After all the pre-trip arrangements were over, we each took a rest for one night. Of course, our rest was not going to bed, but doing some small-scale adaptation training. Do not do too large training for us even if it is a rest. The training lasted until the second day. In the morning, we completely stopped to take a bath and eat. We did some adjustment training. After everyone had tossed up, it was already more than nine o'clock in the morning. After everyone got together, they realized that the clothes seemed a bit messy. Some people wore the same clothes as they were on vacation in Hawaii, while others were dressed in suits and leather shoes. It was totally out of style. In the end, I had to ask everyone to go back and change their clothes.

In order to prevent the confusion of the costumes before, after I gave the guidance this time, everyone's costumes will be much better. The fifteen male members of Ringtone Knight are all uniformed with black suits and black sunglasses, making it seem that they are bodyguards at a glance. The female members of Ringtone Knight are also wearing black suits, but the style is women's. Although they are the same pants, they are much more beautiful than men's trousers. There are no too many restrictions on the clothing of the main personnel of Vina and the others. Basically any clothes will do, but the premise is not to be too exaggerated. In the end, everyone chooses a set of fairly good casual clothes.

It’s almost ten o’clock after tossing the clothes. Fortunately, we don’t have to go to the airport to wait for the plane. Because there are more people, we simply used Longyuan’s own small business jet this time. It's the airport, so we won't have to transfer again. Longyuan’s small business jet is a high-speed jet that can carry 36 passengers in addition to the crew. We use it just fine. Because small planes are much faster than large passenger planes, it was just six o'clock in the morning when we arrived in New York. The meeting time with several large companies in the United States was set after ten o’clock local time, so we first went to the hotel booked here with the reception staff of the branch here to check in, and then went outside to receive the reception. Several modified cars. These cars are dirty cars secretly bought from the black market by the Division of Labor here, and they have all been secretly modified. Because we can't leave evidence of on the surface for what we are going to do later, we can't use the company's car. Of course, we can't drive these cars for the time being, we still use the company's car to pick up and drop off before the business meeting.

When we finished everything, it was almost time. After that, we went to the Skybridge Building in New York with a few real business people sent by the branch. This building is a new building completed by the Americans just a few years ago. Although it cannot be considered a world-class tall building, its height can definitely compare some of the so-called skyscrapers nearby to short ones. This building is currently the headquarters building of the Eye of God Defense Company, and this company is actually a part of the American Eagle Group, which means that this can basically be regarded as Terry's industry. No, as soon as we arrived at the gate, we heard a thunder-like laugh from far and near.

"hahahaha...Shenlin, you are finally willing to come to the United States to play, I have never had a chance to pay you back last time thanks to your hospitality, this time we can have fun." Terry said As the guy said, he walked over and gave me a bear hug. I really doubted whether this guy's ancestor was a barbarian. I can't bear it even with great strength.

"Playing is definitely to play, after all, should I come again! But let's go in first and talk about it?"

"Oh, right, right, right, let's go in first. ."

Under the leadership of Terry, our group walked into the Tianqiao Building. Except for the reception desk, the first floor of the building is basically an exhibition hall. There are more than a dozen huge round turntables. On each turntable, a large weapon is slowly rotating there.

Seeing that my eyes fell on one of the very weird things, Terry immediately introduced it. "Hehe, can't you guess what this is? This is actually an amphibious landing vehicle, but it is not used on the water, but stealth underwater. It can be carried out by a special warship or Ordinary landing ships are transported to the offshore area, and then released, this thing can quickly penetrate to the shore under water and send people to the beach. Because it is faster and operates underwater, so the first batch of The landing is more concealed and it is not easy to be intercepted."

"How many people can this hold? How fast?" Weina next to me asked.

"In addition to the driver, there can be fourteen infantrymen, exactly two squads. The underwater speed is about eight to nine knots, and the surface can run to ten knots. After landing, each hour is about 60 kilometers. Speed. But this thing is only light armor, blocking guns, and it’s done with anti-tank weapons!"

I didn’t make any comments. Things are too advanced, so I will definitely not have much interest in these things. After taking the elevator to the top of the building, my staff and I were separated. Ring tone Knight is now a bodyguard. Naturally, he cannot follow us into the Conference Hall. Professionals are responsible for the specific negotiation content. I am not myself. We need to follow the whole journey, so in the end we were divided into three groups. Ring tone Knight was in the rest area in the corridor, Vina and the others went to the Conference Hall, and I went to his office with Terry.

As soon as I entered Terry’s office, I felt that this so-called office didn’t look like an office at all. It looked like a weapon exhibition hall. The walls were full of guns of various lengths and shorts next to each other on the ground. There are many small display stands on which are placed various large-scale individual weapons, including a single-soldier artillery. Although this weapon is called a single-soldier artillery, it is still a cannon after all, which is much larger than a normal single-soldier weapon. Terry’s desk is right next to the floor-to-ceiling window facing the door, and the desktop even exceeds the double bed of an ordinary person’s home. In addition to two computers, there is a shoulder-mounted anti-aircraft missile launcher on the desktop. .

"Damn, your interest is really straightforward!" I glanced around the various weapons in the room and said, "The things you have here are enough to fight a small war!"

"Hehe, are we a defense company after all! The sculptures in the office are in the style of financial professionals. We are still different from them."

I watched and walked. I went to the front of the table and picked up the individual missile launcher and carried it on my shoulder to compare it. When my finger pressed the controller on the side of the launcher, the front sight automatically bounced, and the original black display screen immediately lit up. And displayed a green screen. "Damn, there are missiles in it?" I was shocked when I saw the standby launch state in the upper left corner of the small screen. I thought it was a launcher before! I didn't expect that there were missiles in it. If it were launched, it would be possible to say who would suffer!

Terry didn’t care when he heard my exclamation, he still casually said: "We are the production of arms, of course there is no need to put the model!"

"My It means why you didn’t even drop the ammunition?"

"If there is no ammunition, wouldn’t it become a display? Weapons naturally look like weapons! The weapons here include the one in your hand The launchers are all loaded with ammunition."

"You are not afraid of exploding!" I looked at the densely packed weapons around and said, "I thought you were a bit nasty, but now I feel You are a weapon madman. Do you have a safer room here? Staying in your office is almost like sitting on a powder keg!"

"haha...just kidding you These weapons are indeed loaded with ammunition, but none of them have a warhead. The missile in your hand can indeed be launched, but the warhead is a plastic shell, and the inside is empty. And those guns are filled with empty bags. Bullets, bullets have propellant, but the bullet is made of pulp. After it is launched, it will quickly burn out due to air friction. At most, you can see the gun barrel spraying fire, and you can't shoot anything!"

"I said, why do you put so many weapons with ammunition in the room!"

"Hehe, I really want to put so many live ammunition, I don't say anything, my father won't do it!" Speaking of this, Terry's conversation suddenly changed: " about discussing something with you?"

"en?" I looked towards Terry in confusion and waited for his next words.

Terry sat behind the table, then leaned back on the chair and played with the pen on the table with one hand and said, "I know you have other things when you come over this time."

I was suddenly nervous when I heard this, but I suppressed the feeling very well and didn't show it. "Yes, in addition to negotiating with you, I have to talk to several other companies."

"You know what I mean." Terry Blunt said: "I'm a rough People, don’t like those twists and turns, let’s put everything we can say on the table! To tell you the truth, we also have spies on your side. You should know about this. After all, you are here as well. No less arranging spies, this is something that everyone must do and cannot avoid. So... I know a little bit about the purpose of your visit this time. The US government planned two attacks on your Dragon Fate base. You Retaliation is also as it should be by rights."

After listening to Terry’s words, I also know that he does know a lot of things. It doesn’t seem to make much sense to conceal it, but this Does not prevent me from performing tasks. Besides, it sounds like Terry is going to bargain with us instead of directly preventing our actions, otherwise he would not tell me directly. "OK, I admit that you are telling the truth, but if we want to perform the task, you can't do anything to us even if you know it, right?"

Terry stretched out two hands and pressed down Pressure: "Don't be angry, I didn't say that I would undermine your actions!" Seeing that I didn't seem to be really angry, he continued: "My idea is actually very simple. I don't understand the patriotic passion of you Chinese. What kind of feeling it is, I don’t have that kind of thing. For me, it’s only my interests and the interests of others. So let’s say! Although I know this now, all I hope is not to cause me What's the loss in the interests of the company, do you understand what I mean?"

This Terry! I just said that I am a rough person and don't like to bend around. What I am saying now can be more complicated than those old scholars in China! Isn't this a detour, what's a detour? "You want to say that the interests of the United States and yours are not completely overlapped. Do you hope that I can avoid your interests in the action this time?"

Terry took a photo. Table: "Bingo. You are really smart."

"So what do you want me to do?"

"This is a piece of information, I hope you will not be in these places Start, in addition, I can also give you some information on some targets. If you attack these targets, I can also give you some extra help."

"Can you borrow our hand to fight the dissidents? "

"Basically that's what I mean."

I picked up the materials Terry threw over and looked at it, and then asked: "If I can help you, then What can I get?"

"This, and this." Terry threw two more documents. I caught it and opened it and took a look. The first document is a contract related to the one-to-one transaction, and the party A in the agreement has already signed the contract, which means that as long as the person fills in his name in the position of the party B, the contract is established. According to this agreement, as long as Party B has a certain level of execution ability, it can get a large profit, which is basically a clear gift. As for the other document, it is a piece of research data on DNA. It can be said that this thing is very helpful to our company's research. Of course, what I have got is a general introduction, even if I have the ability to remember It's useless to record this all.

After reading the information, I pondered a little, and then nodded. "I don't guarantee anything, but I will try to ensure that things develop in the direction you want."

"I know you are a refreshing person." Terry said with a smile and stretched out a hand.

I also reached out and shook his hand. "So happy to cooperate."

After talking about the basic framework, the rest is much simpler. The so-called business visit is a name anyway, so it didn't distract us. After a lunch at Terry's at noon, we returned to the hotel. In fact, the reason why I agreed to Terry's request was not because I was interested, but the way. In fact, Terry is totally extrapolating this, but it seems that it has something to do with their intelligence personnel. Their intelligence personnel seemed to have only sent back news that we were about to do something in the United States, but they didn’t know exactly what we were going to do. Terry and the others just guessed what we might do, and they happened to guess. That's it. It's just that although they guessed what we were going to do, they didn't know what our specific goals were. That's why they listed their own interests and their hostile forces, hoping that we can not harm their interests. But it is a coincidence that our original target of attack happened to be among the targets Terry suggested we attack, which means that even if he does not talk to me today, we will still attack the target they want us to attack. It means that they gave us a grand peace agreement and a research result for nothing. However, this does not mean that their decision-making was wrong. If we encounter this situation, we will probably react in the same way.

Since this matter itself has no effect on our actions, I don’t need to make any changes to the action plan. In the afternoon we went to North America Electric Group, but it was not Usina who met us. Although Usina is the Princess of North American Electric Group, she is different from Terry. She rarely participates in the management of the group. The last time she came to China as a representative to meet with us was mainly because our fathers were all stared at by spies from all walks of life. The death is tight, so we can only let us come out for the talks. They and these fathers are just covering us in front. This time, because it is not a secret matter in itself, Usina is useless. In the end, although we still met Yusina, we just said hello. Important things were discussed with her father.

On the same day, we were dragged by Terry to participate in some kind of charity ball, but in my opinion, this is just an excuse for the rich to find a one-night stand. Compared with human beings, the appearance of our Dragon Clan members can be said to be a work of art. The appearance and characteristics of a mixed race and a perfect body structure perfectly interpret the meaning of fatal attraction, both instinctively and rationally. However, the only thing that is more uncomfortable is our height. Although the shape of this new body was deliberately increased because of the need to leave enough space for the newly added equipment, our height still did not increase much. The heights of males like me and Skye were set at a height of 1.81 meters, while the heights of the female members were all set at 1.72 meters. This height is actually quite good in China, but for a Caucasian figure, this height can basically only be considered a low-to-medium height. Girl, it’s not a big problem, we men seem a little embarrassed, because the white beauties at the prom are all wearing seven or eight-inch high heels, and they are more than 1.7 meters tall, even if they are relatively short. The women of are just about the same as us. Women of medium height are generally a bit taller than us, not to mention the taller ones. Originally, I didn’t like the big and big body, but now I am a little envious of Terry’s bear-like body. That's an absolute height difference! However, unlike domestic women who pay much attention to height, foreign women generally don’t care about these. As long as your height is not a special figure, no one will care. On the contrary, our complete appearance attracts a lot of coquettish women. . Pay attention to Wei Na and the others, they were surrounded by a group of men whose hormonal index exceeded the standard. Anyway, the Europeans who come here just want to find a temporary bed partner for fun, and they rarely meet a few mixed-races with oriental temperament. They naturally hope to seize the opportunity to try it.

I was thinking about it, and suddenly there was a reminder from Skodd via radio waves in my head. "At eleven o'clock, a woman came over."

Although this reminder seems very meaningless, I know that Skott will not say such a sentence for no reason, so my gaze Also turned over immediately. It was an Asian woman wearing a gorgeous evening dress, but it was obvious that her bloodline was impure, and there should be a Latino bloodline. This woman's skin is not white, showing a healthy wheat color, a silver white mopping evening dress is constantly shining bright radiance with her steps, the tight waist curve and exaggerated buttocks continue to follow her steps The temptation is self-evident. But what I really pay attention to is not the face of this woman, but her breasts. ...Cough cough ...Don't think about it crooked, it's not the two masses of meat on her breasts, but the inside of the two masses of meat. That's right. This woman's sex had undergone surgery, and an electronic product was implanted inside. After a simple electric field scan, I determined that it was a bug and it was stored. The usual wiretap is wireless transmission type, that is, when hearing the sound, it converts the sound signal into a radio signal and emits it. Because it needs to continuously transmit an infinite electric signal, it is easy to be detected, but this kind of storage The style is different. It has a recorder inside, which can record the sound. This avoids the leakage of radio signals, which is difficult to be detected by ordinary detectors. Of course, this thing is still an electronic product after all. The high level detector can still detect it, but this woman hid the thing in her own body. It is hard to imagine anyone who would scan there with a detector and advertise human rights. This behavior in the United States is similar to courting death.

"A spy?" I sighed with a wireless signal. After hearing this sentence, Vina and the others also noticed the woman, and unexpectedly they also found several others People with eavesdropping devices implanted in their bodies, including men and women, do not directly contact us. They first talk to people around us, and then turn to us.

"Let me introduce you." No, an American who just met by my side introduced me to the woman who came by. "This is Mr. Shenlin, the future chairman of Longyuan Group. This is Miss Anna from Lehman Records."

"Longyuan Group? It is the second strongest company in the world, the super huge dragon Yuan Group?" Anna asked, pretending to be surprised, but her brainwaves betrayed her. After many upgrades, our electromagnetic control capability has reached its peak. Now that we are so close again, I can easily sense her brain waves. She was so surprised that the brain should have a corresponding brain wave beating, but her brain wave was calm as if nothing happened.

"Has Anna never heard of our Longyuan Group?" I asked deliberately, wanting to see what she was going to do.

"no no no, on the contrary, I was so surprised because I knew it." This woman's acting level is less than half of mine, and can only be described by a fake word, but now I Quandang didn't find out, anyway, the action hasn't started yet, in the spirit of not moving, let's see what she intends to do first.

The next is a very unnutritious talk about each other's flattery and get to know each other by the way, and then the woman started to seduce me intentionally or unintentionally. Seeing that I didn't respond, she still hinted that I was more obvious in language and she could provide Super-standard service and fair fees. This kind of small star guest appearance in high level prostitutes is not a problem in the United States. The understanding of sex here is much more open than us. Both parties are willing to do it. No one will gossiping about you, so this woman said that. It's easy to get rid of other people's vigilance, but she has a bug on her body now, even if she says it's crazy, I won't believe her.

The woman told me for a long time to see if I still didn't get the bait, she suddenly took two glasses of champagne from the waiter passing by and handed it over. "I still have an appointment. I have to go. Let us have a toast before leaving?"

As I took the cup, my nose moved imperceptibly. "A powerful sedative, I can't think of it." Any substance in this world is actually odorous, but the intensity and characteristics of the scent are different. For an ordinary person, a colorless and odorless sedative is that for me. It's just a big cup of vinegar. Even if I have a bad cold and blocked my nose, I definitely let it go through. However, even though I knew this, I still drank the cup, but after the thing entered the esophagus, it diverged and entered a lysis separator in the body instead of my stomach. This separator will decompose the incoming matter into an atomic state, then burn it in my body and re-polymerize it. No matter what toxin it is, as long as it is composed of organic matter, after this process, only carbon dioxide, water and some other gas molecules are left. As for some special toxins, in addition to the above substances, there will be more metal elements. In the end, the gas in these wastes will be ejected out of the body along with the timing of my exhalation during each breath. The water in it is naturally fused into the blood. Anyway, water is water, which is harmless to the human body. As for the elementary metals and other solid impurities, they can be stored first because of their relatively small size. When the time is right, they can be spit out from the mouth all at once.

After seeing that I drank that glass of wine, that Anna finally left, and then I communicated with some other people for a while and the prom ended. During the entire dance party, those of us have been persuaded to drink a glass of this powerful sedative wine, and we have analyzed it with the equipment in the body. There is a delay in this thing. Under normal circumstances, it should be It happened after we returned to the hotel, and at that time we should have been sleeping, which means that the other party planned to act while we were asleep. Letting us drink this tranquilizer is just an extra insurance. However, this situation is now called shooting themselves in the foot. Their double insurance not only failed to provide insurance, but also exposed their approximate action time.

After we passed the anger to each other, Ling said with an evil smile: "Hehe, even if they don't come tonight, if they come, I will let them know how to write the word regret."

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