As I yelled that sentence, Masaka Matsumoto jumped off his lucky back, but he underestimated the speed of the ball too much. After jumping out of the cave, the red ball flew directly more than a dozen meter away before landing, followed by a bullet on the ground, and immediately flew forward. When Matsumoto Masaga landed, the ball had already soared far away. NS.

The darts turned into a white streamer and reached the front of the red ball in an instant, but he was too small. Although he violently collided with the red ball, he could not stop the red ball from moving forward. The trend turned out to be just holding the ball and rolling with it. After chasing for a short time, Hong Ling realized that her speed was not dominant, so she jumped up suddenly, and her body began to grow in the wind, and when she landed again, she had become more than thirty tall. Mi’s giant fox is just that compared with the average fox, the image of Hong Ling at this time is less cute, and more fierce baleful aura. It doesn’t look like a fox but more like a giant wolf with a red head.

The Hong Ling, who became the body form, immediately took off again after landing, or it should be said that she was taking off, because there were four more flames under her feet after she left the ground, and she stepped on the flames like this He ran quickly in the air. As her body grew larger, her pace also increased, and her forward speed increased significantly while her pace was the same, and she soon rushed to the front of the red ball and landed on the ground with a bang.

The red ball was escaping at high speed. Suddenly, when a huge obstacle appeared in front of him, he wanted to make a U-turn and escape. As a result, Hong Ling shot the red ball out with a paw. Of course, a dart was He wouldn't be so stupid to be photographed along with him, he had escaped long before Hong Ling shot.

The red ball that was shot fell into two halves as soon as it hits the ground. The little fellow rolled out of it before, because of inertia, it continued to roll forward for dozens of laps before it stopped. As soon as he stabilized, the little fellow got up and wanted to continue running, but he lost his balance and fell to the ground without taking two steps like he was drunk, but he was not discouraged and still insisted on wanting to climb. When he got up, it was a pity that his sense of balance seemed to be completely lost, and he couldn't even climb, let alone stand up.

Seeing the little fellow like this, I also asked everyone to stop, then jumped off the lucky back, spread the wings and glided behind him. The little fellow looked back when he heard someone landing behind him. It turned out that I was struggling to speed up to escape afterwards. It's a pity that he crawled around on the ground without any speed at all. I smiled and walked to his back and grabbed the collar of his clothes and lifted him from the ground again.

"Are you able to run at all?"

" let me go!" the little fellow said vaguely.

"Let you go? Do you think it's possible?"

"Then you stand firm and don't shake!"

"en?" I looked at puzzledly After getting down to the ground, I realized that it was not me that was shaking, but that the little fellow had rolled too many laps in that ball and was dizzy, so even though I held him in my hand and didn’t move, it seemed to him. The boat swayed endlessly. "You little fellow!"

Seeing that I didn't respond, the little fellow immediately called out again. "I... I said if you can stand up well, don't shake it, I... I'm going to throw up!" He actually started to vomit when he talked about this, and he retched at first, I haven't taken it back yet. It happened, didn't expect a few times and he actually vomited out, so I hurriedly turned his face to the other side in fright. Although his vomit does not have any attack power, no one likes to get that kind of disgusting thing after all!

The little fellow became quiet after vomiting a lot of things, but it was obvious that he was dying in this way. Of course, I didn’t mean he was dying, but he was running out of energy. The ball he rode before was much more exciting than a roller coaster. Do you think what would happen if someone puts himself in a fast-spinning car tire? But even if he is about to die, I didn't plan to let him go. Taking advantage of his uncomfortable situation can improve the effect of the interrogation.

"Hey, don't pretend to be dead, just say, where did you get that prisoner of ours?" I gently patted the little fellow's face to make him refresh.

"Oh..." The little fellow opened his mouth without saying a word, but sprayed out a lot of vomit first, and then complained weakly. "Why are you so unsympathetic? You have to interrogate me if I am like this! You are a super bastard, you will bully a little child!"

After hearing his words, I immediately revealed extremely evil Smile. "hmph hum, I am not only bastard, but also the bad guy among the bad guys. My favorite thing to do is to torture the little child. Recently I heard that the meat of the little child is tender, and it should taste better when used instead of sashimi. . If you don’t say anything, I’ll cut off your meat piece by piece and eat it as sashimi."

Matsumoto Masayoshi knew that I was frightening the little child. Anyway, this boss only has How can I make good use of the intelligence level of a child? Pretending to be serious and turned it over for a while, then Masaga Matsumoto took out a bottle of green and a bottle of red and black liquid and asked me, "Which one do you like wasabi or chili oil? Although the sashimi still needs to be combined Wasabi tastes better, but the child’s meat may be a little different, or how about you try them all?"

I said with an evil smile immediately: "It makes sense. But sashimi What's more important is the freshness. Why don't we cut a few wounds directly on his body, then pour this thing up and eat it?"

Matsumoto, after hearing it, took out a handkerchief again. "These two distinct things are so spicy, it will definitely be very irritating when you put them on the wound. It's better to plug his mouth first so that you don't have to listen to his screams."

Me and Matsumoto As Zhenghe sang and drank there, the tears of the little fellow who listened to him almost fell, and finally he couldn't hold back and burst into tears. "Wu wu...Don't eat me! I said it's okay?"

"Ah? Why are you talking? I'm still waiting to eat raw film!" Matsumoto Masaga continued to act.

I pretended to stop Masaka Matsumoto. "Business matters, if he is willing to say we won't eat him!"

"Oh, that's it! What a disappointment!" Matsumoto Masaka muttered with a disappointed look.

I continued to threaten the little fellow: "Hurry up and tell me where you hid the captive, or I will feed you to him. I can tell you that the way he eats is ugly Yes, I like to tear up food in a mess."

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! >

"But what?"

"But I can only tell you where she is. If you can't get you, you can't rely on me!"

"Damn, you Have you learned how to make terms? You stole the person, why can't you get it?"

"Because I gave her to my father!"

"Huh? You? Father?"

"en. My father is the real Ghost God. It was his birthday recently, so I snatched that woman back as his gift!"

"Damn , How long did you snatch her away? You sent it so soon?" Masaka Matsumoto asked, pretending to be disbelief.

The little fellow immediately cried and replied: "Because the distance is relatively far, so I am afraid that I will be late and send someone to send her away in advance!"

"What? Then you guessed it now Has it been delivered?"

The little fellow looked at the sky and said, "It shouldn’t be there yet. I should be here late tonight."

Let’s take a look at Heavenly Dao: "Now the sky It’s not dark yet, and it’s going to be five hours in the middle of the night. Maybe you’ll catch up. Come on, where do you live with father?” I didn’t think of it until after I asked. "Forget it, you walk with us and show me the way on the road. If we don't catch up with them, I will let him eat you."

"Ah! I don't want to be eaten! What is it that you can't catch up with you?" The little fellow cried and said.

"Of course, we will try our best to speed up. As long as you don’t give me scammers and give me directions, we will definitely be able to catch up. So in order not to become sashimi, you'd better give me some cooperation." To strengthen the effect of what I said, Masaga Matsumoto took out a set of tableware and drew it in Nabi, as if he was about to start eating people.

Since we are going to intercept the delivery person, our speed must be fast, so I didn’t go with Masaka Matsumoto and them, but left them all behind and let luck take them slowly Fly slowly, but luck is a dragon after all, and the speed is not too slow. As for myself! Do you need to ask?

Riding a bird and a little fellow, rushing in the direction he pointed at the fastest speed, leaving behind us a terrifying vacuum belt, and even the mud on the ground was blown away by the air currents. Take the fly. The main reason for this effect is that we fly too low. Of course, it's not that I don't want to fly high, but can't fly high. This little fellow can't fly himself. Although he has a flying mount, he is not flying by himself after all. He is not very familiar with the ground environment. If I fly high, he can't recognize the road. Besides, we are not sure where the person who escorted the succubus is going. Even if flying close to the ground at the speed of a bird, there is still a probability of running too far. If it is high in the sky, it is simply impossible to find people on the ground.

In the form of Asuka’s supersonic assault, the little ghosts who escorted the succubus walked for nearly eight hours and we chased them in ten minutes, but we chased them. It was much closer than expected, and what was even more strange was that two large groups of people were actually fighting each other. Because the flying bird was so fast, when we saw the group of people on the ground, we didn't even react and flew over. After that, the little fellow reminded us to turn around and return.

"Purple Moon?" Seeing me land, the two waves of people who were fighting in a melee immediately stopped. Obviously they all knew me.

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