Although Ling said that it’s okay for the other party not to come, and he will teach a lesson when he does, how can he not come if the other party has spent so much effort to give us medicine? Although we didn't need to sleep, we all lay in the hotel in order to give each other a chance, but our minds were unusually sober. Because there was nothing to do while waiting for the other party to come, Skye suggested that everyone play mahjong, so we set up a small local area network with everyone's wireless network and played virtual mahjong in it. I have to say that our ability is really a double-edged sword. Although we can use this wireless LAN to lay together a few tables of mahjong on our own bed, but at the same time, because our electronic brain has super computing power, everyone is there to count cards, and in the end, no one can win except for self-drawing. , Because everyone will calculate the opponent's approximate hand based on the other three cards, and then take the initiative to limit the cards that the opponent needs. The result of this calculation is that eight out of ten rounds of cards are tied together, and in the end, all the cards outside are drawn and no one wins, and they can only be overturned and restarted.

"Damn, what are you guys doing so sophisticated one by one?" I was a spectator at the mahjong table of Vina, Ling, Xiaochun, and Yeyue, and I couldn't help watching them always join hands. He said: "I turned off my calculation ability at the beginning of this round. No cards are allowed to be counted. Everyone is lucky, or it depends on you playing on the pile of cards!" Under my limit, the effect is much better. Basically Someone wins and some loses, at least it looks like an ordinary person game. In fact, this can be considered one of our Dragon Clan’s sorrows. Too high intelligence is sometimes not a good thing. It’s like a good game played by a child that seems naive in the eyes of adults. What kind of chess and cards do humans like? In our opinion, the game is just an application of high-level numerical formulas. At the end of the calculation, whoever has all the cards in his hand is basically calculated. It is almost equivalent to everyone showing the cards there and playing cards. There is simply no fun at all. NS! But later everyone discovered that playing Go is also a good form of entertainment compared to Mahjong and poker, because the rules of Go are relatively less dependent on numbers, although our powerful computing power can predict thousands of moves in advance. After the situation, but at least our computing power is still not the end, so we can barely play. If the main system Nuwa in the base is not able to play Go here, she has already figured out the ending when you land the first shot, and there is no comparability at all!

Although we played dozens of laps of mahjong and poker there, we used the wireless network established in our electronic brains to play the game, so there was no time interval for shuffling the cards, and the progress of the game Quite quickly, almost every few minutes, if the picture of our playing cards is displayed as an animation, it would be too late to even look at the cards with the speed of human reaction, let alone think about it. Just when we played and didn't know how many laps, the white waves who were in charge of vigilance suddenly intervened. "The goal has appeared."

All of the chessboards and mahjong tables in our brains suddenly disappeared, and everyone immediately entered a state of relative silence, and at the same time various senses were activated to their best state, and the entire hotel building All of the circumstances are closely monitored by us.

This hotel we stayed in is a very famous luxury hotel in New York. The security measures are also first-class. All public places such as aisles, elevators and rest areas are equipped with monitoring equipment, and these cameras are also All have been disguised, and unless you specifically look for them, it is difficult to notice these cameras. But now these things are all cheaper for us, because compared to our ability, the hotel’s computer system is basically undefended. All surveillance signals are intercepted by us, and those cameras become our eyes. Knowing that their actions are clearly seen by us.

The other party probably realized that the people who can be sent out to work are definitely not simple roles, so they sent more than 200 people. Most of these people are wearing black urban combat uniforms, which look like urban special forces. There are also seven or eight guys in black suits who seem to be not the same unit as these urban special forces, but their functions are It is much higher, because the commanders of the city's special forces listen to their dispatch.

These people attracted the attention of the hotel staff as soon as they entered the hotel. After all, armed personnel of such a battallion did not look like they came to stay, but the other party had official documents and talked to the people in the hotel. After a while, I got the cooperation of the other party. The people who negotiated with the hotel staff were the leaders of the city's special forces, while other members of the special forces armed with guns formed an assault formation. They were divided into six groups. Two of them started to climb stairs, and the other four were divided into four elevators to us. The floor is advancing. After these people started to move, we found several helicopters appearing in the sky above the hotel, and then three of them were relatively large and dropped more than fifty fully armed special forces directly on the roof of the building. As soon as they landed, these people ran to the edge of the building, fixed a dozen ropes and threw them outside, apparently intending to enter through the window breakthrough. After the large helicopter was released, it turned around and flew away from the building, while the other three attack helicopters moved outside the building and began to slowly descend. Although it is night, the sound of helicopters is also very loud, but the high-rise buildings of the eight or nine 10th layer like this wine and power station are not the same as our common buildings. The sound insulation of the windows is exceptionally strong, even if it is a helicopter suspension. If you park outside the window, you can hear a little low buzzing noise at most. If there is no such good sound insulation ability, with such a high floor, the sound of the wind alone may make most people sleepless all night and all night. NS.

"Many people have come!" Ye Yue sighed in our consciousness.

"A bunch of trash, no matter how much it comes, it is still trash." Wei Na said disdainfully.

"Those in suits seem to be a bit worthy." Xiaochun said jokingly.

Ling took a closer look and said: "It's similar to the kind of people with colonized mechanical skeletons we met before in China, but the structure is not exactly the same."

"Probably it is a new model. Our technology is advancing, so the Americans will naturally not stand still." I said suddenly, "Oh, it seems they are going to act."

While we were talking, those people had arrived on the floor where we were, but they didn’t make any movement. After all, they now basically believe that we have been brought down by anesthetics. The reason why so many people are here is that In the infallible idea, they added more insurance. They never thought that we would not respond to sedatives at all.

Those people outside the first window, they dropped to the window above us and gave up the rope and used a large suction cup to slowly climb to the edge of the window where we were, but in order to prevent In case they didn't reach our window directly, it was mainly because they were afraid that some of us were not asleep. They first stretched out something like a cane. The tip of the thing had a camera with a polarized light filter to see the inside of the reflective glass. They swept the room with that thing to make sure we were all sleeping before they climbed out of the window, and then carefully used special tools to dig a few large holes in the glass of the rooms where we lived, but they just cut open Removed the glass, but did not remove the glass. The glass exterior wall of this kind of super high-rise building is actually not much worse than bulletproof glass, so you don’t even think about things like dangling a rope and breaking windows. Unless you have the same physical strength as ours, you are planning. suicide. As for the fact that they did not get the glass cover because of the negative pressure caused by the high-speed flow of air outside the high-rise building, as long as they remove the glass, the air in the floor will be quickly sucked out from those holes, which will come out when the time comes. There is a lot of movement, unless it is necessary to let them in, otherwise they will not open the glass.

When I was ready here, a guy talked with the people in the building using radio equipment, and we all turned on radio monitoring. Naturally, we heard all of their words. Two of the special forces in the building walked out and moved carefully to our door, and then one of them took out an electronic card from his body and inserted it into the door lock recognizer. This thing is a backup room card in the hotel. , They are not thieves, so naturally they can use it directly. No matter how good the unlocking tool is, there is no corresponding door key convenient!

After the room card was inserted into the door lock, the red light above the door handle that represented the lock suddenly jumped to green, and at the same time, a beep sound was emitted, which scared all the special forces. Stiff, they waited until the people outside the window used the communicator to tell the people inside that we were not awake before they continued to move.

Carefully pressed the doorknob to open the door, and then those people carefully walked into the living room. Due to the large number of us, we booked a presidential suite. After entering the lobby, those people started to touch our respective rooms. Only the outer door of the suite has an electronic lock, the inner door is just a simple snap lock, and no one can lock that thing at all. After these people touched the door, they began to carefully unlock the door, and then they touched our respective beds and pointed their guns at us in a circle.

After they had completed the encirclement, one of the leaders made a gesture to the outside, and then the people outside started calling the black clothed person downstairs. The black suits walked upstairs as soon as they heard the report. They started talking after entering the elevator. Although we could not hear what they said, we could see their mouths through the camera, which was enough. NS. We can easily know the content of their dialogue by reading the lips.

"It really didn't expect it to be so easy." said one of the thin and tall guys.

A black man next to him also immediately said: "Didn't expect the Chinese spies are not too good? It really says that the other party is a force outside the specifications?"

The bald head who looked like the leader among them said: "Regardless of whether they are out-of-specification forces, our mission has been completed anyway, as long as they are handed over to the base, there will be nothing for us."

A long and beautiful woman sighed: "Hey, I didn't come if I knew it a long time ago. I didn't even go to Jack's wedding. I don't know how to explain it to him tomorrow!"

"Haha, don't worry! They are going out for their honeymoon. You have at least one month to make up the reasons. But I guess they will have forgotten this when they come back."

"Okay , Concentrate on your work." The bald head interrupted everyone. "They are all our missions before they are handed over to the base. If we screw them up, no one can run."

When the guys walked in, they saw that the special forces were approaching. Hypnotic gas sprayed on our faces. They were just in case and gave us more information, but we did not resist at all, pretending to be anesthetized. Due to neurological reaction problems, it is not as easy for ordinary people to pretend to be asleep, but for us, it is not so troublesome. As long as the connection between the brain and the body is cut off, there will be no abnormal reactions at all. Of course, Now everything they do is under our surveillance.

After the hypnotic gas was sprayed, those people also relaxed some of their vigilance, and a few guys who came in later began to talk, unlike before just gesturing to each other.

"How is he now? Can he be transported?" asked one of the black suits who walked into my room.

Another black suit put a watch-like thing on my wrist, and a group of green numbers was displayed on the front of that thing. The number currently displayed on it is ninety-three. . The guy looked at the numbers and said, "He has entered deep sleep. As long as the green index does not exceed one hundred and thirty, he will never wake up." Although the guy said so, in fact it is just me now. Is awake. That little thing actually doesn't have much technological content, it's just a miniature electrocardiogram and pulse detector. Its main function is to estimate whether a person is asleep or awake through the person's heart rate. The heartbeat of people who enter deep sleep and deep sleep is different, and of course it is even more different when they are awake, and this thing is to express these data through a simple number. I don't have to bother to study this small instrument with no technical content at all, I can fully understand it with a sweep of the electromagnetic field. For us, electronic products are actually the most fragile thing. What's more, this thing is still directly attached to my skin. It is almost impossible to find. Now I want it to display what number it will display. As for mine Heartbeat, it simply cannot be measured, and there is no need to measure it.

The ringtones in each room, Knight and my familiars, were brought with this thing, and then they started to take action after confirming that we were all "sleeping soundly". First, they brought in more than 30 sets of rectangular metal brackets from the outside, and there were many fixers on that bracket. Four special forces team members moved one of the brackets to my room, and then put the thing on my bed, followed by the four people put my hands and feet into the four corners of the bracket and locked it, and then someone took it again. A bigger fixator was used to lock my waist, and the two ends of the fixator were connected to the frame, so that I was fixed in the middle of the frame in a large font. After finishing all this, the four special forces team members grabbed the four corners of the bracket together and planned to lift me out. When they tried hard, they found that they did not raise at all. The four of them froze for a while, and then tried harder again, only to let the bracket leave. The beds are just a little bit.

"Is this guy a bear? Why is it so heavy?" one of the special forces cursed softly.

"Four more people to help." Another person called.

Soon four other people came to help, eight people lifted me up with the bracket, and the other rooms were similar. The things in our body have greatly increased our weight, so it seems that our body is very well-proportioned, but the weight is amazingly high.

We were carried downstairs by those people one by one, and then a dozen black armed escorts came up at the gate. We were carried into the escorts in groups of two and then fixed in On the pre-prepared bracket in the middle of the car, the people followed them and evacuated as quickly as they did when they came.

"Shenlin, where do you think they will take us?" Xiaochun asked in our small network.

"I don't know. But I know that place will not exist anymore."

Ling Yi immediately said with excitement: "It's best to take us to some secret military Base, I really want to be a terrorist!"

"Haha, even a laboratory is not bad." Vina is also a character who fears that the world will not be chaotic. "Anyway, no matter what place it is, it is definitely not a normal place. We just need to tear it down and it will definitely make the Americans regret it." I finally stopped. For some reason, the other party went around the city a few circles before pulling us to the destination. However, our detection ability is impossible and we will get lost, even if we can't see the road outside. I still know where this is.

After the car stopped, it was pulled away and we were all carried down. Although I closed my eyes, I clearly knew that there were soldiers with live ammunition everywhere, and a few infantry war chariots were parked not far away, and the heavy machine gun on the roof of the car was always pointing at us. Under such strict escort, we were transported into a huge cargo elevator, and then we felt the feeling of weightlessness. Although we can't see the numbers displayed by the elevator, we can accurately calculate the depth of our descent-two hundred and seventy-three meters based on the induction of acceleration. With such a terrifying depth, even if our Dragon Fate’s killer satellites directly bombed here, they would have to fire several rounds before they bombed in, which shows that the defense here is strong.

As soon as the door was raised after the elevator stopped, a large group of researchers rushed over. One of the guys with gray hair and sloppy hair was very excited and asked our escort: "How is the situation? "

"The target state has always been stable, only a little sign of recovery when the truck was removed, but we took another anesthetic, and it has stabilized now." The guy said the situation was us It was deliberately disguised to make them believe that we were really asleep, otherwise how could we get into such a base so easily?

"haha, very good. These people are the strongest results of Longyuan’s B13 project. As long as I can crack the mystery, we can completely improve your genes, and you will never again. There is no need to endure the pain of those side effects." Hearing the words of this crazy researcher, the black suits who escorted us over all showed excitement. Obviously, their bodies have many shortcomings compared to ours. At least the side effects are by no means ordinary. Things, otherwise they wouldn't be so excited.

We were sent to a huge hall under the escort of armed men. The periphery of the hall was a fenced aisle, while the center of the hall was about one meter lower than the periphery. There are dozens of rooms separated by the thickness of bulletproof glass. Although they can be seen from each other, they are completely isolated. There are many scientific instruments in between. We were taken to different rooms, and the equipment in between was also myriad. Obviously they were planning to study various things on us at the same time.

It was Ling who was sent to the same room with me. The two of us were moved from the fixed rack to an experiment table. The edge of the experiment table also has a lock for fixing, and compared to the previous shelf, this thing is obviously much stronger. After all, it looks like it is better than The thin shelf is much thicker. The sloppy researcher ran to our room before, but at this time he was fully armed, and he was wearing a set of fully enclosed protective clothing, even his head was tightly wrapped, only the eye area was carrying one. A huge protective goggles covering half of the face, and the edge of the protective goggles is integrated with the protective clothing, which is obviously also sealed. Now that they know the B13 plan, they should also know that the B13 biological sample was originally a virus, so they have done such a strict protection.

The Sloppy Old Man walked to my side, and then started to cut my pajamas with scissors, but when he was about to do it, I suddenly opened my eyes and his hands trembled , Almost didn't throw the scissors out.

"Sorry to scare you, but I am not used to undressing in front of strangers."

"You, are not anesthetized?"

"What did you say?"

A large number of soldiers have poured into the aisle outside while we were talking, but they can't do anything but stand and watch now. The bulletproof glass that is more than one meter thick is not what their rifle can shoot through.

Although the old man knew that I was awake, he regained his courage after seeing my tightly locked hands and feet. "What if you wake up? I have to tell you, it's really your misfortune to wake up. If you can sleep like this, you can suffer less pain."

"Oh? Why do you Have such thoughts?" I asked jokingly.

"Because I am about to do some experiments on you, and in order not to affect the results of the experiment, I will not inject you anesthetics again."

"Then you will rely on Why do you think I will lie here obediently and let you experiment?" As I said, I turned my head and looked at the metal ring holding my wrist. "Does your confidence come from this thing?" Just when the old man was about to answer yes, my hand suddenly raised. The fixed lock made of super alloy was instantly twisted and deformed on the bowl of the hand like a dough made, and then there was a sudden ding sound, the screw fixing the thing broke out of the metal bed and went back and forth in the room. After a few bounces, I hit an instrument before stopping. At this time, my hand was out of the control of the fixed lock. "So what do you think now?"

With my questioning, Vina and the others moved together. The metal locks that fix us do not have any effect at all. These things are used to fix humans that are invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable, but for us they are not much harder than dough. After releasing the control easily, I jumped off the iron bed, then walked to the old man and ripped off his chemical protective suit and threw him in front of Ling. "Look at what he knows."

Ling grabbed the guy's neck and brought him in front of him, then looked at him and ordered in an unquestionable tone: "Look at my eyes. "When Ling said this sentence, the other party's eyes were involuntarily looking at each other with Ling, but looking at each other with a beauty like Ling is by no means a wonderful thing. At the moment of eye contact, the old man started a heart-piercing scream, his hands holding head desperately squeezed, his legs were unconsciously kicking in the air, and at the same time, his seven orifices began to scream quickly. Extravasation of blood, and there is a tendency to flow faster and faster. But despite the horror of the situation, his eyes still couldn't move a bit, even closing his eyes.

The guy's painful wailing only lasted a few seconds before it disappeared completely, and his hand slipped off his head. Ling threw the bloody old man out of his hands, and the guy was still shaking unconsciously after landing. Several other researchers next to him were fainted by this terrifying scene. It is rare that one did not faint. I can't even stand up anymore.

"This guy knows a lot. This is the U.S. Army Research Institute, which specializes in research on the biological part of the Super Soldier Project. I think we should be able to get some good things here. Go back."

"It seems that this trip is not in vain. But I think we should find some clothes to change first." When we were caught, we were all pretending to be sleeping, and naturally it was impossible to be well-armed. , So now everyone is wearing pajamas. Although this appearance doesn't affect the battle, it is a bit too casual. Besides, the clothes of a few MMs are really more thorough, and they can't be cheaper. Those old Americans, even if they won't live long.

We completed the suppression of the laboratory before the soldiers outside could react. The research equipment here was smashed to pieces by us, and the researcher was also killed thoroughly, just the researcher. The loss is enough for the US military to feel distressed for a while. However, our target is not these researchers. For us, such a base is simply a huge treasure mountain. With my disposition of geese and plucking hair, how could it be possible to enter the treasure mountain and return empty-handed?

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