"You..." The guy was stunned when he saw me, but soon he stopped his own words, and then whispered something to a follower next to him. , And then began to greet other guests, turning a blind eye to me.

Although I was a little strange about this guy's reaction just now, it was not easy to ask him to ask clearly, so I had to sit down first. The next step is to watch that guy and the person who came to celebrate the birthday, followed by the time for the gift. According to Chinese rules, good shows are usually placed at the back. This is called the finale, and the habits in Japan are similar to ours. The first to deliver gifts are those Demon with posts, and they are all formulaic polite words. After passing the things, the little demon next to them will naturally take them. In the process, no one reads out what the gift is. What is it, this is so that everyone can save face, otherwise the things you give are too shabby and they will definitely be looked down on by others.

After the low-level gifts are over, it’s for those of us who are sitting in the center. The Ghost God first looked towards the guests at the first table according to the order of seats, and the other side immediately stood there. He got up and said: "The Green Head Fairy recently learned about the birthday of Maha Yeyong and Ghost God, so I’m here to congratulate you. Here is a small gift, please laugh."

This gift-giving guy is long He looks like a white-faced scholar, and his dress is very coquettish, and his speech is completely the style of the ancients, but he feels that his voice is special, and he always speaks with a si si voice, so it sounds strange.

After he finished talking about this remark, his men took out a box and walked to the aisle between the main table and the guest table. A little demon behind the Ghost God came up and took it. The box was brought to the side of the main table and handed over to the Ghost God. The Ghost God opened the box and took a look, then took out the contents. As soon as that thing appeared, it made our eyes shine, because I know that thing, it is a very rare Spirit Mushroom. This should be regarded as a medicine material. It is also useful if you eat it directly, but it is more wasteful. I know a formula. Just add some cheaper auxiliary ingredients and process it to make it permanent increase magic value and spell damage. As well as the high level medicine of spell resistance, it can be said that this thing is the best for practitioners, and it is slightly less useful for warrior occupations, but it is also very good.

"What is this?" The Ghost God is obviously impossible not to know this thing. The reason why he wants to ask is nothing more than to give the guy who gave the thing a chance to show off, because although he knows other people But you don't necessarily know what this is. Naturally, let the person giving the gift explain it to show off. Anyway, he doesn't lose anything, and the person giving the goods will be happier, so why not do it?

When Ma Ye Yonghe asked this, the guy named Green Head Fairy immediately began to explain the usefulness of this thing. Of course, it was almost the same as I remembered, except that he didn’t have a formula and only said that it could be used as medicine. You can also eat it directly to increase the upper limit of magic power. This can only be blamed on his lack of competence. If I have this thing, I will process it a little bit later, as long as I take out half of the finished product, it will be much more expensive than his primordial Spirit Mushroom. The value of the material and the final product is naturally the difference between Heaven and Earth.

After the first guy gave his things, the Demon at the second table gave a gift. The things on this table are much stranger than the previous one. What they gave was a stick. The real stick is exactly the same as an ordinary wooden stick. The whole body is waxy white, the thickness is just right to hold in one hand, and the length is about 1.8 to 1.9 meters in length. It is still trembling in the hand, and it does not look very much. Hard, it seems to be particularly light. I have never seen such a thing. If I can touch it, I can use the Appraisal Technique to find out what it is, but it is obviously impossible now that it is unnecessary, because that guy is very open and introduced it himself.

"This is a crystal embryo, the purest Earth Qi crystal that grows from the veins of the earth. It only grows one millimeter a year. It is absolutely rare that this crystal can grow to this length. After the embryo is grinded and taken and then subjected to cultivation, the cultivation speed can be greatly increased. However, pay attention to the dosage. It is best to grind a section of one millimeter each time. After the medicinal power disappears, grind the remaining part, otherwise it will be easy to cultivation. The speed is too fast and leads to cultivation deviation."

After listening to this guy’s introduction, there was a sound of admiration. That guy naturally has a proud expression, and the Ghost God Manya Yonghe is also very satisfied. , It’s just that I’m thinking for a while if I want to take this thing away. Although the guy introduced that this thing is to help cultivation, but in my understanding, its real purpose should be to increase the speed of EXP acquisition within a certain period of time, which is an attribute such as doubling the experience. Even if players can't use that thing, do I know fewer NPCs? Take it as a gift, who can't accept the favor of me as an adult?

I’m typing my own selfish calculations here, and the stuff over there has been handed over, and the third table after that has also started to present gifts, but it’s just normal things from the beginning, although it is also It can be considered a good thing, but there is nothing worth noting. Because there were not many distinguished guests who gave gifts by themselves, I quickly arrived at Masaga Matsumoto's table, and the thing was naturally the little pill I prepared for him.

"Is this...?" The Ghost God also seems to be aware of the goods. Although functionally this thing has a similar function to the crystal embryo sent earlier, after all, Ghost God does not know that. The specific increase of the crystal embryo, so when he got the thing, he didn't show too much surprised expression. On the contrary, it was this thing that made him appear extremely surprised, because he himself had eaten this thing, and it was true. Know the effect of this thing.

Although Masaga Matsumoto didn't hear the specific name of this thing from the other party, since the other party's reaction was so great, it was obviously confirmed that this thing was very valuable, and this was considered to have achieved the goal. So he was nodded, so the profound person didn’t say what it was, and the other people scratched their heads and wanted to find out what it was, but unfortunately this thing didn’t seem to know many people, so I asked. No one knows to go.

Matsumoto Masaka’s gift arrived at the Guren Phoenix table. She patted her hand, and the player behind immediately lifted a big box out and placed it in front of the table. Maya Yonghe's men immediately stepped forward to help open the box, and the one sitting further back even stood up and stretched his neck to see what was in the box.

Actually, what is in the box is not really exaggerated, at least I don't think it is exaggerated. When the box was opened, a pile of white light balls slowly floated up, and after seeing this, the little demon next to him responded quickly and immediately buckled the box. In fact, just now, everyone has already seen the contents clearly. Apart from the pure Soul Power, nothing has the same characteristics as just now. Judging from the volume of this box and the suspended state of the Soul Power just now, these powers have been simply filtered and compressed, and should be regarded as relatively pure Soul Power. Don't say this thing is Demon or Ghost God, even those Divine Immortal of Celestial Court will inevitably have to drooling when they see it. Compared with the previous things, this thing is simply too expensive.

The thing I gave to Matsumoto Masaka is just to speed up the cultivation speed, which is hard to find, but after all, the function is limited, but the thing in front of me is not simply hard to find and can be generalized. Although the soul is everywhere, pure souls are not easy to find, and some laymen may not know that the souls produced by the death of truly pure people are not necessarily pure. It's as if fools usually act as if they have no scheming. They seem to be silly and pure, but it's only because their minds are blank, and their souls can't really be considered pure. In addition to the above exception, there are many special cases. These special cases can cover almost 90% of pure lives. That is to say, one hundred pure lives can get ten truly pure souls at most, and the rest Those ninety are just looking like pure souls, not really pure souls. If you use that kind of impure soul to cultivation, the effect may be similar in the early stage, and you will gradually discover various problems coming one after another in the later stage. Anyway, there are endless troubles. So people who have really used this Soul Power will carefully remove those incorrect souls during cultivation, but this process not only takes a lot of effort, but also affects the cultivation speed, so the best way is to have a dedicated person to help them sift the soul first. , The rest is absolutely pure soul, using this kind of soul cultivation is definitely better than Shiquan Dabu Wan. In addition, this pure Soul Power has a super characteristic-easy to digest. Normal souls are not pure enough and need to be refining after being absorbed. This filtered pure soul can immediately become something of itself as long as it is absorbed. It is basically the legendary thing that can be eaten into a fatty with one bite.

In fact, in addition to the above advantages, the pure compressed soul also has an incomparable feature, that is-high quality. To absorb a pure soul, the basic High Level for one to ten years of cultivation, this depends on the personal cultivation speed, anyway, compared to the general medicine pill that assists in the cultivation, the amount of supplementation of this thing can be said to be massive, no wonder even Divine Immortal couldn't help it.

Of course, good things are usually extremely precious. A pure soul is difficult to find, difficult to refine, difficult to select, and the four are difficult to compress. If you really get it, who would give it away casually? Because of these difficulties, the pure compressed soul is simply something that cannot be heard or seen, and it is no wonder that it is so precious. The Ghost God Maiya Yonghe immediately stood up after seeing this thing. It seems that he was going to go there and talk to Honglian Phoenix about something. After all, people gave such a big gift, even if you are not familiar with it, you have to go over and say something. ! But when he walked in front of Guren Phoenix and them, an accident happened suddenly.

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