"Why don't you want to say something in this situation?" I looked at the strange woman and asked.

"You may not want to listen to what I want to say."

"How do you know that I don't want to listen if you don't say it?"

The woman After watching me pause for a while, she said, "Okay! What I want to say is actually very simple." She pointed to me, and then said, "We are very interested in you. If you are willing to take your body Hand over the B13 virus sample to us, I can consider giving up investigating the matter this time."

"How do you feel that I am a prisoner after hearing this?"

"In fact, it is true. ." Seeing the look I asked, she immediately answered: "Did you not notice?"


"My body is similar to those big guys just now. Electromagnetic force field."

I am nodded. "I noticed as soon as you showed up, but does it matter?"

"The relationship is that I am not something you can capture. Although you got rid of those big guys, you didn't catch me. "

"That's not necessarily." While I was talking, I suddenly raised my gun and pointed it at the woman's head, but when I pulled the trigger, the silhouette of the woman suddenly disappeared. In front of me. It was the real disappearance, not because the speed was too fast to make me feel illusion, and when she disappeared, I clearly saw a blue ionosphere around her. Although the phenomenon in front of me is surprisingly amazing, there is no time for me to think about it now, because I immediately felt a huge energy field behind her after she disappeared.

Ding...I turned around and shot at the moment I felt the energy field, but the bullet was blocked by a long knife. The woman was holding the Toyo sword in an attacking posture. If I hadn't shot her back this time, she would have launched an attack now, but that moment just blocked her movement. The recoil of the guns used by our Dragon Clan is very large, and the formidable power of the projectiles fired by it is also very impressive. Although the woman is not an ordinary person, but using a knife to block my bullets at such a close distance also cut her actions forcibly. Stopped.

"Space Jump?" I asked, holding a gun while guarding against the woman's sudden attack.

The woman holding a knife in an attacking posture replied: "This is not Space Jump, but quantum migration, but the effect is similar."

"Yes, it seems you do have Ability to fight with us.” I said suddenly fired again, the woman also disappeared again, but this time she did not appear behind me, but fell from the top of my head. Feeling the huge burst of energy above my head, I immediately raised my head with a shot, but the moment the bullet was about to hit her, the woman disappeared again and did not appear by my side. "It's very fast to run."

My eyes have automatically switched back and forth in multiple detection modes while I was talking, but I don’t know if she ran away or my detection mode can’t detect it. She, my eyes didn't see anything anyway. After being on guard for a few seconds, I relaxed, and then said to Xiaochun and the others: "It seems that the woman has run away. Let's finish our task first."


The woman probably really ran away. She hasn't appeared since she disappeared anyway. We first ran wildly in the residential area, then entered the subway line through an underground passage, and then got rid of the Americans. Although the United States knows where we are about to attack them, it does not know where it is. As the offensive side, we have the advantage of arbitrarily determining the timing and target of the attack. Although the target has now been determined, the time is up to us. Moreover, the Americans do not know where we are going to fight. They can only urgently deploy additional troops to defend against each possible target.

Compared with the busyness of Americans, we are much more free. After a morning rest on the subway line, we started to approach the target laboratory. This laboratory is only a low-level research institute, so compared to other research institutes, the defense here will definitely be relatively looser. After we reached the nearest subway passage of the institute, we returned to the ground and entered the building. At this time, there are still many Americans swaying outside the building. Because all the electronic devices are malfunctioning, these people don't know what to do now. The modern business system pays attention to speed. Therefore, all companies use electronic systems to work. Now, after the computer is completely paralyzed, employees don't know what to do. Besides, there are not many people in the company, and most of them are still stuck in the road.

These people were all stunned when they saw us, because the communication was not working, so although we had exchanged fire with the US government in other places, no one here still knows what we are doing. of. But when we walked to the building's underground parking garage, the guard guarding the gate immediately noticed that something was wrong. Although the armor on our body looks more like a movie prop, the gun we hold is a real guy. The United States does not prohibit private purchases of guns, so unlike people in our country, they think it is a toy when they see a gun. Americans generally think it is real when they see a gun. Seeing so many of us walking towards the gate with guns, the guards immediately shouted to keep us away, but how could we listen to them?

After a few electric shocks, the guards all fell down, and we swaggered to a gate on the bottom floor of the underground garage. Originally, a hidden underground research institute like this should be built very concealed, but it is not only well known, but the gate is not even camouflaged, and a sign of the Army’s Seventeenth Research Institute is actually hung on the door. This is absolutely unique among American secret bases.

The defensive gate is actually a wooden gate, which has no features except that it is relatively large. After entering the gate, there is a relatively large underground space, which looks about the same size as the underground garage here. To the left of this room is a row of small doors, which look like elevators. On the right are two huge gates made of metal mesh, and inside are the cargo elevators. On the opposite side is a tunnel spiraling downwards, the width of which can accommodate three tanks in parallel, and the height of about five meters.

"Where shall we go down?" Ling asked me looking at the three different entrances.

"Separate. Divide into three groups according to the previous weapon grouping. I take the cargo elevator, and you can choose the other two routes."

Everyone walks through the three aisles separately Next, because we have maintained radio contact before, we can all know the specific location of each other, so we don’t have to worry about running away. Although the three roads look different, the last area reached is the same location. But compared with the loose defensive force outside, this one is quite different.

As soon as the elevator door opened a small slit, a metal can was thrown in, and then the thing began to madly go out. Obviously there is surveillance video on the upper channel. The people below already know that we have arrived here, so they will take the initiative to take action, but their attack method is still guarded by the Grand Guardian. How can this thing about smoke bombs work for us? Besides, we are still wearing a full protective armor! It doesn't look like it would be knocked down by tear gas, right?

"Don't move. Don't move." A nervous shout suddenly came from outside the door. Although they attacked us first, it sounds like the people outside are more nervous than us.

After the door was fully opened, Ling and I walked out directly. The smoke had no effect on our infrared vision at all. After walking out of the smoke area, we saw dozens of soldiers outside with guns shouting at us not to move, but we didn't care at all. The other side watched us continuously and immediately started shooting, but the bullet hit our armor and had no response at all except for wiping out the fire star. Our armors are made of bioceramics and composite material linings, which are strong enough to withstand the frontal attack of anti-tank missiles, and are basically impossible to be penetrated by ordinary rifles.

Just as we walked towards each other with a lot of bullets, the door on the other side also opened, Vina and the others walked out of the door, and then the ringing Knights walking through the rotating tunnel also appeared At the intersection. When Vina saw this scene, she just stretched out her hand and pressed the side of the helmet, only to hear an extremely harsh hum exploded, and then saw the American soldiers suddenly threw away their gun holding head and squatted down. One by one on the ground wailed in pain.

Vina just now used a sonic weapon, which is extremely harmful to human’s fragile nervous system, but as long as you don’t listen to this sound for a long time, it won’t cause permanent damage, but you’re just listening. At that moment, I will feel headache and nausea.

Because of Vina's attack, the defensive firepower immediately disappeared. We directly stepped over the rolling American soldiers and walked to the real gate of the base. This door is made of pure copper, and a layer of anti-radiation coating is added to the outside. Obviously it is prepared to resist nuclear attacks, but I am very surprised why there is such a door in a research institute that is not very important.

Although our strength is very strong, this door is actually one meter and five meters thick after our detection. If we break the door violently, it will take at least a few hours to pass. Fortunately, the electronic system here is not very developed. After Xiaochun found the slot where the other party swiped the ID card, he easily penetrated the security lock control system, and then the door started to rise automatically with a click.

"This base is really weird. It is equipped with such a big door!" Lingling said as we waited for the door to slowly open.

"It's "Boom"..." Jingjing was about to say something, and was bombarded by a sudden explosion. After that, we detected seven or eight missiles inside the gate. Flew towards us.

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