It should have been very angry and shocked to be stabbed by the person I love and trust, but I didn’t have any expressions at this time, because I have finally judged the situation. . I didn't care about the dagger that stuck in my heart, nor did I attack the rose that still held the dagger, because it was meaningless. I just closed my eyes. "Call the auxiliary console." I said to myself in my brain.

A cold mechanical prompt sounded. "Start the auxiliary console, leave the background mode, and enter the electronic operation mode to complete."

"Check the time axis. Scan the main memory area and the visual imaging memory area, scan the cerebral cortex, and compare the signal differences." The commands were issued one after another after the electronic prompt sounded.

The electronic auxiliary chip in my brain almost completed all my commands and fed back the data within a few milliseconds. "Scanning the time axis found logical confusion, no abnormalities in the main memory area information, errors in the visual imaging area and cerebral cortex information, and it was determined that the data was tampered with by a third-party information terminal. The information modification has been recorded, and there is no threatening data. To intercept, do I need to manually set the threat data and make a retaliatory counterattack?"

"No. Restore the modified data, and accept the modification request from this terminal in the future , But do not perform the operation, do not retaliate. The operation is over, help me switch back to normal mode."

"Command confirmation."

The screen flashed, and the environment around me suddenly happened Changes in Heaven and Earth turning upside down. The house in the Dragon Edge base became a clearing on the edge of the forest, and the rose in my hand became the succubus. The matter is already very clear. The scene just now wasn't that I went offline and returned to reality, but that my consciousness was manipulated by the succubus. To be honest, this situation has never happened before. All mental skills in the game have always been shown to players in a special state, such as charm skills. The effect of using the charm skill on an NPC is to let that NPC be controlled and willingly serve the person who charms him, but this skill will become two situations when the player is used. If the skill is judged to be a failure, it is naturally invalid. If it succeeds, it is not that the player's will is controlled, but the body that the player operates in the game is controlled. At this time, the body is actually a consciousness temporarily generated by the system. The player seems to be trapped in the body, and can see and hear but cannot command his body. Of course, it's okay if you want to go offline, but the body of the character you manipulate will continue to stay in the game and be controlled by the charmer, and this effect will continue until the charm expires. But the situation just now has changed. Obviously, that succubus affects not only the characters in the game I manipulated, she really touched my mind, but also simulated the base’s suffering in my consciousness. By the time I attacked Rose, the sudden mutiny stabbed me with a knife. This was a big taboo in the past. After all, this is tantamount to interfering with the player’s consciousness. If the game "Zero" is at first, there will be many people who will come out and accuse us. After all, you are operating on the player’s consciousness. It is tantamount to an infringement of personal privacy. You can make people illusion that they are confused about reality and games, and you can induce others to say some personal information that should have been concealed, or business secrets or something. Besides, being able to make up the real-life Longyuan base lounge environment in my brain means that the main program of "Zero" has read my memory, because "Zero" itself is a game program, it can create any Space, but that is all part of the game. The environment I see in reality is impossible and pre-programmed into the main program of the game. The only possibility is that it temporarily reads my memory. Then think about it divergently. Since it can read my consciousness, it can read the consciousness of others, which means that anyone connected to the game "Zero" actually has no secrets at all. All your memories, including your thoughts, are possible. After being read, what do you think will happen to the sensational effect caused by this feature?

Although I thought so much, and was delayed for a while in the succubus illusion, but in fact, it only takes a few seconds for me to be confused. This is mainly Because the succubus didn't figure out my thinking mode. The succubus used the normal access speed when virtualizing the illusion in my mind, which is to process the information in the environment according to the opponent's thinking speed. This method is naturally okay for normal people. After all, the thinking speed of normal people is the normal Time Flow Speed ​​of this world, but my usual thinking mode is deliberately slowed down. The succubus activates mine during the virtual illusion. Normal thinking speed, the result is that the illusion experience that should have had several points of the length of the clock was deduced by my brain in less than a second, and the error correction dialogue between me and the electronic brain was actually not It's not a normal conversation, it's the transmission of information between two different areas of my brain. It feels like a conversation, but it's actually completed in an instant. This delay of a few seconds was actually the time spent thinking about the problem of the game itself after my thinking speed slowed down after I finally returned to the game. Therefore, the players who pretended to be members of the Anti-Japanese Federation were serious, and I was just stunned. Only a few seconds.

They rushed up immediately after seeing me suddenly freeze, but they didn’t seem to intend to kill me, but had other plans, but I was stunned for too short a time, they hadn’t When I rushed to the front, I recovered, and there was a side effect.

"Ah!" With a scream, the succubus fell first. The illusion she created in my brain was restored by my electronic chip. As a result, she was damaged by the effect of equivalent to magic backlash. At that time, the seven orifices bled down, and the people who rushed to me braked. In no hurry, I ran into me who stood up from the ground.

"What are you guys planning to do?"

"I...we..." The guy at the beginning planned to make up a reason to justify, but the people around him shouted I got up: "What else is he making up now? He knows it! Hurry up!"

Although this guy is smarter, but even if he is smarter than the guy who was looking for excuses before, he is not smarter. How much, because he actually encouraged everyone to continue rushing. Seeing that the group of people were defeated by me before, they should know that their strength would simply not cause me any harm when I reacted. He actually wanted to take advantage of it. What a stupid thing to say!

When he called out to do it, I started with them, but my speed was obviously much faster than them, and those people all flew up before they could react. , And all have become corpses when they landed. After killing these guys, I suddenly turned around and threw away a throwing knives. The flying knife turned and nailed into a big tree, and also nailed a piece of cloth accurately.

"Where do you plan to go?" The little fellow who was moving away from me while I was fighting with those people just now stopped moving.


"Go and see what happened to that woman." I didn't wait for his explanation, he couldn't make up anything too much anyway. Good reason.

As soon as I heard my little fellow, I knew that I didn't intend to pursue it anymore, so I quickly drew my dagger and ran to the succubus who fell unconscious on the ground. He tried the breathing of the succubus first, then he touched the pat and beat a few times, and finally stood up and reported back: "It seems to be dead, the pulse is almost gone!"

"That's not dead yet?" I walked over and looked at the succubus on the ground, and then let Xiaochun out. The succubus finally recovered under Xiaochun's healing magic. Of course, I was impossible to make her jump and trouble with me. The so-called recovery is to restore consciousness to the extent that she can barely stand up. "I really underestimated your ability?"

After seeing me, the succubus desperately drew back, and then retreated to the side of a big tree before realizing that there was no way to retreat. So she quickly explained it again. "They forced me to plot against you! It was the plan they thought, I was just forced!"

"I don't eat people, why are you hiding so far?"

The little fellow next to me mumbled immediately after hearing what I said. "Who said you didn't eat people? Just eaten me!" After saying this, I suddenly found that I was looking back at him, and the little fellow hurriedly covered his mouth in fright.

I turned my gaze back to the succubus and said: "What do you think I will do with you?"

"I...I don't know!" The succubus is probably really scared NS. I was tortured by us before, and I was backlashed again after the sneak attack. Anyway, since she met me, she has been fine since she met me. Now she is really looking at me as a super Archfiend!

"Don’t be afraid, I really don’t like torturing people at all. I’m just torturing you because you’re too stupid, you can’t always see the form, so I’m trying to make trouble for me. compelled by circumstances. So... as long as you cooperate with my request, I will never let you suffer again, do you understand?"

After hearing my words, the succubus immediately followed The chicken nodded and said fiercely like eating rice: "It must be, what you say is what you say, I will definitely cooperate this time."

"Very good. Then you will be sent by his men first. Let’s talk about the things after we leave."

According to my request, the succubus took her to the road after being snatched by a little fellow and talked about it. After listening to it, I thought it should be. There is no moisture. In fact, this matter is also very simple. Succubus is a high-level creature, and it is a kind of creature that is very suitable for being a pet, but their battle strength is a bit too awkward. If you want it, you just can't beat them, so few people can have a succubus. Be the devil's favorite. But now the process of the transfer of the succubus under the subordinates of the little fellow is different. In comparison, the kid is much easier to deal with than the succubus. Who will let this matter go? Then they knew the news that I might be chasing me, and then they set up such a round to kill me, if they could break out some equipment, it would be even more profitable. Of course, the result of greed is that my equipment was not exploded by them, and even the succubus was snatched back by me. This is called trying to gain an advantage only to end up worse off.

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