"Damn, is there any mistake?" Skye looked at the mist eagle fighters roaring from afar and couldn't help cursing: "The Americans must even have the latest fighter jets. Do you send them all out?"

"We have been tossing here for long enough, maybe the patience of the Americans has reached the limit!" I finished speaking and looked at the slowly moving tanks in the distance. With the fighter plane roaring from above, he stretched out his hand and grabbed it. The fighter plane stopped abruptly as if it was suddenly grasped by a big hand, followed by the plane swaying in the air, and then slammed into the tank on the ground. Go down. With a bang, the latest sharp fighter with 400 million U.S. dollars and the tank with 30 million were turned into a fireball. "Ling, contact the other groups to see where they are."

"Understood." Ling focused on contacting the other groups, and I helped her block all directions from flying in. Kind of weapon. Because our goal of action is to help other groups attract firepower, we did not hide at all, but deliberately engaged in intermittent battles with the Americans casually, so that they had to focus all their attention on us. However, although it is said that the Americans moved us first, so we have an excuse to attack the civilians, but in fact, both of us know that this is just an excuse. Therefore, we deliberately reduced the impact on the civilians during the battle. When it affects our actions, we will let go a little bit, and we can do our best not to injure civilians in normal times.

It may be because the Americans discovered that we did not harm civilians on a large scale, so they also fought very cautiously, because if we did not harm the civilians but instead they accidentally injured a large number of civilians, it would not be justified. NS. Therefore, if we are careful, they have to be more careful. In contrast, I feel that we have taken a big advantage, because after all, we are fighting on our own. As long as we don’t want to injure people, it’s not easy to get accidentally injured. Instead, it’s the American missile cannons. They have to be careful not to hit civilians. They have more scruples than us.

"Master, the other crews have completed their missions and are now gathering to the predetermined location."

"Very well. Let's go, too. Now is the time to get rid of these tails. Now."

"Haha people can leave now!" Skeet exclaimed excitedly.

"Leave there." I pointed to a fourth layer building not far away. That building may be demolished soon, anyway, it looks tattered from the outside, all windows are without glass, and it looks like no one. We rushed into the building quickly, and after I guess I missed a missile launched at us and guided it to hit a pillar in the building. A loud explosion sound, the old building that was already not very strong finally collapsed completely, and thousands of tons of steel and cement crashed down, instantly covering our place.

"Report, the target was buried by a collapsed building." The soldier in the tank reported.

"Stay on the spot, don't get close to the ruins." The answer to the soldiers was such an order, and the soldiers could only surround themselves. At this time, we have already entered the subway line along the underground passage. I chose this building as the place to escape just now because I scanned it and found that the underground here is empty. As long as it penetrates a few meters of soil, it is an abandoned subway line, so I took everyone to hide in and pierced the ground. Into this abandoned subway line.

"haha, the pile of cement on it is enough for them to dig." Skye said, looking at the completely sealed entrance above his head.

"Leave here while they are not sure about our situation."

This abandoned subway line has been a long time since no one came in, and the ground has been covered with a thick layer. Thick dust, and there are dismantled subway tracks everywhere and some small machinery discarded nearby. Although it is difficult to walk in such an environment in the dark, our eyes have multi-spectral reception capabilities. Besides, the helmet we wear now also has an active night vision mode, so such an environment does not bother us at all. After running a long way along the abandoned subway line, there was suddenly an iron fence in front of it. It looks like it was blocked a long time ago, but this thing is the same for us and it doesn’t. NS.

After crossing the iron fence, we entered the subway line that was in use, but because the subway system in New York is now completely paralyzed, there are no vehicles running at all. According to the subway route map stored in our brain, we quickly found the nearest platform, and when we appeared there it caused a lot of commotion.

"Look, it's Purple Moon!" It was a youngster who shouted this, and this guy must be a "Zero" player. Because the armor I am wearing now is very similar in appearance to my armor in the game, this guy recognized me at a glance. Of course, I don't care if this guy discovers my existence. After all, this is just a suit of armor. As long as I don't admit it, no one can connect the current me with me in the game, even though I wear the same armor on both sides. It's like someone is robbing the bank with an Ultraman mask. You can't use this as evidence to arrest the actor who played Ultraman as a bank robber, right?

"Are you stupid? Purple Moon is a player in the game. Who wears armor in reality?" The person next to him immediately retorted.

Because the subway is paralyzed and it is the peak time for work again, the subway station is jammed with many people. The people inside knew that the car would not be driven, but they couldn't get out because people who didn't know outside were still squeezing inside. As for the movements we made in the city, they didn't actually cause too much shock to the citizens of New York City. Compared with the explosion, we made them more panic when we obliterated the mobile phone signal. New York is one of the cities with the highest crime rate in the world. When is there no three or five shootouts between police and robbers? So New Yorkers are accustomed to explosions and gun bodies, as long as they are not for themselves, don't worry. As for the tanks on the street and the armed helicopters in the air, this can only show that the gangsters are relatively tough this time, and the police can't figure it out, and it doesn't have much impact on ordinary citizens.

In fact, the people on the platform do not have a sense of fear for us. Another main reason is that we have paralyzed the communication network in New York before, because the information system is completely paralyzed, and we and the Americans are both deliberately The harm to civilians was controlled, so the US government decided not to evacuate the city. It is important to know that the money needed to evacuate a city like New York is astronomical, and in the process it will be accompanied by a series of illegal acts such as robbery and rape, and there may be casualties due to crowded stampede incidents. The above-mentioned orderly evacuations were done under the condition of smooth communication and good traffic. In the current situation, if the evacuation is carried out, it will definitely kill a lot of people and make New York a mess. In contrast, it is better to let these ordinary persons know nothing. At least we and the American troops will not take the initiative to harm civilians. It shouldn't be caused too much damage, at least less than the loss of evacuation. a lot of.

Because of the paralysis of the information system and the US government’s intention to conceal the attack, these ordinary persons do not know that the series of incidents in New York were caused by us, so many people Seeing our costumes, I thought we were the promoters of the game company.

"Hey, where did you buy this armor?" A youngster with a metal ring on his nose stood in front of me. I didn't pay attention to him at all, but just waved to the side. The guy flew out as if hit by a truck, hit a pillar with a bang, smashed the billboard on it, and then bounced to the ground. The people around were stunned to see this scene, and many women screamed.

"Fuck..." A person who seemed to be that fellow's companion immediately touched his waist when he saw that he was beaten, but his knife suddenly stopped as soon as he was pulled out. Because I had already squeezed his neck first, I pushed my thumb upwards slightly, and with a click, the guy's head immediately twisted to the side abnormally. I threw the corpse aside and continued to walk forward.

"Don't move." A man in a police uniform jumped out and took a police revolver and aimed at me. "Don't move, get down on the ground, put your hands behind your head."

Of course I was impossible to be scared by a pistol, but I still strode forward, and Ling behind me flashed like lightning. Speed ​​took out the electron gun and pointed it at the policeman, but she seemed to show mercy, using a non-lethal voltage, which just paralyzed the guy's whole body and couldn't move it for a while.

Crack, there was the sound of a bullet being loaded next to me, followed by a bang, I turned my head, hundreds of yellow copper bullets hovered in front of me like this, and shot The people are completely stupid. The United States does not prohibit private purchases of weapons, so there are many people carrying guns on the street. The person who shot just now is an ordinary person who likes to play with guns. His shotgun has a very special structure and is much shorter than ordinary shotguns, so he can carry it freely. It's just that this kind of weapon won't work for people like me.

I stared at the guy for two seconds, then turned my head back, the copper bullets landed one after another, and Ling and I ignored him and continued to walk out of the station. This kind of person is a more enthusiastic ordinary person, and there is no need to entangle him too much. As for the super power just now, I don't worry about that. Anyway, Vina and their EMP blast has burned all the electronic equipment in the city. Don't worry about our situation being photographed and posted on the Internet. As for what the human eye sees, this is the least care. In the Internet age, people say everything that is true or false. Even if you are telling the truth, who will believe you without evidence?

A few of us just walked out of the subway station. When people outside saw us, they all took the initiative to get out of the way. With previous experiences, these people have now understood our terrifying, and naturally impossible will come forward to courting death. What made us didn't expect was that we just walked outside the platform and saw a group of very special people.

"You guys can really run!"

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