After confirming the plan, I immediately ran to the lake of Lava, and then, learning the appearance of the two guys who had just left, shouted to the big tree in the lake: "The King of Treasure Tree , Tathagata Buddha asked me to come and help with the magic weapon, please do it conveniently."

After I finished shouting, the lava lake really started to surging again. After a while, I saw the huge tree roots again. Rose from the lake. I walked up to the root of the tree excitedly, and then ran to the island. Observing this big tree up close, I found that it is much larger than it looks by the lake, and I can see clearly the things that look like gems hanging on the tree. It is simply not a gem, but a gem. A crystal clear and near-transparent fruit. Although I really wanted to pick the moldy fruit to see what effect it would have, I thought I would have to rely on it to get out of here for a while, so I endured it.

I walked to the hole under the tree trunk and lifted the surface lid, and then I jumped in. It's very ordinary inside, just a room as big as a classroom. There is a circle of black shelves around the room, and each shelf is full of dazzling treasures. I picked up this one, took a look, and touched it. I thought which one was good, but when I was planning to put all these things into the Phoenix Dragon space, I suddenly ran into a problem. These things were all sealed. Unless the seals were washed off, they could not be put into Space Dao Equipment and could not be used. That is to say, Fenglong Space couldn't hold these things at all, so they could only be taken out by hand. Question: The tree above my hand will definitely not let me leave with a bunch of things on my back. I can only take a few at most.

Faced with so many babies, but I can’t take them all away, my heart is really the same as the cat scratched, and the most depressing thing is that time and the others, I can’t analyze them slowly here The attribute of the thing and then pick the best and take it away, otherwise the tree above will definitely be suspicious. In no way, I had to take three things that should look good and drilled out of the hole, but when I walked to the edge of the island, I found that the root of the tree that connected the island to the lakeshore was missing. . I was shocked in my heart, and then I heard splitting the air sound above my head straight forward, a subconsciously crouched body rolled out a few meter away, looking back, I saw only a thick branch with burning flame just lifted from the ground, and There was already a big ditch half a foot deep where I stood just now.

"Treasure Tree King! What are you doing?"

"hmph, the little thief thought I lied to me Treasure Tree King? I saw you before you went to the island It’s just because I can’t provoke me, so I pretended that I didn’t find that I lied to you to go to the island. You actually thought that the top secret you made was ridiculous!"

"hmph, since you found out, Then there is no way.” As I said, I planned to open the training space for summon pets to help, but found that the training space could not be opened at all. When I took the baby before, because I saw that those things could not be put into other Space Attributes, I didn't try to open the Phoenix Dragon Space, but now I found that both the training space and the Phoenix Dragon space were sealed.

Treasure Tree King proudly said with a smile: "hahahaha...did you find that your summon space could not be opened? Tell you, I am Sovereign on this island, without my permission, No law can work, let alone your Space Dao Equipment."

"Count you cruel."

"It's not that I'm cruel, but I'm true Very strong." King Baoshu said proudly: "Even the Buddha himself has no room to resist within my control, let alone you little ant. Go die for me obediently." Speaking of this treasure The tree king suddenly started, and a branch with fire suddenly smashed at me, and I flashed over slightly to the side, and at the same time rushed towards the treasure tree king. According to my plan, it is safe to hide in the treasure room below him, because that place does not seem to belong to this island, it should be an independent space. It’s just that although my idea is good, Baoshuwang clearly knows his weaknesses better than I do, so he reacts faster than me. Dozens of branches block the entrance of the room tightly, and there is no possibility of rushing past. , And a dozen other branches rolled over to me. The area of ​​the island itself is not very large, and the size of the tree king is very huge, so in fact the entire island is within his attack range, no matter where I hide, as long as I don’t leave this island, I can’t avoid him at all. attack.

Continuously evading the Treasure Tree King’s attack is a very complicated matter. Even with my reaction speed and concentration, I cannot avoid the possibility of error. Sure enough, after ten minutes of persisting, I was finally caught by a branch. Hit. Although the impact was not strong, I was sent out of the island by the impact, and then I found a bubble of lava lake underneath me.

"Ah..." pu chi...

Just like the little monster I kicked down the lava lake, the fleshy body I borrowed instantly disappeared into the lava During this, my soul was also dissolved by the high temperature. I had guessed that even the soul could not exist under this temperature, so I unfortunately died once.

Under the battlefield outside the Great Thunder Sound Temple, in the hole dug out by the rose vine, my fleshy body that was standing still there suddenly shook, and then returned to normal again. After the borrowed body was destroyed, I was prompted to downgrade, and the soul had returned to the body here.

"Master, have you been killed?" The surrounding familiars are linked to my level, and naturally they all know that I dropped.

"Well, really didn't expect it will be carried in the hands of a tree!"

"That is not an ordinary tree." Ling said.

"Do you know that thing?"

"Master, when you just left, I analyzed the memory of the captive's soul, and it contains the memory of that tree. That tree. The big tree called the Treasure Tree King should actually be a Tree Demon, but it’s already a cultivation success Buddha, which is considered to be a monster in the Great Accomplishment period. Because the tree itself cannot be moved, this Treasure Tree King has many correspondences after becoming a Buddha. He tree’s characteristic abilities, and these abilities are abnormally perverted. One of the strongest abilities is the Absolute Law Domain, in this domain he can change the law at will, that is to say, as long as it is within this range, he said that light travels along a curve. He said that when the fire is cold, the fire will burn and become colder. In short, all the laws are determined by him, and the rules of nature are controlled by him here. Even with such a strong ability as the Tathagata, as long as If you enter this area, you can barely support it for a few minutes and it will be killed by the tree."

"Damn, isn't it, for example, it's stronger?"

"Nor In this way, at least it is very difficult for that tree to move a place, and his own cultivation has a simpler mind."

"He can even set a trap, you still say he is innocent?"

"It’s not directly related to setting a trap, right? You can’t say that wolves are all strategic experts just because wolves hunt prey?"

"Your memory of that guy Did you find the weakness of that tree? All the treasures of the Tathagata are hidden under that guy's roots. If you want to get something, you have to pass the dead tree. Is there any good way you can do it?"

"Don't know."

"Don't know?"

"Just don't know. The guy we caught is not low in Buddhism, but It’s not very high, besides the weakness, who will spread this thing everywhere? Anyway, King Baoshu himself will definitely not tell others. Apart from Tathagata, I guess that few Buddhists have the opportunity to try out the weakness of King Baoshu. ."

"But I can't catch the Tathagata and ask, right?"

After thinking about it for a long time, I couldn't think of how the Treasure Tree King was going to deal with it. I'm not reconciled if I don't have anything, I won't take those babies, it's really a stubborn lump!

"By the way, is the Treasure Tree King unable to move or is it inconvenient to move?" I asked suddenly.

Ling thought for a while and said: "Since he has become a Buddha, it is impossible to say that he cannot move. He should be able to move, but the speed will not be too fast, and it is estimated that he will not be confused easily. After all, trees don’t have the habit of running around."

"Then what if I lead him away?"

"I haven't thought about it!" Ling Zai After thinking for a while, "it should be worth a try."

After discussing the general plan, I let the rose vine start digging. There is a war on the top of the head. I just used the Buddhism member’s skin to pass by. If I crawled out with my body, I would be surrounded immediately, so I had to push from the ground. Anyway, I have already familiarized myself with the road on the last trip, so I don't need to rush around this time. It doesn't hurt to use my own body.

After successfully drilling a hole outside the garden wall of the Great Thunder Sound Temple, the rose vine encountered a layer of energy protection. I couldn’t dig any more, so I had to go to the ground, but for safety reasons I still asked Emenes to disguise my appearance, at least that would not immediately attract the attention of Buddhism. I believe that in the melee, no one should be bored enough to throw Eyes of Truth spells on me, right?

After climbing on the ground, I looked around. Everyone was fighting and no one noticed me. Pretending to be injured, I moved quickly to the door, and then ducked into the door. There were no Buddhists in it. I walked to the side of the ladder and used the old breakthrough phantom to enter the buddhism lair. Then I went to the buddhism lair. Quickly touched the lava lake. The King Treasure Tree is on Lake Heart Island not far in front of me, but now I am starting to think about what I need to do to draw him out.

"Tank." As my summon tank appeared on the periphery of the lava lake, the tree king immediately noticed the presence of the tank. After all, the size of the tank was about the same as his. My current plan is very simple, that is, let the tank bombard him with magic crystals. Although that guy doesn't like to move places, if he is constantly harassed by remote attacks, I don't believe he can stand still.

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