"Is this...?" The Demon who was in charge of the review waited for a long time to react after reading the new item I took out. "Is this the legendary Supreme Treasure spiritual spring nectar?"

I nodded, indicating that this is indeed the spiritual spring nectar, and the surrounding Demon is a gasping voice. This thing is different from the thing I gave Masaga Matsumoto. Although the stuff that Masaka Matsumoto took is very useful for Demon, it is only an aid to cultivation, but this item in front of him can directly improve Demon's strength. Can this effect be the same? To make a more vivid analogy, the demon spirit pill in Masaka Matsumoto's hands is equivalent to eating it can make you unforgettable for a period of time, and then you eat it and then read a book, naturally it is twice the results for half the effort. But this spiritual spring nectar is just a bit more exaggerated than the unforgettable ability after drinking it without even reading a book.

"I took the wrong thing before, this is my birthday gift."

"Ah, this thing is too expensive, please keep it first. I will hand it over to our Master at the birthday banquet in a while!"

After listening to the other party, I ignored them and took back the spiritual spring nectar and walked directly to the main hall behind. Demon, who led us, saw that I moved and immediately went to the front and continued to lead me. Soon we saw the palace that we had spotted before. This place seems to be closer to the ancient Chinese architectural style. Japanese traditional buildings generally inherited the architectural styles of the Three Kingdoms period and the Tang Dynasty, especially the General Building, which is completely a replica of Chinese architecture, without even a little modification. .

We followed the little demon who led the way through a tall courtyard wall. Behind the gate of the courtyard wall was a screen wall. After going around from the side, it was a courtyard. After passing through this yard, there is another wall in front, but are there three on the wall, each driving in different directions. We were taken to the door on the left and passed through. Walking along here is basically the style of garden architecture. Apart from the feeling that the building is crowded, it is roughly the same as a Chinese garden.

After walking through the garden, we went to the outside of a big house. The inside was noisy at this time. Obviously many people or monsters were already inside. We were taken outside the house, and then the monster who led the way handed us to a pretty-looking little girl who came out of the house, but from the tail behind her it could be seen that this was also a monster.

"How many gifts do you have?" The little demoness saw us first ask.

I took out the bottle of spiritual spring nectar and shook it, and the little demoness let us follow her in without going forward to check it. After entering the room, bypassing a paper screen, we saw a room full of demons of various colors gathered in the room, the number of various kinds of things can be compared to the monster exhibition! This is also thanks to the special structure of the Japanese-style house. After opening the middle partition, the entire first floor becomes a large room, which can accommodate so many monsters. But the little demoness did not let us sit here, but took us straight through the noisy monster area to the stairs on the opposite wall and transferred us to another demonic girl who was more beautiful. Brought upstairs.

It is obvious that the visitors here are also divided into different ranks. As soon as we went upstairs, we found that the environment above is quite different from the one below. Compared with the bare hall on the first floor, the decorations here are much more gorgeous, and unlike the Demon on the first floor kneeling on a futon, the Demon on the upper floor is sitting on something similar to a bench. . It’s just that the shape of this tentatively bench is also strange. It is longer and wider than our common small bench, but it is very short, only less than 20 centimeters in height, so it’s not so much sitting. Above, it would be more appropriate to squat on it. Probably only kindergarten children sitting on it will feel that the height is right! But compared to the Demon kneeling on the futon below, this position on this floor is at least slightly more comfortable.

We were taken to a table that was about the same width as the school's double desk but only half the height of the desk, and then a few Banshees brought us that kind of bench. There are already a lot of demons sitting here. Compared with the various demons of the myriad below, the demons on this layer have at least a relatively normal human form, which also shows that their strength is better than the demons below. Stronger.

After sitting down, I looked around the audience, as if I didn’t find anyone I knew, but Masaga Matsumoto, who was sitting not far away, gave me a sharp wink, and I followed his gaze. After passing, I found a few guys who were obviously different from the others, because there was a magician among them.

The owner here is a Ghost God. The NPCs who come to celebrate the birthday are naturally related to him, so we will see so many Demons. However, magician is regarded as a Western profession. In Japan, except for the existence of wizard-type NPCs in certain functional organizations in cities, there are no wizard NPCs in the wild. Even if there are NPCs similar to the battle method, they are also native Japanese Onmyouji or magic monks. It won't be a mage, and the only possibility for a mage to appear is that the opponent is a player.

Probably noticed the look in Masaka Matsumoto's eyes, and they also found the Japanese players at gold coin. Yezizi came up whispered: "Sure enough, there are Japanese players here, thanks to our separation from Matsumoto Masaga!"

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Japanese players also noticed us. Obviously they were very surprised when they saw me, but they didn't make any excessive actions. I guess they also have their own tasks to do, not because we messed up the tasks.

Although those guys dare not do anything now, it doesn’t prevent them from demonstrating with their eyes and actions. It’s just that I don’t take their behavior seriously. Who can stare at death? However, although I was too lazy to look at them, Gold Coin didn't have such a good time to cultivate energy. They immediately drew all kinds of silent movements back, and the two sides started to scold each other silently.

They were physically attacking each other, and suddenly they saw a woman walking in outside. My pupils shrank instantly. "Guren Phoenix?"

"Why is she here?" Night Son also found her immediately.

Similar to our surprise, after seeing us, Honglian Phoenix was also taken aback. Obviously she didn't wait for us here in advance, so she was very surprised to see us appear. But then she noticed that Matsumoto Masaka was there, and she was taken aback by this discovery. But she recovered quickly, and then walked to the group of Japanese opposite us and sat down.

After Guren Phoenix sat down, he began to say something to Matsumoto Masaka, and then they discussed it. Maybe she was asking about Matsumoto Masaka’s relationship with us. I am not worried about this. , Anyway, before we came in, we had prepared all the excuses in case we encountered a Japanese. Probably because he believed Matsumoto's words, Guren Phoenix turned his gaze back to us after speaking for a while, but before she could say anything, a Demon walked in.

"You have been waiting for a long time, my family's Master, please move to Huachi to have a banquet." Now that the birthday banquet has begun, Honglian Phoenix naturally can’t do anything else. Maybe he moved to Huachi with everyone.

This so-called flower pond does not actually have many flowers. Unlike Chinese gardens, there are more Japanese people and less land, so the building structure is relatively compact. This so-called flower pond is actually not as large as the fountains on the streets of some cities. . Next to this pool, there is a Martial Practice Stage with a large area, but now it is full of tables and chairs. It seems that this is the main banquet hall.

When we got here, we discovered that there were already a lot of Demons present. It seemed that they were the Demons with relatively low strength, because they more or less maintained the physical characteristics of some animals. Those of us high level guests were taken to a more central position to sit down. There were only a dozen tables here, and there were not many people. However, a table is not only for one person. The table here is similar to the table used in the place where we waited before, but it is slightly wider. The only person who really sits at the table is actually the leader. For example, I’m sitting behind the table at my table, and everyone else is sitting behind me, and there is still a distance from the table, and Matsumoto Masaga’s side He was the only one sitting behind the table with Athena Asamiya sitting on the side only.

After we were seated, a group of Demons in armor and swords walked out of the door on the other side of the Martial Practice Stage. They looked like an army and had a little imposing manner, but Compared with the guards of our guild or the heavenly soldiers of Celestial Court, that is the standard of the miscellaneous army.

After this team of soldiers like Demon came out, there were many long and very glamorous female Demons. They carried a variety of foods and started to serve dishes on each table, and then waited for them to serve After the dish was withdrawn again, I saw a long, very burly man coming out from behind. This guy does not look any different from a human being. He is about 1.9 meters tall. He looks stronger and has white skin. He looks very heroic by appearance, but I don’t know why I always feel that this guy has a familiar feeling. , I won’t remember it for a while, but the next situation made me a little stunned, because although I didn’t recognize that guy, he recognized me.

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