely when our attack was to scratch him, angry I'm going straight around here but I can't help it.

"Boss, I have no energy!" After a long period of bombardment, the tank can't stand it anymore. Although the tank is much stronger than before with one shot, it can't be bombarded like unlimited ammunition. !

I watched the unmoving Treasure Tree King start to make other ideas. It is certain that King Baoshu is extremely powerful, but no matter how strong it is, there is a limit, at least his energy is impossible for unlimited use. When I think of energy, my eyes naturally focus on the nearby lava lake. "Damn, why am I so stupid?"

"Did you think of something?" Ling, who was standing by my side and helping me think about the problem, saw that I suddenly became excited and knew that I was probably thinking of the key question. .

I pointed to the treasure tree over there and said: "This guy must be born with Fire Attribute to grow in this kind of place, and the neighborhood is full of lava, he is equivalent to soaking in the nutrient solution. Follow me, we are naturally no opponents!"

After listening to me, Ling also noticed the surrounding environment. Since the tree king can survive in lava, it must belong to the Fire Attribute, and this lava lake is his source of energy. Playing with him in this place is equivalent to competing with fish in the water. Whoever holds his breath for a long time, This is simply looking for boring.

Now that the problem is thought of, we will begin to solve the problem. at first We only planned to take the King of the Tree away so that we could steal the treasure in the secret room, but we ignored the environment here. Because this is the energy source of the treasure tree king, the treasure tree king will definitely not leave, so the method of seduction is doomed to be unworkable. If you can't lead the King of the Tree from this place, what we can do is change the attribute status here, but this huge lava lake is not so easy to solve. The current situation is that the plan to lured the tiger away from the mountain is invalid, and if you want a treasure, you have to kill the tree king, but the prerequisite for killing the tree king is to solve the lava lake, but this lava lake is even worse than the tree king. Difficult to deal with. Based on the above situation, our conclusion is-no show.

This old nest of Buddhism is just like lava hell. There are volcanic craters everywhere. There are more lava rivers on the ground than the small rivers in Jiangnan Water Village. In such a place, I want to get the basics of one and lava lakes. The above is impossible. Don't talk about me, even if the divine force is not suppressed, the Tathagata doesn't necessarily dare to pack the votes, so the scheme considered according to the above idea is simply unsolvable.

If you can't weaken the enemy's support, then change your mind. The lava lake itself is neutral. The reason why it has become a problem we need to solve is because the tree king can absorb its power, and the high temperature of the lava lake itself also has a certain hindering effect on us. The only way to offset the natural advantage of King Treasure Tree in the Lava Lake is that we also have the ability to use the Lava Lake, at least not limited by it, and I currently have exactly two ways to achieve the above goals.

The first solution is more straightforward, which is to use Vermilion Bird to transform into Vermilion Bird. The advantage of this scheme is that it obtains huge destructive power while obtaining flame affinity. Vermilion Bird is more adaptable to the existence of strength of Raging Flames than Fire Phoenix, and after all, she is also one of the four guards of the land of China, and its battle strength is basically on the same level as the Buddha, and it may even be higher if it is considered destructive power alone. Out of it. But the disadvantages of Vermilion Bird's fire feathers are also obvious. The effective time is too short. If the tree king cannot be dealt with in a short period of time, there will be no chance again, because once such a powerful force of Vermilion Bird erupts, the Great Thunder Sound Temple Everyone in Buddhism will definitely feel that when the time comes, just come back with a few experts and I will say goodbye to the darlings.

The second option is relatively simple, directly activate my top-level skill-Divine Domain. This skill allows my large and small and all summon creatures of both to fuse together to form an individual controlled by me. The basic attribute of this individual will be equal to half of the combination of the attributes of the creatures participating in the combination, and I can Feel free to switch to the characteristic attribute of any summon creature, for example, I can have a lucky body shape, or get Ling’s dark magic affinity. As long as I use this skill, I can switch my special attribute to Xiaofeng or Ivorite’s attribute. Xiaofeng is the flame black Phoenix, and he is an elf born in fire. Although Ivorite is a mechanical lifeform, he is the king of flames and can use flame energy to recharge himself. As long as I have obtained their characteristic attributes, Lava Lake is just like the King of Baoshu, which can only be a huge battery. When the time comes, it depends on the true ability of the King of Baoshu and me. However, like the first solution, this solution also has its advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that this solution will not cause energy to evaporate and attract the Buddhism forces outside. The disadvantage is that I doubt whether the power behind the body has ever done this damn tree.

After weighing it up, I decided to try the second option first. Although there is a period of weakness after the Divine Domain skills are used up, the Treasure Tree King will not take the initiative to leave his Lake Heart Island, so even if I enter a weak state, I am not afraid of accidents. If it doesn't work, I still have divine fruit. After the level 1 is upgraded, the negative effects will naturally disappear. at worst when the time comes, try the first plan again and bet again. Anyway, it is more reliable than directly using the first plan to fail.

After choosing the plan, I immediately summoned all the familiars around me. Because the small dragon girl went to report, I couldn’t participate in the harmony for the time being. Fortunately, the Divine Domain skills do not require all the monsters. The pets are there, but I can't get the attributes of the pets that don't participate in the body.

"Divine Domain." As I yelled, the surrounding magical pets all turned into streamers of various colors and gathered on me, and then my whole person flashed across seven different colors from top to bottom. aperture. When all the apertures flashed through, a giant with a height of 20 meters and full armor wrapped in armor appeared above the lava lake. Behind the giant is a pair of huge wings made of metal feathers, but there are four jets spraying blue flames at the base of the wings. In fact, this is the appearance that I specially selected based on the current situation. The feathered wings are my own characteristics. I just borrowed the lucky Dragon Clan body to make it bigger. As for the four thruster jets, they are from Inverite. After all, he is a mechanical life with similar flying methods. jet.

The advantage of turning into a giant is that the lava lake is not too deep for me, so that it is not easy to be restricted in movement, and the huge size also creates an advantage against the dead tree, at least he Need more cane to wrap me around.

It was also a shock to discover that I suddenly became such a big treasure tree king, but he immediately returned to normal. "Don't think that you can beat me when you get bigger."

I didn't answer him at all. I leaned forward and flew over the island where King Treasure Tree was located. King Treasure Tree immediately got out of the canopy. Countless branches stretched out to wrap around my feet. The ejector on my back suddenly turned off, and my body fell rapidly. The branches of King Treasure Tree didn't reach my feet because they didn't follow the wrong direction, but King King Treasure Tree responded quickly, and he pulled the branches down. I slammed my hand to catch the drawn branches, but the whole person was pressed into the lava lake. a loud explosion sound I was smashed into the tumbling lava, and the treasure tree king burst out laughing. "Hahahaha... I dare to compete with me in this lava lake. It's really act recklessly."

Just as the King of Treasure Tree was proud to speak ruthlessly there, there was a sudden surge in the lava. I suddenly rose from the lava, and at the same time raised a hand and aimed at the treasure tree king. A tube suddenly rose up on the back of that hand, and then red light flashed, Baoshu King only felt his body numb, and a branch actually fell to the ground.

This sudden change made King Baoshu and I both reacted tremendously, but one was shocked and the other was excited. King Baoshu thought that I had been burned to death by lava, didn't expect that I not only flew up again, but also cut off one of his branches. Naturally, my reaction was completely opposite to that of King Baoshu. I am now excited that the blow just now actually worked. In fact, the trick just now was Inverite's big trick-hot rays. Although I don't know the principle, I feel that it is something similar to a laser. However, Ivorite usually doesn't dare to use it indiscriminately, because it consumes a lot of money, and every launch will make Iverite enter a state of weakness for 3 minutes. But now this weak state is caused by insufficient energy, and now we are standing in a lava lake. For Inverite’s attribute, this is the same as the laser gun that has been using batteries as energy to pull a wire from the nuclear power plant. In the same way, not only the weak state is gone, but the formidable power has been increased hundreds of times. Of course, this formidable power increase is not entirely due to sufficient energy. Our current state of harmony also plays a huge role. After all, the main function of Divine Domain is to stack our attack powers together, so the blow just now can be described as earth shattering. Not only did the tree king’s branches be cut, but a volcano behind him was also punched a hole. Come out, now a side wall on the volcano is spraying lava out, obviously it has just been punched through.

"Can you actually borrow the power of fire source?" It took a long time for King Baoshu to say this in surprise.

"Why can you use it, why can't I use it?" I pointed at the king of treasure tree with the finger that just launched the beam: "To tell you the truth, my goal is only those things, I am not interested in you, you As long as you give me something and I will leave naturally. You can think about it. But I can remind you that the thing is not yours anyway, but your life is yours. For the Tathagata, you have lost your life, do you think Is it a bargain?"

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