The so-called wildfire project is a biological weapon project developed by the US military. Its core content is to use viral weapons to create non-fatal diseases that can spread quickly behind the enemy. Of course, the impossible research content of the Wildfire Project includes only one virus, and its related content also includes an immunization program that can fight in the spread of the disease and some auxiliary medicines that can quickly cure the infected body. However, none of the above are actually our goals. What we want is only the DNA research materials in this base. Because the DNA Atlas is a very large data system, the part of our research and analysis of Dragon Fate can only be regarded as part of it. Therefore, the ability to obtain more information from other research institutions can save us a lot of the research process. It is a big tonic pill for research career.

We found a box truck delivering express delivery by the back door of a warehouse. After throwing out all the mess in it, we squeezed in together. Ling was responsible for the driving. Her armor is the easiest to put on and take off.

"Sit down, I'm going to start."


We found the vehicle suddenly before the exit. Accompanied by a harsh tire rubbing, we suddenly adjusted our heads, and we all wanted to roll bottle gourd from one side to the other. Even if our strength is amazing, the balance of the body depends on the force of gravity.

"Wow, Sister Ling, do you think this is a Need for Speed ​​car?" Lan yelled from the side

"You can sit in peace, my car skills are absolutely reliable Yes."

"Although we believe in your car skills, we still have to be able to sit and live..." Lan is saying that our car has rushed to the alley and slipped in a beautiful horizontal drift. When we arrived on the main road, fortunately, we were already prepared, so we were not threw away again. The car started to accelerate wildly after reaching the main road. In fact, many people think that only high-performance supercars and airplanes can produce a feeling of pushing back, but this is not the case. As long as your car has a high power-to-weight ratio, and then you can accurately grasp the shift time and the strength of the accelerator, then even an ordinary private car can produce a strong push-back feeling. Don’t look at the small size of the small truck we are sitting in, but in fact, the power of this thing is still very large, coupled with the precise control effect of Ling’s reaction speed, so this ordinary broken car ran out of super The effect of a sports car.

After madly accelerating all the way, the vehicle shuttled like a crazy mouse in the not-too-intensive traffic in the early morning, provoking a wave of curses around, but Ling did not respond to this, still Excitedly steered the car into a rampage. A few cars at the intersection ahead were blocked by a red light and there was no way to go, but Ling still did not slow down. First, a left transfer car swung to the reverse direction, and then another emergency right turn. The whole car turned sideways and kept to the right. The wheel on the side has left the ground, but it hasn’t turned over. It’s just the tires off the ground. The car has regained balance after sliding out for a certain distance in this way. Of course, this series of changes is impossible and does not interfere with other vehicles. Even though those cars with Ling’s control can go their own way normally, as long as we don’t exist, nothing will happen, but the problem is that others don’t know that Ling has such control. A small truck ran across the street, and many of the scared cars gave way to the side of the road. Then they collided with each other and caused a series of car accidents.

In fact, the reason why Ling drove so madly was deliberate. We weren't in a hurry. There was no need to drive so fast. Ling ran like this to create traffic chaos. The time is now 7:20 in the morning, and the traffic on the street is increasing. At this time, a car accident will inevitably block the traffic, making the city that is prone to traffic jams even more chaotic. As long as the traffic here is paralyzed, we will attack. Don't expect enemy reinforcements to arrive quickly when you are experimenting with the base. Even if they still have helicopters to use, how many people can that kind of thing send? Especially in the face of those of us, the helicopter is simply an active coffin that flies in the air. The helicopter can't hit us, but we can easily get it down.

While we were rampaging the streets and creating a traffic accident, several other groups were creating destruction in the underground of New York. Weina stood on a section of the subway line and looked at the two bright spots that gradually lit up in the dark ahead, and then a strong current began to appear next to her. The blue arc flew around between her and the wall, and the track on the ground was distorted and deformed at a very fast speed. Finally, even the masonry structure on the wall began to collapse, and finally collapsed completely.

After the tunnel collapsed suddenly, the subway driver noticed the situation ahead and immediately pressed an emergency stop. The people in the entire train slammed forward, and the wheels of the subway pulled out on the rails. fire star. Suddenly the wheels pressed onto a section of track that had been deformed, and then the body suddenly jumped off the track. The wheel that landed again was already not in the track, but fell on the ground. The heavy body and the terrifying speed instantly shoveled the concrete floor up like a cultivator, and the body also turned sideways, leaning on the ground. The tunnel slid, and the cars behind them started to collide with each other because of the obstacles in front. After slipping for a while, the body finally slammed into the collapsed wall and stopped completely. Only then did people groan and cry in the tunnel, but there should not be many people listening to this volume. After all, the car made an emergency brake before the derailment, so many people were injured in the car, and very few people really died.

Under the dual influence of our road traffic accidents and underground traffic accidents, the various functions in New York can be said to be busy, and the phone rings endlessly. However, within a few minutes after this happened, they suddenly became idle. First, the power grid in the city suddenly went out. Many managers who were dispatching manpower through the network suddenly discovered that their computers were hacked, but the impact on the rescue was not too big. After all, important units generally have their own generators. , No need to worry about power outages in a short time. But just when those people were grateful that they had backup power, they suddenly discovered that the radio signal in the city was suddenly interrupted, and then those computers that were restarted because of the backup power switch suddenly went hacking, but this time is different, because Although the computer is blacked out, the overhead light is still on.

"What's the matter?" A New York Police Department operator suddenly found that the computer he was operating had a black screen, and the strange thing was that it was obviously not caused by a power outage. When he wanted to make a call to inform other units, he found that the wired telephone was not working, and it wasn't that the line was busy, but there was no response at all, as if the telephone was not connected. He threw down the phone and picked up the walkie-talkie next to him, but after a long time there was no signal. He suddenly thought of something, so he took out his mobile phone and looked at it. It turned out that the mobile phone was turned off, no matter what he did. I can’t turn it on even after hard work, just like the phone is not equipped with a battery.

Because the above is just an ordinary operator, he doesn't know what happened. On the contrary, all the electrical appliances in a seemingly ordinary office building in New York City are also turned off at the same time.

Boom "Ah oh..." A long and very trivial bald middle-aged man slammed into a gate, and the reaction force produced by the impact even made him fall to the ground. "What's going on?" When he got up from the ground, several people next to him were trying to open the door that was supposed to be auto-sensing. "Why did the door break down?" The trivial man roared loudly after he got up from the ground.

"Head, it's not that the door is malfunctioning. Now all the electronic products inside the building have failed! We have been attacked!" a thin staff member reported.

"Attack?" The bald head looked at the guy in disbelief. "What attack?"

"EMP weapon! It may even be a quantum weapon! Apart from this I can't think of anything else that can produce such an effect. Now we have completely lost and the Pentagon has the North American air defense network Contact, I don’t even know if the attack just targeted our building or the entire United States!"

The facts are just like what the staff member said. Just a few minutes ago, Yeyue’s group launched an electromagnetic attack, and the reason why New York had a blackout before was because they absorbed the power from the grid to support this super-large-scale EMP blast. As a result, the New York grid transformer overloaded and caused an explosion. At the same time, the EMP shockwave burned more than 90% of the electronic products in New York City, and the entire New York City returned to the technological level of the early twentieth century in an instant.

As the electromagnetic shock wave spread, Ling and I simultaneously turned our eyes to the shock wave's explosive point.

"Oh, really strong shock wave!" Ling sighed: "Ye Yue doesn't know how to control it. Such a large area of ​​destruction might make the Americans mad!"< /p>

"I have done everything, and now it's useless to talk about her. Let's act according to the plan first! We can just start when the Americans can't react for a while."

Said: "That's the same. I just don't know how the Americans will react when we make New York like this. If they directly deal with us regardless of the situation in New York, our task will be difficult to handle!"

"Then you pray that New York is already chaotic to the point where they don’t focus on rescue will cause greater losses than the base being attacked!"

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