"Unfold the electromagnetic barrier." As I reminded, an invisible force field wall appeared in front of us, and all the missiles that suddenly appeared under the gate collided with the electromagnetic barrier, but It only ignited a brilliant spark on the electromagnetic barrier.

Since the people inside have already begun to move and attack, we no longer wait for the door to be fully opened, and roll in under the door as soon as we squat. Behind the gate is an inclined downward passage, but also not completely inclined, but an upward reflex after a certain distance downward. There is a row of low steel walls at the reflexed position. It seems that the thing has risen from the ground, and there are shooting holes on it, which is obviously a special bunker.

"Attack." When I gave an order, Bai Lang and Xiao Bai rushed out first. After they ran a few steps on the ground to raise their speed, they jumped up to the wall in two hops. Machine guns and missiles cannot be aimed at such fast-moving creatures. They can't hit them at all. At most, a few people can hit a few shots when they are sweeping. The problem is that Bailang and Xiaobai look like wolves, but the defensive power is similar to tanks. When the bullet hit them, they were completely blocked by the very soft-to-touch fur, and it was impossible to even burn the fur.

The research cycle of biological weapons is long, the experiment is difficult, the design is time-consuming and laborious, and it burns money. Even a large military industry group such as Longyuan has to count it carefully. For this reason, the design and production of any biological weapon is subject to repeated verification and system research. Of course, the most important aspect is practicality. An impractical weapon, no matter how powerful it is, it has no value. The body currently used by Bailang and Xiaobai at first is designed as a battlefield assault force. Its design purpose is to quickly break through the enemy’s defense line and the opponent’s first-line soldiers at a rapid speed, so that the enemy’s weight is heavy. The armed forces have become a display, either without firing or even exploding with their own people. Moreover, rapid advance itself is also an important tactic to deal with positional warfare. Why did Verdun’s meat grinder happen during World War I? It is because of the lack of rapid assault power. After the tank appeared, the effect of positional warfare was immediately reduced, and the tank became the king of the battlefield. These facts show that being able to quickly break through the opponent's line of defense with strong firepower can greatly reduce one's own casualties and reduce the natural disadvantage of the attacker. Bailang and Xiaobai’s bodies in the shape of giant wolf were originally designed for this purpose. Although their defensive power cannot block anti-tank weapons, machine guns and other things can never injure them, and with their speed and flexibility, Unless it happens, artillery and individual missiles are impossible to hit them.

The people in this base have now seen the terrifying part of the body specially designed for penetration, and they saw Bailang and Xiaobai pass by lightning speed in three seconds. Two more than a hundred meters long passage jumped into the defensive trench, and then we saw a burst of flesh and blood flying behind the low wall here, plus screams, the last blood-stained hand suddenly crawled over The front protective wall was ready to escape, but we just raised the gun. Before we could fire, we saw the owner of that hand screaming and being dragged back into the ditch as soon as he took his head. Only the wall was left. Five blood stains and a blood palm print were laid. When we walked behind the wall, we saw dead bodies in one place, and none of them were complete. It is estimated that it is impossible for the collector to put them back together.

"Is there anything wrong, you two are hungry and don't pay attention, what are you doing so disgusting?" Xiaochun couldn't help complaining when he saw a pit of rotten meat.

Neither Bailang nor Xiaobai answered, they just grinned silly. Both wolves and dogs can make the expression of "laughing", which is relatively rare in the animal world. Xiaochun saw no one to help her speak and didn't say anything, but followed everyone on.

The defensive system designed by the Americans in this base is very complicated. From the previous defensive trench, we have realized that this is far from being as simple as the intelligence said. Although the security level of this place is very low, the defense force exceeds most high level bases. Ling and I agreed that something must be hidden here, otherwise there is no need to disguise a high level base as a low level base.

After crossing the defensive trench, we ran into something very difficult to solve. It was originally a 500-meter-long horizontal passage, but after we walked in, the walls on both sides began to squeeze toward the middle, and a steel gate fell behind. As for the front, there was originally a thick one over there. The door was blocked. In other words, we are sealed in a closed area, and it is very likely that we will be pinched very soon. But we are not ordinary people after all. After making sure that the front door would not open for a while, we rushed to the side of the gate that had just fallen behind at a non-human speed. This gate is one-off, which means that once it is dropped, it cannot be opened by the machine that released it, so even if we can invade the circuit system, we cannot open it. Fortunately, this door is not too thick. Of course, this door is not too thick. It is only relative to the door on the other end. Compared with the general bank vault door, this door is slightly thicker, at least for general missiles. It is absolutely impossible to wear this stuff. But this place is not a problem for us. I and Sgoth took out the super sword that was used as the main weapon, then turned on the power and slammed it into the door. The feeling is basically the same as when I use the Eternal Sword in the game, except that the Eternal Sword is sharper than this, so the resistance is relatively small, but this sword needs a bit of strength to insert it. However, we finally inserted the sword into the door, and then under the joint efforts of me and Skott, we quickly cut an extraordinary hole in the door, and everyone swiftly drilled through it. It wasn't until we all left that passage that the walls on both sides were closed in half and less than half of the time. The mechanisms against ordinary people simply didn't apply to us. But the real problem lies in the closed passage. After the five-hundred-meter-long passage is completely closed, it becomes a five-hundred-meter-thick gate. Even if our sword can cut steel, it can’t be used to dig a tunnel, right?

"What should I do now?" Vina asked me, looking at the wall closing in front of me.

"Try to find another way to get in! You can't make a hole to get in, right?"

"You can try to get in through the vent." Lingling suggested.

Emiennes immediately rejected: "No, I have seen the design of the vent. The entrance is too small. No one can enter here except peppers. Even if we can barely squeeze in, we must use armor. Throw it out."

Speaking of this, Ling suddenly said: "Maybe we can really make a hole in!"

We all looked towards her in doubt, but Ling only Saying two words resolved our doubts. "Lucky."

Yes, what Ling wanted was to let luck help us get in. Although the soil is very soft for us, we are too small after all. Even if we force a hole to dig directly outside the base of others, it will take a long time, but luck is different. Otherwise, his strong limbs have stronger power than ours, and he has enough large claws, so the digging speed is definitely faster than the hole punch.

After confirming the plan, we did not start work immediately. Instead, we first withdrew from the channel of this base, and then found a place to hide temporarily. Fortunately, although he has already arrived in the United States, it is still daytime, which is not suitable for his appearance. We wear armor on our bodies, even if we show superhuman strength, it will not cause people to panic. After all, Americans can cover up and say that it is mechanical armor, but if someone sees a dragon digging a hole in the street, it’s hard to say. Can't you tell people that we are shooting Fire Dragon Empire?

After we left, it took the Americans a day to restore New York City’s traffic and communication system. Although the loss on this day was relatively large, people can return to their homes at night. But just when the Americans thought we had already left, a large group of us gathered at the gate of the supermarket where we fought before, waiting for luck.

Fortunately, if you want to dig a hole, naturally you can’t start digging down on the main road, or you will be spotted immediately, so we found this supermarket. This supermarket was broken in the morning because of our battle. Although the whole is still intact, it is definitely not open for business in a short period of time. Therefore, there are only a few large supermarkets that should be open until ten o'clock in the evening. A security guard guarding the scene. For us, there is no difference between this so-called security and an ordinary person, and we can take care of everything we do. After waiting for about half an hour, a huge black shadow suddenly appeared in the sky ahead. Although he was comparable to a small bomber, he was lucky to fly with wings after all, especially when he was gliding, there was almost no movement, so lucky to sneak into the city quietly by flying at an ultra-low altitude.

We ran into the supermarket immediately after lucky landed on the parking lot in front of the supermarket. Because the missile attack in the morning exploded thousands of windows and hundreds of holes in the front of the supermarket, at noon, the maintenance staff removed a large part of the front wall, which was convenient for lucky to enter the interior of the supermarket. The supermarket was originally a large storage area for goods, but it has now been emptied due to maintenance, leaving only a large open space, and the outer wall just can hide the large hole dug out by luck.

"Here, let's start digging down." I said to Lucky.

Fortunately nodded began to make holes in the ground. The concrete floor was similar to tofu dregs in front of Lucky Claws, and it was easily torn apart. The soil below is even more useless. Fortunately, I plunged into the soil and dug and listened, and in a few minutes, the whole burrowed into the ground. After the body enters the ground, the lucky speed is faster. Since the hind legs can support on the walls on both sides to borrow force, he is hardly digging a hole, but drilling a hole. As long as he squeezed forward hard, his streamlined body could squeeze the soil to both sides with great strength, so there was no need to dig hard. "Here." Lucky stopped and turned back to us an hour later, and a concrete wall appeared in front of him.

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