"This is probably the outer wall of the base, right?" Lucky stretched out our limbs to support ourselves, and we went under him to the front, and then Skeet and the others went up. The dirt in the vicinity was lifted off. Behind the soil is a wall extending to all around. It seems that the area is not small, and from the satellite positioning signal we received, it already overlaps with the location of the research base.

"Help me dig this up a bit." I said to Lucky.

Fortunately, he didn’t do it right away, but said: “It’s okay to dig it out, but the other party will know you’re in as long as I take it. Is this okay?”

After thinking about it: "This kind of base is estimated to be full of monitors. Even if it is not discovered now, it will be discovered in a few minutes at most. There is not much difference."

"Then. It's okay." Lucky said as he stretched out a front paw, and then pointed a paw to the front as if a person stabs a window paper with his hand, and lightly tapped the wall, and immediately there was a big hole that can pass people. Although everyone has muscle tissue modified by B13, fortunately, it is a dragon after all. The figure is there, and the strength is more than a little bigger than ours. The alloy wall is also papery to him. Almost.

After finishing the hole, fortunately, we started to go backwards, and we got in from that hole one after another. Inside the base are all layered structures designed according to the height of human beings. Fortunately, the size is too large to be displayed after entering, so we can only do it by ourselves. But in order to cover us, before we were lucky, we blew a flame into the small hole with our mouth, and suddenly all the rooms near the aisle in the base were covered by flames. The fire alarms installed in nearby areas were burnt to ashes before they could be activated. Instead, the alarm in a place far away responded.

"Warning, there is a fire in the Thirteenth Layer G area, the system will close the connection channel from the E area to the I area, please evacuate the area as soon as possible."

Actually the alarm is There is no need to prompt this information at all, because in fact the people in this area it mentioned have already turned into fly ash. The thing that is lucky to spray is a high-temperature combustion agent, which is very different from ordinary gasoline flamethrowers. It can heat the air to more than 3,000 degrees in an instant. If you continue to spray it, it will not be a problem to burn through the steel plate. The human body is in this way. The temperature basically turns into dust when touched.

"Wow, the burnt is really clean!" After we entered the passage, we found that the walls on both sides of the passage had obvious melting phenomenon, and there was no ash left on the decorative panels on the surface. , The doors of many rooms were hung crookedly on the door frame, apparently deformed by the high temperature. What was done in those rooms before is basically invisible now. Most of the equipment in the rooms have become severely deformed metal shells, and the main plastic parts are basically burned out.

Weina said anxiously when she saw the scene in front of her, "I hope the thing we are looking for is not in these rooms, otherwise there is no need to work!"

Ling picked it up from the ground He picked up a severely deformed metal plate and said: "It seems we don't need to worry. This is the storage place for electronic equipment."

"Where is our goal?"

Xiaochun walked to a wall and pulled out a few threads from the deformed wall, and then connected the electronic tentacle on her wrist, but she quickly let go of the thread. "No, we have to change places. The lines here are all burned out."

Because the fire alarm concealed our entry here, we were not found immediately, and kept waiting for us to call The people outside the fire isolation door noticed us, but they were stunned when they saw us. After all, the intrusion alarm did not sound. The people here are all ordinary staff in the base. Naturally, the response is not comparable to the defense personnel outside. .

"I'll find a network port." Xiaochun said as she ran forward.

Ling directly pressed a guy with a fire extinguisher to the wall, touched his forehead with a hand, and shouted to Xiaochun, "No. The target is three floors below us. "

Xiaochun did not stop because of this. Instead, he turned around and shouted while connecting to a network port: "I'll copy the map here by the way, so I can save you the trouble of finding a way." "

It wasn't until Xiaochun started to connect to the network that the researchers there finally reacted, and then most of them left behind and started to run away. We didn't care about these people at all, anyway. These are ordinary persons. However, I don’t know if the Americans’ personal heroism is stronger. Some people rushed up with fire extinguisher cans or metal sticks from unknown sources. One of the guys with a fire extinguisher cylinder actually shouted at Xiaochun who was squatting on the ground and connected to the Internet: "Don’t move, stop what you are doing right away."

Xiaochun didn’t care about this guy at all. But when the guy found that Xiaochun hadn't reacted, he waved the fire extinguisher bottle and slammed it on Xiaochun's head. With a loud sound, the guy felt that he saw a flash. The cylinder in his hand had already flown out, and he was still spraying out low-temperature carbon dioxide, which was obviously missed. Xiaochun squatted there as if she hadn’t moved before and continued to engage her network cable, coldly said: "Next time it will be your head."

What happened to that guy? The other guys who were about to rush towards us were startled. Those people dropped what they were holding and turned and ran in the direction where the others were fleeing.

After those people left, Xiaochun got the map smoothly, but the guards in the base finally arrived. But compared to outside, here is more suitable for us to fight. The narrow passage means that there are not many places to hide. We are long in special armor and can't even penetrate missiles, let alone ordinary firearms. Besides, this is their own experimental base, and they dare not use heavy weapons indiscriminately, and even too big things can't be moved in. Compared to our advantage, the guards have only disadvantages. Although they also wear body armor, our guns are all specially made. When the tank is driven to the maximum power, the tank can shoot at two ends. The body armor is layered yarn. As for heavy weapons, although we only have Bailang and Xiaobai with a lot of small missiles here, we don't care about the loss anyway, we can shoot it casually. Of course, we still have a bigger advantage that our hand-to-hand combat ability is not on the same level as these people. In such a narrow place, even guns are often not available, but cold weapons are more useful.

The soldiers rushing in front stopped immediately after seeing us. The first few people carried a large bulletproof shield like the police use, while the people behind turned towards this place from the gap between the shields. While firing. I pointed forward, then flashed aside, Xiaobai jumped in front of us, and the missile carousel on the side of the backpack bounced out.

"Shit! Flash!" A leader on the opposite side screamed as soon as he saw the missile. The soldiers he led also responded quickly and ran backwards with him, but they were fast. too slow. I saw white smoke from the side of Xiaobai’s backpack, and a small missile that was thinner than his wrist leaped out, hitting the wall in front of the T-junction, and heard the sound of a bang from the channel. There was a scream. This is just a simple explosive bomb, which is different from the cloud explosive bomb launched in the morning. It is specially prepared for use in a narrow range. It is relatively small. The formidable power is also deliberately controlled. Only the explosive is not loaded with fragments, and its killing power is much weaker than ordinary grenade, but it is enough in such a narrow passage. If it were used here in the morning with cloud bombs, it is estimated that three to five bases would collapse.

After the missile exploded, I walked to Xiao Bai and patted his head, and then took the lead and walked forward. Turning the corner, I saw four corpses lying on the ground. In the distance, a few people dragged their injured companions just to turn to another fork road, but I didn’t chase them. Anyway, this kind of miscellaneous soldiers will not affect them. Our actions, besides, are in the opposite direction to our goal, because those little trash fish are not worth it.

After I turned to the other side, Xiaochun and the others immediately followed, while Skott stood at the intersection with his gun and stared at the fork over there. Sure enough, there were a few guys who saw that we didn't chase us, but turned and came out wanting to put a cold gun. As a result, they were all headshot by Skot as soon as they stretched their heads. We have electronic chips in our bodies, so our accuracy is much higher than that of humans. Only through practice can people improve their accuracy in doing something, but we are not the same. As long as we adjust the data, the accuracy is the same how many times we do it. Coupled with our super reaction speed, this kind of street fighting is basically a gunshot headshot on the battlefield, and unless the opponent has been suppressing us to keep our heads out, there is no hope of trying to react with us.

Not far forward, we reached the door of an elevator. According to the laboratory structure diagram downloaded by Xiaochun, this elevator should be able to go directly to the floor we are going to. Because the other party locked the elevator on our floor, we had to smash open the elevator door and jump down, but there was an accident here.

Boom "Ah!"

According to the structure diagram, the floor where the data is placed is the bottom floor of the base, which means that the bottom of the elevator should be the bottom floor of the base , But the first Skot who jumped down suddenly slammed through the floor and fell below with a thud. Since the elevator is on the level above us, there is only the bottom floor of the elevator shaft below, but according to the design drawing, this should be the outer wall of the base. How could it be possible that a big hole was smashed by Skot Come on? Even if we have a lot of equipment installed in our body which is much more important than the average human body, it is also heavier than human beings. It is not enough to make a hole in the ground, right?

"Boss, come down and have a look." I was thinking about the problem when I heard Skyot's shout from under the elevator shaft.

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