In fact, New York City is now a mess. The previous traffic accident itself caused a large-scale traffic jam on the ground and the paralysis of the underground transportation network. Now even the traffic lights and the urban elevated tram are also paralyzed. The traffic in New York is basically completely paralyzed, and it is caused by power outages and other reasons. There are many accidents in China, but these are not the most important problems. If the current New Yorkers choose to restore one of the various problems they have encountered first, then they will definitely choose to restore electronic products first. New Yorkers who have been accustomed to high technology suddenly returned to the state of the early twentieth century. This gap has left many people at a loss not knowing what to do. Networms and TV fans are not knowing what to do about a dark screen, and business elites are all dumbfounded when facing completely unresponsive cell phones, PDAs, fax machines and laptops. People who are accustomed to swiping cards cannot use credit cards, electric doors in shopping malls cannot be opened, many people are stuck in elevators, electronic door locks in hotels completely fail, electronic ignition cars cannot start, mobile phones have no signal, network interruption... etc. Wait, all of this makes New Yorkers feel at a loss.

"Let's take action!"

With my order, the units began to move closer to their goals. The targets of this attack are mainly divided into several points. Our group of five people attacked the Wildfire Project Research Headquarters. Relatively speaking, this base is a relatively loosely guarded base because his research projects are not very important to the U.S. military. If it weren’t for their research data to help our Longyuan’s research, we wouldn’t have attacked such a low-security research facility.

"That's the goal, right?" Skeet asked, looking at the building in front of him.

The location of this institute is rather strange. It turned out to be located in the underground 5-Layer of a very famous commercial building. From the ground floor to the fourth layer of this building are all parking garages, and further down is this research base. Its single-story area is more than 400,000 square meters. However, although the single-story area of ​​this base is relatively large, there are only three floors in total. That's it, so the total area is not exaggerated. In addition, compared to the general high-level experimental base that is strictly guarded against, the confidentiality measures of this base are also very loose. Although the ordinary person does not know what it is doing here, many people know that there is a military research institute under it. In the case of military research units, it is already a lax security measure to let many people know that its existence itself is already a very lax security measure. A formal military research base should be the kind of place where even the name is not known, let alone the research institute. The specific location.

"Master, don't you find it strange?" Ling said suddenly.

"It's a bit." Although we didn't say it explicitly, we all know what she was referring to when Ling mentioned it. With our intelligence, this kind of obvious problem is naturally unreasonable and cannot be discovered.

The strange thing we are talking about is the security issue of this institute. According to the information, this is a low-security research institute, and from the information we obtained from scanning the consciousness of ordinary persons working in this building, there are not a few people who know this is a military research institute. But why do you say that such a research institute that the military hardly cares about should be built under a commercial building in the city center? Wouldn’t it be safer to build a research institute on the edge of the city or just by the barracks? Building underground buildings like this is not only unnecessary, but also spends a lot of money. Judging from the consistent style of the US military, they will not spend money on such innocuous places. At least we think they will not be such an idiot. matter.

"Do you think this is an accident or something?" I asked Ling them.

"Exclude unexpected probability." Ling replied decisively. "I think there should be some factors in it that we didn't think of."

"Boss, what we should consider now is not why the Americans did such a strange research institute, but We should judge whether the secrets of this research institute have any influence on our actions." Merida said sharply.

"It makes sense." I clicked, and then asked them a few more: "Do you think the special circumstances of this base will affect our actions?"

Ling shook the head . "My instinct tells me that this should be a critical issue, but my logical thinking tells me that there is no correlation between them!"

I thought for a while and said: "So this way. The plan was temporarily changed. We delayed the attack plan and waited until the other groups of people completed their tasks. We joined them and attacked here. Even if there is no danger here, it is nothing more than a waste of battle strength, at least not. What's wrong."

"This is a safer way." Scot also agreed with my way.

After deciding on the method, we used our own radio network to inform Vina and them of my plan. In the next time, they will each start to attack their original targets, and our group is in this section Within time, he will be responsible for devastating in New York City to attract the attention of Americans, so that they have no time to manage the places that have been attacked.

"How is the situation?" A group of officers in the Pentagon were following the Secretary of Defense towards the Conference Hall. As he walked, the Secretary of Defense was still asking the people behind him about the situation.

A general in a black uniform presented a document. "At present, all we know is that New York City has been attacked by an abnormal force."

"Is there no other information?"

"The news we know here is The number of the other party is not large. Last night, a certain department on our side tried to attack them first, and then the other party seemed to have escaped, and it directly led to the complete destruction of Base 38!" It was a man in a suit who spoke. Bian said that he was still squinting at a general on the other side, which obviously meant that he was accusing the other party's behavior of directly causing today's affairs.

Another general also helped after listening to the man’s duties in the suit: "We can now basically be sure that the attacker is a group of special fighters from China, and the purpose should be revenge. We planned two operations in China before. However, as usual, this kind of underground contest between governments should not involve civilians. However, the above rules are only effective when actively attacked, and defend or escape when actively attacked. One party can disobey this convention. What happened in New York today is obviously that the behavior of some people gave the other party an excuse to attack civilians. After all, we are the first to act, and their offensive behavior has become Self-defense, no one will say anything even if they do something extraordinary in this situation!"

"General Lawrence, I want to know what you did to them last night?"

" p>

The general named Lawrence wanted to eat the two guys who spoke badly about him, but he had to wait until he had answered the Secretary of Defense's words. "In fact, we took action after receiving the intelligence of the other party's entry. In the end, we managed to capture them all to the Hungry 38 Research Base, but then we didn't know why the other party ran out again."

"I don't know why?" The Secretary of Defense's words clearly showed signs of anger.

"I don’t know why! Base 38 is currently completely paralyzed, and we currently don’t know how they escaped!"

At this time everyone has walked in. Secret Conference Hall, the Secretary of Defense knocked on the table angrily after sitting down. "Very well, you arrested such an important hostile force without saying a word, and you screwed it up in the end. Now you still don't know how they got out. Very good. I want someone like you. What are you doing here? You get out of here right now, and you have been fired!" After coaxing the hapless general away, the Secretary of Defense asked others: "What about you? Who can tell me how New York is going now? "

As soon as the Secretary of Defense finished his questioning, the generals' gazes were all lowered together. Obviously, no one wants to be the protagonist now. Just as the Secretary of Defense was about to explode again, suddenly the door of the Conference Hall was pushed open, and a thirty-five or six-year-old woman with an unusually hot body in a professional suit walked in. "I think I can answer your question, Your Excellency Minister."

"Who you are?"

"I come from the Homeland Project Headquarters, and we have fully taken over this matter now."< /p>

"Fully take over?"

"Yes." The woman took out a document from her folder and handed it over. "This is an order issued by the President, asking you to fully cooperate with my work." Just when the Secretary of Defense read the document and planned to say something, the woman had walked to the electronic console on the wall of the Conference Hall and put a laptop on the wall. The computer is connected to the console. With a slight beep sound, the large screen on the wall suddenly lights up, and on it is displayed several sketches of the human body in the same proportions as the daoist. "What you see now is the comparison of our enemy and our body structure. I think the generals must have found something."

Those people originally wanted to argue with this woman about the ownership of command. , But now when she asks like this, she focuses her attention on that picture. "This...Are they all robots?" A general finally discovered the problem.

"No, it should be said that they are composite lifeforms, not robots. What you call robots is a mechanical lifeform with a computer as the control core, even if the bionic cells with biological activity are wrapped around the robot, It can only be regarded as a robot with a certain degree of camouflage ability, but it is not a robot that attacked us this time. They are a research institute affiliated to the Longyuan Group. It took nearly a hundred years to decipher the technology in the "Ark" and restore it with our human technology. Practical composite lifeform. Please pay attention.” The woman clicked on the computer, and the sketches representing us in the screen were immediately broken down into several parts. The woman pointed to one of the big question marks and said: “The question mark you see now represents a biological virus. Its code name is B13 Angel Virus. Its original source was the artificial Heavenly God project developed by Europe and China. Because Europeans felt that this kind of research, which was huge investment and could not produce short-term benefits, was not worthwhile, so the whole plan was handed over to the Chinese researcher, which is now the Longyuan Group. Longyuan Group got it at a very low price. European information, and then started the independent development of this project. You should remember the sudden disappearance of an armored cavalry division in the Middle East seven years ago?"

This woman is talking about the 1st in the United States. The sudden attack on the Step Army division in the Middle East attracted the attention of the whole world at the time, but the people of the whole world only knew that the Americans had a mechanized infantry division suddenly disappeared, but the military of all countries actually Knowing an even more shocking news is that this teacher was later found out again. To say that the missing of a division in the desert is a bit exaggerated, but it shouldn't be so strange since it was found, but it was strange because it found the division, because in the end they found an infantry division that was defeated. More than 10,000 people in the entire division had no survivors, and it was clear that there had been a great battle, but the Americans found a large number of cut holes in the wreckage of their tanks, without any trauma from a hot weapon. Everyone in the entire Mechanized Infantry Division was forcibly opened from the outside by the outer shell of the armored vehicle and entered into the interior with cold weapons. That is, the opponent used a very special method to make their mechanized weapons fail to perform at all. Any effect. Of course, the above is only the intelligence obtained by the military of various countries, and the Americans themselves must know more and more detailed. In fact, the Americans were lucky to find a few usable battlefield recorders. The images and sounds extracted from them shocked the entire US military, because there were only more than one hundred people who attacked that division. The only weapon they used was a dagger. A hundred men only used daggers to complete a mechanized infantry division with more than ten thousand men. Is this a fantasy story? The Americans could hardly believe that what they saw was true. They would rather believe that the battlefield recorder had mistakenly recorded the content of a certain American blockbuster than that it was the real scene. Of course, in order not to cause panic, this matter was finally suppressed, and only a small number of high-level people knew about it, and these people who happened to be doing it were all within this range.

"It was the Chinese B1 unit that attacked that infantry division. We don’t know the total number of this unit. We only know that it is definitely not more than 1,000. The reason why they are called B1 unit, It’s because they are all enhanced people who use the B1 virus."

"Then this B13 virus is a follow-up model of B1?"

"It is far from that simple." The woman explained Said: "If the B1 virus is a single-celled organism, then B13 represents human beings. Although they evolved from a combination of substances, one is only the starting point of evolution, and the other is infinitely close to the end! Use B1 to strengthen People who have passed can still be called humans. They are just physically superior to ordinary people. The reason why the infantry division was annihilated was because their weapons could not cause enough damage to the B1 virus-infected fortified people. Because of the internal body Enhanced, these people are equipped with super individual protective equipment during the battle. This armor-like protective device can withstand the attack of large-caliber infantry weapons. Can wear it to walk like flying. At that time, the soldiers of the First Armored Infantry Division counterattacked, but their guns could not penetrate this armor, and missiles and artillery shells could not be aimed at these unusually flexible people, so the whole division finally appeared. All have been killed. But you have to pay attention, this is only B1. The B13 angel virus that attacks us now is a new and improved variety. It is based on human genes, and then absorbs the genetic characteristics of various creatures in the world and interprets it from it. Useful fragments were saved, and the useless parts were removed, and finally these super creatures were obtained. But this is only the beginning. The human being strengthened is still human. Big B13 can no longer be regarded as human after fusion of a large number of foreign biological genes. , They should be said to be a synthesis of all the biological advantages on Earth. They are smarter than humans and have the speed of thinking that is almost supercomputer, but they are not as rigid as computers. The brain-shaped object you see now is them The brains of our enemies will be completely fused with the B13 brain from the fleshy body, and then replace the skull with a metal shell with a certain electronic control ability. According to our intelligence, they can even be in this Living independently for a long time with only the brain."

"Can I survive only with the brain?"

"Yes. Because this metal shell provides more than simple protection. It actually has various devices to maintain the brain function, so even if it is completely separated from the body, it can exist independently for a period of time. Now look here." She pointed to the skeleton skeleton separated on the big picture and explained: "This set What looks very similar to a human skeleton is actually a set of bionic skeletons, which are made of a material that we don’t know yet, and their structural strength should surpass any material we currently know. It is basically equivale itself. nt to An active robot, just without a head. And our enemy connects the brain wrapped in a metal shell to this metal skeleton. "

A general asked: "Doesn't that mean that the skeleton in the opponent's body is actually stronger than metal?" "

"It's not just sturdy. This skeleton itself is also powered. It is equivalent to a robot, but because of intelligence issues, we do not yet know how much output this mechanical skeleton has, but we have to be sure that it will not be more powerful than the one installed in your car. Small jacks have low power. Moreover, on the outside of this mechanical skeleton, there is a set of biological tissues that are exactly the same as those of ordinary humans. This part is also cultivated using B13 combined biological cells, and its muscle strength may exceed any Earth we have seen. biology. Simply put, they have superhuman strength. When this set of muscle tissue and the internal mechanical skeleton are operated together, the output power will be very terrifying. Judging by our intelligence, they can probably overturn the tank easily. "After saying this, the woman looked at the generals and found that their jaws were not close together, she continued with satisfaction: "In fact, the problem is more than that. The sketches we just saw just introduced their general body structure. These guys actually have a lot of weapons and devices in their bodies, but we don’t know the specific operation principle, we only know that they can produce effects similar to super powers. . What you are about to see below is a scene taken by our people on the spot. "The next scene that the woman played was the part where I squashed the rocket in the air just after we ran out of the base, and the generals looked stupid one by one.

"You guys What I see now is not a fantasy movie in Hollywood, but a live scene without any processing. The other party has mastered a technology that we don't know, and obviously has reached the stage of practical application, and can shrink it to such an exaggerated level that it fits in the human body. You can imagine what the result will be if they increase the volume. Based on the above situation, do you think your troops are still capable of participating in such a battle? "Although the woman's last sentence was more hurtful, the generals really didn't dare to speak anymore. Except for the general of the Strategic Air Force, the generals commanded by other departments can only be regarded as conventional martial power, dealing with ordinary people. Of course it’s okay, but when we encounter these impervious to sword and spear monsters who are not afraid of missiles, they can only stare.

After being silent for a while, the Secretary of Defense asked, "I admit them. There is no way to fight against such an enemy, so what can you do against them? "

" That's it. "The woman showed some pictures of the anatomy on the screen again, but this time it's more detailed. "What you see now is our Super Soldier Project. First of all, we also produced something similar to the other's internal skeleton, and we believe that it is not worse than the Chinese in terms of strength. In addition, the biological tissues outside are still human structures, but they have also been strengthened to a certain extent, but our biotechnology is not as good as the Longyuan Group, so the level of strengthening is relatively low. But we still have this. "She clicked on the screen, and the picture immediately changed to something else. "This thing that looks like a robot is actually a kind of individual armor. It is equipped with a power unit and a computer-assisted system. The height is about two meters six. Left and right, driven by a soldier, with a large number of weapons on the outside. Although our people cannot compare to those guys in terms of muscle strength, their battle strength should be able to confront those Chinese head-on by relying on this outer-wearing combat armor. "

"Very well, I now authorize you to mobilize any amount of battle strength in the United States except the strategic air force. You can let them cooperate with you at will, and you must drive out these invading Chinese. It is best to catch some or all of them. "

"Yes. "Although this woman has been ordered by the President to call all the power in the United States, it would be inconvenient if the Secretary of Defense does not cooperate, so she still accepts this assignment very seriously.

After the Pentagon set up the battle plan, the battle on our side began to become troublesome.

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