As soon as I took control of the succubus, Masaka Matsumoto and the others arrived. Although luck is not as fast as Asuka, it is not too bad. I am here again. The fight was another delay in arresting people, and after a while, he had already caught up. We finally decided to send the succubus back to Isengard first after a few of us together. As for who to hand over to be a familiar, this is better arranged by Rose. I originally thought that this succubus was caught by me. Besides, my original profession was a beast trainer, and it improved all the attributes of all the pets. The succubus followed me to achieve greater battle strength. Ling, Princess and Yeyue have some abilities similar to succubus, although they are not as professional as her, but the basic functions are covered. If I catch such a succubus as a succubus, There is some duplication in function. Later, we planned to arrange the succubus with Masaga Matsumoto. Originally, this time we came out to help him with the task, and the purpose was naturally to enhance his personal strength, and a creature as strong as the succubus was very suitable for him to use. But this idea was good at first, but it became a problem after the Japanese players planned to shame me. Those Japanese players who plan to shame me all know that I have gotten the succubus by me now. If someone finds out that Matsumoto Masaka is carrying such a succubus after a while, it is unknown whether Matsumoto and I are wearing a pair of trousers. ? Therefore, this succubus must not be given to Masaga Matsumoto, or it will be more than worth the loss! As for the children of the night and gold coin, the attribute is not appropriate, and the other people except gold coin are non-main fighters. It is a waste to ask for a succubus, but the professional exclusivity of gold coin is relatively strong. Not only is it not good for a familiar familiar, but it will affect her performance.

Since the people here are not suitable for this succubus, naturally we should send her back to the guild and deal with it later, but I mainly want to use it for Matsumoto Masaka, but I won’t Give the succubus directly to him, but use the succubus to exchange for a high-level demon and return it to Masaga Matsumoto. Of course, this is just an idea. After all, high-level demons may come by with luck, but not by searching for it. After getting it, most people don’t think about swapping them first. Only large guilds will have tasks. The kind of high-level familiars obtained in the process will be traded. After all, it is considered a guild to share property, and it is not good to distribute it to anyone. Just sell it, and anyone who wants to pay for it can buy it.

I arranged for Asuka to complete the work of sending the succubus back to Isengard, I gave the rose a Soul Evocation and then tied the succubus to Asuka, and then asked him to take the succubus back to Ai Singh, myself and Masaka Matsumoto took the little fellow to find his father.

Someone might ask, since the succubus has stopped, why should I go to the Great Demonic God? In fact, the problem is very simple. We catch the succubus by the way, the real goal is actually the mission of Masaga Matsumoto. His damn task is different from all the tasks I took before. It can be said that there is almost no prompt information at all. It is entirely up to us to guess there, and you can’t guess if you don’t, because there is no task prompt at all. We don't know where our task is going or whether we are doing it right or not, so the only way we currently have is to check all the relevant places, people, and events. Since the process of the succubus being robbed brought out a new character like the little fellow father, we naturally want to go and see it, maybe that's the mission goal!

Because the succubus was escorted to the site of the little fellow's father before, so we chased it all the way and now we are not far from the goal. After riding lucky, we flew for less than an hour and we encountered a large cloud-covered forest, and far away from the forest, we saw a large group of demons and ghosts walking into the mist.

"This is my father's site." The little fellow pointed to the mountain and said.

"Those monsters just went to congratulate your dad on birthday?"

"It should be!" Little fellow said proudly, "My dad is the strongest Ghost God here. , Those low-level guys will naturally come to shoot his horses!"

I nodded, and then threw the little fellow back. "Pretend it first, I don't need him for the time being."

I didn't let the little fellow take us directly into the mountain because this little thing is really not a good thing. From his previous performance, it can be seen that although this little fellow looks very cute, it is actually an abnormal cunning. With his personality, if we take him into the mountain, then what will happen next is only one situation-we fight against his father and a large group of demons and ghosts.

Generally speaking, so many demons and ghosts can bless him. The strength of this Ghost God should not be low. It's really not easy if we want to mix in in normal times, but now it's relatively simple at this point in time. This is also the biggest difference between the game "Zero" and general games, that is, wild monsters will also be transformed into NPCs at certain specific times or event states. This is not a fixed situation. It seems to be in this state, whether you are a player or an ordinary NPC, as long as you don't take the initiative to attack, it is too easy to get in under the guise of birthday. Of course, if you cut yourself courting death, the guys who guard the gate will not be polite.

Matsumoto and I first moved quietly to the valley entrance covered by dense fog, and then watched from a distance the flow of the demons and ghosts entering there. Of course, in order to prevent other internal rules that we don't understand, I also specially sent a small group of Spirit Armor bugs to some Demons who came to celebrate their birthdays and mixed in with them. Fortunately, even if Ghost God has great battle strength, it belongs to a wild unit after all, and there are not so many rules or anything. Demon who comes here to wish birthdays will be welcomed in very politely as long as he tells the guards at the door that he is here to wish birthdays. , And when entering the interior, he will pass by a separate room. Outside this room sits an ugly-looking Demon, but he holds a brush on his paw. When the Demon who came to celebrate his birthday passes here, he will give the gift to the Demon next to him for inspection. After the inspection, the gift will be taken away, and the Demon holding the pen will write the name and the gift in a very delicate post. The quantity, and then hand it over to Demon who came to celebrate his birthday. The Demon who came to celebrate the birthday can take this post into the inner sanctuary to rest, and then only need to post the post when the birthday is really worshipped. It is equivalent to a ceremony. After all, there will be a lot of Demons present during the true birthday. It’s too late to just receive it, so write a post instead of a gift, when the time comes, the owner only needs to receive the post, which is relatively more convenient. But I also discovered a situation through the ghost worms that I sent, that is, some Demon's items were not taken away, but were returned after inspection, and such returned gifts are generally good things. I guess this is probably the Master’s hope that those who come to celebrate their birthday will give them a higher-grade gift in person on the spot, so that they can take the opportunity to show him off.

After investigating the general situation, we started the penetration plan. First of all, Masaka Matsumoto and Athena Asamiya must enter separately from us. After all, these wild monsters have become peaceful for the time being. It is difficult to guarantee that other players will join in the fun, if they see me and Masaka Matsumoto. Walking together, the joke is big!

After discussing it, I still let Matsumoto Masakah and the others go first. As for the birthday gift, I arranged it. Taking into account Demon's hobby, I specially found a red pill from Fenglong Space and gave it to Matsumoto Masaga. This thing was given to me by the demons in China. In fact, it is of little use to me, because this thing is mainly of great significance to the cultivation of Demon, and it is of little use to me, so it has been kept until now. Not used. I asked Masaka Matsumoto to take this thing so that he can show his face in front of the Ghost God when the time comes. According to my judgment, this kind of gift should basically be considered the best, and it was returned and he gave it to him in person. The probability is relatively high, so that Masaga Matsumoto will be familiar with the Ghost God first, and then it will be convenient for us to act according to the situation. As for the rest of us, because they don't need to show their faces, they don't need such good things. Just flip a few sets of high-performance equipment from the Fenglong space and just do it.

After everything is prepared, Masaga Matsumoto and the others will advance. In case of encountering a Japanese player, we can say that we are tracking Matsumoto Masaka’s actions to sabotage him. Anyway, this reason has been used before. Easy to wear.

Matsumoto Masaka and Asamiya Athena jumped out of the shelter after going to a relatively far place, and then walked along the road to the gate of the valley. The guard at the gate led them in without even looking at them. We waited outside until the Spirit Armor worm I had sent in before saw that they passed the gift review before starting to act.

"Stop." The situation is different from those of Demon and Masaka Matsumoto. As soon as they arrived at the mouth of the valley, they were blocked, but the two little ones with forks The monster always trembles when he sees me, as if he would faint at any time. But speaking of which is really difficult for him. I have a suppressing attribute on my body. All non-player units close to me will be psychologically suppressed. At the same time, my own Dark Aura has a coercive effect on all dark creatures, plus my own level is better than this. The two little monsters were nearly twice as tall, and the powerful oppression force generated by this level difference made them a little unbearable. Of course, the above just made them feel out of breath. The main reason for their calf trembling that really scared them was still on my waist. At this time, there was more decoration than usual—Yan Luoling. This thing is a special token for the 11th Temple King Yama issued by Celestial Court. It has a strong deterrent to all monsters, demons, ghosts, and strange creatures, and wearing this thing in battle can produce double Times hurt, it can be said that this thing is specifically for them.

After being stopped, I didn't speak. Instead, I looked down at the little monster who was stopping me. At the same time, I gave an "um" to express the inquiry and also showed my unhappiness. In order to enhance the effect of this anger, I also specially increased the intensity of the evil Spiritual Qi on my body. As a result, the little monster plopped and sat directly on the ground. However, this guy is very dedicated, even if he is scared like this, he insisted on saying, "This, this...this lord, mountains and can't ride mounts in the valley!"

Damn, before I thought it was this guy who saw that we were not native Japanese creatures, so he stopped us. It took a long time because we were not allowed to ride mounts. In order to make the image a little bit more windy, I specially gave the night shadow to summon. Most people may not know that, in fact, height is also a key factor that forms an imposing manner. When you ride on a tall horse and look down at a person, when you stand on the flat ground and face each other, the imposing manner is completely different. But since people have such rules, I can't help but abide by them. Pretending to be prestige is for me to be able to play high-profile in case something happens, but I am not here to play, so prestige returns to prestige, and reckless action is not enough.

As soon as the rays of light dispersed, the night shadow disappeared in place, and I fell to the ground lightly. The Night Sons originally appeared as entourages, so they didn't ride a horse, and walked in directly behind me. A large group of little monsters stood by the mouth of the valley, and immediately after seeing us come in, a monster ran over to lead us. In fact, this lead is unnecessary, because within the valley noodles are on this road, and you can’t go wrong if you want to.

After moving forward for a while, we arrived at the place to receive the gifts, but there was a little accident here, and the equipment that was used as a gift was actually returned to my hands. The monster in charge of the inspection actually said with a look of trepidation: "My lord, your gift is considered a high level item. Please give it to my lord in person."

"Huh? This is a high level item. Is it a high-level product?” I shouldn’t have said this, but I was so surprised. Before I took this piece of equipment just to not be too embarrassed. After all, the things I pretended to be so popular were too unsightly, but I didn’t want to give gifts in person, so I always thought that the things I chose would be replaced by posts. , Didn't expect even sent it back to me. After thinking about it, I immediately said, "Ah, it's really bad. I actually took the wrong gift. In fact, this is the gift for you adults. Please take a look again!"

Since I have miscalculated, I had to temporarily replace it with something better. What? Why do you ask me for a better one? When you go to someone’s house to celebrate your birthday, you first handed over a laptop and said that it was his birthday gift, and then you said that it was a wrong gift. You took a calculator and replaced the laptop. How would they react? Therefore, if you want to change gifts temporarily, you can only change them as quickly as possible. If you want to change them down, it's better not to give them before. As for why it is necessary to change to something better, this is also for a reason. Since I can no longer hide among the many ordinary guests, I might as well just send a good thing to attract that guy's attention, so that Masakato Matsumoto and I have a good relationship with him, which may be helpful for the future tasks.

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