"Where to run." The woman before jumped off the big guy who landed first, and then the other robots rushed towards us together.

"You first withdraw, let's take it for a while." Bailang and Xiaobai suddenly jumped in front of us, and the six Vulcan cannons on the backs of the two big dogs bounced at the same time, accompanied by the electric motors. The two Vulcan cannons have entered the high-speed rotation state, and then only a string of sharp spray sounds like a whistle was heard. In front of the two Vulcan cannons, a fire snake nearly one meter long was ejected. Behind the tube is black smoke. The surface of the Vulcan gun and the Gatling gun looks similar, but there is still a huge difference in formidable power. At least the caliber of the Vulcan gun is much larger than that of the Gatling gun. The dense metal jet hits like raindrops. On the battle robots in front, ding ding dong dong suddenly rang. Although the big guys would not be penetrated by this weapon, the dense barrage seriously affected their charge, and all the robots had to stop. He came down and blocked himself with the shield on his arm.

Maybe I think this is not enough. An opening suddenly popped up beside the Vulcan Cannon on Xiao Bai’s back. A wheel with a ring of small missiles stuck out from the opening of the weapon backpack. Then the revolver automatically turned one step, and a small missile jumped out with a whistling sound. With a loud explosion sound, a large yellow-green smoke burst into front again. That's right, this is another air-fuel bomb, exactly the same as the previous one. Before those people could react, they listened to a loud explosion sound, and all the robots had a meal. Although the detonation cannot directly destroy these robots, the powerful shock wave can injure the internal driver. This is why the big guys before found out that we had fired and caught up after such a long time. They didn’t want to chase them. But the one who was beaten couldn't find the north, and there was no way to chase after him.

We ran all the way into a building next to us and ran into a small street directly through the back wall. Bailang and Xiaobai soon caught up, although everyone used the B13 virus to strengthen their bodies, but The four-legged advantages of Bailang and Xiaobai are still very obvious, and our speed is simply incomparable with them.

"Here." As soon as Bailang got out of the big hole in the wall, he heard us calling him from behind a house on the side, and he quickly followed. Just as the white waves disappeared from the street and passed on, the wall with a big hole was suddenly knocked open with a loud bang, and a larger hole was knocked out. A robot rushed out of it, looked around, and immediately fled towards us. Chased in the direction of the.

"Damn it, how did that thing know that we are here?" I found that the robot troop behind was chasing into Lan and couldn't help complaining.

"There must be an infrared sensor on that thing, it can see our footprints!"

"Then should we control the release of the heat source to eliminate the footprints?" Ling asked me.

"No, the reinforcements are here." I said and pointed to the front. I saw a wide road not far in front, and across the road was a huge supermarket. On the top of the market and on the nearby buildings, Vina and Xiaochun were standing respectively. This is the meeting place we booked in advance, and we finally ran to the place.

"Cover us!" I yelled at Vina and the others over there, followed by a whistling sound of a missile flying over our heads and driving a car on the street directly Boom flew out. "Damn it, run fast, don’t stop."

More missiles began to rub our side whistled past, and we were tossed and dodged in an impossible state by virtue of our powerful body functions Missiles flying in all directions. Although our running speed is not as fast as the flying speed of those big guys, we are also very strong after all. We crossed the two-way eight-lane road in almost two steps. A motorized warrior flew to the side of the road, extinguished the propeller, and landed in the middle of the street, followed by him raising his right arm and pointing it in my direction. A six-barrel Gatling machine gun hung on his right arm, and a red laser beam for aiming was fired from the center of the muzzle. The driver manipulating the robot excitedly moved the red light spot on my body, but before he fired, he heard a harsh alarm sounded quickly, and his manipulating screen also appeared automatically. I placed a red box and quickly zoomed out to lock a small black dot in the upper left corner of the screen. As his gaze turned away, the black spot was automatically moved to the center of the screen, but after seeing the enlarged picture, he gave up the attack and hurriedly backed away, but it was unnecessary to do anything at this time, because He had seen from the monitor that the man squatting on the edge of the building in front pulled the trigger.

With a bang, a fireball spewed out from the front and back of the huge robot at the same time, and then the huge robot fell on its back to the sky. It was like a signal. As the robot fell and caught up, sparks burst out from the body of the robot and fell to the ground. Most of the robots were paralyzed by a single shot, and there was no chance to fight back. .

"Asshole, go through the air!" the woman called before.

Many robots that are still able to fight burst into the sky with blue flames behind them, then adjusted their directions and flew towards Vina and the others on the roof, but Vina and the others didn't care about these guys' countermeasures. . I saw a sudden burst of white smoke on the opposite roof, and dozens of small missiles rose into the air to meet the robots and flew up. Although the opponent has made adjustments to avoid missile attacks, how can a humanoid robot more than three meters tall have a missile less than one meter long? More than a dozen groups of Fireball suddenly bloomed in the air, and all the robots that were hit were broken into a pile of fragments in the air. They know how to add materials to the missiles. We also know that the missiles just now are all compressed ionized body missiles. The propulsion unit of this missile is basically the same as that of ordinary missiles. The difference is that the warhead contains highly activated electric ions instead of explosives. It is the so-called plasma cluster. The temperature of this thing can easily reach tens of thousands of degrees or higher, any substance in it will instantly turn into steam, and the high temperature it carries will heat the air to produce a detonation effect. At the same time, because the ion itself has electromagnetic radiation , So its destructive power to electronic equipment is also considerable.

The dozens of robots that were chasing us were knocked out in an instant. In the end, the remaining dozens of robots were killed as soon as they landed and they were killed with my guns. Living. These guys have seen the formidable power of our weapons before, so they know that these guns can easily penetrate their armor.

"Didn't expect you to be so strong." The woman who spoke before came over again, but her behavior gave me a bad feeling. Ordinarily, the current situation is not good for them. She originally stood far away. Now if she wants to evacuate, she can evacuate. There is no need to come to us at all, so I suspect that she has a fallback.

"Don't move, just stand there." Ringtone Knight and Vina who jumped from the top of the building quickly surrounded them and pointed their guns at the woman, as long as she dared to move again , Will definitely be beaten into a honeycomb immediately.

The woman stopped when she heard what I said, but her words didn't look like she was surrounded at all. On the contrary, they looked like a winner facing a loser. "Do you think it's easy to win? I want you to know that that is normal, because I just want to test whether this new generation of individual tanks developed for the US Army has production value. Facts have proved that the effect is not bad. Although it’s a bit difficult to deal with you, I think it should be enough to deal with ordinary soldiers."

For her, I didn’t pick up with Ben, because I am an expert in fooling people. How could she mobilize me? Way of thinking? I didn't hear her at all, and directly commanded the big robots: "Everyone inside, let me come out."

"You don't need to..." Peng Sound interrupted the woman's words with the gunshot. I fired a shot less than an inch in front of her as a warning, and then pointed the gun at the robots. "I count to three, and I will sleep in this thing if I don't come out again."

The robots looked back at the woman, but the woman did not stop, but was nodded, and listened to us. With a sound, the front panels of those big guys suddenly rose, and some people in military uniforms jumped out from inside. These things are indeed driven by people.

I winked at Xiaochun, Xiaochun immediately ran to one of the things and pushed the driver away and jumped up. Although the driver raised his hands, he said arrogantly: "It's useless for you to go up. This thing is bound. No one can move except me."

Xiaochun ignored him. Instead, he pulled out the electronic tentacle directly from under his wrist and inserted it into the data connection port under the console. About two seconds later, he heard a crackle discharge, and Xiaochun screamed and fell from the thing. come out. The drivers laughed when they saw this situation. Obviously they had known this situation a long time ago.

"What's the matter?" I ran to help Xiaochun and asked.

Xiaochun pulled out a AAA battery from the back of her neck and threw it on the ground. She said, “That data port is a trap. A high voltage is connected to the back and it burned my one. A fuse."

"Be careful."

"Well, I'll be careful." Xiaochun said, jumping up again, and then with a finger movement, the tip of his finger clicked. The high-frequency vibrating blade on the top bounced out. After cutting open the console cover like tofu, Xiaochun directly pulled a wire out from below, and then stretched out his electronic tentacles. The electronic tentacles were immediately attached to the wire. After a burst of light flashed, Xiaochun was suddenly shocked. Cried. "Not good, pull me away, this thing is uploading viruses into my body!"

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