The one standing in front of us is a woman, at least it looks no different from ordinary women, and her OL suit doesn’t look like we’re going to fight, just behind her That row of things made us have to pay attention to what she said, because it was obvious that those things were directed by her.

Standing behind the woman is a row of robots, or some kind of robot-like device. The main reason for this uncertainty is that these guys are always emitting electromagnetic radiation that is beyond imagination. , So that our detection ability has almost no effect on them. Although these things are as conspicuous as a fire in the dark to us with electromagnetic induction ability, but like a fire, although it is conspicuous, you cannot see the fire. The internal situation is the same, we can't feel anything about the internal structure of these guys. In our sense, they are constantly emitting super-strong radiation fields, so as to completely cover up the useful signals we need. However, although their internal characteristics cannot be felt by electromagnetic induction, they can still be seen on the outside. Each of these things is more than three meters tall. They look like robots, but they don’t have too many edges and corners. They look streamlined and look pretty. They should be designed according to the golden ratio of the human body. , Just magnified a lot. That thing has the basic structure of a human. The head is very similar to a large motorcycle helmet, but the shape is a little more windy. The palm of the front of the arm has only four fingers, which seems to be less than a human’s little finger. This is not the same as the structure of a human. Too the same. In addition to the manipulator, there is also a weapon hung on each arm of that thing, but the shape has nothing common with each other, but it looks not small, probably the formidable power is not bad. There are two strange circular devices on the chest of that thing, which look like two light bulbs, and they are also shining brightly with blue light. I don't know what they are used for. Generally speaking, these things are the outer shells of machines that are much larger than humans. I’m not sure for the time being whether it’s been manipulated by humans, but I would rather this thing be manipulated because humans’ weaknesses are more obvious than machines. At least if I had a head-to-head collision with this thing. If there were people inside, even if I couldn't break the thing, the driver inside could be shaken to death. But if this thing is fully automatic, it will be troublesome. Using our own computer technology to infer that Americans will not need too much computer to control this thing, so there will definitely be a lot of space left inside this thing. Based on my common sense of weapon design, if a weapon can be reduced without affecting other performance, no one will build it. After all, a small thing is better than everyone in terms of transportation and battlefield survivability. Guys must be strong. If this thing is really full of mechanical bodies, then I'm sure there must be some secret weapon hidden in this thing, otherwise there is no need to build such a big one.

"Who are you?"

"You can call me free Goddess."

"Free Goddess?"

" Yes.” The woman replied very seriously: “Like you, the United States also has its own human replenishment plan. I am the Goddess weapon finished product of the United States, Goddess Three Thousand.” After saying this, her eyes suddenly changed from blue. It became green, and it gave out quite strong rays of light. "Don't try to scan my body structure. Our electromagnetic barrier is not comparable to those garbage protectors." Just now, after I knew her identity, I used active scanning to try to confirm her body. The structure, but it was blocked by a layer similar to the radiation layer on those big robots. Obviously, she and those big guys have similar protective measures. This kind of thing called electromagnetic barrier can effectively block our detection and manipulation, otherwise ordinary robots can immediately tamper with its core program as long as we connect with it. However, this kind of electromagnetic barrier obviously has its shortcomings, that is, they do not have the characteristic of selective passage, which means that these guys are impossible to receive radio from others. If they need to communicate during combat, they have to rely on other methods. Anyway, electrical signals are definitely not received, because they themselves are a huge source of radiation, and any signal will be disturbed by their own strong electromagnetic field, so they receive everything. Less than.

"Interesting, didn't expect Americans to hide their hands too!" I looked at the dozens of robots calmly, seeing that the number of each other is more than ours, even our people There is not as much as the other party when they are all concentrated. After all, this is the hometown of others, and it is not surprising that it is superior in number.

The woman paused for a while as if I didn't intend to do it, and then she looked into the distance stupidly, as if thinking of something, but finally she turned her head back again. "Are you procrastinating for your companions to arrive?"

"Doesn’t you seem to be stupid?"

"Sorry, my task is to catch you as soon as possible, regardless of Life and death." The woman seemed to have no intention of arguing with me. She waved her hand forward and backed out. The robots behind her strode forward immediately after she waved. The Americans around saw these things. When confronted with us, they were already watching. Now that we saw that we had to do something before, I remembered to hide away. In fact, everyone has curiosity, and Americans naturally like to watch some things, but their interests are not the same as those of the Chinese. It's not that they don't know how to watch the excitement.

When a robot came to me in front of me with a sound of mechanical running, and then reached out to me and grabbed it, the action was not slow, and it did not feel like a stupid or awkward one. . Of course, compared to my speed, these guys are just faster than imagined robots, and they are still incomparable with me. I quickly squatted out of the iron claws I grabbed, and then I stepped forward into the guy’s arms and bumped into the shoulder. The thing flew out with a boom, and then hit the middle of the street with a boom. In one of the cars, the roof was directly smashed into the body, showing that its own weight is not light.

The other party didn't expect me to have such a strong body with such a small figure. Several other robots immediately raised their wrists when they saw this. After the click, I only heard the sound of golden ming. These guys unexpectedly popped a nearly one-meter-long blade on their wrists, and then the thing suddenly made a harsh, shrill sound in front of our eyes, and the sound continued to grow. Xiao Xiao is getting more and more ear-piercing, and finally disappears completely.

"High-frequency vibration blade?"

"You know the goods." The robot made a sound, and surprisingly it was still a woman's voice. It seems that this thing is a manned machine armor, not a real robot.

The talking robot swung a huge machete at me and smashed it down. Because the speed was too high, there was even a gust of wind, but her hand could not be smashed because I first got close to her and raised my hand to support the arm of the robot. The woman inside noticed that the arm was being braced and immediately pressed down, but there was only a groan from the robot's robotic arm, and it couldn't shake my arm at all. In fact, I want to try the other's strength by holding this guy's arm. Now it seems that the other's technique is not as exaggerated as I imagined. Although the power of this thing is slightly larger than mine, the machine is not as flexible as my body after all. Now I have attached it to its front and directly supported its arm with my hand, but the other party cannot hit it because of no acceleration. Moved.

After I held the robot's arm with one hand, the other hand also pulled out the long sword behind, and then slammed into the robot in front. The display inside the robot marked a red box on the sword to remind the driver to pay attention when I drew the sword. As a result, my sword was about to cut the opponent, but I jumped back and avoided, but the opponent's combat experience was obvious. Not as sophisticated as I am. My current abilities are basically the same as me in the game, so my fighting in the game is equivalent to training the outside battle strength, and the combat experience is naturally exceptionally rich. As the guy jumped away, I had already inserted the sword back in. The move just now was completely a frame action. When the opponent jumped away, I had already replaced the sword with the main weapon-the long spear. "Go die for me." The muzzle pu' sound was muffled, but a muffled bang came from the opposite side. Suddenly, two clusters of sparks exploded from the chest of the robot at the same time, which was obviously punched through. The big guy stretched his finger to my side, and then took two steps back and suddenly fell back on his back, smashing the car behind him into a discus with a bang.

"Sasha!" Another robot next to him let out a male roar, it seems that this thing is really manned, otherwise a robot will hang up without a small hole in the chest. If it is dropped, fighter aircraft generally have anti-damage design, even if one component is damaged, it will not be reimbursed as a whole.

The male voice turned to me immediately after he finished roaring. He threw away the fighting Scot and faced me, and then suddenly assumed a bow and horse posture, and then just listened for a while. With the sound of metal machinery turning, a small cannon actually slid out from behind it. The thing first followed its back upwards, reached the top of the shoulders, and then the muzzle suddenly dropped forward and aimed directly at me. Then a mechanical arm popped out from behind it and stuffed a missile into the launch tube from behind. With a chuckle, a small missile with a very special shape immediately flew out along the launch tube and rushed towards me.

I tried to detonate the thing with an electromagnetic force field when I saw the thing out of the chamber, but I found that this thing is actually similar to those robots, and my electromagnetic control force is almost completely Ineffective, the missile fired directly at me unaffected. It is said that the time is too late, and the missile has arrived in front of me in less than a second before and after. I only had time to cast an electromagnetic barrier in front of myself. Although I can't interfere with missiles, I still have the ability to make fixed electromagnetic barriers. A loud explosion sound, the missile hit the electromagnetic barrier and exploded violently, and the force of terror instantly blew me out. Although the electromagnetic barrier can block a direct impact, after all, I have to bear the power in the end, so I was bombed out without any accident, but I didn't receive a direct impact.

a loud explosion sound I flew directly into a store on the side of the road, and after hitting two walls, I fell to the ground, and continued to slide out far away and hit a pile of debris. Only then completely stopped.

"I want a Sarah to take revenge! You damn fucker must die." After the guy blasted me up, he rushed up reluctantly, but his intention did not succeed. , Because Ling had already stepped past the big hole in front of the store and blocked his way.

"The master who wants to hurt me must step over my corpse first."

"Then you go to death, too." The guy said, popping up again. missile. That thing must be fortified. Judging from the explosion just now, the formidable power of that thing is definitely not much worse than that of the small anti-ship missile. Otherwise, with my electromagnetic shield, it won't be beaten to the north.

I suffered a great loss just now because I didn’t understand the situation, and the wireless network between our Dragon Clan can synchronize data at any time. As long as one of us has tried others, it means Have tried it all. Just a few tenths of a second before the guy was about to launch the missile, Ling suddenly pulled out the waist sword's electromagnetic pistol at lightning speed and aimed it at the missile's warhead. With a bang, the missile exploded directly in the barrel. The guy fell to the ground as soon as he was shaken, and then saw the huge robot writhing on the ground. Obviously, the driver inside was injured by the shock.

Seeing that the Liangming members were killed by us in a blink of an eye, the woman before finally couldn't help it. "This is not a sports game. You guys will go together."

The other robots were ordered to stop following the one-to-one rules immediately. We are not much better than these guys. It is certainly not an opponent to fight dozens of them by one person, but our previous delaying tactics finally worked.

Just when the robots rushed forward, suddenly small missiles with small heads flew from in the sky in the distance. Our people had long known that the missile was coming, so they ran out ahead of time, and even I was still fainted by Ling Zhi. Just a few tenths of a second after we left, there was a bang. There was a small explosion where we and those robots were standing before, but the strange thing was that the formidable power of the explosion was very small, even the one that didn’t run far away from the street. The ordinary person was fine, but the explosion spread some yellow-green things over the entire section of the street. It can be said that the area at the exit of the subway station was completely covered by these yellow-green substances.

"FUCK, it’s an air-fuel bomb!"

The so-called air-fuel bomb is also the legendary cloud bomb bomb. This thing exploded in two stages. The first explosion Only the detonator is diffused into the nearby air to make it fully mixed and contact with the surrounding oxygen, and then the second explosion is a real explosion. Because air is also involved in the reaction during the whole process, it is called an air-fuel bomb. The difference between this thing and ordinary bombs is that there is no shrapnel, but the ultra-high pressure detonation effect produced by it is thousands of times stronger than ordinary bombs. The glass products on the whole street are all exploded by the instant. shake, and the nearby buildings seem to have been hit by a typhoon. Many buildings face the street and have different degrees of wall falling off. Thanks to this is just a small missile, if the formidable power is bigger, the building will be knocked down. NS. But at this time, only those big machine men can stand up. Almost all of the people who watched the bustle and didn't hide under the subway station died on the street, bleeding and charring all over their bodies. Their deaths were so terrible that most people fainted directly after watching them.

"Let me down, I can go." I struggling to jump off Ling's back. Although our Dragon Clan has amazing physical strength for both men and women, it is always uncomfortable for a woman to run. The missile really stunned me just now, as long as it oscillated too much. This is me. If it is an ordinary person, even a tank will definitely be reimbursed, and there is no scum left. My ability to recover in such a short period of time already shows how abnormal my body is.

"Boss, are you okay?" Skeet asked when he saw that I could go by myself.

"It’s okay, I just got shocked just now!"

Skate looked at his hand after listening, and said: "speaking of which our body It’s really strong enough! It’s much more useful than the state in the game."

Ling immediately reprimanded: "Nonsense, in the game you can be resurrected, but you can only live once outside. Want to die forever?"

"Hehe, did I just say it."

"By the way, who launched the missile just now?"

" Master, it's me." Bailang suddenly jumped from a building next to him. Although the current Bailang looks like a big white dog, no one now associates him with ordinary dogs. Because he not only has a body shape similar to that of a calf, but also has a weapon platform on his waist. On the top of that thing is a bright six-barreled Vulcan cannon. Whose dog will run around carrying that stuff? ?

I just wanted to say something to Bailang, but I realized that another white silhouette had fallen down. "Xiao Bai? Why are you here too?" Xiao Bai is the big dog in the base and the product of the B series biological experiments. He has a very good relationship with me. Although it is not my demon familiar, he will often follow along on missions, but this time the mission should have nothing to do with him. "Why are you here too?"

"There was something wrong with Xiaobudian. He came to work on duty." Bailang helped Xiaobai answer the question. Although Xiao Bai looks similar in appearance to Bailang, he is not my demon, but an experimental creature. Although his intelligence is much higher than that of ordinary dogs, his speech is still a problem, so Bailang can only do it for him.

We ran while talking, and soon ran far away, but the thing that made us didn't expect still appeared. With the sound of a fighter jet flying at a low altitude approaching, we all noticed dozens of flames chasing from behind. "Damn, these guys can actually fly!"

The big robots are flying towards us at high speed a few meters above the ground. There are obviously rocket propellers behind them. Something, dragging two long tail flames, is slower than ordinary fighter jets, but it is definitely much faster than our two legs. In a blink of an eye, it flew over our heads and landed on us. Front.

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