Vajra did not hesitate after hearing my command. A crystal-like structure suddenly appeared at all joints of his body at the same time, and the crystals suddenly sparked the rays of crimson. At the same time, Vajra's arm slammed hard, only hearing a click, the monster's head was forcibly squeezed by Vajra, the yellow and white mucus was squeezed out of the brain, and the nearby waters were instantly covered.

"Good job." As I praised Vajra, I flapped my wings and left the water filled with tissue fluid, but more dark shadows appeared in front of me. "It looks like we broke into the monster's den!"

Before my words fell, the black shadow in front of it revealed its true colors. This is an ugly fish with a mouth full of fangs that are slanted beyond the lips. It looks terrifying and terrifying, and it is even more fierce than the real devil fish. I wouldn't care if I encountered a few of these fish in ordinary places, but now that there are so many at once, it is definitely not a simple thing to deal with. Moreover, looking at the fangs of these guys, I know that they are not easy to mess with.

After weighing the pros and cons, I finally decided to eat a divine fruit. After all, I have to upgrade sooner or later. In fact, eating early and late is almost the same. "Azure Dragon is transformed." Since I decided to eat divine fruit for a while, I don't need to be so careful now. I just activate my super skills and use Azure Dragon reverse scale to transform into Sacred Beast Azure Dragon.

As soon as my transformation was completed, the fish school in front of me was unlucky. Given the size of Azure Dragon, this kind of place simply cannot fit his body, although I deliberately controlled the transformation. The volume is still a little too big. The entire water area was completely occupied by my body in an instant. The fishes were all squeezed to the edge of the cave by the sudden enlargement, and then they were pressed together into fish mud, followed by even the cave. Throughout the entire top wear, my huge head in the form of Azure Dragon actually penetrated the mountain to the ground, and the water in this underground lake was squeezed out of the mountain like a blowout, just like a flood.

In fact, so many things have happened so far, I haven't really made any moves yet, and the reaction just now is nothing more than a side effect of the transformation. However, it seems that this side effect has already achieved the goal, so I took the Azure Dragon body and restored it as soon as I completed the transformation. At this time, the underground lake has been turned into a ground lake by opening the skylight, and the creatures in the cave have been squeezed to death by me. After I changed back to my original shape, I began to search in this cave, but found nothing. Obviously I am following the wrong direction, or it is simply not an important channel here, in short, I have found nothing. But I was down there, and suddenly I saw a rock next to it move. I immediately ran over and lifted the rock, but was surprised to find that there was a large group of green canes under the rock. After I lifted the stone, the canes gradually unfolded like a group of entangled snakes to lift up a beautiful girl.

"Bingbing? Why are you here?"

"Huh? Purple Moon brother? When did you come?"

"I Arrived early, and it’s you. Masaga Matsumoto said you didn’t come out after you entered the gate. Desert, and then I was looking for a passage there, but I couldn’t find another passage. Later, I planned to go back the same way but found that I couldn’t find the way I came. I was turning around there and suddenly found that the sky had collapsed. , And then a lot of water flowed down from the sky, followed by a pile of rocks falling down. Then I realized that I had been trapped in an illusion, simply not in the desert. Then I piled up along those rocks I climbed up the road, and then I saw you! By the way, have you..."

"Hush..." I suddenly signaled Bingbing to silence the sound, and then I listened. Suddenly, my whole body catapulted towards a huge rock like lightning. I followed my left hand to grab the rock and lifted it up with a muffled sound. The rock was lifted directly into the air by me, and at the same time my right hand I thrust it down sharply, but in the end my hand stopped halfway. "Athena?" The person under the stone was actually Athena Asamiya. "Why are you down here?"

Athena Asamiya did not answer my question, but anxiously shouted: "Hurry up, loose this Monarch, they are all underneath!"

"Ah? You get out of the way!" It seems that the destructive power of my Destructive King has improved recently, and I can actually get so many people in my body. After I let Athena Asamiya get out of the way, I started digging down, because it was not the soil that collapsed, but the broken rock, so I didn't need any tools, as long as the strength was strong enough, I just grabbed the rock and threw it out. Soon after I lifted a pile of big rocks, I found that the rock below was shaking. I hurriedly went over and tried to drag the rock away, but found that the rock was held down by the side of the rock. No way, so I had to clear the stones next to me. I just lifted a few large stones on my side, and suddenly I saw the swaying rock sinking down, and then suddenly it flew up and flew out of the big pit and was thrown outside, and under the rock It was Noreen who was beating the dust on her hands.

"Boss, it's you!" The Night Son cried out immediately when he saw me appearing on it. "Thanks to you for digging up the stone above, Norin was almost unable to withstand it just now!"

"Huh? Norin was holding it just now?"

Lin said nonchalantly: "Anyone besides me can hold such a heavy stone? But thanks to your speed, I will not be able to lift it. There are so many small pieces on such a heavy stone. Stone, it almost exceeded my load limit!"

I nodded and asked: "By the way, did you find anything there?"

Noline shook the Head said: "No. After searching a long way along the road, we found a secret room, but there was nothing useful in it. Later we were returning on the same route. Whenever we thought that the passage suddenly collapsed, I didn't know what was going on. "

Although I know the cause of the tunnel collapse, I think it's better not to talk about it at this time. So I directly changed the subject and said: "It seems that only the way my Familiar pursues is the right one. Wait a minute and I will contact them."

I used my spiritual contact to contact Hong Ling. Immediately asked: "Are you still following that little fellow?"

"Yes." Hong Ling replied: "The little thing is very cunning, we chased him so far, didn't expect unexpectedly It’s a stand-in."

"Huh? There’s a stand-in?"

"Yes, that’s a stand-in puppet, but after we found out that we were chasing the wrong one, we went around and came back and we have already caught up to that. It’s real."

"It’s not fake again, is it?"

"No, this time I used spell to identify it. But this little fellow has a lot of opinions on the way here It’s familiar, and there are agencies everywhere. We haven’t been able to catch him for a while."

"It’s okay, you just follow the passage and drive him forward. It’s best to drive him to the ground. "

"This is affirmative. No matter how long the channel is, there must be an end. As long as I can drive him to the ground, I will be able to exert my full strength. When the time comes, I am not afraid that he will use any tricks. "

Hong Ling’s body is the ancestor of Heavenly Fox with twelve tails. Her strength is far above my other monsters. As long as she is willing to contribute, she really doesn’t do anything. Something uncertain.

Red Ling was chasing the little fellow over there, while I took Matsumoto Masaga and the others on the ground and started chasing. Because there is a sense between me and my demon at any time, so I can always know the location of Hong Ling and they are. Following this sense, chasing on the ground is much more convenient than drilling in the ground, so we are very Almost reached right above them.

We sat on the back of luck and let luck take us slowly. Masaga Matsumoto stretched his head and looked at the ground below, then looked at the collapsed mountain in the distance and said:" It’s at least a dozen kilometers away from that mountain. That little fellow can count moles!"

Norraine also asked in confusion, "Why would he dig one under the ground? What about the long passage?"

"You have to ask them about this." I pointed to Matsumoto Masaka and Asamiya Athena.

When I saw Masakah Matsumoto, he immediately asked in surprise: "Why do you want to ask us."

"Ah? Don’t you know?" I saw Masakah Matsumoto shaking his head. He explained: "Japan is in the volcanic earthquake zone, which has caused a large number of cracks below the ground. Although most of these cracks are lava pipes, there are still some segmented small cracks. So on the ground If you want to dig a big tunnel under the ground, you just need to connect these cracks to each other. The actual workload is not very large. Do you remember the time when you and us or the enemy? It was demolished. At that time, the underground lava river was long enough to run a marathon. In comparison, this one was quite short!"

"Speaking of which our underground passage is indeed full Many." Asamiya Athena also said in an intermittent way. This woman has been with us for such a long time. This is the first time she has spoken actively. It seems that she belongs to the super-recognizing type, and it takes a long time to get acquainted with others. In contrast, Masaga Matsumoto is simply familiar. It's no wonder that they can get together. It turns out that they are resource-complementary!

We were chatting here, and suddenly we found that a big tree in front of us suddenly fell down, followed by a red sphere flying out from under the root of the tree, and then there were two remnants of one white and one red. Ying shot out from there. The red ball suddenly unfolded in the air, and after landing, it rolled at a very high speed, and the two shadows, one red and one white, were not to be outdone. The red shadow touched the ground slightly and immediately accelerated and ejected forward, while the white shadow turned into a white line and jumped in front of the ball in an instant.

"Block that ball." When I saw the three afterimages, I recognized that the next two were my favorite darts and red feathers, and the one in front was naturally the little fellow. , I just don't know what's going on with this ball.

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