Although people on both sides know me, they have nothing common with each other when they see my reaction. The more crowded side immediately retreated to the edge of the battlefield and carefully guarded me after seeing me, while the other group that had been beaten horribly quickly interspersed between me and the other group. Most of the people were carefully guarded to prevent the other party from suddenly attacking us, and two of them, like leaders, came towards me.

"Purple Moon President!"

"Are you...?"

"We are from the Anti-Japanese Federation, you have met us before , But you may not remember."

My smile still continues, but my heart is overwhelming. These guys are simply not from the Anti-Japanese Federation, they are lying to me. For ordinary people, the reason is that it can be fooled, but I am Dragon Clan and not a human. Humans will have fuzzy memories, but my memory can't be wrong. If I have really met these people, and they were once members of an important organization like the Anti-Japanese Federation, I should remember them. Our Dragon Clan’s memory model uses the key point memory method, that is, important information is stored separately in the electronic memory core, and other information is stored in the brain’s memory area based on the correlation, which can save Memory space, and the speed of recall is relatively fast. The Anti-Japanese Federation is also considered a relatively well-known guild alliance in China. Although it is not very large, its impact is not small. If people from such an important organization actually meet with me, I will definitely remember it. Of course, if he just passed Damn by his shoulder, I might not remember him, but what he meant was obviously that he had contact with me, not the kind of person who passed by, otherwise he wouldn’t say it. We met.

Although I knew this guy was fooling me, I didn't reveal it, but waited to see what he wanted to do.

"Oh, sorry, I really don’t remember! I have too much contact with people from the Anti-Japanese Federation!"

"Hehe, of course, you see after all There are many people here. I don’t remember that we are also normal."

"By the way, what's the matter with you?"

The guy who took the lead looked at the opposite person. The person said: "It's like this, the guys over there are ordinary Japanese players, but we ran into a group of imps holding a high-level succubus here, and then we grabbed it from both sides, but didn't expect them later Reinforcements came again, so it’s what it is now."

I looked at the zongzi-like succubus tied up on the ground not far away, then looked at the corpse of the kid next to him, and said. "I caught the succubus, and it was snatched by this little thing. After defeating this little fellow, I chased it. Since you can't beat that group of Japanese, let me come." No matter what they are. I want to play any tricks, anyway, this succubus I will not let go. After all, this guy is already in Divine Grade, and it took so much effort to catch it. I don't want to take the Japanese in vain.

"Then I will trouble you." Said the few players who pretended to be the Anti-Japanese Federation.

I nodded through their crowd and walked to the Japanese players over there, but although I was going to fight the Japanese players on the surface, I actually kept on guarding them for sudden moves. Although I don't think that just a few of them can do anything to me if they make a surprise attack, but be careful to sail the ship for ten thousand years, and for the sake of safety, you still have to guard against them. But they didn't do anything until I passed through their team. Instead, the Japanese players on the opposite side clamored and rushed over.

Looking at the Japanese players who rushed over, I didn't even have any interest in doing it. There are only a few of these people, and the highest of them is probably less than 900, and the equipment is messy, typical ordinary players. With my current strength, teaming up to attack me from Ranked 5th to twentieth on the world battle strength list might still be somewhat threatening. Their ranking after one billion is almost the same as kindergarten children in front of me.

The first guy who rushed over came in front of me and slashed with a knife. I turned aside and let go for half a step. With a light hook under my foot, he let the guy grab the shit with a standard evil dog. The action flew out. I didn’t even look at the guy who flew out. I suddenly took a step forward. Before the second guy was making a shot, I stuck in front of him. As soon as my left shoulder was closed and bumped, the guy immediately flew backwards, by the way. The two people who ran in the third and the fourth were taken to fly together.

The rest of the people were a little scared when they saw that the fastest ones were dealt with so quickly, and naturally slowed down under their feet, but I did not waste this time. First stepped back two steps to the hungry dog ​​grabbing shit, and then crossed his head with one foot. He seemed to shrink his head when he saw my feet, but my feet clamped his head, and then I applied a little force, and ended his struggle with a click. After I got this guy done, my body suddenly disappeared in place, and in the next second I appeared next to the three flying guys. The three of them saw me before they could react before they saw me raise their hands, a red rays of light directly put them on the three, and then quickly took them back. The three people fell straight after the red light retreated, and did not even react at all. Several other people who were about to attack me were stunned by my sudden teleportation skills. It seemed that I was still far away and came to them at once, but they were shocked for a while, and they even stepped back a few steps. , And then they realized that they were here to attack me and shouldn't move back, but it was too late for them to move forward. During their retreat, I had raised my hand and used the Avengers sniper crossbow on my arm to bring down seven people, and all of them sealed their throats with an arrow.

"Let's withdraw." The rest of the people who saw the situation now knew that things should not be done, and ran backwards under the summon of one of them, but I did not intend to let it go. them. With a quick finger, countless candle bees roared and flew out.

Actually, the candle bee was not released to chase down these people. My real purpose is to let them check the surrounding situation. These few who fled are ordinary players. It is meaningless to kill them or not. This kind of people is simply irrelevant to me, but I still don’t know what those guys who pretend to be from the Anti-Japanese Federation are fighting. What's the idea, so I don’t want to send out my reconnaissance force in name. I don’t want to beat the grass to scare the snake.

After the candle bee flew out to chase the Japanese, I turned around and walked towards the succubus tied to the ground. Anyway, this is my main goal. I control her first. real. After I walked in front of the succubus, I looked down at her and felt that she was knocked out or sealed because she hadn’t moved at all since I got here, except for breathing. The dead are almost the same. However, just when I reached out and tried to lift her from the ground, the mutation happened suddenly. The succubus who was motionless like a dead person suddenly opened her eyes when my hand was on her shoulders, and her hands that were supposed to be tied behind her suddenly broke free and grabbed my shoulders and followed She suddenly said in a very lazy and warm voice: "Looking at my eyes, you are very tired and exhausted now, you are about to fall asleep..."

"Dinglingling... Player Purple Moon, please be aware that someone has pressed your helmet wake-up button in reality, please be ready to go offline."

The sudden sound of the prompt made me feel confused, and I felt in a daze. It seemed that I had forgotten something, but I couldn't remember it again, as if there was a fault in the memory. As the picture in front of me suddenly lit up, I woke up in the special lounge in the base. Looking at the game helmet in my hand, I always feel something is wrong. I looked around all around but I didn't find the person who awakened me. I was wondering here, and suddenly I heard the sound of exhaust gas, the automatic door suddenly opened, and then I saw the rose covered in blood fell into the room.

"Wife, are you...?" I shouted and jumped out of the bed, but when I wanted to rush to catch the falling rose, I realized that my physical fitness was unexpected. Reduced to the standard of a normal person. With Dragon Clan's physical fitness, my reaction speed should be fast as lightning, not so slow! But now I don’t even bother to think about these things. The situation of roses is what I care about most. Anxiously, she rushed to Rose's side and hugged her. "What's the matter with you? What's going on?"

"Husband...ji...the base was invaded!"

"What? The base was invaded? Why the alert? Nothing? Didn’t we set up a second alarm system in the base after the last invasion? What about Nuwa? Why did no one respond?"

"Husband, don’t worry, listen to me. !" Rose struggling to hold up her body and stroke my face and said: "All this is a conspiracy. The people above are not actually trying to borrow our power. Although they have always supported the Dragon Clan project before, they are seeing our bodies. After the data, they were scared. Compared with the human situation, we are too powerful. They think we will threaten the existence of human beings, so they decided to get rid of us. They had planned as early as the last time the extremists attacked us. Okay, even that attack was just a move for them to place people in. Now Nuwa has been destroyed by their people, and the main system of the base is paralyzed!"

"What Why is this happening? Does father know about this? How is he now? How lucky are they? What about the other members of our Dragon Clan? How are they all?"

"They..." Rose said Suddenly, a weird smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, and her left hand was holding the handle of a dagger at this time. As for the front end of the dagger, it was completely submerged in my heart. But at this time, I didn't show any expressions of shock, frustration or sadness. I just looked at the scene in front of me with a face of doubt, as if it were not my personal experience.


I know that the last part of this chapter seems to be a bit unconnected, but this is not a problem with the article. If you have any questions, please bear with me, and you will understand when the chapter comes out tomorrow.

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