Seeing that we killed the researchers inside and the soldiers outside were also anxious, but the thick bulletproof glass was not so good for breakthrough. Under the protection of many soldiers, a major walked out of the glass and shouted to us with a loudspeaker: "You have no retreat now, immediately put down your weapons and surrender. The small holes under your feet are connected to the flamethrower, as long as the control is here. Press the switch in the room and you will be disappeared from the face of the earth. If you don’t want to die, surrender immediately."

I was a little surprised when I heard what he said. I haven’t noticed it before. It turns out that the floor is made of a grid of metal, which means that it is actually not airtight. The bottom is full of densely distributed flame jet ports. As long as it is activated, it will turn into a fire sea. This setting is relatively safe. If there is a virus leak and other problems, just press the button and everything is over. However, such a design makes no sense to us.

I didn't answer that guy's words at all, but just notified everyone of Flash Flash in my head. Although the flame is not life-threatening to us, it will definitely make us very embarrassed, so I directly ordered everyone to flash. Because we acted suddenly, the response of the other party was a step slower. After we rushed to the glass wall, we raised our hand and pressed it on the glass. Following the large piece of bullet-proof glass, a thick layer of frost was quickly hung on the soldier’s surprised eyes with a zi zi quack. The layer of frost is still spreading rapidly around at the speed that naked eye can see. It wasn't until the area of ​​frost expanded to completely obscure us that the major remembered to turn around and shouted: "Hurry up."

With a loud explosion, the hot flames instantly flooded The entire interior of the glass laboratory...except for our side. If people outside can see it, they will be surprised to find that our body is covered with an oval mask, and all the flames are blocked out of the mask. This layer is actually a layer of super-electromagnetic force field, but we like to call it a spiritual defense wall. Basically, as long as our own energy is sufficient, it can block any physical attack. As for energy-based attacks, it can also Play a certain protective role, but the effect will vary according to the characteristics of the attack. For the flame, what we can do is to isolate the high-temperature combustion-supporting gas from the outside, so that the fire will not directly burn us, and our own control force can restrict the movement of molecules near us to achieve the purpose of cooling down, of course, to do so. It consumes a huge amount of energy, so it is impossible to persist for too long. Fortunately, we didn't plan to be a roast pig here.

Within a few seconds after the flames came up, the thickened bulletproof glass in front of us that had been frozen by our hands finally made an extremely crisp cracking sound. The one-meter-thick glass was in front of us. In an instant, there were countless pieces of fine glass slag in front of him, and at the same time, because of the sudden addition of a catharsis opening, flames also sprayed out from the bursting glass. The soldiers outside are all ordinary persons, no matter how good their physical fitness is, they are still humans. They are ignited in a high temperature enough to melt steel and turned into individual human torches, then quickly charred and finally powdered into ashes.

The control room turned off the flamethrower as soon as the flames spurted out. They didn't want to burn the entire base, but when the flames went out, they were surprised to find that we were unharmed. Walked out of the laboratory. Ye Yue and Lingling rushed to the door first, and then with their eyes shining, the door that had already been closed in front of them rose up by themselves.

"What's the matter? Why did the door open?" A general in the main control room immediately yelled when he saw the picture in front of him.

The replied of the operator brow beaded with sweat: "It's not our problem, it may be an electrical failure!"

In fact, this kind of electronic door is meaningless to us. Word. No matter how complex your electronic system is, the last thing that drives the door switch is actually the simplest motor. As long as we manipulate the circuit switch of the motor to start, the door will naturally open. Deciphering or decoding is simply unnecessary.

After passing through the gate, there is a long corridor, but we did not move forward at all, but looked up at the ceiling, and then the metal above us suddenly seemed to be squeezed by some huge force The same constant distortion in a sour voice, and finally a huge gap was torn open. After finishing all this, Lingling jumped up first, and then we jumped up too. This is a place similar to a lounge. We came in for two purposes, one is to find clothes. This is mainly a lounge for security personnel. A large cabinet on the wall contains a neat row of battle uniforms and helmets. With these things, we don’t need to wear pajamas anymore. In addition to changing clothes, our other purpose is to find a place without a monitor to do something. After all, this is a dressing room. No matter how rigorous a research institute is, it is generally safe to install cameras in the dressing room. of.

Xiaochun walked to the edge of a wall and fumbled for a while, then violently lifted the closet by the wall to one side, then punched into the wall, and then tore the wall with force. A crack opened in the noodle. Along the crack, we can see an electronic device like a household distribution box. The thing is connected to a dozen thick communication lines up and down, which is obviously a data exchange point. Xiaochun hooked the thing with her finger, and the metal cover flew out to reveal a large circuit board. Following her, she stretched her left hand over, and saw that the muscles on the inner side of her wrist suddenly opened. , And then a metal wire with the thickness of a little finger with a shiny silver metal luster stretched out from it. The thing twisted slowly like a snake and stretched towards the front circuit board. When it reached the front of the circuit board, it suddenly spread out with a bang. It turns out that the thick metal wire of this little finger is twisted by several hundred toothpicks-like wires. The tips of the scattered small threads have a sharp needle-like structure, and the tips of those needles are still shining with dim-blue rays of light. After a few seconds of pause, these stretched thin lines suddenly plunged into various points on the circuit board, and then I saw Xiaochun’s head suddenly leaned back and her mouth opened unconsciously, just like a human being. It looked like when she was too cool, and at this time, there were countless green codes in her eyes that were flowing down like a waterfall.

"Warning, the host was invaded by an unknown source." The lights in the control room of the base suddenly all jumped to red, and the hundreds of staff sitting in front of the console were taken aback.

"What's the matter?" the general asked nervously before.

"We have been invaded by data, and someone is trying to obtain the highest control order." A controller brow beaded with sweat reported.

"Why is this? Isn't this base not connected to the external network?"

The controller on another console replied: "The attack signal comes from our inside, and the other party cuts in One of our internal data exchangers."

"Can it be blocked?"

"I will try." The controller's hand quickly tapped on the keyboard , And the data on the screen is flowing at a faster speed. The guy said to himself as he tapped, "Is that guy Superman? How could it be possible to type so fast?"

"What the hell is going on?"

"I just tried to create a new control command to replace the part of the command that has been compromised, but the other party entered more control commands at a faster rate. He is eroding our computer authority a little bit. We will soon I have lost control of the host!"

"Can't you cut off the host?"

"No, this base is too advanced, everything is under the control of the host computer , If you cut off the host, it means that all doors will be closed, and the elevator, lighting, air circulation system, and constant temperature system will immediately stop operating. We will be suffocated here!"

In the process of their conversation, they suddenly heard a scream from a controller not far away. When everyone turned their heads to look at it, they found that the screen in front of him did not know why it was blacked out. Before everyone could ask him what happened, the computers next to him went black like a chain reaction, one after another, and within a few seconds, the entire control room turned red, because except for the emergency All computer screens except the red rays of light went out. But before they could react from the shock, all the screens lighted up one after another, and they all returned to normal. However, just when they thought the danger had passed, all the screens suddenly flashed a huge bald eagle logo at the same time. They all knew that this was a symbol of the United States, but suddenly there was another flat in the center of the picture. A flat box. The content displayed in the box is six zeros. Two colons divide the six zeros into three groups, each with two zeros.

An operator sitting behind the main console saw this comparison and immediately shouted in surprise: "Not good, that is the base's self-destruct program, stop him!"

Although everyone wants to prevent that program from starting, they can't do anything now. In the stunned everyone, the first zero of the six zeros suddenly changed to three, and then the alert tone in the base rang again. "Warning! Irreversible biological pollution occurred in this base. According to the third rule of the Safety Permit Regulations, this artificial intelligence is automatically authorized to start the self-disciplined blasting system. There are currently 30 minutes before the base self-destructs. Please don't panic and be quiet. Stay in your place. In order to prevent pollution leakage, this base has been completely closed. Please do not fight for elevators and escape routes, because the elevator shaft leading to the surface has been closed, and the control line has burned itself and cannot be opened. You are already impossible Get out of here. Please cherish the last 30 minutes to call your family and friends to say goodbye or contact your lawyer to leave a will." After this weird reminder, the series of terrifying numbers began to beat quickly. When I got up, the numbers behind were shrinking rapidly, and all the people in the base were dumbfounded.

"You are really worse than me! But I like it." At this moment, Ling Zheng put his arms around Xiaochun’s neck and said excitedly, and Xiaochun had already disconnected from the main computer. connect. In fact, the so-called self-destructive system startup just now is a complete illusion. There is a self-destructive system in this base, but we have no plans to perish with them here. Even if we want to explode, we have to wait for us to leave! The reason why we arranged such a paragraph is actually to disrupt the other party's plan. Can you imagine how you would react if you suddenly knew that you could only live for another thirty minutes? Anyway, the vast majority of people are impossible to fight for their future, work, money, etc. What we need is this kind of mentality. Even if all the people who besieged us don't sink down, as long as they can't concentrate on making trouble for us, it will save us a lot of things.

The facts are the same as we thought. The people in the base stopped almost immediately. The people who intercepted us were not intercepted, and the researchers did not evacuate. Anyway, all work stopped. Lost. Although a small number of people realize that this may be a scam, how many people use it as an ass?

We just swaggered all the way to the experimental data storage area. After seeing us, the researchers inside didn't respond at all. They just froze for a while, and then began to call them again. Since we have input English language modules in our brains, we can understand English. They are all calling their family members now. After all, we are dying. Even if we listen to the voices of parents, wives, and children at the end, it’s good. , As for us, they are too lazy to manage anyway. What kind of enemy is his own people, who are dead after 30 minutes, and still care about the ass? This is human nature, once you let go, you don't need to care about anything.

They call them, and we don’t interfere with them. Anyway, all we want is research information. Scanned all the important data into the electronic brain, and then we went to several experimental areas to take a few particularly important samples, and then we went back to the entrance of the base. There is really chaos here, and many people are rushing to run out, so that the road is blocked. In fact, the only elevator shaft leading to the outside world has not been blocked, but only half closed, which means that the elevator can't go up, but people can climb out along the maintenance ladder with bare hands. It's just that there are only two maintenance elevators. How fast can you climb up one by one? Of course, because Xiaochun cut off the communication between the base and only left the external channel, many people are now busy calling their family members. The only ones who really know that the road has not been sealed are the ones that are closer. These people, because they were relatively close to the passage, and then did not give up, so they came to look at the passage, only to find that they could climb out, so driven by their survival instinct, they were all squeezing out crazy. But although most people don't know that they can go out here, there are still a lot of these people left. The passage is now densely packed with at least hundreds of people. In the distance there are people who constantly hear the sound running into this torrent. The scene is really spectacular.

"Wow, look at Xiaochun, purgatory on earth!" I couldn't help teasing Xiaochun after seeing this picture.

"I'm not doing the task yet!" Xiaochun added, "But these people will still serve the U.S. military after they go out. It's a good thing to die more."

< p>Compared to Xiaochun's kind character, Ling, the Archfiend, is much more straightforward. "Why don't we just start the self-destruct system and blow up everything here? These are important researchers. The loss of so many Americans who die at one time must be great."

I shook the head . "This base is in the downtown area. If the base is self-destruct, there will definitely be an earthquake on it. Although this is a retaliation for the American invasion, the last time the Americans did not affect the civilians in our country, we cannot start this first. It’s okay to occasionally hurt innocent people in the battle. If American ordinary persons suffer a lot of casualties because of us, then the Americans will launch larger-scale retaliatory actions. This cycle cannot start casually."

"Understood, then are we going to destroy this place before we evacuate?"

"Of course." As I said, I asked them to disperse to find their own targets for destruction. Because Xiaochun has already connected to the main computer here, he knows everything about the base well, and we all know what is important and what is not. After swiftly destroying a few core areas, we gathered near the passage. At this time, there were more people here. More and more people noticed that the passage had not been blocked, and it seemed that someone had discovered self. -destruct is actually fake.

We didn't have time to watch them run wild, jumped up and stepped on the human head to the edge of the passage gate, and then quickly jumped to the elevator parked on the lowest floor. There is a small hole on the top of the elevator that only one person can pass through. You can get to the top of the elevator by drilling through that hole, and then you can climb up the maintenance ladders located on both sides of the elevator shaft. At any rate, we have more than 30 people, and climbing one by one will waste a lot of time, so I smashed the ceiling and jumped to a height of more than ten meters. But instead of rushing to repair the elevator with those people, I quickly climbed up with the help of the elevator cable. Vina and the others jumped up after me, and then we followed the cable all the way up like a rocket. With our strength, they climbed the rope faster than they climbed the ladder, and soon reached the elevator exit on the top. One of my mind-enclosed exit doors was blown away, and then I took Vina and the others to jump out. Looking back at the bottom, the fastest person is still more than a hundred meters away from the top, and the more people get behind, the less energy they get. It is impossible to wait for them to climb for more than half an hour.

After jumping up from below, we discovered that this place turned out to be the warehouse of a supermarket. After a long time, the secret base was actually built under a large supermarket. But when we were about to leave, we suddenly heard a chick, and a thing with a long tail flame shot at us quickly. I slowly raised a hand in that direction and stretched it out. Hum... the air suddenly twisted and rippled and opened a series of ripples that looked like water waves. The small rocket that flew towards me was so set at a distance of less than one meter from me, and then the rocket seemed to suddenly enter the pressure. The huge deep seabed instantly began to collapse and deform towards the center, and was quickly squeezed into a sphere. In the end, the gaps in the iron ball suddenly flashed red and lightly shook, and then it was pressed into an apple-sized iron ball at a faster speed, and then hit the ground with a bang.

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